Hillary Clinton


2024-10-12Trump apparently wanted Ukraine to investigate Hillary Clinton in addition to the Bidens: State Department official
2024-10-12Megathread: FBI Director Comey states nothing has changed in email investigation, recommends no charges against Clinton
2024-10-12Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton will 'go down down at a minimum as a great senator'
2024-10-12Rudy Giuliani Says He Didn’t See Hillary at Ground Zero. Here Are Photos of Them There Together.
2024-10-12Well, Donald Trump Just Threatened to Throw Hillary Clinton in Jail
2024-10-12Guccifer 2.0 Posts Alleged Clinton Foundation Files
2024-10-12Trump interrupted Clinton 25 times in the first 26 minutes of the debate
2024-10-12Polls: Trump, Clinton deadlocked in Colorado, Pennsylvania
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton campaign wants debate moderator to correct any lies
2024-10-12Clinton Losing Millennial Support Nationally and in Key States
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton laughs off pneumonia health scare with I Feel Good by James Brown (who died of pneumonia)
2024-10-12Trump: Clinton's bodyguards should drop guns and 'see what happens to her'
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton has 'medical episode' at 9/11 ceremony, source says
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton has pneumonia, doctor says
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton has pneumonia, doctor says
2024-10-12Matt Lauer’s Pathetic Interview of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Is the Scariest Thing I’ve Seen in This Campaign
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton Told the FBI She Couldn't Recall All Briefings on Emails Due to Concussion
2024-10-12Polls Shows Bernie Sanders Would Win Election By Landslide
2024-10-12FBI Releases Documents in Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation Megathread
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton's wrong claim that FBI director Comey called her comments about email 'truthful'
2024-10-12Julian Assange: We have more material on Clinton
2024-10-12FBI warned Hillary Clinton campaign it had been hacked by foreign government
2024-10-12Donald Trump just encouraged Russia to spy on Hillary Clinton
2024-10-12Donald Trump challenges Hillary Clinton to hold a press conference: 'I think it's time'
2024-10-12Wasserman Schultz immediately joins Hillary Clinton campaign after resignation
2024-10-12Clinton names Wasserman Schultz honorary chair of campaign team
2024-10-12DNC Email Leak Megathread
2024-10-12Sen. Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton Megathread
2024-10-12Congress will submit referral to FBI asking for investigation of whether Clinton lied under oath
2024-10-12Huma Abedin admits that Hillary Clinton Burned her schedules while she was secretary of state
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton says Bill, Lynch talk was simply 'chance meeting'
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton on Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton Meeting: 'Hindsight is 20/20'
2024-10-12More than 1 in 10 voters say they'd prefer a giant meteor hitting earth over supporting Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
2024-10-12FBI Source to Fox News: Agents Are 'Livid' About Clinton-Lynch Meeting
2024-10-12Clinton scheduled to meet with FBI Saturday.
2024-10-12As his wife is under federal investigation for her use of a private email server, former President Bill Clinton met privately with U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix Airport Monday evening in what both sides say was an unplanned encounter
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton’s email story continues to get harder and harder to believe
2024-10-12Judicial Watch: New Clinton Emails Produced by State Department; Clinton Email Shows She Was Concerned About Records
2024-10-12Emails Show Big-Time Clinton Donor Directly Asked To Be Placed On State Dept. Arms Control Panel
2024-10-12House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton Calendar Hid Secret Donor Meetings
2024-10-12Clinton appointees oppose $15 minimum wage amendment in Democratic platform; Sanders surrogates back it
2024-10-12An Associated Press review of the official calendar Hillary Clinton kept as secretary of state identified at least 75 meetings with longtime political donors, loyalists, Clinton Foundation contributors and corporate and other outside interests that were not recorded or were listed without the names
2024-10-12Trump right that Clinton made up story about Bosnia sniper fire
2024-10-12Hacker releases Clinton Foundation documents
2024-10-12The Russian hackers who hit the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign burrowed much further into the U.S. political system, sweeping in law firms, lobbyists, consultants, foundations and the policy groups
2024-10-12Bernie never stood a chance: Hacker leaks reveal DNC-Clinton coordination
2024-10-12Bernie Sanders Refuses to Concede Democratic Nomination to Hillary Clinton
2024-10-12Leaked document shows the DNC wanted Clinton from start
2024-10-12King: Hacked DNC documents may show ugly connections between the party and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign
2024-10-12The Latest: Sanders Doesn't Endorse Clinton, Vows to Fight
2024-10-12The only things now standing in Clinton's way are a lack of substantive accomplishments, a charisma deficit, a likely contested convention, an FBI investigation, and Donald Trump.
2024-10-12Wikileaks to publish more Hillary Clinton emails - Julian Assange
2024-10-12Jimmy Carter's Former Strategist And Pollster: 'Clinton Cash' Scandal Is "Worse Than Watergate" .. "They Were Selling Out The National Interests Of The United States Directly To Adversaries And Others For Money." - US Chronicle
2024-10-12Collusion? Google caught manipulating search results for Hillary Clinton
2024-10-12Obama not ready to endorse Clinton 'at this point:' White House
2024-10-12"The Clintons’ most recent financial-disclosure forms show that he earned nearly $2.7 million in fees for speaking to audiences that included financial-industry firms, after she announced her candidacy."
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton pocketed $21.6 million in two years making speeches to corporate America as she picked up a six-figure check nearly every week after she left the Obama administration
2024-10-12Clinton Declines To Participate In Fox News Dem Debate
2024-10-12The best thing Trump has going for him is Hillary Clinton
2024-10-12Ex-Aide to Hillary Clinton Testifies About Email Server: A former aide to Hillary Clinton, Lewis A. Lukens, when she was secretary of state testified behind closed doors for two hours Wednesday in the first in a series of depositions.
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton Demands that Donald Trump disclose his tax returns, but still has not released the transcripts she said she would if Bernie Sanders released his tax return
2024-10-12‘Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight’ video goes viral
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton Received at Least $100 Million from Saudi Arabia
2024-10-12Trump's Right: Hillary Owes Voters An Explanation: Hillary used words like "bimbo," "floozy," and "stalker" to describe her husband's accusers, per the Times. She led efforts to dig up dirt on those women, attacking them with a focused fury fueled by political ambitions.
2024-10-12FBI's Comey: I feel 'pressure' to quickly finish Clinton email probe
2024-10-12Major Hillary Clinton Donors Caught up in Fresh Panama Papers Scandal
2024-10-12#DropOutHillary Trends over Quarter Million
2024-10-12Clinton Superdelegate Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison for Corruption
2024-10-12Clinton Flip-Flops on Coal, Now Wants Coal to Prosper
2024-10-12Clinton's FBI woes tie back to Bill Clinton and point toward the public corruption track related to the Clinton Foundation.
2024-10-1224% Opt Out of a Clinton-Trump Race
2024-10-12Clinton Speeches May Have Violated FEC Campaign Rules
2024-10-12Watchdog Says State Department Withheld Clinton Email for Two Years: " This cover-up provided Hillary Clinton enough time to hide potentially thousands of government records."
2024-10-12What’s Hillary waiting for? 80 days after promising “I will look into it,” Clinton still has not released her paid speeches to Wall Street
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton FBI Investigation: In Potential Nightmare Scenario for Democrats, FBI Indictment Could Come After Clinton Given the Nomination
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton's wealthy donors revealed in Panama Papers
2024-10-12Most Clinton Voters Like Bernie Sanders. Most Sanders Voters Don’t Like Hillary Clinton.
2024-10-12Clinton's national support falls below 50% for the first time
2024-10-12In a statement, Hillary Clinton noted the family had given $15 million to charity since 2007. The tax returns show $14.8 million of that went to the Clinton Family Foundation.
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton gets booed at Democratic debate after being confronted over Wall Street transcripts
2024-10-12Rigged race means Hillary takes more delegates in Bernie’s Wyoming win
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton FBI Investigation: Extradition of Hacker 'Guccifer,' Who First Uncovered Clinton's Email Server, Increases Likelihood of Indictment for Clinton
2024-10-12The known facts of Hillary Clinton's server is worthy of an indictment. Here is a timeline.
2024-10-12Bernie Sanders Demands Apology From Hillary Clinton for Accusing Him of Lying
2024-10-12Clinton sued for election fraud
2024-10-12Clinton 'so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me'
2024-10-12Inside the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton’s E-Mail:In 1996, after months of work, Comey came to some damning conclusions: Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case.
2024-10-12Washingtonians Hound Superdelegate Who Supports Clinton After Constituents Favored Sanders
2024-10-12Clinton Claims Victory but Arizona's Voting Fiasco Dubbed "National Disgrace": Shuttered polling places, endless lines, and widespread disenfranchisement—particularly for minority communities
2024-10-12Donald Trump's new online ad features Hillary Clinton barking like a dog
2024-10-12Regarding her State Department email practices, "my predecessors did the same thing." [Rating: Mostly False]
2024-10-12Hillary Clinton Email Hacker to Be Extradited to the US: Notably, “Guccifer” was also the original source who discovered Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account
2024-10-12Hacker who uncovered Clinton's emails, extradited to U.S.
2024-10-12Clinton, on her private server, wrote 104 emails the government says are classified
2024-10-12Special counsel to investigate Hillary urgently needed. Last March at the United Nations, Hillary Clinton stood in front of the world and lied when she stated: “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.”
2024-10-12Justice Dept. grants immunity to staffer who set up Clinton email server
2024-10-12Special counsel to investigate Hillary urgently needed. Last March at the United Nations, Hillary Clinton stood in front of the world and lied when she stated: “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.”
