
Articles from 2016-01-08


Hillary Clinton Made More in 12 Speeches to Big Banks Than Most of Us Earn in a Lifetime

reddit.com | https://theintercept.com/2016/01/08/hillary-clinton-earned-more-from-12-speeches-to-big-banks-than-most-americans-earn-in-their-lifetime/

Vermont governor wants legislation to legalize marijuana

reddit.com | http://www.reuters.com/article/us-vermont-marijuana-idUSKBN0UM02C20160108

"Throw them out into the cold," Trump ordered security, as protesters shouted "Bernie! Bernie!" during his rally Thursday night in Burlington, Vt. "Don't give them their coats," Trump added. "No coats! Confiscate their coats."

reddit.com | http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/265172-trump-tells-security-to-confiscate-protesters-coats

Why would you trust a teen to raise a kid, but not to have an abortion? Laws that restrict teenagers’ access to abortion services make no logical sense. It’s time to repeal them all.

reddit.com | http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jan/04/why-would-you-trust-a-teen-to-raise-a-kid-but-not-to-have-an-abortion?utm_source=nar.al&utm_medium=urlshortener&utm_campaign=FB

51% of republicans support Obama's executive action on guns.

reddit.com | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/01/08/obama-said-gun-owners-would-support-his-new-restrictions-he-was-right/

Fox poll: Sanders soars in New Hampshire

reddit.com | http://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/poll-sanders-clinton-new-hampshire-217531

Ted Cruz gets burned by the birther fires he stoked: "we’re entitled to savor some schadenfreude now as Cruz himself gets caught in the birther web. Donald Trump’s questioning of Cruz’s status as a natural-born American, and therefore his eligibility to be president, is rough justice."

reddit.com | https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ted-cruz-gets-burned-by-the-birther-fires-he-stoked/2016/01/08/c6cf7e02-b60a-11e5-a76a-0b5145e8679a_story.html

Obama Calls Out NRA For Skipping Town Hall On Guns "You'd think they'd be willing to have a debate with the president," Obama said.

reddit.com | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/obama-nra-guns_568f0dcde4b0cad15e6442f8?utm_hp_ref=politics

The EPA Finally Admitted That the World’s Most Popular Pesticide Kills Bees—20 Years Too Late

reddit.com | http://www.motherjones.com/tom-philpott/2016/01/epa-finds-major-pesticide-toxic-bees

Jeb Bush’s Welfare Policy Ends Food Stamps, Housing Aid Programs

reddit.com | http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/trackers/2016-01-08/jeb-bush-s-welfare-policy-ends-food-stamps-housing-aid-programs


Articles from 2016-01-08
