
Articles from 2016-01-19


Bernie Sanders Opens Up 60-33 Lead Against Hillary Clinton In New Hampshire Poll

reddit.com | http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bernie-sanders-opens-60-33-lead-hillary-clinton/story?id=36383793

Bernie Sanders Calls for "Automatic" Federal Investigations of Deaths in Police Custody

reddit.com | http://reason.com/blog/2016/01/17/bernie-sanders-shootings-police

Hillary Clinton Emails Contained Info Above Top Secret: IG

reddit.com | http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hillary-clinton-emails-contained-info-above-top-secret-ig-n499886

Bernie Sanders is right -- Canada does health care better: there is no question that a national single-payer health care system is far more efficient than the fractured for-profit system we have in the U.S.

reddit.com | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/letters/ct-bernie-sanders-is-right-canada-does-health-care-better-20160119-story.html

Democratic Candidates Stand Up For A Little Idea Called Science | "It is beyond my comprehension how we could elect a president of the U.S., somebody like Trump, who believes that climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese," Sanders said.

reddit.com | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/climate-change-bernie-sanders-martin-omalley_us_569d16e1e4b0ce4964253d53

Inspector General: Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs

reddit.com | http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/01/19/inspector-general-clinton-emails-had-intel-from-most-secretive-classified-programs.html

Clinton's risky new Wall St. defense: Obama took $, too; "It's a risky strategy that liberal Democrats so far aren't exactly buying."

reddit.com | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/01/19/clintons-risky-new-wall-st-defense-obama-took-too.html

The Oregon Militia Is Turning Out To Be Its Very Own Worst Enemy: "By taking a hands-off approach to the incident, the government has actually given the militiamen room to stew, to fight with one another and ultimately, to undermine their cause."

reddit.com | http://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/bundy-standoff-enters-third-week-of-ridiculousness

“Now I know that some of my opponents are very good speakers, very fine orators, smart people,” Sanders said. “But you’ve got to be really, really, really good to get $225,000 a speech, that’s all I’ll say.”

reddit.com | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/01/19/bernie-sanders-knocks-unnamed-candidate-for-taking-goldman-sachs-speaking-fees/

Meet Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s First-Ever Primary Challenger: Tim Canova

reddit.com | https://theintercept.com/2016/01/19/meet-debbie-wasserman-schultzs-first-ever-primary-challenger-tim-canova/


Articles from 2016-01-19
