
Articles from 2016-02-01


Legal US pot sales soar to $5.4B in 2015

reddit.com | http://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/01/legal-us-pot-sales-soar-in-2015.html

Sanders: Iowa could be 'one of the biggest political upsets' ever: “And the reason for that is, we have 15,000 volunteers who today are going to be knocking on doors. They're going to be making telephone calls. They're going to be urging people in very large numbers to come out and vote.”

reddit.com | http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/267659-sanders-iowa-could-be-one-of-the-biggest-political-upsets

Why I’m supporting Sanders over Clinton: This could be the moment to reclaim the Democratic Party and reshape history

reddit.com | http://www.salon.com/2016/02/01/why_im_supporting_sanders_over_clinton_this_could_be_the_moment_to_reclaim_the_democratic_party_and_reshape_history/

Every Single One of The Top 10 Corporate Tax Dodgers Are Donors To Hillary Clinton

reddit.com | http://www.francescarheannon.com/2016/01/every-single-one-of-top-10-corporate.html?m=1

[TIME] "The Clinton team has trained caucus chairs to shift some supporters to O’Malley if the conditions are advantageous in order to deprive Sanders of an extra delegate. Precinct campaigns are using a custom campaign app that does the caucus math for the volunteers."

reddit.com | http://time.com/4201806/hillary-clinton-martin-omalley-bernie-sanders-iowa/

300 Union Plumbers Spent The Weekend Installing Water Filters For Flint Residents For Free

reddit.com | http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2016/02/01/3744770/hundreds-of-union-plumbers-spent-the-weekend-installing-water-filters-for-flint-residents-for-free/

2016 Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus - Sanders 49%, Clinton 46% (Quinnipiac 1/25-1/31)

reddit.com | http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/polls/quinnipiac-23642

3 in 4 young black Americans say they’d feel like fleeing the country if Donald Trump were elected

reddit.com | http://fusion.net/story/260543/donald-trump-fusion-poll-flee-country/

Tim Canova, a former adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders, is seeking to oust Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz from her congressional seat in Florida.

reddit.com | http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/truthdigger_of_the_week_tim_canova_20160130

What Bernie Sanders Has Already Won. Win or lose, the Vermont senator will stand as a historic figure in the Democratic Party.

reddit.com | http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/02/bernie_sanders_has_already_changed_the_future_of_the_democratic_party.html


Articles from 2016-02-01
