
Articles from 2016-02-11


Obama pushes for automatic voter registration

reddit.com | http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/obama-pushes-automatic-voter-registration

Clinton promising to crack down on corporations that game the system. Only days later, Clinton’s campaign is launching a fundraising blitz that includes events with representatives of industries that have significant business interests before the federal government.

reddit.com | http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/hillary-clinton-plans-raise-money-industries-interests-next-president-2302757

"You could say all these guys who work at Wal-Mart are on food stamps, and if they weren’t being paid a low wage, they wouldn’t be on food stamps. So therefore implicitly we are subsidizing the hell out of Wal-Mart."

reddit.com | http://www.inquisitr.com/2713642/bernie-sanders-tells-walmart-to-get-off-welfare-video/

Later, Sanders explained, "Not having enough money was a cause of constant tension, and when you are five or six years of age and your parents are yelling at each other, it's, you know -- you think back on it now, you know -- it's traumatic and it's hard."

reddit.com | http://www.cbsnews.com/news/campaign-2016-bernie-sanders-goes-back-to-brooklyn/

Hillary's Superdelegate Coup Just Confirms to Millennials: The System Is Rigged

reddit.com | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/russ-belville/hillarys-superdelegate-co_b_9206252.html

Single-payer would allow doctors to focus on their patients’ health needs, rather than on patients’ ability to pay. What Americans want is choice of doctor, not choice of health insurance. Americans want comprehensive, lifelong insurance that assures them they will get the care they deserve.

reddit.com | https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/why-medicare-for-all-is-the-best-plan/2016/02/01/bf3804f6-c7b8-11e5-b933-31c93021392a_story.html

Hillary Fights to Keep Wall Street Speeches Secret

reddit.com | http://canadafreepress.com/article/hillary-fights-to-keep-wall-street-speeches-secret

Clinton Foundation received subpoena from State Department investigators

reddit.com | https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/clinton-foundation-received-subpoena-from-state-department-investigators/2016/02/11/ca5125b2-cce4-11e5-88ff-e2d1b4289c2f_story.html?postshare=9101455211844996&tid=ss_tw

The gaping hole at the heart of Hillary Clinton’s campaign: "the campaign has no story to tell the voters about Hillary Clinton and why she should be president."

reddit.com | https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2016/02/10/the-gaping-hole-at-the-heart-of-hillary-clintons-campaign/?tid=pm_opinions_pop_b

"People have a right to be angry," Sanders said. "But what we need to be is rational in figuring out how we address the problems and not simply scapegoating minorities."

reddit.com | http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/11/politics/bernie-sanders-stephen-colbert-establishment-politics/index.html?sr=twCNN021116bernie-sanders-stephen-colbert-estab%22People%20have%20a%20right%20to%20be%20angry,%22%20Sanders%20said.%20%22But%20what%20we%20need%20to%20be%20is%20rational%20in%20figuring%20out%20how%20we%20address%20the%20problems%20and%20not%20simply%20scapegoating%20minorities.%22lishment-politics0105PMVODtopVideo&linkId=21180529


Articles from 2016-02-11
