
Articles from 2016-05-22


Sanders: Clinton should "keep her word" on debates

reddit.com | http://www.cbsnews.com/news/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-should-keep-her-word-on-debates/

Senators Call Bernie A 'Loner' Because He Won't 'Hang Out With Lobbyists'

reddit.com | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4LZ-31RSas

Sanders: American voters should not be forced to pick between “the lesser of two evils”

reddit.com | http://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/sanders-clinton-two-evils-223449?

Don’t blame Bernie for fighting on — blame the Dems for trying to crush dissent

reddit.com | http://nypost.com/2016/05/21/dont-blame-bernie-for-fighting-on-blame-the-dems-for-trying-to-crush-dissent/

Hillary Clinton wrong that no negative ads have hit Bernie Sanders

reddit.com | http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/may/22/hillary-clinton/hillary-clinton-wrong-negative-ads-bernie-sanders/

Jon Stewart says Clinton lacks 'courage of her convictions'

reddit.com | http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2016/05/15/sotu-panel-part-2.cnn?iid=ob_article_footer_expansion

Hillary Clinton cannot wrap up her party’s nomination because a sizable minority of Democratic primary voters simply doesn’t like her. They don’t trust her. They believe she’s corrupt. That she’s part of the moneyed and powerful. That she doesn’t really care about them. And they’re right.

reddit.com | http://www.goupstate.com/article/20160522/OPINION/160529942?p=1&tc=pg

Bernie Sanders just declared war on the Democratic establishment -"Let me also say this, in all due respect to the current chairperson: If [I am] elected president, she would not be reappointed chairwoman of the DNC."

reddit.com | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/05/22/bernie-sanders-just-declared-war-on-the-democratic-establishment/

Bernie Sanders: Clinton is 'Jumping the Gun' on Definitively Saying She'll Be Democratic Nominee

reddit.com | http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bernie-sanders-clinton-jumping-gun-definitively-shell-democratic/story?id=39286138

The best thing Trump has going for him is Hillary Clinton

reddit.com | http://www.pennlive.com/opinion/2016/05/the_best_thing_trump_has_going.html#incart_river_index


Articles from 2016-05-22
