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2017-10-01- Trump’s Tweets on Puerto Rico Are a National Disgrace
- Leaked White House Memo Details Puerto Rico Spin: “The Storm Caused These Problems, Not Our Response.”
- 8-Year-Old Puerto Rican To Trump: 'Stop Tweeting And Come Help The People'
- 'Speaks Volumes.' No White House Invite for Champion Women's Basketball Team.
- Trump sent 18 tweets on Puerto Rico on Saturday. And made things a whole lot worse
- Dear Trump Voter: WTF Is Wrong With You!?
- Republican senator calls health care, food, and shelter a ‘privilege’
- Trump’s Systematic, Deliberate Deception Is an Impeachable Offense
- General overseeing Puerto Rico relief: ‘This is the worst I’ve ever seen’
- 'I doubt you're a real billionaire': Richard Branson publishes scathing letter from Donald Trump
puerto, rico, trump, trump’s, tweets, white, house, care,
2017-10-02- Donald Trump heckled with 'you don't give a sh*t about Puerto Rico' as he dedicates golf trophy to victims
- Trump’s company had more contact with Russia during campaign, according to documents turned over to investigators
- Hundreds of White House emails sent to third Kushner family account
- White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners
- ‘I cannot express how wrong I was’: Country guitarist changes mind on gun control after Vegas
- Sandy Hook victim's mother: Congress to blame in Las Vegas shooting
- Las Vegas Official Sets Up GoFundMe to Aid Shooting Victims — the Price of No Universal Health Care
- Fox analyst: 'Founding Fathers didn’t want every juiced-up psycho' owning machine guns
- NRA pulls attack ads, hopes everyone forgets about mass slaughter in 8 days
- Obama: We are praying for victims of 'another senseless tragedy'
vegas, victims, about, las, shooting, white, donald, —
2017-10-03- DOJ releases overruled memos finding it illegal for presidents to appoint relatives
- Trump Says The Hurricane That Crushed Puerto Rico Wasn't A "Real Catastrophe" Like Katrina
- Rep. Tim Murphy, popular with pro-life movement, urged abortion in affair, texts suggest
- Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump had third private account — it received hundreds of White House emails
- Puerto Rico mayor invited to take part in White House conference call on hurricane disaster effort - but told she could not speak
- Warren Buffett, the world's second richest man, says eliminating the estate tax would be a 'terrible mistake'
- Trump Put Ivanka And Jared In The White House After Past Presidents Were Told It Was Unlawful
- The GOP’s Twisted Reality, Where Guns Are a Right But Health Care Is a Privilege
- Billionaire Robert Mercer is Helping Pay Donald Trump's Legal Bills
- Trump to Puerto Rico: You've thrown our budget a little out of whack
trump, house, puerto, white, presidents, ivanka, hurricane, but
2017-10-04- John McCain Urges Supreme Court to 'Return Control of Our Elections to the People'
- Mexico slaps Trump in face by offering aid to Puerto Rico after his disastrous visit
- San Juan mayor wears 'nasty' shirt after Trump calls her 'nasty'
- 'Trump dossier' on Russia links now part of special counsel's probe: sources
- Furious Republicans are working hard to make Trump’s Russia scandal disappear
- Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr. Were Close to Being Charged With Felony Fraud
- Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump must go
- Did the Trumps bribe their way out of prosecution?
- Intelligence chairman: We trust intelligence community conclusions Russia meddled
- Ex-Reagan Advisor: Trump’s cabinet could go down as the worst in history
trump, russia, trump’s, 'nasty', intelligence, go, ivanka, jr.
2017-10-05- Trump's Exorbitant Travel Costs Could Pay to Send Puerto Rico 128 Cargo Ships With Aid
- Emails show Ivanka, Trump Jr. coordinating lies about Trump SoHo
- Trump Said ‘Despicable’ Racist Comments About Blacks, Jews in Taped ‘Apprentice’ Meetings, Claims Former Producer
- Mueller's team met with Russia dossier author
- Tim Murphy resigns from Congress
- Donald Trump Jr. Is Giving $100,000 Speeches in Latest Possible Ethics Violation
- Trump’s ‘Grab ’em by the Pussy’ Video Will Play Near White House for 12 Hours
- Manhattan DA Vance returns $31G donation to Trump's lawyer that he received after dropping case against Ivanka, Donald Jr. in 2013
- FEMA removes statistics about drinking water access and electricity in Puerto Rico from website
- Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump 'must leave White House' after private email scandal exposes hypocrisy
trump, about, jr., trump's, donald, puerto, rico, white
2017-10-06- Trump and Melania reportedly compared life in the White House to being in a Venezuelan jail
- Arizona congressman repeats bogus claim that Charlottesville violence was left-wing plot
- Trump declared an opioid emergency, but then did nothing
- Economy posts first job losses in seven years
- Trump’s lewd ‘Access Hollywood’ tape is playing on repeat for 12 hours on the Mall
- Donald Trump is treating a potential war like a reality show cliffhanger
- After Four Years, IRS Finally Confirms There Was No Targeting of Tea Party Groups
- “Go straight to hell”: Idaho Republican caught attacking constituent in profane tirade
- Poll: Trump's approval rating hits 32 percent
- Trump alludes to "calm before the storm" in confusing comments
trump, finally, groups, party, tea, targeting, no, there
2017-10-07- Kimmel fires back at Trump: You should quit the presidency
- After Trump took office, he told Tillerson that American businesses were being unfairly penalized by laws prohibiting them from bribing foreign officials
- Dem rep: Trump resignation is 'one thing' that would ease NK tensions
- Apparently Trump can deny birth control to millions of American women – but can’t do a thing about guns
- 'Tonight Show' writer fires back at Trump: 'Stop tweeting nonsense and go do your job'
- Lawrence: No one defended Trump after 'moron' comment
- Donald Trump Brags About Giving to Charity. Colin Kaepernick Actually Does It.
- History won’t be unkind to Trump—it will be cruel
- Trump is being sued on behalf of 46 million people to keep his hands off birth control
- Report: Anti-Muslim rally in Houston orchestrated by Russians
trump, about, birth, control, being, do, american, trump:
2017-10-08- Corker fires back: Trump's White House 'has become an adult day care center'
- Ethics watchdog blasts Pence for use of government travel to Colts game
- Vice President's NFL walkout is nothing more than political grandstanding
- 49ers safety on Pence's Colts walk-out: 'This is what systemic oppression looks like'
- The Real Mockery Of The National Anthem Was By Vice President Pence
- We Must Stand With Puerto Rico, With or Without the White House
- Pence tries desperate stunt to revive racist NFL feud to distract from humiliating week
- Trump's White House has 'become an adult day care center', Republican senator Bob Corker says in extraordinary response to President's attack
- Pence Departure From NFL Game Slammed as 'PR Stunt' Orchestrated by Trump
- Trump is planning to gut Obamacare by executive order
pence, nfl, white, house, corker, trump, vice, game
2017-10-09- Watchdog pressure escalates Pence's $242k taxpayer-funded NFL stunt into full-blown scandal
- Snowflake? Mike Pence Is Triggered by NFL Players, 'Mulan' and Women Who Are Not His Wife
- Google uncovers Russian-bought ads on YouTube, Gmail and other platforms
- Chris Murphy: Pence walkout ‘a multi million dollar political stunt paid for by taxpayers’
- Trump and Pence ignore troops killed in action while attacking NFL for "disrespecting" troops
- Stung Over Being Called a Moron, Donald Trump Now Insists NBC is ‘Run by Morons'
- Trump's popularity is slipping in rural America: poll
- Bob Corker just confirmed it: Republicans know Trump is unfit
- Mike Pence's early exit from an NFL game is starting to look more and more like a political stunt
- Organizers behind armed white supremacist protest in Houston revealed as Russian
nfl, pence, stunt, trump, more, pence's, troops, mike
2017-10-10- Mensa offers to host IQ test for Trump and Tillerson
- Trump threatens to 'compare IQ tests' with Tillerson after 'moron' report
- 'I hope you are taping': New York Times releases audio to instantly debunk Trump’s claim that the paper 'set up' Bob Corker
- Student suspended for sitting through pledge of allegiance sues her high school
- Donald Trump threatens to 'change tax law' to penalise NFL over 'take a knee' protests
- Pence email scandal deepens: Refuses to release hidden emails, won’t answer questions
- The bizarre situation where only retiring Republicans will talk about Trump’s fitness for office
- Poll: Trump approval falls in every state
- Trump was joking about "IQ test" challenge to Tillerson, White House says
- President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days
trump, over, about, iq, trump’s, tillerson, threatens, situation
2017-10-11- Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him
- Eminem rips Donald Trump in blistering freestyle rap during BET Hip Hop Awards
- Donald Trump has state visit to UK downgraded 'and will not be guest of the Queen'
- “I Hate Everyone in the White House!”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear the President Is “Unraveling”
- McCain scolds Trump for missing Russian sanctions deadline
- Trump reportedly asked for a tenfold increase in US nukes, prompting Tillerson to call him a 'moron'
- Former Miss Ohio USA wants Kellyanne Conway to ask Trump why he walked into dressing room
- A pharmacist says he has filled Alzheimer's prescriptions for members of Congress
- Nikita Khrushchev's granddaughter: Trump uses 'fake news' like Stalin used 'enemies of the people'
- Prosecutor Threw Away Slam-Dunk Cases Against Weinstein and Trump Kids
trump, donald, pharmacist, room, dressing, into, walked, why
2017-10-12- Trump sits, talks through song lowering the flag at military base amid NFL anthem controversy
- Trump threatens to pull FEMA from Puerto Rico
- Background check chief has 'never seen' mistakes and omissions at level of Jared Kushner forms
- Donald Trump sits and makes TV ratings joke during military ceremony to honour US flag
- Kimmel: Trump threat to NBC is ‘what dictators do’
- Facebook scrubbed potentially damning Russia data before researchers could analyze it further
- Editor Lists All the Women That Said President Trump Sexually Assaulted Them
- Former Republican member of congress: 'Trump is unhinged. We are waiting to get tax bill through before impeachment'
- Trump Disrespects the Flag on Live Television
- Rush Limbaugh says Donald Trump is acting 'like a dictator'
trump, flag, through, military, donald, before, editor, sexually
2017-10-13- If Obama threatened to take Fox News off the air people would march "with torches in the street," says Jake Tapper
- Trump says he 'met with the president of the Virgin Islands'
- Mueller's team interviewed Priebus on Friday
- Trump violates core conservative values, yet most conservatives still refuse to condemn him
- Obamacare bombshell: Trump kills key payments to health insurers
- Manafort Had $60M Relationship with Russian Oligarch
- Poll: 55% of America thinks Trump is unfit to serve
- Trump says he spoke to Virgin Islands' 'president' -- which is him
- GOP Rep. breaks with Trump: Cutting health care subsidies does 'opposite' of what he promised
- Donald Trump Is Taking Away Health Care from the Poor Just to Spite Barack Obama
trump, health, obama, care, virgin, islands', taking, --
2017-10-14- Donald Trump boasts of 'plunging' health insurance stocks following executive order on Obamacare
- Larry Flynt offers $10M in quest to impeach Trump
- Axelrod: Trump ‘jealous’ of esteem for Obama
- Donald Trump sued by 18 states for ending key Obamacare payments with executive order
- Jerry Brown signs bill to make community college free statewide for first year
- Steven Mnuchin concedes: Killing estate tax 'disproportionately helps rich people'
- How to impeach Donald Trump: Larry Flyntt is offering $10 million to anyone with suitable info
- Will Trump Be Impeached, Removed Via the 25th Amendment or Resign?
- Clinton: We elected a person who committed sexual assault president
- Trump “threw a fit” when his advisers tried to change his mind on Iran
trump, donald, executive, impeach, obamacare, order, larry, offering
2017-10-15- Subpoena Orders Trump To Turn Over Documents From Assault Allegations
- The Founding Fathers designed impeachment for someone exactly like Donald Trump
- As an American, I want to apologise to the rest of the world for my country electing Donald Trump
- Tens of millions loaned from Russian to Trump campaign manager
- Trump voter fraud commission researcher arrested on child pornography charges
- Donald Trump doesn't seem to understand the stock market. Or the national debt.
- Kimmel on losing Republican popularity: ‘I would do it again in a heartbeat’
- Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision
- Trump voter fraud commission researcher arrested on child pornography charges
- Tillerson: Staying in the Iran deal in best interest of the U.S.
trump, donald, arrested, pornography, child, researcher, commission, fraud
2017-10-16- The Trump administration is letting Americans die in Puerto Rico, nurses say
- Man rescued from Taliban: I thought my captors were kidding when they said Trump was president
- Trump cabinet member left $2B off disclosure report
- Trump Keeps Getting Mad When He Finds Out What His Policies Actually Do
- Top Trump Official John Kelly Ordered ICE to Portray Immigrants as Criminals to Justify Raids
- New memo suggests Russian lawyer at Trump Tower meeting was acting 'as an agent' of the Kremlin
- Trump reportedly mocks Mike Pence's ultra-conservative views, once joking that he 'wants to hang' all gay people
- Republican senator thinks $150,000 is a middle-class income in Ohio
- Ivanka Trump reportedly took over one of Chris Christie's transition team meetings and asked Michael Flynn what job he wanted
- Trump: I Think Dems ‘Will Be Blamed’ For My Decision To Sabotage O’Care
trump, my, reportedly, what, when, i, thinks, senator
2017-10-17- Explosive ‘60 Minutes’ investigation finds Congress and drug companies worked to cripple DEA’s ability to fight opioid abuse
- Holder fires back at Trump claiming Obama didn’t call soldiers’ families: ‘Stop the damn lying’
- Stop the Name-Calling and Get to Work, Says White House That Constantly Name-Calls and Never Works
- Spicer interviewed by Mueller's team
- Trump issues warning to McCain: 'At some point I fight back and it won’t be pretty'
- President Trump admits he’s trying to kill Obamacare. That’s illegal.
- Russian invasion? Roy Moore sees spike in Twitter followers from land of Putin
- Mueller has interviewed the cybersecurity expert who said he was 'recruited to collude with the Russians'
- 'Our task was to set Americans against their own government': New details emerge about Russia's trolling operation
- Betsy DeVos Is Being Sued By 17 States Over For-Profit College Rules
trump, interviewed, back, fight, explosive, collude, 'recruited, said
2017-10-18- Trump offered a grieving military father $25,000 in a call, but didn’t follow through
- Fallen soldiers’ families say they never heard from Trump
- Trump to widow of Sgt. La David Johnson: 'He knew what he signed up for'
- Americans raise $200k overnight for children of grieving Army widow Trump insulted
- Frederica Wilson fires back at Trump: 'I have proof too. This man is a sick man'
- Miss. school named for Confederate leader to be renamed after Obama
- McCain signs on to Democrats' Facebook ad disclosure bill
- NFL to allow players to kneel during anthem without penalty
- Mother of fallen soldier: 'Trump did disrespect' my family
- John McCain flattens Fox News reporter: ‘Why would you ask something that dumb?’
trump, mccain, widow, fallen, grieving, school, facebook, players
2017-10-19- Poll: 42 percent think Trump will be remembered as one of worst presidents in history
- Donald Trump suggests Russia, FBI and Democrats colluded to pay for dossier on his Kremlin links - but provides no evidence
- Democrats demand Pence pay back costs of traveling to NFL game
- Rigged: How Voter Suppression Threw Wisconsin to Trump
- McCain: Administration not being up front about Niger attack
- Trump just publicly accused the FBI of having conspired against him
- Republican senate candidate Roy Moore accepted donation from Nazi group: report
- George W. Bush: 'Bigotry seems emboldened' in US
- Multiple NFL owners believe Trump is waging a personal vendetta against the NFL because he was prevented from buying a team
- The most underplayed story of the 2016 election is voter suppression.
trump, nfl, fbi, against, pay, voter, democrats, poll:
2017-10-20- Presidential Executive Order Amending Executive Order 13223
- Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio loses bid to have his criminal record wiped clean
- Barack Obama implies Trump has set US back 50 years in first political speech for a year
- Breitbart Made Up False Story That Immigrant Started Deadly Sonoma Wildfires, Sheriff's Office Says
- ‘Why Would You Want Somebody Who Beats Their Wife to Have Access to Gun?’: Colorado Boy Kicked Out of Cub Scouts Over Question to Senator
- Gold Star families are coming out en masse and disputing Trump's claims amid his latest controversy
- Full video of Frederica Wilson's 2015 FBI speech shows John Kelly got it wrong
- Retired “Navy Seal” praising Trump on Fox News was a fake
- Trump nominees show up for work without waiting for Senate approval
- The White House is increasingly — and worryingly — using the military as a shield against criticism
trump, order, out, executive, up, speech, —, have
2017-10-21- Republicans who obsessed over Benghazi silent on 4 US troops killed in Niger
- Ivanka Trump Somehow Didn't Mention the Donald J. Trump Foundation In Her Financial Disclosure Report
- John Kelly owes the congresswoman an apology
- Five former presidents are raising money for hurricane relief. Trump is playing golf.
- ‘My pain is everyday’: After Weinstein’s fall, Trump accusers wonder: Why not him?
- DeVos rescinds 72 guidance documents outlining rights for disabled students
- The Trump White House’s increasingly authoritarian response to criticism
- The White House Panicked After Trump Lied About Calling Soldiers’ Families
- Many Trump voters who got hurricane relief in Texas aren’t sure Puerto Ricans should
- Trump heads to his Virginia golf club for third consecutive weekend
trump, who, white, hurricane, 72, devos, house, criticism
2017-10-22- John McCain mocks Donald Trump’s deferment ‘bone spurs’ (without naming him)
- Tom Hanks: Trump's call to soldier's family 'one of the biggest cock-ups on the planet Earth'
- Someone whose statements always need explaining should not be president
- The GOP Tried Trump-Style Tax Cuts in Kansas. What a Mess.
- The tax extension deadline came and went. Trump didn’t share his return.
- Tom Hanks: 'If you're concerned about what's going on today, read history'
- Petraeus: ‘We in uniform protect the rights of others to criticize us’
- Why Is Bill Browder Banned from America?
- U.S. Losing Legitimacy as Corruption Fighter, Experts Say
- California billionaire launches ads urging Trump impeachment
trump, tax, hanks:, tom, 'if, read, rights, protect
2017-10-23- Trump Fails to Sanction Russia Over Election Meddling and Defies Congress With Three Week Delay
- Why did the U.S. just revoke Putin critic Bill Browder's visa?
- Congress: Trump Won’t Implement Russia Sanctions—and He Won’t Tell Us Why
- Obama Is The Only President Since Nixon Who Didn't Face An Independent Investigation
- Lawmakers question Trump’s dealmaking skills, consider him an unreliable negotiator
- ‘It made me cry’: Gold Star widow Myeshia Johnson breaks silence over Trump’s condolence call
- Trump officials suddenly revoke visa of hero being hunted by Putin
- Donald Trump has played golf every four days of his presidency
- State Department Reportedly Revokes Visit Of Magnitsky Act Campaigner
- After Gold Star widow breaks silence, Trump immediately calls her a liar on Twitter
trump, why, gold, star, widow, trump’s, breaks, putin
2017-10-24- Sen. Flake, in a bombshell Senate-floor speech, 'Mr. President, I rise today to say: Enough.'
- Small company from Trump Interior chief's hometown wins massive contract to restore Puerto Rico's power
- Protester throws Russian flags at Trump as he enters GOP lunch
- Democrats call for investigation into Puerto Rico utility deal
- Corker: I won't support Trump for election again
- Twitter will now label political ads, including who bought them and how much they are spending
- Trump's $25K check to Gold Star family dated same day as Post report
- $300m Puerto Rico Recovery Contract Awarded to Tiny Utility Company Linked to Major Trump Donor
- Donald Trump has now personally attacked 1 in 5 Republican senators
- Trump Has Destroyed the Republican Party, Exiting Senator Jeff Flake Says
trump, puerto, company, utility, now, i, contract, republican
2017-10-25- Enough. It is time to stand up to Trump.
- San Juan mayor calls to ‘void’ contract awarded to tiny Montana company
- The Latest: Wikileaks confirms approach from Trump campaign
- Republicans are pretending they didn't fund the Trump golden shower dossier before Hillary Clinton
- Trump associate Cohen sold four NY buildings for cash to mysterious buyers
- McCain: ‘Further actions’ to be taken if Trump doesn’t enact Russia sanctions
- Jeff Sessions Is in Charge of a Bribery Prosecution Involving Two of His Top Donors
- Trump Says Soldier’s Widow Must Be Wrong Because He Has “One of the Great Memories of All Time”
- Senate kills new rule allowing class-action lawsuits against banks after Pence casts deciding vote
- Trump Flies To Texas For His Reelection Fundraiser And Writes It Off As Taxpayer Expense
trump, enough., soldier’s, memories, great, “one, because, wrong
2017-10-26- Unsealed Documents Show That Kris Kobach Is Dead Set on Suppressing the Right to Vote
- Georgia election server wiped after suit filed
- Twitter is banning all ads from Russian news agencies RT and Sputnik effective immediately
- Russia sanctions still not implemented despite White House promises
- Trump Refers to Confederacy as “Our Great Heritage”
- Yes, the Russia-Trump Investigation Is Real
- Nurses returning from Puerto Rico accuse the federal government of leaving people to die
- US voting server at heart of Russian hack probe mysteriously wiped
- Donald Trump decided not to deport fugitive accused of rape 'after learning he is a Mar-a-Lago member'
- CNN host Don Lemon files police report over white nationalist Twitter death threat
white, server, russian, twitter, trump, wiped, mysteriously, probe
2017-10-27- It's not just Trump, it's the whole GOP that calls 'fake things true and true things fake'
- Talking Points Brought to Trump Tower Meeting Were Shared With Kremlin
- Impeachment ad triggers Trump meltdown as polls increasingly show Americans want him out
- Whitefish Energy contract bars government from auditing deal
- People are convinced Donald Trump wrote this letter bragging about Donald Trump
- Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research From Firm That Later Produced Dossier
- Sen. Lindsey Graham: If we don't pass tax reform, Democrats will take the House and try to impeach Trump
- Memo That Russian Lawyer Prepared for Donald Jr. Was Approved by Russian Government
- Ex-ethics chief: History will judge Congress harshly for going after Clinton while ignoring Trump
- Betsy DeVos’s Schedule Shows Focus on Religious and Nontraditional Schools
trump, donald, true, will, government, russian, it's, things
2017-10-28- First charges filed in Mueller investigation
- Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms
- The Mueller Charges Remind Us That His Investigation Is About Criminality
- Donald Trump Jr. knew Trump tower meeting was with Kremlin...
- That fishy contract to rebuild Puerto Rico’s electric grid is now a bona fide scandal
- Ginsberg: I'll be a SCOTUS justice for as long as I can
- White House Places All Blame for 'Astonishingly Corrupt' Whitefish Contract on Puerto Rico
- Discussion Thread: Special Counsel Mueller files first charges
- NBC video catches Trump on the golf course
- Billionaire GOP donor: Trump is 'a threat to democracy'
trump, first, charges, mueller, contract, investigation, puerto, whitefish
2017-10-29- Puerto Rico’s utility cancels controversial $300 million contract with Montana firm hired to repair electrical grid
- Clinton: Fox News seems to think I live in the White House
- Sens. Franken, Murkowski Lead Bipartisan Push to Rebuild Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands with Resilient, Sustainable Infrastructure
- EPA Cancels Scientist Discussion Of Climate Change
- Bernie Sanders, in Puerto Rico, Calls for Nullification of Whitefish Contract
- Trump launches wide-ranging attack on Democrats day before charges expected in Russian collusion investigation
- There Was No Reason To Hire Manafort Except to Collude with Russia
- Mueller Has Authority to Name President Trump as an “Unindicted Coconspirator”
- Most Houston Texans kneel during national anthem after owner's comment on player protests
- Kushner took unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia
puerto, contract, trump, cancels, collusion, collude, except, manafort
2017-10-30- Megathread: Manafort, Gates told to surrender to federal authorities
- Ex-Trump Campaign Foreign Advisor George Papadopoulos Secretly Pleaded Guilty
- Lawsuit: Indiana Purging Voters Using Software That’s 99% Inaccurate
- Paul Manafort, Who Once Ran Trump Campaign, Told to Surrender
- Americans Will March in the Streets in 48 U.S. States If Trump Fires Robert Mueller
- Donald Trump Wants to Raise Your Taxes
- Trump’s former campaign head was indicted and Fox News talked about cheeseburger emojis
- US court bars Trump from changing military policy on service by transgender people
- Boehner: Jason Chaffetz is an a--hole
- Discussion Thread 1: Mueller investigation indictments, and new information confirms that Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos met to discuss hacked emails
trump, campaign, papadopoulos, told, surrender, manafort,, mueller, george
2017-10-31- 'I want to quit': Fox News employees say their network's Russia coverage was 'an embarrassment'
- Papadopoulos Claimed Trump Campaign Approved Russia Meeting
- Carter Page: I might have discussed Russia with campaign staffer charged in Mueller probe
- People Are Officially Done With John Kelly After His 'Absurd' Civil War Comments
- Trump allies can't stop accidentally referring to Hillary Clinton's nonexistent administration
- Trump abruptly ends press conference after being asked if he'll pardon Manafort
- Paul Manafort, accused of being a unregistered foreign agent, used 'bond007' as his password, experts say
- 1M people sign Dem donor's petition to impeach Trump: report
- Hannity accidentally calls Hillary Clinton the president on his show
- Support For Impeachment At Record High
russia, trump, accidentally, being, people, campaign, hillary, say

1: trump, donald, puerto, white, house, about, rico, russia, nfl, trump’s, russian, over, president, will, pence, i, trump's, being, republican, us

2: donald trump, white house, puerto rico, fox news, ivanka trump, health care, executive order, trump threatens, president trump, gold star, john kelly, trump campaign, fires back, jared kushner, trump jr., bob corker, nfl game, kushner ivanka, republican senator, trump tower