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2020-01-01- White evangelicals love Trump. Religious voters? Not so much.
- Buttigieg finishes year with $24.7 million haul in final quarter
- Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says impeachment will only 'embolden' Trump, increasing his reelection chances
- New Colorado laws include red flag gun measure and insulin cost cap
- Trump's 2017 Tax Overhaul Was Even Worse Than We Thought
- Trump Slurred His Way Through a Praise-Rant About Rush Limbaugh and a Diatribe About Windmills
- Opinion: 2020 will be the worst year of Trump’s life
- Drugmakers from Pfizer to GSK to hike U.S. prices on over 200 drugs
- Sex Worker Violence Prevention Rally Planned
- Pelosi demand for fair impeachment trial is laughably hypocritical
will, impeachment, about, year, white, windmills, life, trump’s
2020-01-02- ‘Somebody Should Go to the Slammer for This’: Legal Experts Shocked and Appalled by DOJ’s Ukraine Redactions
- 'Trump Money' Is Buying Silence as Unprecedented Payments Go to Farmers. The amount sent to farmers tops the auto-industry bailout by billions, and was delivered without congressional approval.
- Eddie Gallagher isn't a "lifestyle brand" story: It's a story about the rise of American fascism. The right's worship of an accused war criminal is a fascist fable about the redemptive power of violence.
- Mueller Memos Part 3: The Documents The Justice Department Didn’t Want Congress To See
- Explosive new documents reveal the lengths to which the Justice Department went to conceal the Pentagon's concerns about Trump's Ukraine aid freeze
- Man Who Gutted Voting Rights Says Americans ‘Take Democracy for Granted’
- New Emails ‘Devastating Blow’ to McConnell’s ‘Push’ for Witnessless Trial, Schumer Says
- A French Man Has Died While At A Hospital In ICE Custody: This is the fourth person to die in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody in the current fiscal year, which began in October.
- Trump takes credit for McCain-Sanders veterans bill signed by Obama: “One of my greatest honors”
- Susan Collins sounds like she’s covering for Trump
about, new, man, documents, justice, department, trump, ukraine
2020-01-03- Trump tweets predicting Obama would start a war with Iran to get re-elected are coming back to haunt him
- 'Right Now Is the Moment to Decide If You Are Pro-Peace or Not': Ocasio-Cortez Joins Progressive Chorus Against War With Iran
- Video of Trump Warning 'Our President Will Start a War With Iran Because He Has Absolutely No Ability to Negotiate' Resurfaces: "The only way he figures that he's going to get reelected—and as sure as you're sitting there—is to start a war with Iran," Trump said of Obama in 2011.
- Megathread: Qassim Soleimani, head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, killed in Baghdad by U.S. Airstrike Ordered by President Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders: War in Iran Would Be Bigger Disaster Than Iraq
- Pelosi Statement on Urgency for Fair Senate Trial
- Pelosi says Trump carried out strike on Iranian commander without authorization and she wants details
- The United States' main allies are abandoning Trump over his 'dangerous escalation' with Iran
- Manafort Said Hannity Served as His Trump-Backchannel: Docs
- Flashback: Trump Warned That a 'Weak' and 'Ineffective' President Would Start a War With Iran to 'Get Re-elected'
trump, war, iran, start, president, would, said, obama
2020-01-04- Random Mar-a-Lago Guests Were Told More About Plan to Kill Soleimani Than Congress: Report
- Support for Trump’s Removal Grows
- Yale psychiatrist urges Pelosi: Request 72-hour mental health hold on Trump after Iran attack
- Undermining White House's Public Line, US Officials Say Justification for Soleimani Assassination 'Razor Thin' | "They're lying to distract from impeachment. They're lying to get us to war. They're lying to shore up reelection. Don't buy any of it."
- MSNBC's Chris Hayes Wants Trump to Release Proof That Iran Was Planning Imminent Attack
- Openly Threatening a War Crime, Trump Says US Prepared to Strike '52 Iranian Sites'
- White House Withholds 20 Emails Between Two Trump Aides on Ukraine Aid
- 'If You Are Wondering Who Benefits': Weapons Makers See Stocks Surge as Trump Moves Closer to War With Iran
- White House defies court order, refuses to release 20 e-mails about Ukraine aid freeze
- With a War Against Iran Brewing, Don’t Listen to the Hawks Who Lied Us Into Iraq
trump, iran, us, white, war, lying, who, they're
2020-01-05- Bernie Sanders, campaigning in Iowa, says 'if Congress wants to go to war, let Congress have the guts to vote for war'
- Donald Trump Just Threatened War Crimes Against Iran
- Thousands Take to Streets in More Than 70 Cities Across US to Protest Trump's | "Reckless Acts of War" Against Iran "The American people have had enough with U.S. wars and are rising up to demand peace with Iran."
- Bernie Sanders introduces law to stop Trump from starting war with Iran
- Trump said 'Iranian culture' sites could become military targets, but that could constitute a war crime
- U.S. government website hacked and defaced by Iranian hackers
- Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing
- Pelosi Statement on White House’s War Powers Act Notification of Hostilities Against Iran
- Pelosi: Classified War Powers Act alert on Iran raises more questions
- Biden: Trump is ‘incredibly dangerous and irresponsible’ as the ‘walls close in’
trump, iran, war, against, have, more, powers, act
2020-01-06- Trump under fire for threat to Iran cultural sites
- Former US ambassador who was hostage during 1979 Iran crisis said he wants 'nothing to do' with Trump's threats toward Tehran
- President Trump Calls For Speedy End To Impeachment Amid Escalating Tensions With Iran
- Can the Bernie Sanders Campaign Alter the Course of the Democratic Party?
- Pompeo falsely claims Trump did not say he’d go after Iranian cultural sites
- Mike Pompeo Is Said to Decide Against Running for Senate in Kansas
- The U.S. Is Shredding Its Own Goals in the Middle East
- In letter, U.S. military tells Iraq it will withdraw - Reuters
- Pelosi’s strategy pays off: Now bring in Bolton
- Trump Boasts of Soleimani Killing in 2020 Campaign Email
trump, iran, sites, said, u.s., campaign, pompeo, cultural
2020-01-07- Biden: U.S. will have to bear cost of 'Trump's folly'
- 10 rockets hit airbase in Iraq where US troops are located
- Eye opening, Tulsi is a snake in the grass
- Former Trump FEMA pick resigns from agency
- House of Representatives Impeach President Donald Trump.
- Iranians take credit for rocket attack on base housing US troops
- Donald Trump Jr. shows off assault rifle magazine featuring Hillary Clinton behind bars, crusader cross
- Trump's 2020 trade vision: More disruption
- Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
- Local Iranian Americans weigh in on US-Iran tensions
trump, troops, us, donald, biden:, behind, trump's, cross
2020-01-08- GOP Sen. Mike Lee furious after an 'insulting' Senate briefing on Trump's Iran strike: 'The worst briefing ... on a military issue I've seen in 9 years'
- Trump Wants to Drag Us Into War With Iran. Bernie Is the Candidate to Stop Him.
- Trump’s Iran Clusterfuckery Just Handed the Middle East to China
- 'The worst national security team that I've ever seen'
- Megathread: Iran launches missiles at US airbase in Iraq
- Pelosi Announces Vote to Limit Trump’s War-Making Power Against Iran
- Do Barr, Pompeo and Giuliani share a death wish?
- This not our War. Sign this petition to show that we should reserve the right to decide what we lay down our lives for.
- Facebook boss says it DID help Donald Trump win in 2016 but not because of Russia and says: 'He got elected because he ran the single best digital ad campaign I’ve ever seen from any advertiser. Period.'
- The escalation of the crisis in the Middle East threatens the global economy
iran, because, 'the, trump’s, ever, us, trump, seen
2020-01-09- House passes measure seeking to limit Trump's military actions against Iran
- AOC should leave the Democratic Party
- Mike Pence says Congress might 'compromise sources and methods' if fully briefed on the Soleimani strike
- House passes resolution to limit Trump's war powers against Iran
- Virginia Bill Would Shutter the NRA’s Shooting Range — and Is Taking Fire From All Sides
- U.S. jobless claims fall for 4th week in a row to 214,000, back near post-recession lows
- Wolf awards $1M in grants to higher education institutions for opioid prevention
- When 140 million Americans are poor, why has poverty disappeared from public discourse?
- Larry David: President Bernie Sanders Would Be ‘Great for the Country, Terrible for Me’
- Facebook won't stop letting politicians lie in ads
house, passes, limit, trump's, against, iran, would, education
2020-01-10- Marianne Williamson Drops Out Of Presidential Race
- The Real Backstory of Why Trump Ordered the Killing of Suleimani Is Becoming More Clear
- House will vote on resolution to send articles of impeachment to the Senate next week
- U.S. Military Unsuccessfully Targeted Second Iranian Official
- Dear Colleague on Next Steps on Impeachment
- Marianne Williamson Drops Out Of Presidential Race
- Report: Trump Cited GOP Senate Impeachment Pressure As Reason to Kill Soleimani
- The American People Are Revolting Against Their Elites
- Trump Complains About Not Winning the Nobel Peace Prize Days After Threatening to Commit War Crimes
- Doug Collins apologizes for claiming that Democrats 'are in love with terrorists'
impeachment, trump, marianne, williamson, next, senate, race, presidential
2020-01-11- Iran says it ‘unintentionally’ shot down Ukrainian jetliner
- Should FaceBook ban all political ads? Do their profits outweigh having a fair election?
- Election Update: Sanders Now Leads A Wide-Open Iowa Race
- The most expensive health care option of all? Do nothing. ‘Medicare for all’ debate sidesteps cost of current system.
- Amash accuses Trump of selling military support to Saudi Arabia
- Stephanie Grisham: Trump’s Press Secretary Who Doesn’t Meet the Press
- Mnuchin opposing presidential-travel cost disclosures until after election, source says
- Donald Trump Is the War Crimes President
- Poll: What are your political concerns? This is for my Senior Project.
- Desperate Trump Calls Pelosi ‘Crazed Lunatic,’ Pretends He’d Love Witnesses He’s Blocking To Testify
trump, press, cost, political, do, iran, opposing, donald
2020-01-12- Fox & Friends' Steve Doocy wonders what would happen if the U.S. accidentally shot down a jet. Geraldo Rivera reminds him 'we did.'
- 'I'm spending all my money to get rid of Trump': Michael Bloomberg
- Christianity Today's split with Trump highlights deeper issue in white evangelical America
- Remembering Barack Obama’s Risky, Unelectable, McGovern-Like 2008 Candidacy
- Warren 'disappointed' that Sanders reportedly 'sending his volunteers out to trash me'
- Higher minimum wages linked to reduced suicide rate
- Nancy Pelosi explains what Democrats gained by holding onto the articles of impeachment
- Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis announces he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer
- Pranksters Unleash Spoof Army Recruitment Signs To Remind People ‘Who The Trumps Are’
- 60 Words
what, fox, suicide, articles, onto, holding, gained, democrats
2020-01-13- Most Americans think Trump's escalation of tensions with Iran was driven by his upcoming impeachment trial
- White House reportedly expects several GOP senators to break ranks and call for witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial
- The fight to vote: Wisconsin judge orders 200,000 voters be purged in blow to Democrats
- Trump: 'Doesn't really matter' if Soleimani posed imminent threat
- Fact Check: Joe Biden Has Advocated Cutting Social Security for 40 Years
- Budget Deficit Topped $1 Trillion in 2019
- Evidence? Pshaw! The truth is whatever Trump believes.
- Bernie Sanders Is First 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate to Consider SCOTUS Shortlist
- How Trump’s Trade War Is Making Lobbyists Rich And Slamming Small Businesses
- Go Ahead, Apply the Federal Rules of Evidence to the Senate Impeachment Trial
trial, impeachment, trump's, most, truth, 2020, first, sanders
2020-01-14- Appeals Court Puts Brakes On Immediate Voter Purge In Wisconsin
- Pelosi restricts McConnell to a narrow impeachment path
- House Dems release new impeachment evidence related to indicted Giuliani associate
- Four Chairs Statement on Transmission of Additional Evidence as Part of Impeachment Inquiry
- Rainbow shirt and cake a ‘lifestyle violation,’ student expelled from private school
- Flashback: Obama launched 2,800 airstrikes without approval of Congress
- Will donors to Cory Booker move to other 2020 Democrats?
- Warren Calls for SEC Probe Into Whether Trump Tipped Off Mar-a-Lago Pals to Soleimani Attack
- Nadler: 'I'd expect' to be impeachment manager
- Why Bernie Sanders Is Electable, Too
impeachment, evidence, appeals, move, calls, warren, democrats?, 2020
2020-01-15- Virginia becomes 38th State to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, passing 2/3rd threshold
- Putin, Xi more trusted than Trump worldwide: poll
- Bernie Sanders and Others Call for Investigation of Surveillance on Marie Yovanovitch
- Sanders: 'I fear' Trump could 'drag us into a war'
- Elizabeth Warren’s Smart Answer on ‘Electability’
- The Secret Mueller Report Memos Show How Sean Hannity Advised Trump’s Closest Aides
- Poll: Almost equal number of African Americans open to voting for Biden, Sanders
- ‘I Sort of Can’t Believe This Is Happening’: Young Progressives Mourn Bernie-Warren Feud
- A newly revealed letter from Rudy Giuliani — Trump's own lawyer — destroys the president's last defense in Ukraine scandal
- Ilhan Omar Warns Progressives Escalating Warren-Sanders Disagreement Only Fuels Trump's Attacks on Both Candidates — "Let's stay focused on the task ahead: defeating Donald Trump in November and fighting for the America we deserve."
trump, —, equal, trump's, sanders, progressives, virginia, destroys
2020-01-16- We All Know Trump Lies. What We Forget Is How Corrosive It Is To Democracy.
- Bernie Campaign Staff: People Who Push Back On Revolution ‘Should Expect A Violent Response’
- It’s not just older voters who are giving Joe Biden his lead with black Americans
- Trump claims he didn't know about Giuliani letter to Zelensky
- Collins says she's 'likely' to support calling witnesses for impeachment trial
- Paul predicts no Republicans will vote to convict Trump
- Pompeo stonewalls as evidence emerges of possible surveillance of ex-Ukraine ambassador
- Sanders touts vote against Trump trade deal backed by primary rivals
- Andrew Yang Says All White Democratic Debate Stage Represents 'Realities And Inequities In Our Economy
- Bill Weld: Trump hijacked the Republican brand. I can restore its principles.
trump, we, who, vote, all, know, restore, surveillance
2020-01-17- Trump’s is the third impeachment in US history and no case has been stronger | In contrast with Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, no chicanery was needed to ensnare Trump. He brought this on himself
- Supreme Court to decide if ‘faithless electors’ can defy popular vote and select their candidate of choice
- FBI arrests three more members of right wing extremist group 'The Base'
- The Senate Itself Is on Trial
- 'Faithless elector': Supreme Court will hear case that could change how presidents are chosen
- GOP Group Hits Trump With $1 Million Attack Ads On His Favorite Fox Shows | Republicans for the Rule of Law ads call on GOP lawmakers to allow John Bolton to testify during the Senate impeachment trial.
- Booker Says Farewell, Warren Decides to Tell and Yang Gets Chappelle: 2020 Presidential Black Power Rankings, Week 25
- Chris Collins, First U.S. Lawmaker To Endorse Trump, Gets 26-Month Prison Sentence
- Lev Parnas Doesn't Think Joe Biden Did Anything Wrong
- Trump tax cut hands $32-billion windfall to America’s top banks
trump, |, gop, senate, group, gets, court, supreme
2020-01-18- Trump administration to roll back school lunch rules and allow more pizza
- Militia Groups and Other Extremists Plan Gun Protest in Richmond
- Bill Barr wants Apple to break their encryption, even if it risks every American being hacked
- When Trump’s Thugs Turn on Him | Lev Parnas has shown us Trumpism from the inside.
- Biden Accidentally Makes Case for Medicare for All by Admitting Employers Can Take Away Your Insurance—Even If You Like It
- "Let's Be Clear About Who Is Rigging What": Bernie Sanders Denounces Trump Effort to Divide Democrats
- Nunes aide communicated with Parnas about Ukraine campaign, messages show
- U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz accused of creating sex game with 'points' for sleeping with staff
- My loathing of Devin Nunes knows no bounds
- No, Virginia. The governor’s budget doesn’t fund an 18-officer gun confiscation squad.
trump, parnas, about, nunes, gun, messages, campaign,, ukraine
2020-01-19- 'Pete Takes Money From Fossil Fuel Billionaires': Climate Activists Disrupt Buttigieg Rally in New Hampshire
- 8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows
- Republicans adamant about keeping new info buried - CNN Video
- A Very Stable Genius review: dysfunction and disaster at the court of King Donald
- Missouri lawmaker proposes bill criminalizing public libraries' drag queen story hours.
- Op-Ed: If Trump loves America, why does he call our cities ‘disgusting’ and ‘embarrassing’?
- Sanders attacks Biden's record on social security as primary race heats up ahead of Iowa
- Trump has killed the Iran nuclear deal, and nobody can revive it
- Oklahoma Senators propose new 'MAGA' specialty license plates
- Trump's newest Russia adviser 'escorted from White House' amid security investigation
new, trump, security, 'pete, attacks, up, heats, race
2020-01-20- Blaming 'Flawed and Sexist' Capitalist System, Oxfam Report Finds 2,153 Billionaires Wealthier Than 4.6 Billion of World's Poorest
- Trump Struggled to Read the Constitution, Said It Was ‘Like a Foreign Language’: Book
- As deficits soar, Trump asks, 'Who the hell cares about the budget?'
- Pro-gun activists threaten to kill state lawmaker over bill they misunderstood: Virginia legislator Lee Carter (who is a Democratic Socialist, Marine Corps veteran, and supporter of gun ownership) wrote a bill to allow teachers to strike. Pro-gun activists wrongly concluded it threatens their rights
- New details emerge about Trump's Senate trial as Democrats protest being kept in the dark. “Why is McConnell being so secretive about his proposal?” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Sunday.
- Cambridge Analytica and the end of elections | The latest Cambridge Analytica leaks show just how compromised voting - one of the pillars of democracy - has become.
- Biden campaign warns against media use of Trump disinformation during impeachment trial
- New details emerge about Trump's Senate trial as Democrats protest being kept in the dark “Why is McConnell being so secretive about his proposal?” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Sunday.
- George Conway: The worst thing about Trump’s answer to the impeachment articles
- Iowa's minority voters to Democrats: reject Trump and tell our story of hope
about, senate, being, trump, trial, said, minority, protest
2020-01-21- Memo to vulnerable GOP senators: You’re already on video, and it’s bad
- How Trump Twisted Iran Intel to Manufacture the ‘Four Embassies’ Threat
- We regret to inform you that Hillary Clinton Is at it again: In an absurd interview, Hillary Clinton, one of the least popular politicians in modern memory, trashes Bernie Sanders, one of the most popular. Yet again, Clinton has showcased the elitism and cluelessness that cost her the 2016 election.
- Cipollone falsely claims Republicans were barred from impeachment depositions
- GOP rejects effort to compel documents on delayed Ukraine aid
- A Joe Biden Mailer Targeting Iowa Voters Uses Sinister Image Of Iran
- Senate Rejects Schumer's Amendment to Subpoena White House
- Four Fundamental Flaws in President Trump’s Impeachment Trial Memo
- How Each Senator Is Likely To Weigh Removing Trump
- I worked for Hillary Clinton. Her attacks on Bernie Sanders are a big mistake
hillary, memo, trump, rejects, her, bernie, one, clinton
2020-01-22- Gabbard sues Hillary Clinton over 'Russian asset' smear
- Old Man Biden Flips on Reporter
- Virginia Senate passes ‘red flag’ gun law over fierce opposition
- ‘I like Bernie.’ 2020 candidates chime in on Sanders after Clinton dig
- Arizona Newspaper Calls State's Republican Senator Martha McSally a 'Political Opportunist Willing to Debase Herself And Dismiss Her Constituency'
- From Richmond to the Senate Chambers, Minority Rule Rules: The demonstration this weekend wasn’t peaceful, and the Senate trial isn’t fair.
- Trump suggests entitlement cuts could come in his second term
- That Time AG Barr Refuted Trump Legal Team’s Argument That Abuse of Power Isn’t Impeachable
- Democratic Party establishment wages war on Sanders
- Sen. Sherrod Brown accuses Mitch McConnell of a ‘cover-up’ as impeachment trial begins
senate, sanders, clinton, over, trial, isn’t, trump, gabbard
2020-01-23- Bernie Sanders’s Marijuana Plan Is More Than Legalization, It’s A Matter Of Justice (Op-Ed)
- Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff use Alexander Hamilton quote to make case in Trump impeachment trial
- Will Any Republican Senators End This Charade?
- A sizable chunk of Trump’s base thinks he has broken the law. Many of those people remain in his corner.
- Trump administration approves Keystone pipeline on US land
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘If Jeff Bezos wants to be a good person, he'd turn Amazon into a worker cooperative."
- Tim Robbins: Bernie Sanders Is the Best Shot We Have to Defeat Donald Trump
- Fox News devised a way to cover the impeachment trial without covering it at all | Viewers were shown video without the audio, allowing hosts to spin the proceedings in real time.
- Trump’s treasury secretary tells Greta Thunberg to ‘study economics’ after call for fossil fuel divestment
- Trump administration releases rule to restrict 'birth tourism'
trump, bernie, trump’s, without, trial, impeachment, administration, fox
2020-01-24- Ahead of Iowa Caucus, 2020 Candidates Urged to Back Moratorium on Factory Farms
- Trump just gave away the Republican game on Social Security and Medicare
- GOP Senators Have Been Warned: Vote Against Trump and ‘Your Head Will Be on a Pike’
- First choice, Andrew Yang. Second choice, Donald Trump: Iowans for Yang mull options before caucuses
- ‘This is not controversial’: Bipartisan group of economists calls for carbon tax
- Judge sets high bar for former Trump adviser Flynn to withdraw guilty plea
- 'Take her out': tape appears to catch Trump demanding removal of Ukraine ambassador – live | US news
- Trump’s ‘Ridiculous’ Impeachment Defense Could Crumble
- The EPA Union Is Fighting Trump for a First-Ever Bill of Rights
- Bernie Sanders is climbing everywhere
trump, choice,, ahead, plea, demanding, catch, appears, tape
2020-01-25- President Trump Asks How Long Ukraine Can Resist Russian Aggression in Newly Surfaced Recording
- Head on a pike? Republican senators object after Schiff cites impeachment threat
- In recording Trump asks how long Ukraine can resist Russians
- Democrats Say Trump’s Lawyers Just Made A Great Case — For Calling Witnesses and Documents
- Bernie Sanders the Realist
- MoveOn calls on Sanders to renounce Joe Rogan endorsement
- Schiff lobbies Chief Justice Roberts to rule on questions of executive privilege
- Schiff: Trump's team is trying to 'deflect' and 'distort' truth in opening arguments
- Sanders reacts to Clinton's attacks on him: 'Not the kind of rhetoric that we need'
- Pompeo says NPR host 'lied' and mistook Bangladesh for Ukraine but doesn't dispute he cursed at her
sanders, ukraine, recording, asks, how, long, can, resist
2020-01-26- Why Democrats Still Have to Appeal to the Center, but Republicans Don’t
- Bernie Sanders is working the Latino vote in California, block by block
- Another oil project is planned in the Everglades. Gov. DeSantis called on to block it
- Andrew Yang sang with a black church choir. Not everyone said 'Amen'
- There Are More Recordings Of Donald Trump And Lev Parnas, Attorney Reveals
- Impeachment, war, rally crowds: Trump made 49 false claims last week
- "A Who's-Who" of People Against Progressive Agenda: DNC's Perez Under Fire for Convention Committee Picks
- Bernie Sanders, stuck in Trump's trial, leans on star power of 'AOC'
- New audio and video undermine President Trump's claim about Lev Parnas
- Hillary Clinton Says GOP Is 'So Cowed, So Terrified' of Removing Trump: 'I Hope This Will Haunt Them'
block, lev, trump, trump's, bernie, star, leans, trial,
2020-01-27- Trump White House Again Credentials Website That Called Impeachment a ‘Jew Coup’
- Fox's Chris Wallace, Katie Pavlich spar on impeachment: 'Get your facts straight'
- 'Debate Her': As Progressive Democratic Challenger Jessica Cisneros Racks Up Endorsements, Incumbent Henry Cuellar Pretends She Doesn't Exist
- Worried Democratic Operatives Scramble to Fund a Network to Take Down Bernie Sanders
- Trump impeachment team undercuts DOJ position in McGahn case
- 'Oh my God, Sanders can win': Democrats grapple with Bernie surge in Iowa
- Emails support NPR host after Pompeo calls her a liar in setting up contentious interview
- John Bolton’s bombshell gives the GOP a glimpse of its nightmare scenario
- Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Inquiries He Sought, Bolton Book Says — Drafts of the book outline the potential testimony of the former national security adviser if he were called as a witness in the president’s impeachment trial.
- After Book Leak, Republicans Face A Choice on Who to Believe: President Trump or John Bolton?
trump, impeachment, book, sanders, bernie, john, democratic, up
2020-01-28- Wallace: Trump's approval of Pompeo's 'abusive' treatment of reporter shows 'total rot' in White House
- Impeachment trial live updates: McConnell tells GOP senators he does not have the votes to block witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial
- 75% Of Voters Say Allow Witnesses In Senate Impeachment Trial, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; 53% Say President Trump Not Telling Truth About Ukraine
- Parnas asks court for permission to turn over more evidence to Democrats
- Bernie Sanders Thinks Companies That Sell Your Browser History Are ‘Trampling Over the Rights of Consumers’
- Sanders opens up 15-point lead in New Hampshire: Poll
- Giuliani Claims Dems Won’t Let Him Testify Because They Fear His ‘Physical Presence’
- ‘Lock him up’ protestors chant outside Trump rally in Wildwood
- Trump’s Expansive Claims of Executive Privilege Pose “Very Serious Constitutional Crisis”
- UK man found dead in ICE custody in Florida
impeachment, say, sanders, trump's, witnesses, over, poll, trial
2020-01-29- Megathread: Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Says GOP Lacks Votes To Block Impeachment Witnesses
- GOP squirms as Bolton prepares to dish on Trump White House
- What Trump and Netanyahu just unveiled was a PR campaign, not a peace plan
- Parnas Asks Court for Permission to Give Additional Evidence to Dems After His Lawyer Says There Are More Trump Tapes
- NPR sends letter to State Dept. demanding answers for reporter's removal from trip
- Sen. Feinstein Counters Report That She May Acquit Trump: ‘It’s Clear the President’s Actions Were Wrong’
- Court Rules That Arizona Republicans Utilized Discriminatory Voting Laws
- Pentagon now says 50 service members suffered brain injuries from Iran attack — Initially the Pentagon said there were no injuries following the Jan. 8 attack.
- Trump and Netanyahu Dictate Terms of Palestinian Surrender to Israel and Call It Peace
- GOP concedes Trump may have withheld aid for probes but says it's not impeachable
trump, gop, may, court, peace, there, netanyahu, pentagon
2020-01-30- Discussion Thread: Senate Impeachment Trial - Day 10: Senator Questions - Day 2 | 01/30/2020 - Part II
- Trump Lawyers Deny He Asked for Biden Probe. (He Did It on TV.)
- Schiff pounces on Trump lawyer who seemingly admits investigations in Ukraine weren't 'foreign policy'
- Lev Parnas Tells Court He Can Give Democrats Evidence Himself
- Pelosi Suggests Trump’s Lawyers Should Be Disbarred for Their Statements at Trial
- Second tape shows Trump meeting with congressman and Giuliani associates Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman. This is the second private video with Trump released in the past week.
- ‘You Can’t Make This Stuff Up’: DOJ Says Trump Can Be Impeached for Defying Congressional Subpoenas
- Sanders introduces bill to ban fracking
- Supreme Court Lawyer 'can't Think of Something More Dangerous to Our Democracy' Than Dershowitz's Trump Defense Becoming Precedent
- 64 US troops have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries following Iran's missile attack
trump, -, second, lev, parnas, lawyer, court, can
2020-01-31- Elizabeth Warren Just Made John Roberts Ask a Question About His Own Legitimacy
- #ArrestRandPaul trends on Twitter after he walks out over impeachment question
- 2nd tape shows Trump meeting with congressman and Giuliani associates Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman
- Professor cited by Dershowitz: Dershowitz is wrong
- E. Jean Carroll who says Trump raped her seeks his DNA to test against sample from her dress | Carroll’s lawyers served notice to a Trump attorney Thursday for Trump to submit a sample March 2 in Washington for “analysis and comparison against unidentified male DNA present on the dress.”
- Call Trump to Testify. Why has everyone—the senators, the lawyers, the press—forgotten about the other guy in the room where it happened?
- Bernie Sanders supporters host student voter registrations across South Carolina
- ‘This Is the Smoking Gun’: Leaked Memo Details CBP Plan to Profile and Detain Iranian Americans
- New video appears to show Trump and indicted Giuliani associate at Florida club
- Rand Paul Flirts With Outing the Whistleblower at the Senate Impeachment Trial. This person is less safe than when they came forward. Senate Republicans are not helping.
trump, about, senate, giuliani, sample, against, impeachment, question

1: trump, impeachment, iran, sanders, bernie, about, war, senate, trump's, trial, trump’s, us, against, gop, ukraine, new, more, white, president, will

2: bernie sanders, impeachment trial, donald trump, war iran, white house, against iran, senate impeachment, lev parnas, ukraine aid, start war, joe biden, trump administration, president trump, senate trial, hillary clinton, war crimes, supreme court, gop senators, social security, middle east