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2018-01-01- Trump said he was going ‘back to work.’ Then he went golfing — for 7 straight days.
- Comey: I hope 2018 brings more ethical leadership
- The U.S. has one of the stingiest minimum wage policies of any wealthy nation
- White House takes down ‘We the People’ petitions site before responding to a single one
- Remember, much of what Trump does can be undone
- Smearing Mueller shows the depths of Republican fear
- After Equifax breach, anger but no action in Congress
- Florida may restore voting rights to 1.7 million ex-felons: So long, Republicans!
- Dem: Trump ‘most despicable human being’ to serve as president
- Carl Bernstein: Trump’s Attorneys Are Lying To Him So He Doesn’t Fire Mueller
trump, so, mueller, one, attorneys, breach,, florida, congress
2018-01-02- Mark Kelly: If Trump gets credit for zero airline deaths, he should get credit for tens of thousands of gun deaths
- Roy Moore's Jewish lawyer voted for Doug Jones, raised money for his campaign
- Interior gets caught charging Zinke’s $39,295 helicopter trip to wildfire preparedness fund
- The American Public Reportedly Spent $43 Million Last Year So Trump Could Play Golf
- John Dean: Nixon ‘Might Have Survived If There’d Been a Fox News’
- Here's a Novel Idea: Hold Both Caller and Police Officer Responsible for Deadly 'Swatting'
- Donald Trump takes credit for zero passenger flight deaths in 2017
- Intel Dem: Minority may publish report on ways panel Republicans hindered Russia probe
- Trump’s Pick to Run 2020 Census Has Defended Racial Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression Laws
- Fox News’ favorite sheriff locked out of Twitter for posting violent tweets
trump, credit, news’, gets, zero, fox, deaths, donald
2018-01-03- Trump dissolves voter fraud commission
- Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book
- Trump blasts ex-aide Bannon, says he has lost his mind
- Trump: I have a 'much bigger' button than Kim Jong Un
- Trump 'Psychologically Unfit,' Nuclear Tweet Is Grounds for Impeachment, Former Bush Ethics Lawyer Says
- Bannon: Zero chance that Trump didn't know about son's Russian meeting
- The Republicans’ Fake Investigations
- Comey: Where are the voices of leaders who know independent DOJ, FBI 'essential to our liberty?'
- Rosenstein meeting with Paul Ryan about Russia investigation
- Protesters accuse Twitter CEO of being 'complicit' after Trump nuclear button tweet
trump, meeting, button, tweet, nuclear, about, know, son's
2018-01-04- Trump trying to stop publication of explosive book about his presidency
- Several Retailers Say They Will Begin Selling Trump Book by Michael Wolff on Friday
- Scoop: Wolff taped interviews with Bannon, top officials
- Trump attorney sends Bannon cease and desist letter over 'disparaging' comments
- Bernie Sanders: Marijuana isn't heroin
- "You Can’t Make This S--- Up": My Year Inside Trump's Insane White House
- President Trump used to boast about having sex with his friends’ wives, devised calculated infidelity plots
- Vermont House votes to legalize marijuana
- New book: Hannity gave Trump interview questions beforehand
- The President Is Mentally Unwell — and Everyone Around Him Knows It
trump, president, book, about, marijuana, wolff, house, wives,
2018-01-05- DC bookstore sold out of ‘Fire and Fury’ 20 minutes after midnight release
- Trump Is So Bad at Deals That the Book He Tried to Kill Is Coming Out Early
- Republican Senators Recommend Charges Against Author of Trump Dossier
- Steyer bought Wolff book for every member of Congress
- Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation
- Roy Moore accuser's Gadsden home burns; arson investigation underway
- Michael Wolff says Donald Trump is least credible person 'who has ever walked on earth'
- Michael Wolff Did What Every Other White House Reporter Is Too Cowardly to Do
- Wolff Book: Trump Privately Rationalized KKK After Charlottesville
- The psychiatrist who briefed Congress on Trump’s mental state: this is “an emergency”
trump, wolff, investigation, book, out, michael, every, trump’s
2018-01-06- Donald Trump suggests he wants US law to limit free speech in wake of publication of explosive new book
- Trump: My winning presidency 'on first try' shows 'genius....and a very stable genius at that'
- A President Who Attempts to Ban Books That Expose Him Should Be Impeached
- Ex-Obama staffer starts GoFundMe for Moore accuser whose house burned down
- Michael Moore says he’s going to frack off coast near Mar-a-Lago
- Colbert: Trump 'accidentally started a national book club' for 'Fire and Fury'
- Donald Trump ‘Chronically Unfaithful’ To Melania Trump, “Fire and Fury’ Book Claims
- The Trump Recession is coming
- Trump says on Twitter he is a 'very stable genius'
- Gabbard looking to remove marijuana from federal controlled substances list
trump, book, moore, stable, donald, marijuana, coast, national
2018-01-07- Trump refuses to release documents to Maine secretary of state despite judge’s order
- Lieu: 'People who are geniuses don't go around saying they are'
- Donald Trump to undergo medical check amid swirl of allegations over his health
- Trump Compares His Mental Capacity to Reagan, Who Suffered From Alzheimer's
- CNN’s Tapper Cuts Off WH Aide: ‘I’ve Wasted Enough Of My Viewers’ Time’
- Donald Trump aides think he may have learning disabilities, dementia or can't read, author of expose says
- President Trump Is Wrong: The Postal Service Is an American Treasure
- Author of 'Fire and Fury' says things in Trump's White House are so bad, the 25th Amendment is mentioned daily
- 'I Think I've Wasted Enough of My Viewers' Time.' Jake Tapper Cuts Off Interview With White House Aide
- Trump is making Obama great again
trump, donald, house, white, author, think, enough, wasted
2018-01-08- Senate bill to reverse net neutrality repeal gains 30th co-sponsor, ensuring floor vote
- Tillerson and Mattis are reportedly trying to hold Trump back from striking North Korea
- Initial talks underway about Trump interview in Mueller Russia probe
- Get a grip, people. Oprah should not run for president.
- Stephen Miller had to be escorted off CNN's set after his interview with Jake Tapper went off the rails
- Donald Trump’s lawyers don’t want Robert Mueller to interview him
- Trump Doesn't Go to Work Until 11 A.M. Every Day
- Fox News Host Laura Ingraham Shares Anti-Immigrant Tweet by Neo-Nazi David Duke Ally
- White House Staff Could be in Trouble if They Help Trump With Fake News Awards, Says Former WH Lawyer
- Mueller indicates he will likely seek interview with Trump
trump, interview, mueller, off, news, senate, every, laura
2018-01-09- Sen. Dianne Feinstein unilaterally releases Fusion GPS testimony
- Pfizer, pocketing a big tax cut from Trump, will end investment in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's research
- Dem lawmaker to introduce 'Stable Genius Act' requiring presidential candidates to take mental exam
- Why Do We Say Trump Was ‘Accused’ of Groping? He Confessed.
- Federal judges rule NC congressional district maps unconstitutional
- Alabama player yells 'F--- Trump' ahead of college football title game
- Steve Bannon stepping down from Breitbart
- North Carolina Congressional Map Ruled Unconstitutionally Gerrymandered
- Trump booed as he arrives for college football national championship game in Atlanta
- Trump Administration Waives Punishment For Convicted Banks, Including Deutsche — Which Trump Owes Millions
trump, football, game, congressional, college, sen., breitbart, down
2018-01-10- After becoming president, Trump sold millions in real estate in secret deals
- Mueller adds veteran cyber prosecutor to special counsel team
- U.S. Senator Ben Cardin Releases Report Detailing Two Decades of Putin’s Attacks on Democracy, Calling for Policy Changes to Counter Kremlin Threat Ahead Of 2018, 2020 Elections
- White House caught censoring transcript to cover up Trump bungling his own basic policy
- White House transcript fails to include line from Trump on clean DACA bill
- US must act now to ward off more Russian election meddling, report says
- Republicans Have Four Convicted Criminals Running For Congress In 2018
- White House plans to destroy Trump election fraud commission's voter data
- FBI Task Force to Expose Russian Social Media Manipulation
- Trump's presidency hangs on whether he can be honest under oath
trump, house, white, russian, report, policy, transcript, election
2018-01-11- Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries in Oval Office meeting
- Vicente Fox: Trump’s ‘mouth is the foulest shithole in the world’
- ‘Nobody here talks about Hillary Clinton,’ Kellyanne Conway said just before Trump tweeted, again, about Hillary Clinton
- Trump breaks with American tradition, refuses to visit US troops in combat zones.
- 'This is the Netherlands, you have to answer questions': U.S. ambassador offers uncomfortable silence
- Democratic Ranking Members Send Letter to Speaker Ryan on House Republicans’ Refusal to Fully Investigate Russia’s Threat to Our Democracy and National Security
- Donald Trump cancels trip to Britain amid fears he won't be welcome, say reports
- Joe Arpaio Belongs In Prison, Not The U.S. Senate
- 200 soon-to-be laid off Carrier workers to livestream from Ind. bar about Trump
- A record-breaking 31 House Republicans won't seek re-election in 2018
trump, about, u.s., house, hillary, won't, democracy, amid
2018-01-12- Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment For Adult-Film Star’s Silence
- UN calls Donald Trump's s***hole immigrants comments 'racist'
- US ambassador to Panama resigns because he can 'no longer work for Trump'
- Steve Bannon suggests Trump's lawyer 'took care' of 'a hundred' women during the presidential campaign
- Sen. Dick Durbin confirms Trump made 'shithole' comment, said 'racist' things
- Anderson Cooper: ‘Let’s not kid ourselves,’ Trump’s comments are ‘racist’
- CNN's Don Lemon: 'The president of the United States is racist'
- Now can we call the president a white supremacist?
- Time to Say It: Trump Is a Racist
- “Crazy” Donald Trump calls up Fox News all the time, network executive says
trump, calls, lawyer, president, 'racist', comments, trump's, donald
2018-01-13- Paying a Pornstar Hush Money Would Have Ended Any Other Presidency
- Ex-Obama defense official on Hawaii false alarm: "Thank God the President was playing golf'
- Obama: Fox viewers ‘living on a different planet’ than NPR listeners
- Second porn star claims President Trump invited her to hotel room wearing only ‘his tighty-whities’
- The remarkable Republican underreaction on 'shithole'
- After Trump's "Shithole" Comment, Amazon CEO Donates $33 Million To DACA Students
- Trump may have just faked his doctor's note
- Porn Star: Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels Invited Me to Their Hotel Room
- Another porn star says she was invited to Trump's hotel room in 2006
- Trey Gowdy resigns as House Ethics Committee member
trump, porn, room, hotel, invited, trump's, president, have
2018-01-14- 'S---hole' projected onto Trump hotel
- Trump's Insane Wall Street Journal Interview Got Lost in Thursday's Shithole
- Trump’s “shithole” comments were the most openly racist by a president in decades, historians say
- Conservative writer: Trump called friends to brag about 's---hole countries' remark
- Disputed Audio from Donald Trump Interview With WSJ
- President Donald Trump ‘invited adult film stars for bisexual threesome’
- Trump Stays Silent on Hawaii Missile Alert, Retweets Conspiracy Theorist and Attacks Michael Wolff Instead
- Trump Benefited From 'Extraordinary' Influx Of 'Dark Money' In Final Days Of 2016 Campaign: Study
- Trump Re-tweets Alt-Right Man Who Took 'Rape Melania' Sign to Rally
- Flake to denounce Trump media attacks as Stalinist in Senate speech
trump, donald, interview, president, attacks, 's---hole', wolff, money'
2018-01-15- Durbin calls on White House to release tapes of Trump's remarks about African countries
- Jeff Flake isn’t just comparing Trump to Stalin. He’s comparing Republicans to Stalin’s enablers.
- If Martin Luther King Jr were alive today, politicians would denounce him
- Trump Is a Racist. Period.
- Devin Nunes is under mounting pressure to release the transcript of a House Intel interview with Fusion GPS
- After telling Americans to go do community service for MLK, Trump spends day at his resort
- Sarah Sanders blasted for using official White House account to attack Amazon
- ‘I am not a racist’ sounds a lot like the new ‘I’m not a crook’
- Arpaio Learns on TV that Accepting Trump’s Pardon was Legal Confession
- Pastor denounces President Trump's 's--thole' comments with Vice President Pence in pews
trump, house, white, release, trump's, president, comparing, durbin
2018-01-16- Report: Porn star said she had yearlong affair with Trump in 2006
- The Senate’s push to overrule the FCC on net neutrality now has 50 votes, Democrats say
- Sens. Cotton and Perdue are outed for lying on Trump’s behalf
- Megathread - Report: Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation
- Trump's Presidency Sinks Below Rock Bottom
- Study: 42 percent of Republicans believe accurate — but negative — stories qualify as ‘fake news’
- Bannon refused to answer House committee's questions about time in White House
- 22 Attorneys General Sue to Block Net Neutrality Repeal
- Pennsylvania Could Be On The Verge Of Dealing Partisan Gerrymandering A Big Blow
- Trump hotels swarmed with 's***hole' reviews on Yelp
report:, bannon, —, house, trump, neutrality, net, about
2018-01-17- Mueller probe would continue during a government shutdown
- Jared Kushner Still Doesn’t Have Security Clearance After a Year At the White House
- It Sure Looks Like Trump Broke the Law When He Kicked Out CNN’s Jim Acosta
- Trump and Stormy Daniels Had Sex Four Months After Melania Gave Birth
- The 'girthers' aren't buying Trump's official weight and height
- Newly Uncovered Russian Payments Are A Focus Of Election Investigation
- Steve Bannon Will Tell All to Robert Mueller, Source Says
- FBI agents visited Bannon's house
- 'Guardians of the Galaxy' director offers $100k for Trump to be weighed on 'accurate scale'
- Porn star: Trump said I reminded him of Ivanka after sex
trump, house, sex, investigation, robert, all, tell, will
2018-01-18- House Democrats introduce a bill to legalize marijuana and provide 'restorative justice' to communities impacted by the war on drugs
- Trump Lawyer Used Private Company, Pseudonyms to Pay Porn Star ‘Stormy Daniels’
- FBI investigating whether Russia funneled cash to NRA to aid Trump's campaign
- Landmark human rights report singles out Donald Trump for encouraging oppression around the world
- Hungarian Police Have A Warrant Out For Former Trump Advisor Sebastian Gorka
- The Russia scandal just got bigger. And Republicans are trying to prevent an accounting.
- The NRA Is Part of the Trump–Russia Scandal Now
- Chris Christie stopped at TSA for evading security checkpoint
- Connecticut gov: 'Fake News' awards are 'fascist propaganda'
- Trump “Fuming” After John Kelly Reportedly Calls Him “Uninformed”
trump, out, russia, nra, scandal, house, bigger., accounting.
2018-01-19- Fox host: You can’t blame Dems for shutdown when “you’re in charge of everything”
- This would be the first real government shutdown under one-party government, ever
- ‘I’ll give her a week’ to lose the baby weight, Trump said of Melania, months before alleged tryst with porn star
- Trump Had Ties to Russian Mob Figures: Testimony
- Rolling back regulations often comes before a financial meltdown, according to 300 years of history
- Possible money laundering alleged in sales of Trump properties: Rep. Schiff
- In bizarre reversal under Trump, consumer agency reveals moves to protect payday lenders
- Trump's first year: President spent 38 weekends at his own properties
- Why isn't the Stormy Daniels story a bigger deal?
- Trump Heading to Mar-a-Lago Gala as Government Shutdown Looms
trump, shutdown, first, before, alleged, under, government, moves
2018-01-20- #TrumpShutdown becomes top trending hashtag worldwide
- Deutsche Bank Willing To Report Jared Kushner's 'Suspicious Transactions' To Robert Mueller: Report
- Senator McConnell Objects to Military Pay Protection
- Schumer: Working with Trump 'like negotiating with jello'
- Trump plans gala at Mar-a-Lago tonight, again renting a ballroom from himself
- Trump says Democrats are ruining his one-year anniversary as president
- GOP senator amid looming shutdown: Country 'being run by idiots'
- Megathread: Government Shutdown Begins After Senate Fails to Pass Spending Bill Before Midnight Deadline
- #TrumpShutdown beats #SchumerShutdown in hashtag battle to assign blame
- Trump Whines: Shutdown Fight Could Make Me Miss ‘My Party’
trump, #trumpshutdown, hashtag, senator, shutdown, report, government, fails
2018-01-21- Dem slams Trump: I won't be lectured on military needs by a 'five-deferment draft dodger'
- Paul Ryan Collected $500,000 In Koch Contributions Days After House Passed Tax Law
- Paul Ryan just claimed Obama delayed troop pay during 2013 shutdown. That’s a lie.
- Democratic senator calls Trump 'Cadet Bone Spurs' during fiery speech on the shutdown's impact on the military
- Graham: Stephen Miller makes immigration deal impossible
- FBI: Devin Nunes Won’t Show Us Memo Alleging Surveillance Abuses
- Iraq War vet Tammy Duckworth nails Trump: I will not be lectured by a draft dodger.
- Pence lies to troops about Trump’s failure to protect their pay during shutdown
- Donald Trump Owns This Shutdown
- A Sundance filmmaker has made a movie about the Russian propaganda machine, and it is terrifying
during, draft, pay, trump, shutdown, ryan, paul, about
2018-01-22- Pennsylvania Supreme Court Strikes Down State’s Congressional Map, Saying It Illegally Benefits GOP
- Eyes roll as Ted Cruz denies role in 2013 government shutdown; 'Speechless' says one senator
- Staff stopping Trump from striking compromise with Dems to end shutdown
- Trump to impose 30 percent tariff on solar cell imports.
- Advocacy group: #SchumerShutdown becomes top hashtag used by Russian bots
- Stormy Daniels payment was a Trump campaign contribution and should be investigated, watchdog group says
- The world hates President Trump
- A white guy allegedly detonated 2 IEDs at a mall and the pro-Trump media shrugged
- GOP relies on Russian bots to falsely smear Democrats during shutdown fight
- Montana becomes first state to implement net neutrality after FCC repeal
trump, becomes, gop, russian, bots, shutdown, white, president
2018-01-23- Biden: McConnell stopped Obama from calling out Russians
- Sessions Is Interviewed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation
- Trump's voter fraud commission requested records for all Texans with Hispanic surnames
- Mueller seeks to question Trump about Flynn and Comey departures
- Scoop: FBI director threatened to resign amid Trump, Sessions pressure
- CNN Poll: Nearly 8 in 10 say Trump ought to testify for Mueller if asked
- Mississippi bill would require teachers to recite the Ten Commandments every morning
- Russia is attempting to influence Mueller investigation in an 'ongoing attack,' Democrats say
- Comey and Sessions Are Questioned for Hours in Russia Inquiry
- Schumer withdraws offer on Trump's wall
mueller, sessions, russia, investigation, trump's, trump, comey, say
2018-01-24- Trump Says He Would Talk to Special Counsel Mueller Under Oath
- Trump asked the acting FBI director whom he voted for during Oval Office meeting
- Trump Hasn’t Publicly Acknowledged Kentucky School Shooting, but Canada’s Prime Minister Has
- Flynn kept FBI interview concealed from White House, Trump
- Biden: McConnell Refused To Sign Bipartisan Statement On Russian Interference
- Outraged a Democrat beat a pedophile, Alabama GOP votes to end special elections
- Ex-RNC chair rips Evangelical leaders standing by Trump: ‘Don’t ever preach to me’ again
- Democratic poll: O’Rourke within single digits of Cruz
- Jeff Sessions Appears to Be Meddling in the Russia and Clinton Probes He Vowed to Avoid
- Mueller Seems to Be Flipping More and More Former Trump Allies
trump, special, more, mueller, fbi, evangelical, me’, preach
2018-01-25- Trump’s 24-Year-Old Deputy Drug Czar To Resign After Questions Over Work History
- GOP panics as signs point to imminent Mueller blockbuster
- Awkward: Nikki Haley says leaders who spread conspiracy theories aren’t fit to lead
- Trump on Russia probe: ‘You fight back, oh, it’s obstruction’
- Dutch intelligence agency spied on Russian hacking group: media
- Trump lawyer backtracks on President's promise to testify 'under oath' to Russia probe, claiming he 'spoke hurriedly'
- White and far-right extremists kill more cops, but FBI tracks black extremists more closely
- It’s looking more and more like there is a coordinated GOP effort to discredit the Trump-Russia investigation
- Trump’s inability to understand ‘obstruction of justice’ may be his downfall
- Grassley Says ‘Spooked’ Kushner Won’t Agree to Russia Interview
more, russia, trump’s, gop, trump, extremists, it’s, claiming
2018-01-26- Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened to Quit
- New Report Says Dutch Have Absolute Proof Russia Was Behind 2016 Election Hacking
- Trump Launched Campaign to Discredit Potential FBI Witnesses
- Donald Trump booed at Davos after attacking 'nasty, mean, fake' press
- Trump Will Try to Fire Mueller. Again.
- RNC finance chair accused of decades of sexual misconduct: report
- Obama aide: ‘We would have been impeached’ for spending $24M to upgrade Air Force One fridge
- Joe Walsh: If Trump did nothing wrong, why does he try to fire everyone investigating him?
- We basically ignore school shootings now, because we will do nothing to stop them
- Watch As Sean Hannity Gets A Brutal Reality Check On Live TV
trump, report, nothing, we, fire, try, will, have
2018-01-27- Trump legal team seeking precedent to avoid Mueller interview: report
- President Trump ordered aides to smear potential FBI witnesses who could confirm he tried to fire Mueller: report
- RNC finance chair Steve Wynn to resign after sexual harassment allegations
- “I’m the one that saved coal,” says Trump as miner deaths nearly double in first year of office
- Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself
- Republicans redefine morality as whatever Trump does
- Twitter: Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in last months of election
- The maker of Huggies and Kleenex is firing up to 5,500 workers — and it's using Trump tax cuts to pay for the layoffs
- Eminem keeps slamming Donald Trump, saying he doesn’t care if he loses half his fans
- Trump-Allied Televangelist Who Says Only Non-Believers Get PTSD Invited To Speak To Military
trump, fbi, attack, report, who, nearly, it's, —
2018-01-28- Kerry jokes he wants to see Trump’s ‘girth certificate’
- Donald Trump appears to misunderstand basic facts of climate change in Piers Morgan interview
- Deadline looms for Trump and Russia sanctions
- Graham: Report Trump asked counsel to fire Mueller 'should be looked at'
- Starr: Grounds for impeachment if Trump lied about trying to fire Mueller
- Lindsey Graham: If Trump tries to fire Robert Mueller 'it would be the end of his presidency'
- Education Dept. awards debt-collection contract to company with ties to DeVos
- Ginsburg will not attend Trump's first State of the Union
- Trump reportedly complains about why he can't just have 'my guys' at the 'Trump Justice Department' do his bidding
- White House perjury panic
trump, fire, mueller, graham:, about, devos, trump's, attend
2018-01-29- Very few US adults report receiving bonuses or raises from the Republican tax law
- Megathread: F.B.I. Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Steps Down
- Trump told McCabe to ask his wife how it felt to be a loser
- Fmr. Federal Prosecutor: If memo is released, I will call for criminal investigation of Nunes
- Trump Tower Russian Lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, Exposed in Swiss Corruption Case
- Sources: McCabe forced out at FBI, not voluntary
- New emails reveal Scott Pruitt was personally involved in erasing climate data from EPA website
- Trump Campaign Aide Carter Page May Have Been Russian Agent, Justice Department Believed, According to Nunes Memo
- The bigger scandal than Trump trying to fire Mueller? Republicans doing nothing about it
- EU says it will 'react swiftly and appropriately' after Donald Trump trade war threat
trump, mccabe, nunes, memo, will, russian, epa, page
2018-01-30- Megathread: Trump Administration Declines to Enact New Russia Sanctions
- Impeachment adverts funded by billionaire Tom Steyer will run during Trump's State of the Union address
- FBI has second dossier on possible Trump-Russia collusion
- Russia’s Sanctioned Spy Chief Reportedly Met CIA Director in the U.S.
- Trump Administration Signals It Is Not Imposing New Sanctions On Russia
- Paul Ryan calls for a 'cleanse' of the FBI and wants Trump to release the secret GOP memo
- California Senate defies FCC, approves net neutrality law
- 45% of Americans support impeachment
- Trump has allegedly considered asking Jeff Sessions to prosecute Robert Mueller
- Russian spy chief paid undisclosed visit to Washington despite being on U.S. blacklist
trump, u.s., administration, fbi, new, russia, sanctions, impeachment
2018-01-31- Trump tells nation he supports Puerto Rico on the same day he cuts off aid
- Trump asked Rosenstein if he was 'on my team'
- Donald Trump Just Asked Congress to End the Rule of Law
- DOJ gives special counsel internal docs on thwarted Sessions resignation
- Rep. Gowdy Leaving Politics, Not Seeking Re-Election
- FBI's Wray Opposes GOP Memo Release, Citing Inaccuracies
- Donald Trump booed in his first State of the Union after hitting out at 'chain migration'
- Trump's speech wasn't the scary part: All the servile Republican groveling was
- Donald Trump Spent His First State of the Union Taking Credit for Barack Obama's Accomplishments
- FBI Launches Preemptive Strike on Devin Nunes’ Memo, Ripping It for ‘Omissions of Fact’
trump, donald, asked, first, state, union, part:, scary

1: trump, house, donald, trump's, mueller, white, russia, about, president, fbi, russian, trump’s, have, interview, report, will, shutdown, out, who, investigation

2: donald trump, white house, president trump, porn star, net neutrality, stormy daniels, paul ryan, russia investigation, government shutdown, state union, michael wolff, first state, trump said, trump booed, robert mueller, steve bannon, special counsel, fire mueller, trump administration, russian bots