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2019-10-01- Trump calls impeachment probe 'a coup' designed to strip citizens of rights in furious Twitter thread
- Andrew Yang proposes that your digital data be considered personal property
- President Trump may have lied to Mueller, House Democrats say
- "It's a Criminal Enterprise": Calls to Impeach Barr Intensify After Reports AG Pressured Foreign Officials to Help Discredit Mueller Probe; "Barr decided a long time ago that he was going to be a fixer for Donald Trump. Donald Trump's personal lawyer."
- If Hunter Biden Is Fair Game, So Are Trump’s Kids
- Donald Trump's Approval Rating Is Six Points Lower Than Support for His Impeachment: Poll
- Giuliani hires attorney to represent him in Ukraine investigation
- Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week
- Barr Went to Rome to Hear a Secret Tape from Joseph Mifsud, the Professor Who Helped Ignite the Russia Probe
- The whistleblower's identity is supposed to be protected by law, but today the president said his White House is trying to uncover it.
donald, trump, trump's, house, officials, president, personal, barr
2019-10-02- IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor | Congress asked the IRS to report on why it audits the poor more than the affluent. Its response is that it doesn’t have enough money and people to audit the wealthy properly. So it’s not going to.
- Trump personally asked UK PM Boris Johnson for help discrediting Mueller report: The Times
- Megathread: Bernie Sanders Undergoes Emergency Heart Procedure, Suspends Campaign Events Until Further Notice
- Trump shouted 'you're making me look like a f******' idiot' at White House staff
- Senator King suggests at least 20 minutes are missing from Trump-Ukraine call transcript
- DOJ Orders White House Staff to ‘Preserve All Presidential Records’ Related to Trump’s Talks With Foreign Leaders
- #Trumpmeltdown trends as Americans mock trump's combative press conference with Finnish president
- Obama clip joking that GOP will want a moat, alligators resurfaces after Trump report
- Day After Trump Said 'Inequality Is Down,' Federal Data Shows US Income Inequality Highest Since Census Began Measuring
- Trump administration officials agree to testify about Ukraine call
trump, house, audit, report, asked, poor, call, white
2019-10-03- Elizabeth Warren’s campaign sent dinner to Bernie Sanders staffers after his heart procedure
- Trump raised Biden with Xi in June call housed in highly-secure server
- Megathread: President Trump Calls for Ukraine, China to Investigate Bidens
- Donald Trump is much worse than Richard Nixon. He may even have committed treason.
- Hillary Clinton: 'Impeachable offenses committed on national television still count'
- Giuliani consulted on Ukraine with imprisoned Paul Manafort via a lawyer
- Report implicates VP Pence in intensifying Trump scandal
- Reps Lieu And Rice Call For Bribery Investigation Into NRA Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre
- Schiff Makes Clear All Trump Efforts to Obstruct House Inquiry Will Be Added to Articles of Impeachment
- Trump Goes on Live Television to Do Exact Thing Whistleblower Said He Did
trump, committed, television, call, elizabeth, nra, into, investigation
2019-10-04- A protestor who called for Americans to 'eat babies' to fight climate change at AOC's town hall was revealed as a member of a pro-Trump fringe group
- Read: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats
- Nancy Pelosi Says House Doesn't Need 'Too Much Inquiry' To Impeach Trump, Claims President Had 'Confessed' To Violating Oath Of Office
- Megathread: White House Subpoenaed in House Impeachment Inquiry
- Email Leak Exposes Trump Tower Russian’s Dirty Lobbying Operations
- Ron Johnson says he was blocked by President Trump from telling Ukraine foreign aid was coming
- Trump reportedly promised China's president that he'd stay quiet on Hong Kong protests as long as trade talks progressed
- McConnell vows to block Trump impeachment in fundraising pitch
- James Comey Quotes George Washington in Swipe at Trump: 'Foreign Influence Is One of the Most Baneful Foes of Republican Government'
- Supreme court lawyer says impeachment is ‘constitutionally required’ after new text messages show Trump admin pressuring Ukraine
trump, house, impeachment, president, ukraine, messages, text, protestor
2019-10-05- Video of Mike Pence Saying ‘Foreign Governments Cannot Participate in the American Political Process’ Goes Viral After Trump-Ukraine Scandal
- Trump calls for Romney's impeachment
- Fox News' Tucker Carlson turns on Trump for asking Ukraine to investigate political rival Joe Biden: ‘There’s no way to spin this’
- Trump "fawning" to Putin and other authoritarians in "embarrassing" phone calls, White House aides say—Report
- 2nd Official Is Weighing Whether to Blow the Whistle on Trump’s Ukraine Dealings
- Rep. Tim Ryan: President Trump is trying to convince us public crimes are just him being transparent
- What Trump isn't telling you about his children — CNN's Sara Murray reports how President Trump's children are profiting off their father's presidency, while Trump and other Republicans are accusing Joe Biden and his son Hunter of being "corrupt" for doing the same.
- Pompeo might go down as the worst secretary of state in modern times
- Ocasio-Cortez Calls Out White House Aides Reportedly 'Horrified' by Trump Conduct: 'History Will Judge Them by What They Did. And the Answer Is Nothing'
- Pompeo fails to meet House subpoena deadline to produce Ukraine documents
trump, ukraine, house, pompeo, joe, other, calls, aides
2019-10-06- Megathread: Second Whistleblower Comes Forward in the Trump-Ukraine Controversy
- DeVos violated a court order to stop collecting on the debts of Corinthian College students. Now, they want her held in contempt.
- Trump told Republicans he doesn't want impeachment on his 'resume': report
- John Brennan: CIA Would Call U.S. ‘Very Corrupt’ If It Were Another Country
- Zero members of Trump administration appear on Sunday talk shows
- College students overwhelmingly rejected Joe Biden and widely embraced Bernie Sanders in a recent survey
- The Movement Bernie Started Is Bigger Than Any One Person. Have Faith in That Movement, Not Just the Man.
- Americans Think ICE Is the Worst Federal Agency, Poll Shows
- Beto Says He Has "No Fears" About Bernie's Fitness for Office: "There Isn't a More Energized, Energetic Candidate"; "Grateful that he's a candidate and grateful to be in this race with him," Beto O'Rourke told reporters Saturday
- GOP challenger Joe Walsh: Donald Trump is a traitor
trump, beto, college, bernie, joe, told, shows, want
2019-10-07- Megathread: Federal Judge Rules President Trump Must Turn Over Eight Years Of Personal And Corporate Tax Returns
- 'Maddening' Graphic Shows How for First Time in 2018, 400 Richest Americans Paid Less In Taxes Than Any Other Income Group
- Megathread: House Subpoenas Pentagon Chief and Acting Director of Office of Management and Budget for Documents in Impeachment Inquiry
- Just Hours After Trump Bends to Erdoğan, Reports Indicate Turkey's Bombing of Syrian Kurds Has Begun
- Donald Trump's own former national security officials sign open letter saying Ukraine whistleblower did nothing wrong and deserves protection
- Official Who Heard Call Says Trump Got 'Rolled' By Turkey and 'Has No Spine'
- 'Money Is Not Speech and Corporations Are Not People': Sanders Unveils Plan to Get Corporate Money Out of Politics
- Ivanka Tweet Thanking Turkey's Erdogan For Attending Istanbul Trump Towers Launch Re-Emerges Amid Syria Controversy
- 'The President eats his own': Military veterans in Congress unload on Trump for abandoning a US ally in the ISIS fight
- Turkey attacks Kurds, SDF in Iraq, Syria as U.S. withdraws
trump, megathread:, syria, turkey, corporate, turkey's, president, nothing
2019-10-08- Betsy DeVos Could Face Jail After Judge Rules She Violated 2018 Order on Student Loans
- Megathread: White House Says It Will Not Cooperate With House Impeachment Inquiry
- Megathread: Senate Intel Report Finds Kremlin Directed Russian Social Media Meddling In 2016
- Donald Trump Promised To Eliminate The Deficit In 8 Years. So Far, He Has Increased It By 68%
- Megathread: White House Blocks US Ambassador Gordon Sondland From Testifying Before Congress
- Fox News in Disarray as Hosts Struggle to Digest Trump’s Betrayal of the Syrian Kurds
- Bernie Sanders says he would legalize marijuana by executive order
- Trump On Turkey: 'I Have A Little Conflict Of Interest ... It's Called Trump Towers'
- DOJ: If Watergate Happened Today, We’d Block Evidence from Congress
- Trump campaign threatens to sue Target Center in Minneapolis because they have asked to be paid in advance of his Thursday rally event.
trump, megathread:, house, congress, have, order, white, interest
2019-10-09- Trump threatens to sue Minneapolis for demanding he pay for rally security in advance: Trump's campaign has stiffed at least 10 cities, going back to the 2016 campaign. Minneapolis won't stand for that
- Bush Secretary of State Colin Powell Tells Republicans to 'Get a Grip' on Fear of Standing Up to Trump — “We’ve got to remember that the Constitution started with, ‘We the People,’ not ‘Me the President,' " Powell said
- Trump says he won't pay $500K for MN rally. He still owes DC $9M.
- Trump defends diplomat's wife who killed teenage Briton in crash: 'We've all done it'
- Presidential Historian Warns 'We're Heading Toward A 'U.S. V. Trump' Supreme Court Case,' Calls Nixon's Actions 'Sedate' Compared To Trump's
- Pelosi Statement on Trump Administration Refusal to Comply with House Subpoenas
- Pence, Pompeo and Barr deserve to be impeached, too
- Fox News Poll: Record support for Trump impeachment
- Trump calls Turkey's military offensive in Syria 'a bad idea' after allowing invasion
- Turkey: Trump Knew ‘Precisely’ the Scope of Our Attack Plans in Syria
trump, trump's, powell, calls, won't, syria, minneapolis, pay
2019-10-10- Megathread: Two Giuliani Associates Tied to Ukraine Scandal Arrested on Campaign Finance Charges
- Majority now want Donald Trump impeached and removed from office: poll
- Megathread: Energy Secretary Rick Perry Subpoenaed in House Impeachment Investigation
- Source: Trump calling McConnell as often as 3 times a day
- McGrath raises nearly $11 million in third quarter for bid to unseat McConnell
- Lindsey Graham dishes on Trump in hoax calls with Russians
- The United Nations warned that it may not be able to pay its staff on time because the US owes it $1 billion
- Trump Is Complicit in Erdogan's Ethnic Cleansing
- Barr met privately with Murdoch amid impeachment scrutiny: report
- The Actual Laws Trump Has Broken, Just With the Ukraine and China Affairs, Could Land Him 10 Years in Prison
trump, megathread:, impeachment, ukraine, mcconnell, staff, $1, owes
2019-10-11- Turkey Bombs US Special Forces In Syria Attack, Apparently By Mistake
- Megathread: Congress Can Seek President Trump’s Tax Returns, Appeals Court Rules
- Americans Are Supporting Donald Trump's Impeachment Much Faster Than They Did With Richard Nixon During Watergate
- White House accidentally sends Ukraine talking points to Democrats again
- After Fox News released poll that made Trump mad, Barr reportedly met with Rupert Murdoch
- Senior adviser to Pompeo resigns
- Rudy Giuliani's relationship with arrested men is subject of criminal investigation: Sources
- Deutsche Bank may have destroyed copies of Trump's tax returns, cleansed servers, claims former executive: Report
- Ousted ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells Congress Trump pressured State Dept. to remove her
- Federal court rules President Donald Trump's national emergency proclamation for border is unlawful
trump's, trump, returns,, donald, congress, rules, court, president
2019-10-12- Trump campaign 'still hasn't paid security bills for rallies to at least six cities'
- Bernie Sanders Proposes Ending All Corporate Giving in U.S. Elections
- Military leader of Syrian Kurds tells US 'you are leaving us to be slaughtered'
- Megathread: President Trump says acting Homeland Security Secretary McAleenan is stepping down
- U.S. forces say Turkey was deliberately ‘bracketing’ American troops with artillery fire in Syria
- Republicans must lie to survive: They have no other choice | From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump, the path to Republican political success is rooted in profound deception
- Warren Buys Facebook Ads That Claim Zuckerberg Backs Trump
- Kamala Harris to Donald Trump Jr: 'You wouldn’t know a joke if one raised you'
- Warren attacks Facebook for 'quietly' changing its political ad policy after Zuckerberg's meeting with Trump
- Democratic lawmaker says Barr's reported meeting with Murdoch should be investigated
trump, meeting, donald, political, warren, facebook, 'you, u.s.
2019-10-13- Texas Sheriff Blasts Immigrant ‘Drunks’—Then Son Is Busted for Public Intoxication
- Bill Barr's meeting with Fox News chairman should be investigated
- Queen Made Donald Trump Take Down A Campaign Video Using "We Will Rock You"
- Trump’s envoy who denied quid pro quo now says he isn’t certain
- Sondland to tell Congress that contents of 'no quid pro quo' text came from Trump: report
- Retired Marine Gen. John Allen: 'There is blood on Trump's hands for abandoning our Kurdish allies'
- GOP congressman: 'We all know' Turkey wouldn't have attacked if U.S. troops remained at border
- Mattis: Trump's troop pullout will lead to 'disarray' in Syria and Isis resurgence
- Warren Wants to Close the Loophole Through Which Brett Kavanaugh and Maryanne Trump Barry Crawled
- Disaster is unfolding in Syria as videos emerge of US allies being slaughtered and hundreds of ISIS prisoners escape during airstrikes
will, syria, trump's, quid, pro, trump, isis, congressman:
2019-10-14- Mark Zuckerberg has been holding off-the-record dinners with influential conservatives including Tucker Carlson and Lindsey Graham
- #DeleteFacebook Trends After Report That Mark Zuckerberg Held Secretive Meetings With Conservative Influencers
- Trump makes 'insane' suggestion Kurds are deliberately freeing Isis prisoners, after hundreds escape during Turkey bombing US president suggests former allies he abandoned are trying to ‘get us involved’
- Trump has delivered what Russia wants in Syria — at zero cost — and 'Putin likely can't believe his luck'
- Video: Protesters Chant 'Impeach Trump' Outside White House As Others Gather Outside Trump Golf Club With 'Traitor' Signs
- Fact check: Trump says again that Americans need ID to buy groceries. They still don't
- “She Is Definitely the Hero”: Defiance Inside the State Department After Yovanovitch Stands Up to Trump
- Manufacturing is now officially in recession, despite Trump's vow to boost industry
- Poll: Majority of Dems in early voting states want Trump imprisoned
- Fury over fake video of president pistol-whipping late John McCain shown at his resort, as Fox News tensions escalate amid impeachment push
trump, mark, president, —, us, zuckerberg, outside, definitely
2019-10-15- France says Isis resurgence 'inevitable' after Trump decision to allow Turkish offensive
- 'Arrest and Detain Giuliani Right Now,' Say Critics, After Trump Lawyer Refuses Congressional Subpoena
- Update: We Found a “Staggering” 281 Lobbyists Who’ve Worked in the Trump Administration; That’s one lobbyist for every 14 political appointees, and four times more than Obama appointed in half the time.
- New Poll Suggests Sen. Susan Collins’ Support for Brett Kavanaugh Will End Her Career
- Giuliani says he won't comply with a congressional subpoena
- Texas GOP speaker says Trump ‘killing us’ in secret tape
- Pence refuses House request to provide documents related to Ukraine call
- Donald Trump's Approval Rating Drops Among North Carolina Voters As Republicans Walk Away Over Ukraine, Impeachment
- RNC Chairwoman Decries Nepotism In Politics — Even Though Mitt Romney Is Her Uncle | One Twitter user summed it up: “I don’t know if you quite understand what nepotism means, Niece of Mitt Romney.”
- Ivanka Photo Resurfaces Showing Trump in Istanbul to Open New Luxury Towers
trump, mitt, giuliani, one, new, subpoena, congressional, her
2019-10-16- Trump has 'meltdown' during Syria meeting and has 'no plan' to deal with Isis
- Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders to be endorsed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- Never-Before-Seen Trump Tax Documents Show Major Inconsistencies | The president’s businesses made themselves appear more profitable to lenders and less profitable to tax officials. One expert calls the differing numbers “versions of fraud.”
- “Is This Real?”: Trump Sends Third-Grade Reading-Level Letter to Erdoğan The president crosses the line from pretty crazy to clinically insane.
- Newly uncovered tax documents show Trump kept 'two sets of books' and may have committed financial fraud
- Grieving Parents ‘Ambushed’ by Trump, Who Had Teen’s Killer Waiting at White House; The president had hoped to surprise the parents of dead British teen Harry Dunn with a meeting with the woman who killed him—all in front of the media.
- Megathread: Fourth Defendant in Giuliani Associates' Case Arrested
- Pelosi said Trump had a 'meltdown' after the House overwhelmingly voted to condemn his Syria retreat
- A senior adviser to Mike Pompeo just resigned. Now he's set to testify in the impeachment probe
- Dear Centrist Democrats: There Are No Moderate Republicans to Work With
trump, tax, had, 'meltdown', who, president, profitable, show
2019-10-17- Elijah Cummings 'signed subpoenas from his hospital bed' for Trump impeachment before his death
- Top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'
- Trump's legal team is reportedly 'stunned' after Mick Mulvaney admitted to a quid pro quo
- Trump directed me to work with Giuliani to push Ukraine on investigations: Sondland
- Megathread: Trump has awarded next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders to his Miami-area golf resort
- Megathread: Rep. Elijah Cummings, a Maryland Democrat and House Oversight Chairman, dies at 68
- ‘Get over it’: Trump chief of staff confirms president froze Ukraine aid in part over political investigation
- 'He lied.' Ohio voters struggle after Trump promised jobs
- 'Speaker Pelosi' Trends As Americans Praise Her for Using Trump's 'Unhinged Meltdown' Image As Her Twitter Cover Photo
- Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President
trump, elijah, megathread:, trump's, attack, president, over, her
2019-10-18- Erdogan says Turkey will take necessary steps against Trump's 'disrespectful' letter
- Former White House ethics director on Trump giving his own hotel G7 contract: ‘We have reached the bottom’. 'There is no level of corruption greater than a President participating in the award of a contract to himself'
- Reps Lieu and Rice Call For Investigation Into Suspicious Futures Trading Around Geopolitical Events, Trump Statements
- Allegations of bed bugs at Trump's Doral Resort swarm Twitter
- Mysterious traders may have made $3.5 billion off stock bets timed to Trump's trade-war comments, Vanity Fair finds
- Former Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis roasts Donald Trump: 'I earned my spurs on the battlefield'
- Hillary Clinton suggests Putin has kompromat on Trump, Russians will back Tulsi Gabbard in third-party bid
- 'Absolutely No Respect for Human Life': Trump Compares Turkish Assault on Kurds to Two Kids Fighting in a Parking Lot; "The president is talking about genocidal slaughter and hundreds of thousands of war victims like it's a playground squabble."
- Trump Writes Unhinged ‘Legal’ Letter Demanding That CNN Pay Him Money
- Sondland: Trump Pressured Me Into Sending That 'No Quid Pro Quo' Text
trump, trump's, have, president, will, into, no, letter
2019-10-19- Hillary Clinton Cleared of Mishandling Classified Information After 3-Year Private Email Probe, Trump So Far Silent
- 'I am back': Sanders tops Warren with massive New York City rally
- Federal Judge Declares GOP ‘Poll Tax’ Unconstitutional, Says State Can’t Restrict Right to Vote Based on Ability to Pay
- In ruling on Trump finances, court finds broad authority for impeachment inquiry | The late Elijah Cummings, as chairman of the House Oversight Committee, had a valid reason for seeking the president's financial records, the judges said.
- Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'
- Facebook is allowing politicians to lie openly. It's time to regulate
- Rep. Tulsi Gabbard gets 2020 endorsement from David Duke
- Democrats introduce 'THUG Act' to block funding for G-7 at Trump resort
- Ex-Ethics Chief: If Trump Resort Hosting G-7 ‘Is Not Corrupt, Nothing Is’
- Hillary Clinton calls Donald Trump an ‘illegitimate president’
trump, clinton, g-7, resort, hillary, is’, ends,, openly.
2019-10-20- Billionaire Tells Wealthy To 'Lighten Up' About Elizabeth Warren: 'You're Not Victims'
- Mick Mulvaney Melts Down Under Brutal Grilling By Fox's Chris Wallace - Wallace repeatedly threw Mulvaney’s own remarks back in his face by playing clips from last week’s press briefing and at one point declared, “you said what you said.”
- It’s Time for an Americans’ March | Another Moment for Public Protest Has Arrived.
- Megathread: Trump drops plan to host G-7 at Doral
- Mick Mulvaney admits that Trump "still considers himself to be in the hospitality business" - Trump's acting chief of staff told "Fox News Sunday" that the president is still running his businesses in office
- Never-Before-Seen Trump Tax Documents Show Major Inconsistencies
- Mick Mulvaney Tried to Lie on Fox News About His Ukraine Comments. Then Chris Wallace Ran the Tape.
- A Special Counsel Must Investigate Rudy Giuliani and Bill Barr
- Poll: Number Of Americans Who Favor Stricter Gun Laws Continues To Grow
- Bernie Sanders Just Had the Biggest Campaign Event of the Primary
wallace, mulvaney, trump, mick, about, news, -, chris
2019-10-21- The President of the United States Just Called the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution ‘Phony’
- In Rare Joint Statement, U.S. and European Lawmakers Condemn Trump for ‘Abandonment’ of the Kurds
- As Trump Tweets He Is 'Bringing Soldiers Home,' Pentagon Chief Says US Forces Leaving Syria Are Shifting to Iraq; "We simply cannot believe anything the Trump administration says—and neither can our allies."
- Democrats introduce 'SWAMP' Act to ban meetings with foreign leaders at Trump properties
- Yes, you can impeach a president in an election year
- Trump was 'like a squirrel caught in traffic' during his 1st Pentagon meeting, top Mattis aide recounts
- About 50 Republicans are going to decide whether America becomes a dictatorship
- Andrew Yang rules out third-party or independent run if he’s not the Democratic nominee
- Mueller didn't make Donald Trump Jr. or Don McGahn testify, and a judge is curious to know why
- "I'm Willing to Fight for Someone I Don't Know": Sanders Speech Becomes Viral Rallying Cry
trump, president, or, pentagon, can, becomes, america, third-party
2019-10-22- Megathread: William Taylor, envoy to Ukraine, testifies Trump tied Ukraine aid to politically motivated investigations
- Nancy Pelosi Releases ‘Fact Sheet’ Detailing How Trump ‘Betrayed Oath Of Office’ | The House speaker listed some of the evidence she says shows how the White House launched a pressure campaign on Ukraine and then tried to cover it up.
- Democrats now have a real chance at winning the Senate in 2020
- Trump compares impeachment inquiry to 'lynching' in Twitter rant
- Susan Rice: Lindsey Graham is 'a piece of s--t'
- One Day After Trump Called Emoluments Clause ‘Phony,’ Court Sets Hearing in Emoluments Case Against Him
- Stop fearmongering about 'Medicare for All.' Most families would pay less for better care. The case for Medicare for All is simple. It would cover everyone, period. Done right, it would lower costs. And it would ease paperwork and confusion.
- In 1999, Donald Trump supported a wealth tax more severe than anything Elizabeth Warren is proposing
- “Do It In Primetime”: Democrats Are Working To Put The Impeachment Investigation On TV Soon
- We’re Trademarking "Fake News" to Stop Trump From Using It
trump, would, house, stop, how, ukraine, impeachment, case
2019-10-23- Megathread: House Republicans disrupt closed impeachment hearing in protest
- NYC Bar Association: If AG Barr Doesn’t Recuse Himself From Ukraine Matter, He Should Resign or Be Removed
- 13 Republicans involved in impeachment protest already have access to hearings
- SC Senate Republicans strip exceptions for rape, incest out of heartbeat abortion ban
- Support for impeaching Trump soars among independents: Reuters/Ipsos poll
- 'Who gives a s--t about Afghanistan?': Trump stunned officials with his comments during a military briefing, former aide says
- Support for Trump impeachment rises as 59% say he pursued personal interests in Ukraine, poll finds
- Mattis said he'd 'rather swallow acid' than watch Trump's military parade: book
- Senate GOP blocks three election security bills for second day
- ‘The White House is not to be trusted right now’
republicans, impeachment, trump, poll, house, senate, protest, military
2019-10-24- Fox News judge says House impeachment inquiry "consistent with the rules" that "Republican majority" signed into law
- 'Apprentice' Contestant Says She Has Documents Corroborating Donald Trump Sexual Assault – Summer Zervos tells the court about calendar entries, old emails, correspondence with Fox News, and a polygraph test.
- US air quality dropped during Trump presidency after years of improvement, leading to thousands of premature deaths
- National Enquirer Buried 60 Damaging Stories About Donald Trump Before Election, Ronan Farrow claims
- White House Threatens to Veto Bill Requiring Campaigns to Report ‘Illicit Offers’ From Foreign Governments
- 12 Republicans who stormed closed-door impeachment proceedings already had permission to attend
- Hallie Jackson presses Matt Gaetz: 'Why do you think the rules do not apply to you?'
- Judge Napolitano Schools ‘Fox & Friends’ on Impeachment: Schiff Just ‘Following the Rules’ Written by GOP
- Lindsey Graham Introducing Resolution to Permanently Attach Lips to Trump’s Ass
- City of Albuquerque sends Trump campaign $211,000 bill for rally, asks him to 'pay our taxpayers back'
trump, fox, donald, do, about, bill, judge, house
2019-10-25- Rudy Giuliani butt-dials NBC reporter, heard discussing need for cash and trashing Bidens
- DeVos held in contempt for violating judge's order on student loans
- John Bolton, fired White House hawk, is negotiating impeachment testimony in new hammer blow to Trump
- Megathread: Judge orders Justice Department to give House Judiciary Committee grand jury testimony from Special Counsel Mueller's investigation
- Trump’s private calendar shows him at place of alleged sexual assault of former Apprentice contestant
- House Democrats say the Justice Department is orchestrating 'political revenge' for Trump amid reports it is opening a criminal investigation into the Mueller probe
- Make no mistake: Medicare for All would cut taxes for most Americans — Not only would universal healthcare reduce taxes for most people, it would also lead to the biggest take-home pay raise in a generation for most workers
- Federal Judge Rules Impeachment Inquiry Is Legal
- #ImpeachBarr trends after Justice Department reportedly opens criminal inquiry into Mueller's Russia probe
- Gabbard Abruptly Drops House Reelection Bid, Arousing Suspicion
house, most, department, would, justice, criminal, into, impeachment
2019-10-26- Bernie Sanders compares the ultra-wealthy to drug addicts: "I need more, more, more"
- Surprise: Democrats are actually mounting an effective impeachment inquiry
- Trump Held a Rally at an Historically Black College, and the Students Were Asked to Stay Inside Their Dorms
- Trump administration fined $100,000 for ignoring court order to forgive debts of defrauded students
- If you think AOC is being praised too much for challenging Mark Zuckerberg, you're right: The bar has been set low by congress, and members of 'The Squad' are now being lauded just for doing their jobs
- AOC to Mark Zuckerberg: “You Would Say White Supremacist-Tied Publications Meet a Rigorous Standard for Fact-Checking?”
- Someday, They'll Be Amazed We Didn't Impeach Trump Over the Climate Crisis
- Four-star US army general compares Trump to Mussolini after ‘watershed moment’ for America - 'No room for humorous media coverage. This is deadly serious. This is Mussolini'
- Unpaid bills pile up in the wake of Trump rallies
- The 'AOC effect' is real – and it's helping wean the Democrats off mega-donors
trump, more,, students, this, democrats, being, mark, aoc
2019-10-27- Bernie Wants You to Own More of the Means of Production – Bernie Sanders just released a landmark plan to shift ownership and control of the US economy away from the very affluent and towards workers and the public.
- Pelosi says Trump Notified Russians of Baghdadi’s apparent death before telling Congressional Leaders
- WSJ: Sondland told the House that Trump's Ukraine pressure was a quid pro quo
- The Revolution Isn’t Being Televised - Media uninterested in protest movements around the world
- Trump administration has acquired only 16% of land needed for border wall in Texas. President's notorious campaign pledge is thrown into further doubt as private landowners prove less than obliging.
- Obama White House photographer suggests Trump Situation Room photo of unfolding al-Baghdadi raid was staged
- Facebook removes false ad from PAC claiming Graham backs Green New Deal.
- Justice Department Must Turn Over Grand Jury Material to House Democrats: Judge
- James Comey: If Reports Are Correct, Trump Engaged In A ‘Shocking Abuse Of Power’
- Voter Suppression Reportedly on Rise in States Where Increasing Numbers of Democratic-Leaning Students Head to the Polls
trump, house, bernie, photo, graham, claiming, pac, ad
2019-10-28- Chanting 'lock him up' to Trump at a World Series game is the most American thing ever — and I'm proud we did it
- Megathread: Donald Trump met with boos and 'lock him up' chant at World Series Game Five
- Winning: Trump Boos Reached "Almost 100 Decibels" at Nationals World Series Game
- Americans of all ages see Trump as bigger threat to world peace than Putin or Kim
- Megathread: House to vote on resolution establishing next steps in impeachment inquiry
- DOJ Says It’ll Be ‘Irreparably Harmed’ if Congress Gets Its Hands on Mueller’s Secret Grand Jury Materials
- Republican Senators Upset That Impeachment Is Making Them Consider Their Conscience
- President Donald Trump greeted with boos at Game 5 of World Series
- America Came Together to Boo Donald Trump at the World Series
- No, I Do Not 'Respect the Office of the Presidency' | Of course a renegade president* should be heckled at a baseball game. It's the least we can do.
trump, world, series, game, donald, boos, we, up'
2019-10-29- Chicago Mayor Poses With Barack Obama On Same Day She Refused To Meet Donald Trump: 'Your Leadership Inspired Millions'
- Megathread: House Released Resolution to Formalize Impeachment Inquiry
- Nunes Aide Is Leaking the Ukraine Whistleblower’s Name, Sources Say
- House Democrats release impeachment resolution
- GOP Congressman Admits He Could Have Gone to Impeachment Hearings But Didn’t, Hasn’t Read Testimony
- Intelligence panel Democrat: It appears Sondland committed perjury
- Team Trump Admits Holding Back Billions For Puerto Rico Disaster Recovery
- Harvard Professor Announces He's No Longer a Republican Because It's Become the 'Party of Trump'
- Fox News analyst correct: Impeachment inquiry is following rules by questioning witnesses in private
- A new witness is about to damage Trump. Fox News is already smearing him.
impeachment, inquiry, resolution, fox, house, news, admits, chicago
2019-10-30- Megathread: CEO Jack Dorsey says Twitter has decided to ban all political ads by candidates and outside groups
- Pelosi wants Americans to see the trial of Donald Trump
- Republicans storm out of Veterans' Affairs Committee, refuse to vote on health care bill for women veterans
- Alec Baldwin: To defeat Donald Trump, start with next week's Virginia elections
- Vindman says White House deleted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call
- Wallace: Lt. Col. Vindman passed a background check that Jared and Ivanka didn't
- White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call
- Steve Bannon Targeted 'Incels' Because They Are 'Easy to Manipulate,' Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower Says
- Bill Taylor is willing to testify publicly in impeachment probe
- How can GOP senators serve as impeachment jurors when they're implicated in Trump's misdeeds? Ron Johnson and Marsha Blackburn are tied to Russian money and Trump's conspiracy theories. They're not alone
trump's, donald, bill, they're, white, house, vindman, impeachment
2019-10-31- Megathread: House passes resolution formalizing impeachment inquiry against Trump
- White House lawyer moved transcript of Trump call to classified server after Ukraine adviser raised alarms
- Trump Is Committing 'Felony Bribery' by Giving Fundraising Cash to GOP Senators Ahead of Impeachment Trial: Ex-Bush Ethics Lawyer
- Every House Republican just ignored their oaths of office
- Republicans Are Talking 'Civil War' Because They Don't Have Any Defense for the President*
- Nancy Pelosi Warns Donald Trump Impeachment Will Be 'Ironclad,' Says House Already Has Enough Evidence
- Tim Morrison just confirmed the quid pro quo. That’s the big story here.
- Report: Rudy Giuliani went to San Francisco Apple Store to get iPhone unlocked after being named Trump cybersecurity adviser | Former NYC mayor had entered passcode incorrectly 10 times
- Trump, Lifelong New Yorker, Declares Himself a Resident of Florida
- Trump Has Received a Formal Invitation to Be Impeached
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1: trump, house, impeachment, donald, president, trump's, megathread:, ukraine, white, us, have, inquiry, just, republicans, about, syria, sanders, campaign, bernie, call

2: white house, donald trump, impeachment inquiry, bernie sanders, fox news, donald trump's, quid pro, president trump, trump administration, world series, trump impeachment, megathread: house, mick mulvaney, may have, trump calls, house democrats, lindsey graham, justice department, house impeachment, megathread: white