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2016-12-01- Donald Trump staffer found guilty on 10 counts of election fraud
- Hillary Clinton wasn’t charged with mishandling classified information. Trump might appoint someone convicted of it.
- U.S. senators ask Obama to declassify documents on Russian involvement in election
- 'We do feel forgotten': About 1,300 Carrier company employees will still lose their jobs, despite Trump's deal
- Bernie Sanders: Carrier just showed corporations how to beat Donald Trump
- Trump promised he’d make Carrier ‘pay a damn tax.’ Instead he’s doing the exact opposite.
- Sanders: Carrier took Trump hostage and won
- Hillary Clinton Now Leads Donald Trump by Over 2.5 Million Votes
- Lindsey Graham To Donald Trump: Prove Voter Fraud Or Be Quiet
- Poll: Only 1 in 4 want ObamaCare repealed
trump, donald, carrier, sanders:, election, fraud, hillary, clinton
2016-12-02- Sarah Palin: Trump's Carrier deal is 'crony capitalism'
- Trump voter lost her home to new Treasury secretary
- Bernie Sanders mocks House Science Committee for promoting article denying climate change
- Donald Trump will be president thanks to 80,000 people in three states
- China to Trump: Wise men don’t sneer at climate change
- Hey, media, stop building the Trump myth — the Carrier deal is corporate welfare!
- Jon Stewart: The American media has become an “information-laundering scheme”
- 2,000 Veterans Just Arrived At Standing Rock To Form “Human Shield” Around Protesters
- Carrier’s Workers Union Was Shut Out Of Negotiations Between Company And Donald Trump
- Trump will helm a government of, by and for corporate America
trump, climate, change, carrier, deal, corporate, donald, will
2016-12-03- Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry
- Nearly 100,000 New Yorkers sign petition to get rid of Melania Trump
- Why Trump gets more hype out of 1,000 jobs than Obama does out of 16 million
- Ex-staffer on Trump Taiwan flap: Clinton warned us this would happen
- Donald Trump keeps confirming fears about his diplomatic skills
- Donald Trump says Extra Judicial Killings are "the right way"
- Donald Trump says there is no need for full wall between Mexico and US due to ‘mountains’ and ‘vicious rivers’
- Trump's Presidency Will Be a Disaster for Public Education
- Donald Trump settles into swamp life with team of billionaires, millionaires and establishment politicians
- Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin Already Mad at Donald Trump: ‘Big Sell-Out Is Coming’
trump, donald, trump's, taiwan, us, out, already, wall
2016-12-04- Standing Rock: US denies key permit for Dakota Access pipeline, a win for tribe
- Alec Baldwin Offers to Stop ‘SNL’ Impersonation if Donald Trump Releases Tax Returns
- Trump says ‘SNL’ is ‘unwatchable.’ Then why can’t he stop watching?
- Baldwin offers to stop 'SNL' impersonation if Trump releases taxes
- SNL made fun of Trump's compulsive tweeting. 45 minutes later, Trump tweeted about it.
- Fake news, a fake president and a fake country: Welcome to America, land of no context
- Pelosi: Trump ‘Put His Daughter On The Phone’ During First Call
- Under Trump, red states are finally going to be able to turn themselves into poor, unhealthy paradises
- Audio shows Standing Rock Sioux tribe objected to pipeline two years ago
- 'Republicans oppose this, remember?': Sarah Palin slams Trump for 'crony capitalism' Carrier deal
trump, stop, fake, tribe, releases, impersonation, ‘snl’, offers
2016-12-05- Chinese media mocks Trump for 'running the country with Twitter'
- Donald Trump appoints Ben Carson to his cabinet despite comparing him to a child molester
- North Carolina governor concedes election to Democratic opponent
- Is Truth Becoming Irrelevant to Conservatives?
- Mayor de Blasio sending White House $35M bill to cover cost of keeping Trump Tower secure
- Judge's orders immediate start of Michigan recount
- Texas Republican elector says he won't cast ballot for Trump
- A harsh truth about fake news: Some people are super gullible
- In fact-free America, maybe millions of Trump supporters voted twice
- Republicans Are Your Friend Who Borrows Money To Pay Bills And Then Posts Vacation Pics
trump, truth, chinese, ballot, people, some, news:, fake
2016-12-06- ‘He got up there and lied his a– off': Carrier union leader on Trump’s big deal
- A Second GOP Texas Elector Says He Will Not Vote For Donald Trump
- Hillary Clinton gets 2.7 million lead in the popular vote
- Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump
- Donald Trump’s newest secretary of state option has close ties to Vladimir Putin
- First Republican 'faithless elector' announces intent to vote against Trump
- More terrifying than Trump? The booming conspiracy culture of climate science denial
- Trump's Tax Plan Would Hit Single Parents the Hardest
- The Trump family’s conflicts get ever more outrageous — and Republicans pretend not to notice.
- China’s State Media Tells Donald Trump to ‘Stop Acting Like a Diplomatic Rookie’
trump, donald, vote, more, will, state, trump’s, ‘he
2016-12-07- Donald Trump Picks Scott Pruitt, Ally of Fossil Fuel Industry, to Lead E.P.A.
- Obama says that in America you “can criticize a president — without retribution”
- Keith Ellison isn’t an anti-Semite. He’s the victim of a vicious smear.
- Trump Boeing Tweet Came After CEO Criticized Policy
- Study: Clinton-Trump coverage was a feast of false equivalency
- Want to discredit Donald Trump? Show his base he's part of the elite
- FBI's credibility 'deeply damaged' by leaks during election, congressman says
- Ex-CIA official on Trump, Flynn: 'I'm watching a clown show'
- Joe Biden on running for president in 2020: “Trump’s going to be 74; I’ll be 77, in better shape”
- GOP elector: Electoral college must reject Trump
trump, president, donald, college, damaged', official, ex-cia, congressman
2016-12-08- I’m the union leader Donald Trump attacked. I’m tired of being lied to about our jobs.
- Donald Trump supporters 'threaten children of Carrier union boss' after he exposed false claim by President-elect
- Carrier union leader: Trump's attack means I'm doing my job
- Nearly a third of Republicans don’t know that Trump lost the popular vote
- Poll: Majority of Americans unhappy with Trump's handling of the transition
- Donald Trump will cause US power to collapse, says man who correctly predicted fall of USSR
- Former Labor secretary to Trump: Stop being 'petty, thin-skinned and vindictive'
- Barack Obama Says He ‘Absolutely’ Faced Racism In Office
- Trump's Presidency Is Shaping Up to Be an American Tragedy
- Donald Trump Deserves to Be Ridiculed—It’s the One Thing That Terrifies Him
trump, donald, union, trump's, i’m, being, carrier, ussr
2016-12-09- Obama orders 'full review' of election-related hacking
- Donald Trump supporters express regret over their vote: 'He seems lost'
- Former Clinton staffer launches new anti-Trump site:
- Donald Trump’s Harassment of a Teenage Girl on Twitter Led to Death and Rape Threats
- Conway on Trump 'Apprentice' role: He'll do it in his spare time
- Sanders on Trump pick: This is how a rigged economy works
- Donald Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon wanted to limit vote to property owners
- Unions See Through Donald Trump’s Sham After He Attacks Chuck Jones
- Carrier says it will spend millions automating Indiana plant, plans to lay off workers Trump 'saved'
- Trump offers Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn directorship of National Economic Council
trump, donald, trump’s, owners, jones, chuck, attacks, sham
2016-12-10- Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
- Schumer calls for full investigation by Congress of Russian interference in U.S. elections
- Dem congressman: Electoral College has 'right' to weigh Russian hacking
- Stop calling the party of Donald Trump “conservative”: It’s a party of dangerous, destructive reactionaries
- Report: Russia hacked RNC, but did not leak info
- The CIA concluded Russia worked to elect Trump. Republicans now face an impossible choice.
- Reid: Comey should be investigated in wake of Russia report
- Donald Trump is actually a fascist
- Bombshell Secret CIA Report Says Russia Aimed To Steal White House For Trump
- Trump picks Exxon CEO Tillerson for secretary of State: report
trump, russia, cia, report, secret, party, white, house
2016-12-11- Dan Rather: ‘Founding Fathers warned about a demagogue president backed by a foreign adversary’
- Democratic, GOP senators: Russian hacking 'cannot become a partisan issue'
- Where's the outrage over Russia's hack of the US election?
- Trump says ‘nobody really knows’ if climate change is real
- Trump once (wrongly) criticized Obama for not attending intel briefings
- Michael Moore reveals plans for major protest at Donald Trump inauguration
- McMullin: 'Trump is not a loyal American'
- Trump: I don't need daily briefings
- Electoral College member files lawsuit to block Donald Trump presidency
- Nate Silver: Clinton 'almost certainly' would've won if election were before Comey's letter
trump, donald, briefings, dan, need, don't, i, trump:
2016-12-12- Electors demand intelligence briefing before Electoral College vote
- Donald Trump has lost popular vote by greater margin than any US President in history
- Trump postpones announcement on how he will avoid conflicts of interests
- Questions arise about Trump win after officials say most Detroit voting machines were broken
- W.Va. official who lost job over racist Michelle Obama remark quietly reinstated
- McCain wants select committee to investigate Russian interference
- Noam Chomsky: Seeing Donald Trump win reminded me of listening to Hitler's rallies as a boy
- Trump Cancels Press Conference To Address Conflict-Of-Interest Issues
- C.I.A. Judgment on Russia Built on Swell of Evidence
- Morell calls Russia's meddling in U.S. elections 'political equivalent of 9/11'
trump, win, vote, donald, lost, electors, chomsky:, rallies
2016-12-13- Obama hits Trump on intel briefings: ‘It doesn’t matter how smart you are’
- Where Is The Outrage? Trumpers Silent As He Fills His Administration With ‘Globalists’
- 40 Electoral College members demand briefing on Russian interference
- How Donald Trump's Business Ties Are Already Jeopardizing U.S. Interests
- More electors join call for Russia interference briefing before vote
- Obama: if you were fine with big government until it served black people, rethink your biases
- Energy Dept. rejects Trump’s request to name climate change workers, who remain worried
- George W Bush's environment chief slams Donald Trump for appointing climate change denier to run EPA
- Expert: We caught Russian hackers in the act
- Donald Trump has given Electoral College strong grounds to reject him, say ethicists
donald, trump, briefing, you, russian, college, electoral, change
2016-12-14- U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack
- Ex-CIA chief: Trump responsible if U.S. attacked while he skips intel briefings
- Harvard professor says GOP electors are close to blocking Trump win
- Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton 'the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency'. Now we know he was describing himself
- Worse Than Watergate? Concerns Grow That Anti-Clinton FBI Faction Conspired to Hand Trump Election
- California governor: 'If Trump turns off the satellites, California will launch its own damn satellite'
- Gen. Michael Flynn, who called for Hillary to be jailed, improperly shared classified information
- Trump’s national security adviser shared secrets without permission, files show
- Obama Administration Bars States From Withholding Federal Money From Planned Parenthood
- Report: Romney Refused To Apologize To Trump During Secretary Of State Bid
trump, u.s., shared, hillary, called, election, california, refused
2016-12-15- Trump’s 17 cabinet-level picks have more money than a third of American households combined
- We need an independent, public investigation of the Trump-Russia scandal. Now.
- US cancels major aid package to the Philippines over human rights concerns
- GOP super PAC linked to Paul Ryan used illegally hacked material against Democratic House candidates: report
- Trump lashes out at Vanity Fair after review says Trump Grill 'could be the worst restaurant in America'
- Keith Ellison: "I don't recommend folks smoke marijuana, but ... It is crazy to throw people in jail for it."
- Hillary Clinton's lead over Donald Trump in the popular vote rises to 2.8 million
- NBC: Putin 'personally involved' in undermining U.S. election.
- If Donald Trump Is So Upset About Iraq WMD Lies, Why Would He Want to Hire John Bolton?
- Donald Trump Denies Thing That 66 Million People Watched With Their Own Eyes As It Happened
trump, donald, over, million, people, folks, hillary, "i
2016-12-16- FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election
- For the Record: Trump falsely claims no one mentioned Russia before his win
- Donald Trump faces impeachment if new conflicts of interest bill passed
- Obama to hold press conference at White House on Friday
- Bernie Sanders Asks Trump Voters: Why Did You Support a Man You Admit Was Lying To You?
- Obama On Russian Hacking: 'We Need To Take Action. And We Will'
- Trump has been lying about the Russian hack. He just accidentally admitted it himself.
- Vanity Fair breaks subscription record after Trump attack on Twitter
- Calls to delay electoral college vote on Trump presidency as 70 members demand Russia hack details
- US Agency That Certifies Voting Machines Was Hacked, Firm Says
trump, russia, lying, obama, you, win, russian, we
2016-12-17- Michelle Obama: Americans will miss 'having a grown-up in the White House'
- Donald Trump Sent the U.S. Government a $32 Million Bill For His D.C. Hotel
- Source: Donald Trump’s alleged threats against Hamilton Electors aren’t legal
- Court: Removing 'faithless' electors may be unconstitutional
- Machine Count Not Matching Hand Count - Racine Co WI
- Michael Moore: NC offers 'a coming attraction' of how GOP will govern
- Elector who promised to vote against Trump receives death threats
- Former CIA chief calls Trump ‘Moscow’s useful idiot’
- House GOP quietly closes investigation into Flint water crisis
- Typo-making Trump calls China’s drone seizure ‘unpresidented’
trump, calls, count, electors, threats, donald, against, gop
2016-12-18- Leak reveals Rex Tillerson is director of Bahamas-based US-Russian oil company
- A new poll shows an astonishing 52% of Republicans incorrectly think Trump won the popular vote
- In last-shot bid, thousands urge electoral college to block Trump at Monday vote
- NYPD official: Trump security costs 'not fair' to New York City
- Harvard professor says there are 'grave concerns' about Donald Trump's mental stability
- McCain: Russian election-related hacks threaten to 'destroy democracy'
- Final Count: Hillary Clinton Won Popular Vote by Over 2.86 Million, Or 2.1 Percent
- Leaked Audio: Dakota Access Pipeline Executive Says "Election Night Changed Everything" and DAPL "Is Going Through"
- Poll: 55% of Americans bothered by Russian election hacking
- I’m a scientist who has gotten death threats. I fear what may happen under Trump.
vote, trump, russian, popular, new, won, dakota, changed
2016-12-19- Donald Trump surpasses 270 votes in Electoral College to formally win presidency
- Majority of US thinks Electoral College vote should be delayed until Russia claims investigated, poll shows
- Donald Trump has no idea how to run a superpower, says Chinese media
- GOP's illegal power grab in North Carolina
- Michael Moore: I Will Pay Faithless Electors' State Fines
- Voter suppression contributed to Trump win
- Obama says Democrats lost by not showing up
- Former Clinton Staffer Tracking Potential Trump Conflicts on '' Website
- Newt Gingrich ramps up attacks on “propaganda media”: If you’re not with Trump, you’re the enemy
- Dick Cheney Emerging As a key advisor to Trump administration
trump, donald, you’re, electoral, college, win, up, staffer
2016-12-20- Obama invokes 1953 law to indefinitely block drilling in Arctic and Atlantic oceans
- House Republicans shut down investigation into Flint water crisis, blame EPA instead
- Gingrich says Trump can’t be expected to follow ethics laws, so Congress should change them for him
- Donald Trump’s goon squad: As president, Trump will maintain private security force to crack down on protest
- Open letter: Obama, please deschedule cannabis before you go
- Trump Organization applies “political pressure” on foreign diplomats to stay at Donald Trump’s D.C. hotel: report
- FCC Republicans vow to gut net neutrality rules “as soon as possible”
- It's True: WikiLeaks dumped Podesta emails hour after Trump video surfaced
- Donald Trump's sons behind nonprofit selling access to president-elect
- Tom Arnold: I Have "Racist" Trump Outtakes From 'The Apprentice'
trump, donald, down, trump’s, republicans, report, “as, rules
2016-12-21- Poll: 62 percent of Democrats and independents don't want Clinton to run again
- Obama: 'Reagan Would Roll Over In His Grave' Over GOP Support For Russia
- Gingrich: Trump doesn't want to 'drain the swamp' anymore
- Climate scientists are launching an anonymous hotline for government workers to report Trump meddling
- Americans who voted against Trump are feeling unprecedented dread and despair
- Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any incoming president in nearly 25 years
- Trump team say they'll kill the open internet "As soon as possible"
- CIA Director warns Trump a nuclear arms race is likely if Iran deal is scrapped
- Ted Cruz says Democrats will be history’s biggest ‘obstructionists.’ About that …
- Report: Trump sons accused of selling access to father
trump, democrats, want, over, poll:, open, director, cia
2016-12-22- States Won by Trump Have Highest 'Obamacare' Enrollment
- Out-going EPA chief: 'Good luck saying climate change isn't real' to Americans facing storms, droughts and wildfires
- Reid: DNC was 'worthless' under Wasserman Schultz
- Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'We Need To Organize And Mobilize'
- Trump May Have a $300 Million Conflict of Interest With Deutsche Bank
- Cybersecurity firm finds evidence that Russian military unit was behind DNC hack
- Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin agree: Let’s revive the nuclear arms race.
- Trump Super PAC Received Illegal Donations from Private Prison Company
- Trump Wants Expanded Nuclear Capability
- Donald Trump rejected Secretary of State candidate John Bolton over his moustache, adviser reveals
trump, dnc, nuclear, donald, have, evidence, agree:, super
2016-12-23- Conservatism turned toxic: Donald Trump’s fanbase has no actual ideology, just a nihilistic hatred of liberals
- Trump on nukes: 'Let it be an arms race'
- Call me a coddled snowflake, but Trump's fetish for nukes is infinitely more terrifying than his other outrages
- Trump’s Election Proves Obama Is a Dignified Man in an Undignified Time
- Donald Trump Is Sad and Mad Famous People Don’t Want Anything to Do With Him Anymore
- North Carolina is no longer classified as a democracy
- Alec Baldwin offers to play inauguration of Trump: 'I wanna sing Highway to Hell'
- Brzezinski: Trump told me 'let it be an arms race' on nukes
- Aides scramble to clarify Trump's abrupt tweet about nukes
- The Electoral College has failed America and democracy in electing Donald Trump
trump, nukes, donald, arms, trump's, trump’s, no, me
2016-12-24- Clinton wins US popular vote by widest margin of any losing presidential candidate
- Obama Should Reschedule Marijuana Now
- Monday's Electoral College results prove the institution is an utter joke
- Trump’s unpopularity threatens to hobble his presidency
- Bernie Sanders urges Congress to stop Donald Trump launching nuclear arms race
- Trump tweets praise of Putin for attack on Clinton
- Trump’s careless ignorance could make him the world’s most dangerous man
- Obama Slams Political Correctness, Says Stop Going Around ‘Looking for Insults’
- Small New Jersey Town Sues DuPont for $1.1 Billion over Alleged 100-Million-Pound Toxic Waste Dumping
- Following Negotiations, No Rockettes Will Be Required To Perform At Inauguration
clinton, obama, trump’s, trump, stop, insults’, ‘looking, around
2016-12-25- Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin 'united to trash Hillary Clinton', former US ambassador says
- NY AG: Trump 'cannot legally dissolve' foundation until investigation is complete
- Newt Gingrich Admits Donald Trump Does Not Yet Have A Plan To Beat ISIS
- No middle class, no republic: GOP plans to destroy America’s safety net will also kill democracy
- North Carolina’s Democracy Ranked On Par With Cuba
- Trump adopting same behavior he criticized Clinton for
- Progressive causes see 'unprecedented' upswing in donations after US election
- Why Trump’s Plan To Keep His Own Body Guards Is Dangerously Scary
- Social media erupts over GOP statement about 'new King'
- Donald Trump’s wrecking crew: A cabinet of zealots who yearn to destroy their own agencies
trump, donald, plan, own, trump’s, destroy, gop, no
2016-12-26- Jimmy Carter to Obama: Before you leave office, recognize Palestinian state.
- Obama: 'Privilege of my life' to serve as commander in chief
- Trump's White House communications director resigns after two days
- Bernie Sanders: Corporate Media is a Threat to Democracy
- Court: Climate scientist can sue conservative writers over alleged defamation
- Michael Moore: Trump going to 'get us killed' while he's busy fighting 'Alec Baldwin in a wig'
- It's your duty to laugh at Donald Trump
- Twitter isn't enough: Trump should face a press conference
- What populist revolution? So far Donald Trump is supercharging the failed Republican policies of the past
- Newt Gingrich admits Donald Trump doesn't have plan to beat Isis
trump, donald, obama:, it's, enough:, isn't, twitter, laugh
2016-12-27- Donald Trump Claims 100 Percent Of His Foundation’s Money Goes To Charity. That’s A Lie.
- Trump rewards big donors with jobs and access
- The nonprofit director who called Michelle Obama an ‘ape in heels’ has lost her job — for good
- Trump gets caught lying about his charitable foundation
- Julian Castro: Trump will be 'shadiest, most corrupt' president ever
- Trump and his team have a new strategy: Ignore the law
- These coal country voters backed Trump. Now they’re worried about losing Obamacare.
- Donald Trump and his media allies have convinced millions of Americans that there's no such thing as the truth
- Trump, Who "Can't Be Bought," Rewards Big Donors With Cabinet Roles
- Lindsey Graham: Donald Trump disagrees with the entire US Senate on Russia
trump, donald, rewards, have, who, about, donors, big
2016-12-28- Fox News wonders whether we should cancel food stamps because 0.09% of spending is fraudulent
- Nearly 50% of Donald Trump voters believe Hillary Clinton is involved in pedophilia ring: poll
- Obama edges Trump as 'most admired' man in America
- Bernie Sanders: We Need People to Stand Up to Billionaire Class, Corporate America
- Cowardly lions on parade: One after the other, anti-Trump Republicans have fallen in line behind the Great Leader
- Obama beats Trump where it will sting: He’s the most admired man in America
- Donald Trump is on the wrong side of almost every issue voters care about
- Graham: 99 percent of senators believe Russia interfered in election
- GOP Blogger Gets 30 Day In Jail For Election Fraud
- Obama Signs Defense Bill, Establishing Anti-Propaganda Center
trump, obama, america, man, we, election, believe, voters
2016-12-29- U.S. Punishes Russia for Election Hacking, Ejecting Operatives
- GOP Readies Swift Obamacare Repeal With No Replacement in Place
- Americans — especially but not exclusively Trump voters — believe crazy, wrong things
- Donald Trump is, once again, taking credit for jobs he had no part in creating
- Trump isn't responsible for Sprint bringing 5,000 jobs to the US
- George W. Bush's Ethics Lawyer: Trump Will Be in Violation of Constitution on Day One
- Trump Breaks His Silence in Bizarre, Error-Filled Press Conferences
- Donald Trump hold a micro press conference, comes off as an idiot
- Soros: 'Trump is a con-artist, and would-be dictator'
- US announces sanctions on Russia
trump, no, russia, us, press, jobs, —, donald
2016-12-30- Trump praises 'very smart' Putin
- George Takei: I Lost Family in Hiroshima. Mr. Trump, Nuclear Weapons Are No Game.
- Judge halts North Carolina law stripping incoming Dem governor's power
- Rexit: Tell Senate to reject Rex, confirm Romney for Secretary of State.
- Fox News retracts claim food stamp fraud at 'all-time high'
- Nixon's lawyer accuses Trump of lying
- The Trump camp’s spin on Russian interference is falling apart
- Mormons Petition To Stop Tabernacle Choir From Singing At Trump’s Inauguration
- Yes, this is real: Michigan just banned banning plastic bags
- How To Stop Trump: Bernie Sanders Demands Major Anti-GOP Rallies Before Inauguration Day
trump, stop, inauguration, rallies, interference, tabernacle, before, petition
2016-12-31- I escaped Nazi Germany. I see its ideology alive in America today
- McCain visits frontline Ukraine troops in anti-Putin gesture
- Donald Trump wishes a happy new year to all, especially his enemies, in audacious tweet
- Twitter Melts Down Over "Treason" After Trump Praises Putin
- The photo of a Trump Hotel billboard above sleeping homeless children is real
- John McCain: Russian cyberattacks 'an act of war'
- Donald Trump tweets bizarre New Year's Eve message to all his 'enemies'
- Trump keeps saying he wants unity — and keeps showing that it’s up to everyone else
- Washington Post raises 'darker suspicions' about Trump's Russia stance
- Obama leaves 'phenomenal legacy' of protecting historic and natural land
trump, i, donald, keeps, new, legacy', message, unity

1: trump, donald, obama, will, trump’s, vote, russia, trump's, about, us, over, clinton, russian, electoral, no, election, college, gop, who, carrier

2: donald trump, electoral college, donald trump’s, popular vote, trump will, trump win, hillary clinton, climate change, white house, bernie sanders, north carolina, russian interference, bernie sanders:, donald trump's, michael moore:, baldwin offers, college vote, secretary state, carrier deal, trump supporters