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2017-12-01- Megathread: Reports: Michael Flynn To Plead Guilty To Making False Statements To FBI
- Megathread 2: Michael Flynn testifies in plea that he was directed to make contact with Russia by senior Trump transition team officials
- Cities Across the U.S. Join Movement to Impeach President Trump For Violating the Constitution
- WH cancels Trump media event after Flynn plea
- Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry
- Jared Kushner can't pass his security clearance investigation, officials say
- Shep Smith: Flynn's guilty plea undermines Trump's 'fake news' claim on Russia
- Trump has now urged seven officials to help end the russia probes
- Kushner Is Said to Have Ordered Flynn to Contact Russia
- Trump faces new obstruction allegations in Russia scandal
trump, russia, flynn, plea, officials, guilty, kushner, end
2017-12-02- Trump's motorcade greeted with chants of 'lock him up' in NYC
- Trump transition official in email: Russia 'has just thrown the U.S.A election' to Trump
- US Senate passes tax cuts for America's richest in late-night vote
- Ex-Obama DOJ official: Trump 'just admitted to obstruction of justice'
- Dems rip GOP over handwritten changes to tax plan
- AARP comes out against Senate GOP tax bill, warns of Medicare cuts
- The final tax bill Democrats got from Republicans is covered in handwritten notes — and senators are complaining it's unreadable
- GOP: "We don't have money" for sick kids because we gave it all to the wealthy
- Democrats are slamming the GOP for a piece of the tax bill that appears to only help a single, conservative college
- Emails Dispute White House Claims That Flynn Acted Independently on Russia
tax, trump, gop, democrats, bill, cuts, senate, handwritten
2017-12-03- GOP Senator says it’s hard to fund $14 billion children’s health care program — then advocates for $1 trillion tax cut
- Jared Kushner failed to disclose he led a foundation funding illegal Israeli settlements before U.N. vote
- GOP senator: No tax cuts for working people because they blow them on “booze or women”
- CEOs agree: Corporate tax cuts won't trickle down
- Betsy DeVos caught skipping work for long weekends, half days
- Trump, in a series of tweets, attacks own FBI, says its reputation ‘in Tatters - worst in History!’
- The Trump Administration Just Admitted a Secretly Detained American Has Asked for a Lawyer – But It Won’t Give Him One
- Trump could be forced to testify on sexual-harassment allegations -- and if he lies he could be impeached
- FBI agents fire back at Trump: Saying FBI isn't dedicated is 'simply false'
- Democratic senator calls for independent investigation after learning that President Trump has been personally interviewing US attorneys in jurisdictions where he has personal business interests
tax, trump, gop, could, cuts, fbi, senator, us
2017-12-04- Sessions argued in Clinton impeachment that presidents can obstruct justice
- Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That
- Until Mueller Is Done, Trump Should Be Blocked From Stacking the Courts
- Paul Manafort has been working with a man 'linked to Russian intelligence' while under house arrest
- Colin Kaepernick a finalist for 'TIME' Person of Year
- Trump lawyer claims the "President cannot obstruct justice"
- 'The last president to vilify the FBI was Nixon': Trump's war with the FBI is set to backfire spectacularly
- Old Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweet about ‘attacking FBI’ goes viral after Trump’s tweetstorm
- Woman shares new evidence of relationship with Roy Moore when she was 17
- Romney on Moore: 'No majority is worth losing our honor, our integrity'
our, fbi, obstruct, trump, sessions, sarah, fbi’, ‘attacking
2017-12-05- Donald Trump's personal banking information handed over to Robert Mueller
- Jones: Men who hurt little girls should go to jail, not the Senate
- Ex-Clinton staffer: If Obama cured cancer, Trump would try to bring it back
- 'The President Stole Your Land,' outdoor gear company Patagonia takes a big swing at Trump
- Report: Mike Pence Offered to Replace Trump on GOP Ticket After the Access Hollywood Tape
- Trump is ‘Racist’ And ‘Ungodly,’ Says Republican Pastor as He Quits Party
- Mike Pence and Reince Priebus reportedly planned a coup to replace Trump after the 'Access Hollywood' tape
- US headed for recession in 2019 as Fed raises rates, economist warns
- Alabama poll: Jones leads Moore by 4 points
- Deutsche Bank receives subpoena from Mueller on Trump accounts: source
trump, tape, replace, mueller, pence, mike, hollywood, priebus
2017-12-06- Senate Republicans Made a $289 Billion Mistake in the Handwritten Tax Bill They Passed at 2 A.M. Go Figure.
- Whistleblower: Flynn told ex-partner Russia sanctions would be ripped up
- Coal CEO: GOP tax bill ‘wipes us out,’ destroys thousands of mining jobs
- Nearly 60 Democrats Just Voted To Move Toward Impeaching President Donald Trump
- Flynn's Secret Text Messages Show Trump Colluded With Russia, Experts Say
- Time Person Of The Year - The Silence Breakers
- Poll: Majority says Congress should investigate sexual harassment allegations against Trump
- Trump argued for keeping Confederate monuments. Then he scaled back those of Native Americans.
- First-time candidate’s 26-point win breaks GOP’s state Senate supermajority in Georgia
- Deputy AG Rosenstein Says He's Satisfied With Special Counsel Mueller's Work
trump, senate, tax, bill, should, confederate, keeping, argued
2017-12-07- Dem wants to publicly release the number of sexual harassment claims filed against senators
- Trump ends homeless vets program as their numbers rise for first time in 7 years
- Previously undisclosed emails show follow-up after Trump Tower meeting
- It’s been 425 days since Trump admitted to sexual assault — and he’s still in the Oval Office
- Colbert to Trump: Sorry you didn’t get Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ but ‘at least some of your accusers did’
- Sarah Sanders: Trump OK With Businesses Hanging Antigay Signs
- Donald Trump Jr. Wouldn't Tell Congress About Chats With His Dad, Citing Attorney-Client Privilege—Even Though Neither are Lawyers
- Sanders: Trump should think about resigning over sexual misconduct allegations
- Top intel Dem: Trump Jr. refused to answer questions about discussions with father about Trump Tower meeting
- Now That Al Franken Is Gone, Democrats Need to Hold Hearings on Trump: They have the moral high ground; now they need to use it to create real accountability for both parties.
trump, about, sexual, meeting, sanders:, tower, now, trump:
2017-12-08- Roy Moore is the last straw, you can now call me a Democrat
- Expert concludes Roy Moore wrote disputed entry in accuser's yearbook, lawyer says
- The day Trump Jr. got a Wikileaks encryption key, he promoted Wikileaks for the first time
- Roy Moore Once Said The Last Time America Was Great Was ‘When We Had Slavery’
- Donald Trump's Approval Rating Hits New Record Low, Making Him The Most Unpopular President In Poll History
- Trump admin scraps Obama-era proposal requiring airlines to disclose bag fees
- Email shows effort to give Trump campaign WikiLeaks documents
- Anti-Trump conservatives place $500,000 ad buy against Roy Moore
- No, Roy Moore accuser didn't admit she forged his signature in her yearbook
- Fox News issues correction on Roy Moore accuser yearbook ‘forgery’ headline
roy, moore, trump, wikileaks, time, accuser, last, yearbook
2017-12-09- Maloney Introduces Legislation to Save the Open Internet, Block FCC Rollback of Net Neutrality
- Former Fox News anchor: Trump tried to kiss me on the lips
- FCC Chair Ajit Pai Jokes In Video About Being A 'Verizon Puppet'
- Donald Trump fully endorses accused child molester for Senate
- Trump reportedly drinks 12 cans of Diet Coke and watches up to 8 hours of TV per day
- Doug Jones gets last-minute boost from prominent African-American leaders
- Obama: Protect democracy or risk taking path of Nazi Germany
- Paul Ryan makes it official: Republicans are coming after Medicare next
- Uranium firm urged Trump officials to shrink Bears Ears National Monument
- Roy Moore's praise for Putin resurfaces days before crucial Alabama election
trump, fcc, maloney, or, makes, ryan, paul, germany
2017-12-10- Alabama has the worst poverty in the developed world, U.N. official says
- Seth Rogen Boycotts SiriusXM Over Steve Bannon Hire
- The FCC plans to repeal net neutrality this week — and it could ruin the internet
- Roy Moore in 2011: Getting rid of amendments after 10th would 'eliminate many problems'
- In Franken’s wake, three senators call on President Trump to resign
- Black voters could defeat Roy Moore, if they show up on Tuesday
- Fox complains women reporting rape will make Christmas parties less “festive”
- "Abetting a cover-up": Watergate reporter says Fox News is complicit in Trump misconduct
- Senior Alabama GOP Senator urges voters to reject Roy Moore
- Alabama Sen. Shelby: 'I couldn't vote for Roy Moore'
roy, alabama, trump, could, moore, fox, voters, they
2017-12-11- Judge orders Alabama not to destroy voting records in Tuesday's Senate election
- Trump accusers to unite for first time, demand congressional investigation into allegations
- Buck Sexton: If police can execute an innocent man on video, none of us are safe
- Trump ‘kept kissing me’ in Trump Tower, woman says: ‘I was devastated’
- Report Suggests Trump Told Flynn to Lie to the FBI
- 16 of Trump's accusers to demand congressional investigation Monday
- Trump calls woman the C-word at charity event, 3 years after she physically fought him off
- 70 Alabama pastors: "No person of faith can, in good conscience, support" Roy Moore
- Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand calls on Trump to resign
- Macron to award U.S. climate scientists with ‘Make Our Planet Great Again’ research grants
trump, calls, demand, alabama, accusers, woman, investigation, congressional
2017-12-12- Trump Administration is the Most Corrupt Government Institution in the United States, Americans Believe
- Alabamians cry ‘voter suppression’ as black voters are forced to cast provisional ballots
- Speaker at Moore event says he accidentally went with Moore to a brothel with child prostitutes
- Poll: Asked to describe Trump in one word, most voters say 'idiot'
- Jailed Russian hacker: I hacked Democrats 'under the command' of Russian intelligence agents
- Alabama Supreme Court stays order to preserve voting records in Senate election.
- GOP governor supporting Democrat Doug Jones in Alabama Senate race
- Rand Paul says he cannot vote to add more to ‘massive’ US debt
- Footage shows Trump with some accusers after he claimed he ‘never met’ women
- Reports of Voter Suppression Tactics Pour In From Alabama Election
trump, alabama, most, moore, russian, senate, voters, supporting
2017-12-13- Megathread: AP Calls Alabama Senate Special Election for Democrat Doug Jones
- Black voters just saved America from Roy Moore
- Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson Has Solid Defamation Case Against Fox News and Breitbart
- Democrats call for halt to GOP tax bill until Jones is seated in the Senate
- GOP went all in for pedophilia, and they can never undo it
- “No Jones? No Vote.” Americans flood Senate halls to stop GOP from ramming tax bill.
- The Public Isn’t Buying It: Confidence in the FBI is Very High
- Warren: Doug Jones should be seated without delay
- Top Senate campaign Dem to Trump: We'll make sure voters don't forget your support for Moore
- Roy Moore Spokesman Briefly Dies on Live TV After Learning Politicians Don’t Have to Take the Oath on a Bible
moore, senate, gop, jones, roy, tax, doug, seated
2017-12-14- New York AG to sue FCC over net neutrality repeal
- Democrats warn: 'There is going to be a political price to pay for taking net neutrality away from the American people'
- Republican Sen. Susan Collins is calling on the FCC to cancel the net neutrality vote
- That Net Neutrality Op-ed in the Wall Street Journal Was Written By a Comcast Attorney
- Sen. Collins locks office doors, refuses to answer to constituents on secret GOP tax scam.
- Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory About Alabama Election Gets A Brutal Reality Check
- Dem FCC commissioner: Net neutrality repeal shows 'contempt' for citizens who speak up
- Remember when Comcast was charging Netflix for access to its customers. The US public does. FCC does not.
- Trump daily intel updates structured to avoid upsetting him: report
- Leaked E-mail Shows Even The FCC's Own CTO Thinks Gutting Net Neutrality Harms The Public
net, neutrality, fcc, collins, repeal, comcast, shows, sen.
2017-12-15- Donald Trump federal judge nominee is asked basic legal questions and can’t answer a single one
- If Trump Fires Mueller, We Must Impeach
- In small win for Democrats, the final tax bill will not include a provision allowing churches to endorse political candidates
- Video shows one of Trump's judicial nominees struggling to answer basic legal questions during a Senate committee hearing
- Schumer promises a Senate vote on overturning FCC's net neutrality repeal
- Republicans may have 'awoken a sleeping giant' by repealing net neutrality
- Ex-Intern: Wyoming Sec. Of State ‘Wrestled’ Me To Floor And Masturbated On Me
- Donald Trump Jr. Doesn’t Seem To Know His Dad Appointed The FCC Head
- Trump hosted the NRA at the White House on the anniversary of Sandy Hook massacre
- Bloomberg goes off on GOP tax bill: We CEOs ‘don’t need the money’
trump, donald, answer, me, we, tax, one, senate
2017-12-16- The FCC Is Blocking a Law Enforcement Investigation Into Net Neutrality Comment Fraud
- Mueller obtains "tens of thousands” of Trump transition emails
- CDC gets list of forbidden words: fetus, transgender, diversity
- President Trump claims the FBI is tainted and its reputation in tatters. This graph shows he’s wrong.
- Mueller has "sensitive" Kushner emails and thousands more from transition
- If Robert Mueller Will Ultimately Vindicate Trump, Why Fire Him?
- Ivanka Trump accused of 'conflict of interest' after opening shop in New York's Trump Tower
- Impeach Trump If Mueller Is Fired, Says Former Ethics Director
- 63 percent of Americans now believe Trump has obstructed or impeded Russia probe
- Rep. Speier: ‘Rumor on the Hill’ is Trump to Fire Mueller Before Christmas
trump, mueller, fire, emails, transition, fcc, shop, impeach
2017-12-17- Netflix threatens legal action over Net Neutrality
- Fox host calls FBI 'criminal cabal'
- Democrats see plot to fire Mueller in escalating GOP attacks
- Republicans are refusing to continue Trump investigation, won't name new witnesses in probe
- New: Trump officials demand Mueller return thousands of emails
- ‘Beyond Stupid’: Lawyer Shreds Trump Team’s Claim That Mueller Illegally Obtained Emails
- Trump’s Censorship Of Science Will Kill People
- This Evangelical Leader Denounced Trump. Then the Death Threats Started.
- Mueller gets bipartisan defense despite controversies over bias
- Mark Hamill To Ajit Pai: Corporate Shills Have No Right To Wield A Light Saber
mueller, trump, over, emails, netflix, evangelical, then, trump.
2017-12-18- “There will be a [Senate] vote” to reinstate net neutrality, Schumer says
- Donald Trump to drop climate change from list of national security threats
- It looks like Alabama violated federal law with its 'inactive voter' scheme
- Third embarrassingly unqualified Trump judicial nominee drops out in shame
- The Senate’s Russia Investigation Is Now Looking Into Jill Stein, A Former Campaign Staffer Says
- Warren and Sanders pen NY Times op-ed: 'Who Is Congress Really Serving?'
- FBI warned Trump in 2016 Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign
- The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains
- Hurricane Maria killed 64 Puerto Ricans. Another 1,000 died because the disaster response was inadequate.
- Scarborough: The GOP tax plan 'steals' $1.5 trillion from millennials
trump, tax, campaign, now, “there, would, worse:, got
2017-12-19- Democrat wins Va. House seat in recount by single vote; creating 50-50 tie in legislature
- Fox Business host declares war on Trump’s tax plan: “I’m disgusted with our government right now”
- Dem senator: Someone used my identity to file a fake anti-net neutrality comment
- A Groundbreaking Case May Force Controversial Data Firm Cambridge Analytica to Reveal Trump Secrets
- Paul Ryan Tweets Out Highlight Reel of Him Lying About Taxes for 20 Years
- Wells Fargo CEO admits he won’t use his tax windfall to create more jobs
- Democrats say 3 provisions in GOP tax bill violate Senate rules and will be removed, forcing House to revote Wednesday
- Bob Corker is changing his vote on the GOP tax plan because it could make him rich
- Donald Trump Has Only Delivered 1,200 Coal Mining Jobs, Despite Claiming to Have Created 45,000
- Poll: Americans say 'fake news' is second most annoying phrase
tax, say, house, trump, gop, provisions, wednesday, revote
2017-12-20- It is finished! Roy Moore doesn't have enough votes to trigger a recount against Doug Jones
- Wall Street Journal Killed Editorial on Trump’s Mob Ties
- How the baby boomers — not millennials — screwed America
- Here Are the 227 GOP House Members Who Just Voted to Raise Taxes on 90 Million Working Families to Give Tax Breaks to Millionaires and Corporations
- 2 million kids will lose CHIP coverage right away, report finds
- With today's Republicans, Nixon could have gotten away with Watergate - LA Times
- Support for Donald Trump’s Impeachment Is Higher than His Reelection Chances
- In another country, we would call this 'corruption'
- Donald Trump's White House shuts down Obama-era petition site without answering a single one
- The 7 words Trump officials banned the CDC from using are now being projected on Trump Hotel
house, donald, have, —, trump, trump’s, million, we
2017-12-21- Charlottesville renames street after woman who was killed in white nationalist rally
- Jeff Sessions reportedly orders review of debunked Hillary Clinton claims, violating recusal vow
- Donald Trump accidentally admits Republican tax bill was deceptively sold as boost to middle classes
- Trump will personally save up to $15m under tax bill, analysis finds
- ‘We’re losing the war for truth’: Franken denounces Trump, GOP in final floor speech
- Bannon called Trump ‘an 11-year-old child’: report
- CNN anchor gets House Republican to admit he communicated with the White House on Mueller
- The Republican Party Has Bowed, Completely, to the Mad King
- Mueller Is Looking Into a U.S. Foundation Backed by Russian Money
- Roy Moore, who still has yet to concede, is posting conspiracies and going after Doug Jones' gay son on Facebook
republican, trump, tax, house, who, white, mueller, mad
2017-12-22- White House finally admits Trump will benefit from tax bill
- More Than 80 Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Live In Trump-Won States
- FBI deputy confirmed to Congress that Comey told him about Trump loyalty pledge: report
- Democrats Need to Make Clear that Firing Mueller Triggers Impeachment
- Putin’s First Year in the White House
- Warner: “More” Mueller indictments coming
- Why Are Politicians Allowed To Vote On A Bill They Profit From?
- Cummings Issues Statement on “Emergency” Interview of FBI Deputy Director
- Trump replaces 'E pluribus unum' with 'Make America Great Again' on presidential coin
- The Democrats’ Wave Could Turn Into A Flood
trump, white, deputy, house, fbi, mueller, bill, from?
2017-12-23- Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ‘holy hell’ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
- Donald Trump's Approval Rating At Christmas Makes Him The Least Popular President Ever
- Comey: FBI officials being 'attacked for partisan gain'
- Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry Company, Known as Madison Avenue Diamonds, Connected to an Alleged Fraud Scheme
- Appeals court rules that Trump's third travel ban is illegal.
- Trump hid Mar-a-Lago tax deal from IRS
- Alabama to certify Democrat Jones winner of Senate election
- Democrat: Reorganization at FBI part of ‘larger Republican effort to undercut Mueller’
- Court: Trump voter fraud commission must give Democrat member full access
- Enraged President Trump reportedly says all Haitians have AIDS, Nigerians have huts at immigration meeting
trump, have, fbi, democrat, president, fraud, trump's, winner
2017-12-24- Trump told friends at Mar-a-Lago 'you all just got a lot richer' after tax bill passed: report
- Billionaire Michael Bloomberg: 'The Tax Bill Is an Economically Indefensible Blunder'
- Trump attacks 'fake polls and fake news' as reports say he has worst approval rating in modern history
- Trump Rallies Full of ‘older White Men’ Suggests Republicans Are a ‘dying Party,’ GOP Senator Says
- Sanders: Trump should stop 'bragging' about Americans losing health insurance
- Trump is celebrating Christmas Eve by tweeting conspiracy theories and hinting at an FBI purge
- Trump’s Credibility Is So Low That Americans Don’t Believe They’re Getting A Tax Cut
- Trump reportedly told wealthy Mar-a-Lago friends they 'just got a lot richer' thanks to the tax bill
- Schumer: Trump is 'Santa to the Rich, Scrooge to the poor'
- Ex-GOP lawmaker warns Trump: FBI attacks are 'gonna bite you in the ass'
trump, tax, bill, fbi, attacks, told, richer', lot
2017-12-25- President Trump Spent Nearly One-Third of First Year in Office at Trump-Owned Properties
- Trump’s Tweets About FBI Could Be Witness Intimidation, Former White House Lawyers Say
- Donald Trump Wished Everyone 'Happy Holidays' When Obama Was Saying 'Merry Christmas'
- Americans think Trump's tax plan is a giveaway to the rich. These new graphs show they’re right.
- Donald Trump's former top strategist Steve Bannon called to testify in Russia probe
- AT&T announces thousands of layoffs, firings just in time for Christmas
- Republican Senate Starting to Block Trump Nominees
- Trump may look like he's failing, but he's getting powerful right-wing judges installed at an unprecedented rate
- Obama Policies Fueled Our Economic Boom. Don’t Let Trump And His Rich Man’s Tax Cut Steal The Credit
- Obama's Merry Christmas Tweet Is Much More Popular Than Trump's
trump, trump's, obama, donald, he's, christmas, former, tax
2017-12-26- Hey, remember Roy Moore? Two weeks later, he still hasn’t conceded
- FBI deputy director confirms Trump pressured Comey for "loyalty" before firing him
- Russia is going to attack our next election. The Trump administration may not even try to stop it.
- Ivanka Trump's Old Jewelry Business Linked To Laundering Money
- Russia Wants Americans To Doubt Mueller, Experts Warn
- More Americans want to see Donald Trump impeached than would vote for him in 2020, poll finds
- GOP rep says middle-class workers don't deserve tax cuts because that's "socialism"
- Russia never stopped its cyberattacks on the United States
- "We know the system is fixed": Arnold Schwarzenegger talks gerrymandering, political reform, and saving democracy
- Donald Trump is a psychopath, suffers psychosis and is an 'enormous present danger', says psychiatrist
trump, russia, donald, americans, don't, never, "socialism", that's
2017-12-27- Mueller is reportedly zeroing in on the Trump campaign's data operation — and the RNC
- Man who defended gay marriage with viral speech about his two mothers is now running for Iowa State Senate
- Mueller Is Reportedly Investigating Whether The Trump Campaign Coordinated Voter Outreach With Russian Trolls
- Carl Bernstein: FBI isn't tainted, Trump's presidency is
- Trump Becomes First President in 71 Years to Lose 'Most Admired Man' Poll in First Year
- CNN footage of Trump golfing leaves conservatives furious
- Robert Mueller May Indict Paul Manafort Again
- Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn’s credibility
- AT&T sheds 1,000 employees after touting GOP tax plan, giving out bonuses
- Tax reform shows that Donald Trump is a weak president. It’s not a victory.
trump, mueller, tax, first, reportedly, weak, leaves, manafort
2017-12-28- Alabama certifies Jones Senate victory
- Trump Boasts He’s Signed More Laws Than Any President Since Truman. He’s Actually Signed the Least.
- 'Terrible numbers' for President Trump in new AP/NORC poll
- Breitbart quietly deletes recent interview with openly racist congressional candidate
- Poll: Half of Minnesotans don’t think Franken should go through with resignation
- 'They're acting like dictators': Republican lawyer snaps at GOP congressman who called for a 'purge' at the FBI
- Trump administration sees record first-year staff turnover: report
- Trump finally turns on the formerly ‘wonderful man’ Michael Flynn
- Trump Is the Only Elected U.S. President Not to Be Named America's Most Admired Man In His First Year
- Top Alabama election official: Jones will be certified winner of Senate race
trump, president, signed, he’s, alabama, senate, jones, gop
2017-12-29- Trump fires all members of HIV/AIDS council without explanation
- Donald Trump doesn't know the difference between climate and weather
- Trump’s New York Times Interview Is a Portrait of a Man in Cognitive Decline
- Donald Trump still ‘definitely involved’ in business empire despite US President' s assurances, says senior employee
- Trump’s ‘No collusion!’ cry is getting increasingly desperate
- White House surprised, frustrated by Trump NYT interview
- Russian tankers fueled North Korea via transfers at sea
- Trump brings up "collusion" 16 times in 30 minutes in 'New York Times' interview
- Trump: US could use some ‘good old Global Warming’ to heat up cold states
- Incoherent, authoritarian, uninformed: Trump’s New York Times interview is a scary read
trump, interview, times, york, trump’s, us, new, donald
2017-12-30- Pence neighbors in Aspen hang 'Make America Gay Again' banner
- Russian tankers reportedly smuggling oil to North Korea: Trump has been silent, though one day earlier, he blasted China for the same thing.
- Democrat: ‘Mueller knows far more than people think
- Trump travels to golf club for fifth straight day
- Alarmed by fake news, states push media literacy in schools
- Omarosa left the White House two weeks ago, yet she's still on payroll. What's going on?
- Federal court rules HS football player can’t be forced to stand during anthem
- How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt
- President Trump is very overweight, but won’t stop eating burgers and drinking soda after doctor's visit
- Donald Trump becomes the first president in 40 years not to visit Canada in his first year
trump, first, day, visit, president, pence, football, how
2017-12-31- Trump Halts $13 Billion Obama Amtrak Plan Despite Calls For Infrastructure Spending in 2018
- Devin Nunes, targeting Mueller and the FBI, alarms Democrats and some Republicans with his tactics
- Former Watergate prosecutor: 'Conspiracy,' not collusion, is main issue in Russia investigation
- Marijuana becomes legal statewide in California beginning Monday
- President Trump included on list of top nuclear threats
- We're letting Meals on Wheels slowly wither and die
- Trump has now spent more than a 3rd of his presidency at his properties and a 4th at his golf clubs
- Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues
- Trump's global credibility is shot
- Trump Asked Russia To Hack Hillary Clinton's Email And That Proves Collusion
trump, russia, 4th, properties, presidency, 3rd, more, spent

1: trump, tax, gop, donald, senate, fbi, mueller, moore, russia, president, roy, alabama, trump's, house, bill, neutrality, net, have, about, white

2: donald trump, tax bill, roy moore, net neutrality, president trump, gop tax, white house, donald trump's, doug jones, first year, tax plan, trump administration, fox news, tax cuts, trump jr., alabama election, trump tower, sanders: trump, gop senator, tax cut