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2016-03-01- Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont vowed on Monday night that no matter the outcome of the Super Tuesday races, his campaign would continue to rally voters against a political establishment that is largely backing his rival, Hillary Clinton.
- DNC Chair Joins GOP Attack On Elizabeth Warren's Agency
- Did Bill Clinton violate election rules by going into a polling location? Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been “reminded” not to solicit votes near polling sites after President Bill Clinton ventured into a polling location in Boston on Tuesday, the Secretary of the Commonwealth said.
- At least 2,079 Clinton emails contain classified material
- Bill Clinton Gets a Little Too Close to Voters in Boston
- Robert Reich explains why he endorses Bernie Sanders despite Clinton ties
- Bernie Sanders: 'After a lot of thought, I voted for me'
- John Kasich: 'I Know That Human Beings Affect the Climate'
- "We can’t have a revolution if no one shows up, so get up off your asses and vote. We cynics gotta believe. In Bernie Sanders we have a shot at snatching our country and our government back from the PACsters. It’s possibly our last shot. So get the hell up off your ass and vote."
- Tulsi Gabbard urges Colorado to caucus for Bernie Sanders
bernie, clinton, sanders, polling, bill, our, voters, have
2016-03-02- Texan who says Obama was a gay prostitute holds commanding lead in Board of Education vote
- “There is no way Secretary Clinton and her staff have not violated classified information laws — both misdemeanors and felonies,” said Joseph E. diGenova, former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia. “The FBI is conducting a serious, criminal investigation. This is not a security review.”
- Ben Carson suspends campaign
- Sanders takes Colorado after young people turn out for caucuses
- The Official Head Of The Democratic Party Joins GOP Effort To Protect Payday Lenders
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz Shouldn't Be Welcoming Loan Sharks Into the Democratic Party by Tim Canova
- Clinton Wins a Lot—But Sanders Holds His Own: The Democratic race will go on after a Tuesday that was super for Clinton—but still pretty good for Sanders.
- Yes, Superdelegates Are A Ludicrous Affront to Democracy. That Was the Whole Point.
- Finally! A Democrat in Congress Calls Out Hillary Clinton's Hawkishness
- Bernie Sanders wins Oklahoma Democratic primary
democratic, sanders, out, wins, holds, party, clinton, schultz
2016-03-03- DOJ grants immunity to ex-Clinton staffer who set up email server
- "58% say they'd like to see the President nominate someone to the Court rather than leave the seat vacant until a new president takes office next year"
- ‘Thank you for serving me when I didn’t vote for you’: A Republican writes the president after Obamacare saved his life
- Sanders Wants High-Speed Internet for US
- Susan Sarandon Says Bernie Sanders' Hollywood Backers Are "Afraid" to Be More Vocal
- Sanders Wins Big Over Clinton In Minn., Claiming Every Congressional District. "Sanders win came despite the fact that every prominent elected official in the state, including the Governor and Sen. Klobuchar, all endorsed Clinton."
- DNC’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is Damaging Vital Democratic Turnout
- Special counsel to investigate Hillary urgently needed. Last March at the United Nations, Hillary Clinton stood in front of the world and lied when she stated: “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.”
- Calls for Christie to resign after Trump endorsement
- Justice Dept. grants immunity to staffer who set up Clinton email server
email, clinton, president, every, when, grants, sanders, hillary
2016-03-04- Sanders agrees to participate in Fox News presidential town hall without Clinton
- Bernie prepares to go into the belly of the beast: Sanders to do Fox News town hall without Clinton
- Donald Trump is right: Marco Rubio has worst Senate voting record
- Hillary Paid Herself $250,000 From Campaign Funds
- Sanders, millennials find connection in democratic socialism. “The biggest reason why millennials are associating themselves with Sanders is because they feel he is the only one that is caring about the millennials’ future”
- Hillary Clinton commits to Fox News town hall in Detroit
- Fewer Democrats Are Voting This Year In (Surprise!) States With Strict New Voter Laws
-  Democrats and Republicans Are Quietly Planning a Corporate Giveaway—to the Tune of $400 Billion
- Nancy Pelosi just dropped a Presidential Campaign bombshell, comes out against Superdelegates!
- Study: Sanders's tax plan would raise $15.3 trillion
sanders, town, hall, clinton, news, fox, presidential, without
2016-03-05- President Jimmy Carter says America, a once-free nation, is now an oligarchy, and that’s not just his opinion. It is provable, and backed up by the research of top political experts and scholars.
- Release of Clinton Documents Delayed After State Department Discovers 'Thousands’ of Unsearched Records
- Hillary Clinton: "I've been the most transparent public official in modern times as far as I know." [1m45s]
- Why These Ferguson Activists Are Voting For Bernie Sanders -- They say black voters must cut their Clinton loyalties
- Utah Senator says Flint doesn't need aid, blocks lead bill
- I Can't Vote for Bernie Sanders
- CWA union presidents endorse Tim Canova over Debbie Wasserman Schultz in CD 23 race
- Sanders keeps raising millions — and spending them, a potential problem for Clinton
- Bernie is seeking to make dramatic changes, including taking money out of politics, breaking up the big banks and ending Wall Street’s stranglehold on our government, seriously addressing economic inequality, strengthening—not gutting—Social Security, Medicare for all.
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Congressional Opponent Pens Genius Take-Down Over Payday Loan Bill: "Loan sharks should feel right at home in the party of Donald Trump, but con artists should have no place in the Democratic Party."
bernie, sanders, clinton, over, up, should, i, wasserman
2016-03-06- "Sorry, GOP: You waited way too long to build an anti-Trump majority. Unless a miracle happens, you're about to get knocked out by an anti-establishment wave — a wave you mistakenly encouraged in the first place."
- Hillary Clinton Said Outsourcing ‘Benefited’ America After She Criticized Bush Officials For Saying The Same Thing
- Sanders wins Kansas
- Sanders wins Nebraska caucuses
- Navajo Water Supply is More Horrific than Flint, But No One Cares Because they’re Native American – Awareness Act
- Clinton, on her private server, wrote 104 emails the government says are classified
- Bernie Sanders Wins Kansas Democratic Caucuses
- Obama considers first Indian American for Supreme Court
- Sanders has been on the right side of history before it's been popular
- Bernie Sanders Supporters Least Likely to Watch Cable TV
sanders, wins, first, kansas, bernie, wave, been, american
2016-03-07- Mayors of 21 cities in Florida on Friday called on the moderators of next week's presidential debates in Miami to ask candidates how they would deal with rising sea levels caused by climate change, a concern of the state's coastal communities.
- Pennsylvania Democrat Calls for Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Resign from DNC
- Bernie Sanders wins Maine Democratic caucuses
- King: Superdelegates a corrupt tool designed to elect party establishment candidates like Hillary Clinton
- Don't Let Trump's Antics Distract You From Cruz's Unwavering Extremist Agenda -- One is theater. The other is terrifyingly real.​
- Bernie Sanders adviser: He wasn't disrespectful at all; Hillary Clinton 'constantly interrupted him'
- Bernie Sanders Earns Endorsement From One Of Flint’s Most Celebrated Politicians Who Said Clinton’s Policies ‘Destroyed The Flint I Loved’
- 'Your friends destroyed this economy': Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton rip into each other at CNN debate. "Sanders, a Vermont senator, then accused Clinton of allowing her “friends” on Wall Street to destroy the US economy."
- Bernie Sanders "I Smoked Marijuana Twice, And I Coughed...A Lot" Today at a Rally in Michigan
- Hacker who uncovered Clinton's emails, extradited to U.S.
bernie, sanders, clinton, hillary, candidates, i, who, other
2016-03-08- After years of intense secrecy, the Obama administration on Monday announced that it will for the first time acknowledge the number of people it has killed in drone strikes outside of conventional war zones, including civilians.
- Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours
- Bernie Sanders: I do not believe in trickle-down economics
- Company that Paid Hillary Clinton $335K for Speech Slapped With SEC Bribery Suit
- Bernie Sanders Picks Up 3 More Vermont Superdelegates
- Missouri Democrats Have Been Filibustering An Anti-Gay Bill For 22 Hours and Counting
- Hillary Clinton Email Hacker to Be Extradited to the US: Notably, “Guccifer” was also the original source who discovered Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account
- Bernie Sanders says he consistently beats Donald Trump by bigger margins than Hillary Clinton does
- Clinton's Charge That Sanders Did Not Support Auto Rescue Is Wrong
- Senators want Clinton aide to talk, after receiving immunity deal
hillary, bernie, sanders, clinton, email, hours, 16, 22
2016-03-09- Hillary Clinton Wants to Regulate Fracking, But Still Accepts a Lot of Fracking Money
- Bernie Sanders wins Michigan in stunning upset
- Bernie Sanders forced to sue Ohio after rule change bars 17-year-olds from voting in primary -- Ohio's Republican secretary of state quietly changed the rules to block young voters from Tuesday's election
- NYC Wall Street Protest Planned to Call on Hillary Clinton to Release Transcripts of Goldman Sachs Speeches
- Bernie Sanders: 'Stay Tuned ... We Can Win This Thing'
- Sanders upsets Clinton in Michigan
- Sanders says Michigan momentum will propel him to victory
- Bernie Sanders Won Michigan Because He's Honest. More People Trust Trump Than Clinton
- Company that Paid Hillary Clinton $335K for Speech Slapped With SEC Bribery Suit
- Sanders: ‘Superdelegates may rethink commitment’
clinton, sanders, bernie, michigan, hillary, sanders:, suit, we
2016-03-10- The National Media Has Been Instructed by Wasserman Schultz to Stop Counting Superdelegates
- Hillary Clinton Forgot That She Supported a Coup in Honduras
- Hillary Clinton wrongly says Bernie Sanders wants to delay the Clean Power Plan. We rate Clinton’s claim False.
- Fox News' Anti-Bernie Sanders Segment Goes Horribly Wrong
- Regarding her State Department email practices, "my predecessors did the same thing." [Rating: Mostly False]
- Sanders Slashes Clinton's Lead in Ohio to Single Digits
- Gabbard: Clinton will drag us into more wars
- The more people are exposed to Bernie Sanders, the better he seems to do. In every demographic he keeps improving his popularity as time passes. His supporters have far more energy that Clinton's and he is winning younger voters overwhelmingly. He has drawn bigger crowds than Obama did in 2008.
- Hillary Clinton Is Exposing the Dark Underbelly of the Democrats’ Money Machine: Her campaign has put a spotlight on the cozy relationships between Democratic operatives and corporate America.
- Hillary Clinton's top political donor is Univision chairman, investigation shows
clinton, hillary, more, clinton's, sanders, her, bernie, did
2016-03-11- Most voters favor cutting defense spending. Politicians say otherwise
- Before Her Assassination, Berta Cáceres Singled Out Hillary Clinton for Backing Honduran Coup
- Rubio Rejects Plea From Republican Mayor Of Miami To Accept Scientific Consensus On Climate Change
- Obama bans U.S. imports of goods produced by slavery and child labor
- Hillary Clinton Falsely Credits Reagans With Starting ‘National Conversation’ on HIV/AIDS
- Louisiana Will Tax Its Poor To Fill Budget Hole Caused By Tax Cuts For The Rich
- Ohio judge overrules Secretary of State. Says 17 year olds can vote in primary.
- Seattle is Berning: We’re tops in the U.S. for per capita Bernie Sanders donations
- Hillary Clinton needs to answer for her actions in Honduras and Haiti
- Women Have Good Reasons For Not Supporting Hillary -- It’s not sexism making young women flee Hillary Clinton—it’s simply that she doesn’t represent us.
hillary, clinton, tax, u.s., women, her, can, tops
2016-03-12- Trump Rally Postponed in Chicago as Large Crowds of Protesters Gather
- Clinton Healthcare Hit Backfires as Evidence Shows Sanders 'Literally' Right Behind Her
- Hillary Questioned Bernie's Record on Health Care and The Internet Made an Epic Correction
- Sanders Accepts Challenge to Kill TPP If Elected... Nothing from Clinton So Far
- Bank of America paid Clintons speaking fees, too – more than $1M worth
- Clinton asks where Sanders was in '90s healthcare fight—turns out he was right behind her
- Sanders camp fires back at Clinton for healthcare comments: He was literally behind you
- Hillary Clinton Suddenly Has a Big Gay Problem
- Bill on Hillary: "You know I’ve had much more contact in my life with gay people than Hillary has, I think she’s really a little put off by some of this stuff ... Hillary, emotionally speaking, still finds the issue harder to swallow than I do."
- Clinton on Sanders standing up to powerful interests: “Where was he when I was trying to get health care in ’93 and ’94?” The answer: “Literally, standing right behind her."
clinton, sanders, behind, right, i, hillary, healthcare, care
2016-03-13- Bernie Sanders Polls: After trailing Hillary Clinton by 30 points in Illinois, Sanders now leads just two days before voting.
- Bernie opposing Auto Bailout, delaying Clean Power Plan, supporting Minutemen militia, Koch brothers endorsement, Reagan HIV/AIDS "activism" and today's Sanders healthcare support in the 90s are 6 things Hillary Clinton blatantly lied about in a single freaking week.
- Clinton Campaign Still Hasn’t Paid Iowa Police Departments For Extra Security
- Danny Devito Surprises Bernie Sanders Rally
- Donald Trump wrongly links Ohio campaign event protester to ISIS
- Trump threatens to send supporters to Sanders events: 'Be careful Bernie'
- As reckless as George W. Bush: Hillary Clinton helped create disorder in Iraq, Libya, Syria — and, scarier, doesn’t seem to understand how
- Bernie Sanders: A higher loyalty By Robert H. Wendt | "I urge my fellow St. Louisans to vote for Bernie Sanders in this week’s primary. I do so in spite of being deeply indebted to Bill and Hillary Clinton."
- SNL‘s Hillary Clinton Literally Turns Into Bernie Sanders For Your Vote
- Sanders draws huge crowd to Missouri State University
sanders, bernie, hillary, clinton, vote, campaign, trump, sanders:
2016-03-14- “What American history is about is that change never happens from the top down, but from the bottom up,” [Bernie Sanders] said. “Employers in companies did not give workers the right to form a union, workers fought for that right. They got beaten up, went to jail and even died for that right.”
- The Chinese Government Is Now Using Donald Trump As Proof That Democracy Doesn’t Work
- People Hate Rahm Emanuel So Much It Might Cost Hillary Clinton Illinois
- While America is distracted by the Trump freakshow, Indiana just passed one of the most restrictive abortion bills in the nation. Governor Mike Pence is expected to sign a bill into law that would end nearly all abortions in his state.
- The macabre truth of gun control in the US is that toddlers kill more people than terrorists do
- Vermont legislature on track to be first in U.S. to legalize marijuana.
- Another Major Union Just Endorsed Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton Lets Scandal-Plagued Corporation Throw Her a Fund-raiser, for Some Stupid Reason
- Sanders said the Walton family "owns more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of the American people." The latest comparable figures, from 2013, support his claim. We rate it True.
- New poll: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders too close to call in Missouri
sanders, hillary, bottom, trump, people, clinton, workers, bernie
2016-03-15- Early Voter Turnout Shatters Primary Election Records in Chicago
- MSNBC's Chris Matthews faces call to suspend show over wife's election bid
- Young Latinos convert parents into supporting Bernie Sanders
- Exonerated death row inmate: Clinton wrong on death penalty.
- Students Are Being Rejected From The Polls Because Of North Carolina’s Voter ID Law
- Bernie's Rage Against the Machine -- Sanders’s candidacy has beaten back elite, establishment corporate centrism, offering his party a viable progressive alternative. That’s why he has already won.
- Vox poll: the only drug Americans want to legalize is marijuana
- Bernie Sanders Represents Real Hope for Puerto Rico
- Donald Trump's volunteer contract forbids all criticism of Trump for life
- Cruz-Aligned Pastor: Execute Girl Scout Leaders For 'Promoting Homosexuality'
bernie, voter, death, election, sanders, won., legalize, want
2016-03-16- Tim Canova, Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Primary Opponent, is Denied Access to Voter Files
- Obama to pick Merrick Garland for Supreme Court
- Marco Rubio dropped out of the Republican presidential race on Tuesday night after losing badly to Donald Trump in his home state of Florida.
- Sanders vows to fight until convention
- Bernie Sanders tells supporters he sees a winning streak coming "In a fundraising solicitation, the senator from Vermont wrote that Clinton had reached her 'high-water mark' in the campaign. 'Starting today, the map now shifts dramatically in our favor,' Sanders said."
- New York Times busted for anti-Bernie bias: The iconic, Clinton-endorsing newspaper slyly edits article to smear Sanders
- Employers steal far more money from their employees than robbers steal from victims. On Wednesday, lawmakers will introduce a bill aimed at tamping down on the wage theft epidemic
- 33 Percent of Bernie Sanders Supporters Will Not Vote for Hillary Clinton.
- Donald Trump's new online ad features Hillary Clinton barking like a dog
- Clinton easily wins Florida
sanders, clinton, donald, steal, new, will, bernie, hillary
2016-03-17- Dear GOP: Stop playing politics and give Merrick Garland a confirmation hearing
- Governor Blocks $2.85 Minimum Wage Increase After Giving Staffers $73,405 Raises
- Tennessee kills muni-broadband expansion bill after AT&T opposition: Lawmakers caved to lobbyists, disappointed rep says.
- NYTimes Public Editor on Sanders Story: Yeah, We Screwed Up
- Julian Assange Explains Why Voting for Hillary Clinton Will ‘Spread Terrorism’
- Donald Trump 'uses language typical of children aged 11 and under'
- Damn, Debbie, at it again: DNC employs same tactics against Canova they tried against Sanders
- Half of U.S. women have 'very unfavorable' view of Trump: poll
- When I hear someone dismiss Sanders’ social programs, such as free college tuition, on the grounds that “the money’s not there,” I will ask why nobody ever says: “We can’t develop the next generation of nuclear weapons; the money’s just not there!”
- Exit Polls: One-Third Of Voters Won't Vote For Trump Or Clinton
why, i, sanders, against, trump, money’s, will, clinton
2016-03-18- "Six justices" on the U.S. Supreme Court have been "confirmed in presidential election years since 1912."
- Sanders calls notion he should quit Democratic race 'absurd'
- Sanders: Media tries to divide us
- Sanders Forges Ahead: 'No One Said a Political Revolution Would Be Easy'
- 8 years ago today, Hillary Clinton said she came under sniper fire in Bosnia and was called out by Sinbad
- Oregon just used its Democratic majorities to pass a wildly ambitious clean energy bill - Last week, Oregon became the first US state to legislate its way free of coal for good.
- Ted Cruz Names Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist As Top Foreign-Policy Adviser
- Bill O'Reilly wrongly says Merrick Garland voted to ban citizens from having guns in DC
- Ted Cruz names anti-Islam conspiracy theorist as top foreign policy adviser.
- The Republican Party Must Answer for What It Did to Kansas and Louisiana
said, top, its, theorist, conspiracy, oregon, bill, us
2016-03-19- "The U.S. Constitution doesn’t enshrine two parties. We demand fair and open elections in a multi-party democracy. "
- The current Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was designed by the insurance companies with their own interests (profits) placed first and the health care of Americans second.
- The true basis of Sanders' strength has been largely overlooked: He gives voice to a set of policy ideas that lie closer to the hearts of most Democratic voters — and especially the Democratic voters of the future — than Clinton's do.
- Flagstaff Rally for Bernie Sanders Draws Thousands, Spotlights Native American Issues | “(Sanders) is the very first presidential candidate to step foot on our sacred land. No other candidate has done this ever..."
- Bernie Sanders calls on Treasury to stop Pfizer from moving overseas to lower taxes
- Ron Paul: I couldn't support Donald Trump as nominee
- Donald Trump protesters block traffic in Fountain Hills, Arizona
- Sanders says Clinton does not have ‘insurmountable lead’
- Utah Feels the Bern as 14,000 Turnout for Sanders in Salt Lake City
- A man poured boiling water on a gay couple. Georgia won't charge him with a hate crime.
sanders, donald, first, democratic, voters, trump, —, bernie
2016-03-20- Illinois cuts off funding for its public universities
- Barack Obama lands in Cuba as first president to visit in 88 years
- US Senator Elizabeth Warren blasted the head of the US Chamber of Commerce Friday afternoon, saying that the group’s CEO, Thomas Donohue, is “paid by the big banks to take care of big banks.”
- What Americans Don’t Get About Nordic Countries. The reason Nordics stick with the system is because they can see that they come out ahead—not just as a group, but as individuals.
- Sanders' success may mean religious faith is no longer a political weapon
- Harry Reid says unlike the GOP, Senate Democrats never held up a Supreme Court nomination. 'Mostly True'
- Sanders says superdelegates should vote with their state
- Americans fear a life of 'dead-end crap jobs with crap wages'
- Bernie Sander's supporters march in Baltimore."What I love most about Sanders is, it's not about him," said Mason. "It's about empowering others to use their voices."
- "Sanders outraised Clinton for the second month in a row, pulling in $43.5 million to her $30.1 million, according to a Sanders campaign official. But the new figures also indicate that he plowed through far more cash, spending $40.9 million to her $34.3 million."
about, sanders, million, their, her, americans, big, but
2016-03-21- The Supreme Court has rejected an effort by Nebraska and Oklahoma to have Colorado's pot legalization declared unconstitutional
- Hillary Clinton says her campaign 'depends on small donations for the majority of our support'
- "If it appears that I am the stronger candidate against Trump, I think you're going to see some superdelegates saying, 'You know what, I like Hillary Clinton, but I want to win this thing. Bernie is our guy.'"
- More Than Half of Texas Abortion Clinics Have Closed, Forcing Women to Travel Farther for Procedures
- Clinton Claim on Small Donors is 'Mostly False,' PolitiFact Finds
- New Study: Sanders’ Tax Wall Street Plan Would Raise $300 Billion, Create Millions of New Jobs
- Poll: 68% of Americans Blame the 'Mainstream Media' for Violence at Trump Rallies
- Sanders's tax plan ranks highest with public
- Bernie Sanders: Seattle Feels the Bern | "A record setting 20,000 attend a Bernie Sanders Rally at Seattle’s Key Arena"
- Bernie Sanders Tells Vancouver: “This Country Is Not Going To Become An Oligarchy”: “We are doing something unusual in American politics,” Sanders said. “We’re telling the truth.”
i, bernie, sanders, our, clinton, tax, new, have
2016-03-22- Poll: Trump, Clinton score historic unfavorable ratings
- Sanders: We must rethink 'failed' war on drugs
- Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People
- Bernie Sanders Criticizes Israeli Government for Treatment of Palestinians
- Trump blames "series of unfortunate coincidences and errors" on Trump Foundation charity donating $25,000 to FL Attorney General days after she announces Trump U fraud investigation. The AG later cancelled her investigation and endorsed Trump earlier this month.
- Sanders is the king of credibility in 2016
- Polls: If Bernie Sanders wins nomination, he’ll crush Donald Trump
- Poll: 6 in 10 Republicans embarrassed by GOP race
- Polling Expert Says Bernie to Win All Upcoming 8 States
- Bernie Sanders spoke up about the suffering of palestinians but few in broadcast media covered it
trump, bernie, sanders, war, palestinians, poll:, suffering, king
2016-03-23- Sanders: 5-hour voting lines a 'disgrace'. "People in the United States of America should not have to wait five hours in order to vote. We do not know how many thousands of people who wanted to vote yesterday in Arizona did not vote,"
- Clinton Claims Victory but Arizona's Voting Fiasco Dubbed "National Disgrace": Shuttered polling places, endless lines, and widespread disenfranchisement—particularly for minority communities
- The U.S. has ‘worst elections of any long-established democracy,’ report finds
- “I think there’s voter suppression going on, and it is obviously targeting particular Democrats. Many working -class people don’t have the privilege to be able to stand in line for three hours.”
- Sanders wins Utah caucuses
- Long lines, too few polls anger Phoenix voters
- Sanders wins Idaho
- Hillary Clinton used her role as secretary of state to work as Secretary for the Clinton Foundation, utilizing State Department staff for foundation purposes and bringing foundation staff dangerously close to State Department business
- Hillary cheating scandal erupts in Arizona
- Dear Arizona: Seriously?
state, clinton, have, people, department, staff, foundation, secretary
2016-03-24- Phoenix mayor requests federal investigation into long voter wait times
- What happened in Arizona wasn’t an accident: When states make voting impossible, it’s for a very clear reason
- Bernie Sanders' campaign has officially served the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with its lawsuit over access to party voter files, it said Thursday in a court filing.
- Leonardo DiCaprio attacks Republican presidential candidates on climate change | “We should not have a candidate who doesn’t believe in modern science to be leading our country,” he said.
- Senator who waited 5 hours to vote wants Legislature to address problems
- White house to respond to petition alleging voter suppression in Arizona
- Lost emails from Clinton server discovered
- Bernie Sanders was the roll call amendment king from 1995 to 2007
- Mostly True: Bernie Sanders' claim about America's 'lowest on earth' voter turnout
- Sanders on California's primary: 'You're going to see me here more than you feel comfortable with' | "We think we have a path to victory and that path absolutely has to come through California."
voter, bernie, who, have, |, sanders, path, sanders'
2016-03-25- Poll: 66 percent think presidential election process is broken
- A record-high percentage of Americans — 61 percent — say they support marijuana legalization
- 'The Walking Dead' Will Walk Out Of Georgia If Anti-LGBT Law Passes - Some of the strongest language came from The Weinstein Company on Thursday; the company threatened to move a Lee Daniels film on Richard Pryor, currently slated to shoot in Georgia, outside of the state.
- ‘I’m still cheering Bernie on,’ Elizabeth Warren says
- Like Obama in 2008, Bernie Sanders Is Experiencing ‘Dirty Politics’ From Clinton’s Campaign
- More than 5,000 support petition to allow guns at Republican National Convention in Cleveland
- Poll: Majority says Obama, not next president, should pick Supreme Court justice
- A Dozen Reasons Sanders Voters Are Justifiably Angry at the Media Right Now
- In 1983 Clinton teamed with Walmart to attack public education
- Soros-Backed Pro Clinton Group Caught Funding Violent Protests to Smear Sanders and Trump
sanders, poll:, clinton, percent, bernie, company, —, support
2016-03-26- Petition to White House about Arizona 'voter suppression' hit goal in about 40 hours
- Bernie Sanders Supporters - New Development: AZ Voters, Disenfranchized Arizonians, Join the Lawsuit. The ACLU of Arizona is filing the lawsuit
- Bernie Sanders wins Washington
- Sanders crushes Clinton in Alaska and Washington Democratic caucuses
- Bernie Sanders wins the Alaska caucuses
- Some Sanders supporters say it’s ‘Bernie or Bust’ and they will never vote for Hillary Clinton
- Hillary leads to more war: Her latest speech on Israel is just the newest horrific example
- Bernie Sanders wins Alaska Caucus
- I challenge any supporter of Hillary Clinton to discuss why they believe she's a better candidate than Sanders without resorting to "bro" name-calling tactics or attempting to change the subject.
- Sanders scores Washington win
sanders, bernie, washington, clinton, alaska, hillary, wins, caucuses
2016-03-27- Amid Hawaii delays, the Internet turned to a Google doc for caucus results, 'the mainstream media was nearly silent on his victory, voters took the electoral process into their own hands.'
- Bernie Sanders Wins Hawaii Democratic Caucus
- Sanders worried Clinton won't debate. "Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday that he wants to have a debate with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ahead of the April 19 New York presidential primary, but he is worried that Clinton, once the state's senator, does not."
- Sanders: Superdelegates may now be eyeing switch from Clinton
- Time to Transform Bernies's Campaign Into a Permanent Organization
- Sanders Challenges Clinton to debate in New York
- Bernie Sanders’ tuition-free college plan could work, UMass study says
- Sanders Crushes Clinton in Sweep of Three Western Caucuses
- This crisis is bigger than Arizona: Behold the travesty that is Wisconsin’s new voter ID law
- “This is what momentum is about," Mr Sanders told supporters in Wisconsin. "Don't let anybody tell you we can't win the nomination or win the general election. We're going to do both of those things."
sanders, clinton, bernie, new, worried, win, debate, york
2016-03-28- Arizona Politician: “Let’s be clear – voter suppression happened.”
- Voters call for 're-vote' during hearing into AZ's botched primary
- Clinton Campaign: No More Debates Until Sanders Starts Being Nicer
- Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton's $353,400-a-ticket fundraiser is part of a 'corrupt', 'obscene' system -- It costs eight times the average US income for a single seat on a table with Clinton and George and Amal Clooney
- Sanders Raises More Than $4 Million Since Saturday Victories
- Bernie Sanders Wins Landslides in Washington, Alaska and Hawaii; Corporate Media Downplays Them
- Sanders camp: Clinton 'is a weak front-runner'
- Bernie Sanders Just Trounced Hillary Clinton in Three of the Ten Most Diverse States in America
- Stop trying to make Bernie disappear: While the establishment pretends nothing has changed, Sanders continues to win big
- Voting for Bernie Sanders in the democratic primaries is a win-win for democrats. He has a better chance of beating the eventual republican nominee, he has better judgement in matters of foreign policy, and he better represents the American public’s views on a host of issues important to democrats.
sanders, bernie, clinton, better, hillary, more, democrats., arizona
2016-03-29- Washingtonians Hound Superdelegate Who Supports Clinton After Constituents Favored Sanders
- Clinton Rejects Debate Challenge After Huge Sanders Wins in US West
- King: Superdelegates are ripping off voters, placing Clinton ahead of Sanders in states where he actually won more votes
- The idea that Bernie Sanders has been too negative to debate Hillary Clinton is ridiculous
- The Problem With Clinton's Calls for Sanders to Adjust His Tone: This may backfire.
- U.S. elections ranked worst among Western democracies. Here’s why. "The results show that the worst problem across most states involved gerrymandering of district boundaries to favor incumbents. The mean score for U.S. states was just 42 on a 100-point scale."
- "Hillary Clinton's campaign on Tuesday refused to budge from its refusal to participate in future debates until Bernie Sanders pledges not to launch any attacks on the former secretary of state."
- Bernie Sanders Is Exactly Right: The Media Is an Arm of the Ruling Class of This Country
- Poll: Sanders closes gap nationally
- 116 days since Hillary Clinton has held a formal press conference
sanders, clinton, states, bernie, hillary, problem, clinton's, u.s.
2016-03-30- Wisconsin's largest paper blasts Clinton on transparency
- "The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that it is unconstitutional to freeze financial assets unrelated to a person’s crime before a trial, when the money is needed to pay for an attorney."
- Bernie Sanders Not on DC Ballot After Democratic Party Registration Error: Sources
- People are not happy about Bill Clinton’s appearance at Mass. polls
- Police Chief: Bernie Is the First Candidate to Ever Offer and Pay Police Overtime
- Hillary Clinton’s “tone”-gate disaster: Why her campaign’s condescending Bernie dismissal should concern Democrats everywhere If the Clinton campaign can't deal with Bernie's "tone," how are they supposed to handle someone like Donald Trump?
- Poll: Sanders Surges Past Clinton To Take Lead in Must-Win State of Wisconsin
- The Momentum is Real: Poll Shows Sanders Widening Lead in Wisconsin
- Bernie bumped off D.C. ballot
- The "Dine With The 99" Bernie Sanders Event Perfectly Embodies The Candidate's Message: "...requesting that attendees make a $27 contribution to Sanders... smaller amounts are acceptable, and even none at all should a person be unable to contribute."
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2016-03-31- Bill Clinton says he would give Bernie Sanders his superdelegate vote if the Vermont senator takes the lead
- Inside the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton’s E-Mail:In 1996, after months of work, Comey came to some damning conclusions: Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case.
- When you pay for federally funded research, you should be allowed to read it. That’s the simple premise of the Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (S.779, H.R.1477), which was just passed out of a major Senate committee.
- Hillary Clinton Loses Patience with Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren Calls for Total Overhaul of Student Loan System - "We shouldn’t be running the student loan program to create profits for private companies. We should run it for students”
- "The FBI has completed its examination of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails and will soon be interviewing Clinton herself and deciding whether to file criminal charges"
- Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton 'dead wrong' to say I can't keep campaign promises
- Clinton 'so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me'
- Clinton sued for election fraud
- "In a testament to his staying power in the Democratic presidential race, the campaign of Bernie Sanders said Thursday that he is on the verge of raising more money in March than the pace-setting $43.5 million he brought in during February."
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