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2017-03-01- Barack Obama Is Returning to Politics to Fight Gerrymandering
- Democrats Laugh at Trump's Claim That He's Draining the Swamp
- Donald Trump made 61 statements in his speech. 51 were false
- Trump lied. Right-wing extremists — not foreigners — commit more terror attacks in the U.S.
- Donald Trump says 'buy American' during Congress address while Ivanka wears $1868 dress by French designer
- One of Trump's worst proposals yet was also implemented by Hitler in Nazi Germany
- The bar is so low for Donald Trump that people praise him when he reads straight from an autocue
- House Republicans just voted to keep hiding government information about Trump and Russia
- Donald Trump creates Voice agency to publish list of crimes by immigrants
- Donald Trump fact check: Almost every big claim he made in his Joint Address to Congress was false
trump, donald, claim, false, congress, made, address, —
2017-03-02- Sessions spoke twice with Russian ambassador during Trump’s presidential campaign, Justice officials say
- Nancy Pelosi: Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath And Must Resign
- ACLU Calls for Investigation Into Potential Perjury By Sessions
- Megathread: Jeff Sessions recuses himself from all Trump campaign-related investigations
- Sanders: Sessions Must Resign
- Jeff Sessions said that people who commit perjury must be removed from office
- GOP oversight of Trump: Worse than Watergate
- Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking
- Chaffetz calls on Sessions to recuse himself from Russia probe
- Jeff Sessions is in deep trouble. Bigly.
sessions, jeff, must, russian, himself, perjury, calls, resign
2017-03-03- Report: Mike Pence used private AOL email address to discuss Homeland Security issues
- Donald Trump criticised by veterans for wearing military style outfit despite 'dodging' Vietnam draft
- Two Republicans sign onto effort demanding Trump’s tax returns
- Schumer to Trump: I'll talk about my Putin meeting, will you?
- Al Franken wants to know why Dakota Access Pipe Line protesters are being investigated by the FBI
- Pence used personal email for state business — and was hacked
- The GOP Leadership Is Literally Hiding Their Obamacare Replacement Bill From Congress and the Public
- Sessions used his political funds for RNC trip, where he talked to Russian ambassador
- Sen. Franken to Attorney General Sessions: If You Lied under Oath to American Public & Congress, You Need to Resign
- From “Corrupt Clinton?” to “Nothing to See Here”: a tale of two Fox News email chyrons
email, used, pence, two, you, public, franken, report:
2017-03-04- Donald Trump claims Barack Obama ordered 'wire tap' on Trump Tower, but provides no evidence
- Top Obama adviser to Trump: 'No president can order a wiretap'
- Report: Trump furious that Sessions recused himself
- McMullin: Sessions lied under oath, should resign
- Most Americans now want an investigation into Trump team's alleged Russia links
- Trump’s Wiretap Rant Betrays Ignorance of the Law
- Donald Trump has spent almost a third of his time in office at Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida
- US top court says electoral maps must be reviewed for racial bias
- Sen. Coons: FBI may have transcripts showing ‘collusion’ between Trump campaign, Russia
- House GOP begin to turn on Trump: Republicans break from party to demand president’s tax returns
trump, donald, russia, trump:, top, sessions, obama, almost
2017-03-05- Comey asks Justice Department to reject Trump's claims: report
- Fomer Trump Adviser Roger Stone Admits Collusion With WikiLeaks, Then Deletes It
- President Trump hates 'fake news' — but spreads unsubstantiated and dangerous claims
- Second GOP lawmaker demands Trump reveal backup information on wiretapping accusations
- Thousands of ICE detainees claim they were forced into labor, a violation of anti-slavery laws
- White House requests Congress investigate whether Obama administration abused power
- While we were Distracted by Trump, Republicans Advanced These 9 Terrifying Bills
- Furious Trump 'went ballistic at Priebus and Bannon because Sessions' recused himself - then stormed out the Oval Office and flew to Florida on Air Force One without them
- Poll: 7 in 10 people say America is losing its identity
- If Trump Tower was wiretapped, Trump can declassify that right now
trump, were, then, comey, bills, himself, recused, sessions'
2017-03-06- American citizen Khizr Khan reportedly cancels trip to Canada after being warned his 'travel privileges are being reviewed'
- US spies have 'considerable intelligence' on high-level Trump-Russia talks, claims ex-NSA analyst
- White House spokeswoman: Trump doesn't believe Comey that Obama didn't wiretap
- The White House copied and pasted a paragraph from an ExxonMobil press release into a Trump statement
- 150 Congressional Democrats call on Attorney General to resign
- The Trump Experiment may come to an early tipping point
- Chaffetz: I've seen no evidence Obama ordered wiretap of Trump
- U.S. spies believe Donald Trump 'is a traitor'
- Senators push Trump to release White House, Mar-a-Lago visitor logs
- Sean Spicer hasn't held an on-camera formal press briefing in over a week
trump, white, house, spies, release, press, believe, being
2017-03-07- Trump personally met with Russian ambassador during campaign
- The GOP's Obamacare repeal bill is out--and it's even worse than anyone expected
- Trump blames Obama for 122 'vicious' Guantanamo prisoners returning 'to the battlefield' — but 113 of them were released under Bush
- Al Franken: I think Jeff Sessions committed perjury
- Donald Trump White House 'targeting US journalists with help from Russian intelligence', former NSA analyst says
- Reminder: iPhone-Shamer Jason Chaffetz Has His Healthcare Subsidized by Taxpayers
- 'The New Yorker' Uncovers Trump Hotel's Ties To Corrupt Oligarch Family
- Donald Trump's hotel in Azerbaijan linked with corruption, Iran's Revolutionary Guard
- Early Reports Indicate That Everyone, Literally Everyone, Hates the Republican Health Care Plan
- Donald Trump campaign spoke with Russian Ambassador about closer cooperation five months before election
trump, russian, donald, ambassador, campaign, everyone,, yorker', trump's
2017-03-08- Bernie Sanders: It is important to keep calling Donald Trump a liar
- Jeff Sessions Likely Met Russian Ambassador A Third Time
- Jason Chaffetz Spent $775 of His Campaign Donors’ Money at the Apple Store Last Year
- Rex Tillerson May Have Held Millions In ExxonMobil Stock As Trump Promoted The Oil Giant
- Republicans are now paying the price for a years-long campaign of Obamacare lies
- Sen. Franken: No other conclusion, Sessions perjured himself
- AARP comes out against House GOP health care bill
- Trans Pastor To Texas Bathroom Bill Supporters: 'Stop Using God As An Excuse To Hate People'
- FBI, NSA called to testify on Trump-Russia investigation
- Donald Trump's Barack Obama wiretapping claims could get him impeached, says Harvard law professor
campaign, donald, trump, sessions, bill, bernie, health, supporters:
2017-03-09- Maybe It’s a Bad Sign When Hospitals Come Out Against Your Healthcare Plan
- Sources: FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization
- Donald Trump's State Department approves Saudi Arabia weapons sales blocked by Barack Obama
- Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election
- Trump to conservative leaders: If this plan fails, I'll blame Democrats
- Fox News’s Shep Smith: ‘It’s too much lying and too much Russia and too much smoke’
- David Friedman: Man who said liberal Jews are worse than Nazi collaborators named new US Ambassador to Israel
- Spicer On AARP Concerns: We're Not Trying To Accommodate 'Special Interests'
- Republicans confirm substance abuse and mental health coverage would no longer be mandated under Medicaid expansion
- New details put the spotlight back on Trump's Russia scandal
too, much, trump, trump's, russia, russian, plan, new
2017-03-10- White House official says Breitbart was source of Trump's wiretaps claim
- No Trump Act: US congressman introduces bill to stop taxpayer funds from going to President’s businesses
- Trump did not add 235,000 jobs to the economy. Obama did.
- Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying
- The Steele Dossier Is Increasingly Being Corroborated
- Top Trump adviser admits to contact with DNC hacker
- Jeff Sessions's law license in jeopardy over false Senate testimony about Russia
- US State Department staff 'left with literally nothing to do' under Trump
- Attorney General Jeff Sessions seeks resignation of 46 United States attorneys remaining from prior administration
- Trump's economic advisor admits Trump had nothing to do with Friday's strong jobs report
trump, jobs, admits, jeff, trump's, top, us, nothing
2017-03-11- Federal court finds Texas gerrymandered maps on racial lines
- Preet Bharara says he was fired 'moments ago'
- Donald Trump is now living in fear
- Trump makes ninth golf course visit in seven weeks in office
- Maddow: Pence story on Flynn impossible to believe
- Mike Flynn Disclosed Working as a Foreign Agent to Trump Team. Twice.
- Millionaires Will Get $157 Billion In Tax Cuts If Republicans Repeal Obamacare
- Trump supporters call for “liberal genocide” and deportation of Jews at Arizona rally
- Fake news website created to test Donald Trump supporters' gullibility - Reveals they will believe anything
- If Trump Fans Love Freedom, They Should Love Net Neutrality
trump, donald, will, love, they, believe, flynn, federal
2017-03-12- After Pledging to Donate Salary, Trump Declines to Release Proof
- This Level of Corruption Is Unprecedented in the Modern History of the Presidency
- Trump's revised travel ban order loses its first court battle
- Drain the Swamp? Supporters Say Fired Prosecutor Bharara Was Doing It
- Republican Report Accidentally Proves Trump Lied About Voter Fraud
- Franken: Trump's wiretapping claims 'just a distraction' from Russia investigations
- McCain: Trump has to retract wiretap claim or provide information
- Cummings: There 'very well may be' connection between Bharara firing and investigations into Trump
- Trump Press Secretary to American woman in Apple Store: “Such a great country that allows you to be here”
- Sarah Palin knocks GOP healthcare bill: 'Unaffordable, unsustainable, unwanted, unconstitutional'
trump, investigations, bharara, trump's, 'very, firing, between, connection
2017-03-13- Spicer: Trump didn't mean wiretapping when he tweeted about wiretapping
- Trump Said ‘He Would Not Be a President to Take Vacations’, But Now He’s On Pace to Take the Most Days Off Of Any President
- Kellyanne Conway suggests Barack Obama was spying on Donald Trump through a microwave
- Trump promised not to cut Medicaid. His health bill will cut $880 billion from it.
- Fired U.S. Attorney Was Probing if Fox News Illegally Obtained Journalists’ Phone Records, Report Says
- Trump Supporters Criticize Obama Drone Program While Drone Strikes Up 432% Under Trump Administration
- Kellyanne Conway: 'Of course I don’t have any evidence' of surveillance claims
- Amazon launched a fake radio station to promote ‘The Man in the High Castle.’ Angry Trump supporters thought it was real.
- Trump headed back to Mar-a-Lago this weekend
- Donald Trump's former campaign manager accused of playing part in Ukrainian mass killings
trump, take, supporters, donald, wiretapping, drone, obama, cut
2017-03-14- Rachel Maddow says she has Trump's tax returns
- President Bannon Is Laying the Groundwork for Destroying the Executive Branch
- IRS strips tax-exempt status from Richard Spencer's white nationalist nonprofit
- What We Already Know About Trump’s Ties to Russia Amounts to Treachery to the Republic
- Why Did Donald Trump Fire the Most Famous Anti-Corruption Prosecutor in America?
- Sean Spicer loses his cool when NBC reporter asks ‘When can we trust the president?'
- Never-Trump Republicans join call for select committee to investigate Russia and Trump
- CBO: Republican health care bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%
- She makes $26k, will pay $14k for health care
- The CBO's other bombshell: the Affordable Care Act isn't imploding
care, trump, russia, we, health, she, asks, call
2017-03-15- US Defence Secretary James Mattis says climate change is already destabilising the world
- Trump's Second Travel Ban Blocked by U.S. Judge
- It's your plan, Mr. Trump — Speaker Ryan says president co-wrote embattled Obamacare replacement
- Put Trump under oath
- 'Clearly the president is wrong': House intel committee says it's seen 'no evidence' that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower
- Every single false Republican criticism of Obamacare applies perfectly to Trumpcare
- Amazing: Bernie Convinces Room Full of W.V. Trump Voters to Cheer for Universal Healthcare
- Comey will testify publicly on Russia investigation next week
- Megathread: Judge blocks President Trump's revised Travel Ban Executive Order
- James Comey to officially reveal if FBI is investigating Trump's ties to Russia during presidential election
trump, president, trump's, russia, comey, it's, judge, obamacare
2017-03-16- Trump Budget Makes It Official: You’re Paying For The Wall, Not Mexico
- Mike Flynn was paid to work for Russia's top cybersecurity firm while he still had top-secret security clearance
- Donald Trump is going to cut Meals on Wheels to pay for Mexican border wall
- Bernie Sanders and Planned Parenthood are the most popular things in America, Fox News finds
- Trump when told the biggest losers under 'Trumpcare' would be his own voters: 'Oh, I know'
- Paul Ryan: 'No such wiretap existed'
- Married Trump campaign chair caught in motel room with underage boy
- McDonald's tweets to Trump: 'You are actually a disgusting excuse of a President'
- Donald Trump gives rambling and incoherent explanation for claim Barack Obama wiretapped his home
- #LetThemDie: ‘Heartless’ Donald Trump Blasted For Killing Meals On Wheels Funds
trump, donald, meals, wheels, own, married, underage, room
2017-03-17- Trump to spend 7th consecutive weekend at Trump-branded property, at enormous cost to taxpayers
- Petition to remove Congress members' health care subsidies gets nearly 500,000 signatures
- US makes formal apology to Britain after White House accuses GCHQ of wiretapping Trump Tower
- Donald Trump refuses to shake Angela Merkel's hand
- Donald Trump could reverse cuts to arts, poor and elderly if he stopped staying at Mar-a-Lago, figures show
- Trump's relationship with the truth is becoming a national embarrassment
- Trump Thinks the Constitution 'Makes Us Look Weak'
- Former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort wanted for questioning in Ukraine corruption case
- We've lost sight of how appalling Trump's "Obama tapped my phones" accusation is
- White House Cites Satire Story to Support Trump's Nightmare Budget
trump, trump's, donald, white, house, us, becoming, national
2017-03-18- The White House just shared an article condemning Donald Trump
- The GOP has become the party of white nationalism
- New Jersey passes bill forcing presidential candidates to release tax returns: report
- Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president
- US reporters praise German journalists for questioning Trump
- Trump's 'major meeting' on veterans affairs never happened
- Palm Beach Mayor Says They May Have to Raise Taxes to Pay for President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Visits
- Conservative activists refuse to believe Trump is spending more on travel than Obama
- GOP Rep. Tom Cole: Trump owes Obama an apology for wiretapping claim
- Fox News poll: Bernie Sanders most popular politician in America
trump, white, obama, most, gop, president, trump’s, activists
2017-03-19- Zero evidence for Donald Trump's wiretap claim found in Justice Department review, house intelligence chairman says
- Donald Trump’s approval rating falls to record low, finds Gallup poll
- You could feed 5,967 homebound seniors for a year on what Trump’s Mar-a-Lago trips cost so far
- Owner of Phoenix Trump billboard: It will stay up as long as Trump is president
- Trump could fund homelessness agency for decades if he stopped visiting Trump properties
- Trump wants to slash NYPD anti-terror funding while the city pays to protect Trump Tower
- Top intel Democrat: "Circumstantial evidence of collusion" between Trump and Russia
- Germany rejects Trump's claim it owes NATO and U.S. 'vast sums' for defense
- White House Admits Trump ‘Insurance For Everybody’ Guarantee Isn’t Going To Happen
- Trump’s ruined credibility: What happens when the White House just can’t be trusted?
trump, trump’s, house, donald, trump's, claim, evidence, could
2017-03-20- Donald Trump wouldn't have to make $18m education cuts if Melania lived in White House instead of Trump Tower
- Rubio in 2016: “Can this country afford to have a president under investigation by the FBI?”
- Comey’s testimony humiliates Trump
- The president’s official Twitter account is spreading falsehoods about the Comey hearing
- 2 Months In, Trump May Already Own A First: Most Corrupt POTUS. Ever.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson: Trump’s Budget Will Make America Weak, Sick & Stupid
- Comey: FBI Investigating Possible Russian Election Interference Megathread
- All of Trump’s wiretap claims have now officially been debunked by the FBI and NSA
- Democrats could seek Trump impeachment after Comey hearing
- Fox News pulls Judge Napolitano over his Trump wiretap claims
trump, have, hearing, make, fbi, wiretap, trump’s, claims
2017-03-21- FBI Reportedly Looking At Breitbart, InfoWars As Part Of Russia Probe
- Schumer calls for delaying Gorsuch vote because of Trump-Russia probe
- If Trump Is Innocent, Why Is He Acting So Guilty?
- Sean Spicer: It’s a ‘vast reach’ to think Donald Trump will cut back on $3m trips to Mar-a-Lago
- New documents show Trump aide hid payments from Ukraine party with Moscow ties, lawmaker alleges
- Bank that lent $300m to Trump linked to Russian money laundering scam
- Donald Trump will 'attack everyone and anyone' but Vladimir Putin is 'immune'
- Hacked text messages allegedly sent by Paul Manafort's daughter discuss 'blood money' and killings, and a Ukrainian lawyer wants him to explain
- Donald Trump plans to scrap school meals programme that has fed 40 million children in world’s poorest places
- Scarborough: ‘Only one person on election day under FBI investigation ... not Hillary Clinton’
trump, donald, fbi, probe, will, vladimir, manafort's, wants
2017-03-22- Schiff: There is now 'more than circumstantial evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion
- AP: Manafort's plan to 'greatly benefit the Putin Government'
- Trump's Team Said It Didn't Ask For Military Vehicles At Inauguration. Emails Show It Did.
- If you're a millionaire, the AHCA gives you $50K. If you're poor, it costs you $1,420.
- Donald Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort secretly worked for Russian billionaire to 'benefit Putin government'
- McCain: Select Committee On Russia Now A ‘Requirement’
- Key witness in Preet Bharara's Russian probe just fell from fourth floor of building
- Ex-Colo. GOP leader said only Democrats committed voter fraud. Now he’s charged with voter fraud.
- Ivanka Trump's family skiing 'funded by the taxpayer'
- House Intelligence chair discloses classified intel in clumsy effort to validate Trump
now, voter, trump, fraud., you, said, trump's, government'
2017-03-23- US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians
- FBI have uncovered 'evidence of treason' among alt-right websites, says George W Bush's ethics lawyer
- Fox News Cut Away Early From James Comey Hearing, Lost 29 Percent of Viewers
- Wife Now Regrets Supporting Trump After Husband Set to be Deported
- House Obamacare repeal vote will not take place Thursday
- Trump: 'I can’t be doing so badly, because I’m president and you’re not'
- Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Gorsuch nomination
- Only 17% of Americans support 'Trumpcare' in new poll
- FBI has info suggesting Trump aides ‘coordinated with Russia to damage Clinton campaign’
- Schiff: New evidence shows possible Trump-Russia collusion
trump, info, will, have, new, fbi, us, i’m
2017-03-24- Trump Says He Never Promised to Quickly Repeal Obamacare. Here’s a Bunch of Times He Promised Exactly That.
- Megathread: House Health Care bill pulled
- Trump threatens to leave ObamaCare in place if repeal bill fails
- Donald Trump meets 30 men to discuss future of pregnancy and maternity care under new healthcare bill
- House Intelligence Committee open hearing into Russia links 'cancelled', says furious Democrat leader
- Donald Trump said Keystone XL pipeline would create 28,000 jobs. US State Department says 50
- Dems introduce bill to publish Mar-A-Lago, White House visitor logs
- Dem rep: 'We must pause the entire Trump agenda' until Russia investigation complete
- Ivanka Trump Lives in Washington, Works at the White House, But isn't an Employee Subject to Federal Rules
- After Promising Not To Talk Business With Father, Eric Trump Says He'll Give Him Financial Reports
trump, bill, house, russia, promised, repeal, donald, white
2017-03-25- Donald Trump takes 12th golf trip since becoming President nine weeks ago
- Biden: I regret not running for president
- Sanders says he'll introduce 'Medicare for all' bill
- Report: Bannon told conservatives 'this is not a debate,' you have to back bill
- See It: Ads praising Republicans for replacing Obamacare aired hours after Trump-backed bill flopped
- Elizabeth Warren to Donald Trump: You’re trying to make Obamacare fail
- The committee probing the Russia scandal has erupted into open warfare
- It’s Time for a Single-Payer Healthcare System
- Detroit man: I almost froze to death, and Gorsuch didn't care
- Trump’s Keystone plan: 35 jobs for America, millions of dollars to Russian oligarchs
bill, donald, i, obamacare, president, single-payer, time, it’s
2017-03-26- Donald Trump's staff 'wiping their electronic devices' in anticipation of giving evidence
- Donald Trump says he's in meetings, gets photographed in golfing gear
- Donald Trump printed out made-up £300bn Nato invoice and handed it to Angela Merkel
- A timeline of events that unfolded during the election appears to support the FBI's investigation into Trump-Russia collusion
- Fox News mocked for 'alert' that Trump spent weekend working at White House
- Republican aide says Donald Trump 'didn't care or particularly know about healthcare'
- Meet the man who may end gerrymandering: A retired Wisconsin law professor’s Supreme Court case could save democracy
- The Trump Administration Is Silent Hours After Russia Arrests Hundreds Of Protesters
- President Trump, Coward: He Wants Paul Ryan To Step Down But Gets A Sycophant To Say It
- Nearly one out of every three days he has been president, Trump has visited a Trump property
trump, donald, out, gets, meet, supreme, silent, administration
2017-03-27- Donald Trump branded 'international embarrassment' after handing made-up Nato invoice to Angela Merkel
- Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%
- Report: Jared Kushner had undisclosed meeting with head of Russian bank under sanctions
- Schiff calls on Nunes to recuse himself from Russia probe
- Fox News Tweets That Trump Was at the White House When He Was Actually at His Golf Course
- Schumer: Nunes needs to be replaced
- 23 people ask the Justice Department to launch a criminal inquiry into its chief, Jeff Sessions
- Robert Reich: Gorsuch shouldn’t be confirmed until the man who picked him is cleared of wrongdoing
- Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer calls for removal of head of House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes
- Secret Service has spent nearly $17K on golf cart rentals for Trump’s Mar-A-Lago visits
nunes, head, trump, golf, calls, house, sessions, confirmed
2017-03-28- I am an Arctic researcher. Donald Trump is deleting my citations
- First GOP lawmaker calls for Nunes to recuse himself
- Megathread: Sally Yates allegedly blocked from testifying
- As Trump Flaunts Ford’s $1.2B Investment, Ford Says It Was Planned in 2015
- Trump-Russia investigation: House Intelligence Committee 'cancels all meetings this week'
- Melania Trump: Thousands sign petition for First Lady to move to White House or pay for Trump Tower security
- The House just voted to wipe out the FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections
- Swalwell on Nunes: ‘This is what a cover-up to a crime looks like
- Donald Trump mocked Obama for his 39 per cent approval rating. Trump is now at 36 per cent
- Now we know why Trump panicked about Russia probe
trump, house, now, donald, first, per, cent, fcc’s
2017-03-29- ‘Cards Against Humanity’ Creator Just Pledged To Buy and Publish Congress’s Browser History
- The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs, and how much it cost to buy them
- Trump's approval rating sinks to 35 percent: poll
- Sean Spicer insists Trump-Russia case closed as FBI and two congressional committees continue to investigate
- Anti-Abortion Activists Who Secretly Filmed Planned Parenthood Charged With Felonies
- Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified'
- Trump just gutted the LGBT executive order he promised not to touch
- FBI Director James Comey Tried To Reveal Russian Tampering Months Before Election
- Former Trump University student refuses settlement because she wants to hold President 'accountable for this fraud'
- Senate intelligence leaders: 20 people to be questioned, first hearing Thursday
trump, who, just, buy, fbi, months, tampering, russian
2017-03-30- Russian hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake news' in key US states during election, Trump-Russia hearings leader reveals
- 2 White House Officials Helped Give Nunes Intelligence Reports
- Trump says NYT 'failing' -- but stock up 30% since election
- Flynn offers to testify on Russia ties in exchange for immunity
- 130,000 Sign Petition To Kick Melania Out Of New York
- Donald Trump suggests he will change libel laws due to negative coverage of his presidency
- John McCain reintroduces a bill to kill the penny and move to a $1 coin
- GOP Dares Call Gorsuch Filibuster Unprecedented—While Ignoring Their Blockade Of Garland
- Chris Hayes: Trump ‘Knew Literally—And I Mean Literally—Nothing About’ His Health-Care Bill
- Trump intervened to halt the transfer of a White House aide who later provided Devin Nunes with classified intelligence
trump, intelligence, nunes, house, white, bill, move, gorsuch
2017-03-31- Megathread: Flynn offers to testify for immunity deal.
- The entire coal industry employs fewer people than Arby’s
- Trump leaves room before signing orders
- Trump Impeachment Odds Now at 56 Percent
- I lost my seat in Congress because I voted for Obamacare. I don't regret that decision at all
- Trump’s failing presidency has the GOP in a free fall
- 1 in 3 voters give President Trump a grade F
- GOP lawmaker: The Bible says the unemployed ‘shall not eat’
- ‘Morning Joe’ Says Russia Got Lucky With a President ‘Stupid Enough’ to Believe Fake News
- Tom Price Intervened on Rule That Would Hurt Drug Profits, the Same Day He Acquired Drug Stock
i, trump, gop, drug, president, bible, ‘morning, eat’

1: trump, donald, house, trump's, russia, white, president, obama, bill, russian, sessions, trump’s, gop, will, under, us, now, fbi, have, news

2: donald trump, white house, jeff sessions, fox news, barack obama, health care, donald trump's, trump tower, house intelligence, russian ambassador, may have, russia probe, trump campaign, trump supporters, intelligence committee, under oath, sean spicer, man who, into trump, care bill