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2016-04-01- Your Taxes Are Being Spent on Preventing Other Citizens from Voting
- "Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders raised $44 million in March, surpassing his record-breaking February haul as his campaign readies for a round of expensive primary fights this month."
- Sanders pushes back on Clinton's claims that his campaign is lying
- Bernie Sanders' lawyer compares Arizona primary to Florida's 2000 fiasco
- Clinton Says She's “Sick of the Sanders Campaign Lying” About Her—Which It Isn’t Doing
- Clinton campaign said it would win race in March; it didn't
- 'I can never tell what he's talking about': Hillary Clinton dismisses Bernie Sanders' Wall Street attacks
- Bernie Sanders is giving Hillary Clinton a real run for the nomination "But look at the bigger picture: It’s April and Clinton has not managed to put away a 74-year-old avowed socialist who wasn’t even a Democrat until he began his campaign. Why is that not worrisome?"
- Casino workers union endorses Bernie Sanders for president
- Sanders addresses crowd of 18,500 in Bronx
sanders, bernie, clinton, campaign, primary, sanders', hillary, your
2016-04-02- Clinton, under fire for oil and gas donations, once hit Obama for same reason
- Florida Governor Signs Bill Requiring Actual Criminal Charges Before Seizing Property
- If you perceive verifiable facts about your record to be attacks, you are admitting your actions are indefensible.
- Bernie Sanders Demands Apology From Hillary Clinton for Accusing Him of Lying
- Women are calling the governor's office to tell him about their periods in response to abortion bill
- New York not looking like sure thing for Hillary Clinton
- New York deserves a Democratic debate — stop dodging, Hillary
- Clinton lashes out at “Sanders lies” and Sanders reaffirms accusation that she is taking fossil fuel money
- These Firms Are Lying to Either the Government or Their Investors, and Elizabeth Warren Just Called Them Out
- The known facts of Hillary Clinton's server is worthy of an indictment. Here is a timeline.
hillary, clinton, new, bill, their, lying, sanders, out
2016-04-03- Eleven oil and gas industry lobbyists bundled $1,327,210 for Clinton’s campaign as of the end of 2015
- Thousands turn out for Clark County Democratic Convention -- Sanders gets more delegates than Clinton
- "Hillary Clinton: I feel sorry sometimes for the young people who, you know, believe this. They don't do their own research."
- Bernie Sanders Supporters Protest Election Coverage At Hollywood CNN Building
- Hillary Clinton's absurd claim that she's the only candidate being attacked by Wall Street rated 'Pants on Fire!' by Politifact
- Sanders wins most delegates at Clark County convention
- Donald Trump’s Tax Plan Could Tack $10 Trillion onto America’s Debt
- Hillary Clinton Says She Hasn't Been Contacted By the FBI
- TPP 'worst trade deal ever,' says Nobel-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz - Business - CBC News
- Sanders: It's a 'political revolution' | "We're doing something unusual in American politics," he said. "We're telling the truth."
sanders, convention, county, clark, delegates, clinton, -, "we're
2016-04-04- Clinton, Sanders to meet for Brooklyn debate
- Panama Papers: Obama, Clinton Pushed Trade Deal Amid Warnings It Would Make Money Laundering, Tax Evasion Worse
- Since becoming president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis this year, the 42-year-old Kashkari has gone on a media blitz, visiting nine major media outlets in two days and creating a Twitter hashtag to promote his view that the biggest U.S. banks should break up.
- Tim Canova raises $557,000 in first quarter in race against Debbie Wasserman Schultz
- Law makes clear DOJ should prosecute Clinton for mishandling 'national defense information,' classified or not.
- Obama's Endorsement Of Debbie Wasserman Schultz Brings In Serious Money... For Her Challenger
- Hillary Clinton's absurd claim that she's the only candidate being attacked by Wall Street
- Bernie Sanders: Marijuana use should not be a federal crime
- The Panama Papers show something Bernie Sanders gets right about the economy
- Bernie Sanders outraises Hillary Clinton for third consecutive month
bernie, sanders, clinton, should, federal, debbie, wasserman, panama
2016-04-05- "In 2014, for the first time in recorded history, police seized more money and property from citizens than all burglars and thieves combined"
- Bernie Sanders Warned Congress About Panama's Tax Havens In 2011
- Bernie gets green light to appear on D.C. ballot
- Oil Companies Donated To Clinton Foundation While Lobbying State Department
- The Panama Papers let Bernie Sanders say ‘I told you so’
- Sanders supporters love him, admire him, and this is, perhaps, his most important trait: they trust him. In poll after poll, people say they trust Sanders and believe he is the most honest candidate in the race.
- Panama Papers tax avoidance: Obama says ‘frankly, Americans are doing the same’
- Poll: 67% of millennials dislike Clinton, 75% dislike Trump - 35% may vote 3rd Party
- Hillary just headlined a rally for a cause doesn’t believe in: Hillary Clinton was the star speaker at Gov. Cuomo’s “Fight for $15” minimum-wage victory rally Monday at the Javits Center. Only one problem: She’s not in favor of a $15 minimum wage.
- Sanders hits Clinton over Panama Papers leaks
sanders, bernie, panama, papers, clinton, hillary, believe, rally
2016-04-06- Why the Panama Papers should be a US election issue: Whether US politicians are named or not, the kind of arrangements that allow the global super-rich to hide their wealth only exist with our leaders’ consent
- Clinton campaign chief linked to Russian bank listed in Panama Papers
- NY Election Boards Inundated With Calls From Voters "Pissed Off" About Registration Issues
- Sanders beats Clinton in Wisconsin
- Hillary Clinton wasn't greeting voters at a rally, town hall or diner as votes rolled in from Wisconsin. Instead, she was spending her evening with top donors in New York City. She raised at least $60,000 Tuesday night at the fundraiser.
- Bernie Sanders Rips Into Hillary Clinton Over ‘Panama Papers’: ‘Americans Are Sick And Tired Of Establishment Politicians’
- Poll: Sanders holds slim lead over Clinton nationally
- Bernie Sanders wins Wisconsin Democratic primary
- The Problem With Hillary Clinton Isn’t Just Her Corporate Cash. It’s Her Corporate Worldview.
- Barney vs. Bernie: Sanders is the Real “Progressive Who Gets Things Done”: Here’s the truth: Hillary Clinton got very little done during her eight years in the United States Senate, while Bernie Sanders amassed an impressive record of accomplishments in both the House and Senate.
clinton, sanders, her, hillary, bernie, election, us, papers
2016-04-07- How ‘Citizens United’ is helping Hillary Clinton win the White House: "Clinton’s massive campaign machine is built of the very stuff — super PACs, secret cash, unlimited contributions — she says she’ll attack upon winning the White House."
- Poll: Hillary Clinton Plummets in Crucial Pennsylvania Primary, Lead Falls from 22 to 6
- First Wisconsin super delegate sides with Bernie Sanders
- The Panama Papers prove it: we can afford a universal basic income
- Sanders and his team understand that if he beats Clinton in New York -- a state she represented for eight years in the Senate and now calls home -- it would force a reexamination of the race from the party establishment, the media and the donor class.
- Emails Show Clinton Intervened On Behalf Of Tax Avoiding Corporate Crony
- Weaver accused Clinton of running a “smear campaign” centered on "innuendo and unfair attacks." “If they want to engage in that kind of a campaign, they’re going to see how a real New Yorker fights back,”
- Hillary Clintons campaign built on a mountain of secret cash
- Bernie Sanders on Hillary Clinton: “I don’t believe that she is qualified to be president”
- CNN Ignored Bernie Sanders Protest Outside HQ
clinton, hillary, sanders, she, bernie, how, secret, super
2016-04-08- Clinton Campaign Uses Noise Machine To Block Reporters From Hearing Fundraiser Speech
- Bruce Springsteen just cancelled a concert in North Carolina because of its anti-LGBT law
- Sanders Accepts Invitation to visit Vatican City on April 15
- "How often have I talked about Hillary Clinton's emails? Not one word. How often have I talked about the Clinton Foundation fundraising?" Sanders said. "Let's get back to the issues."
- Bernie Sanders: 'Make banking boring again'
- Hillary Clinton uses Sandy Hook victims as ‘political props’ to shame Bernie Sanders on gun control
- Senior papal official: Untrue that Sanders invited himself to Vatican
- Could Sanders be a stronger Democratic nominee than Clinton? : "He tops polls in conservative states"
- New national Dem poll: Bernie 47, Hillary 46
- The Latest: Sanders not to contest Arizona primary results... "The Sanders campaign instead is considering a federal lawsuit aimed at preventing future problems."
sanders, clinton, hillary, bernie, have, vatican, i, talked
2016-04-09- Wells Fargo admits deception in $1.2 billion U.S. mortgage accord
- Sanders extends win streak with Wyoming victory
- More Republicans Lawmakers Have Been Arrested For Bathroom Misconduct Than Trans People
- Hillary Clinton Laughs in Activist's Face When Asked About Fracking Money
- If you say you are "The Most Transparent Candidate" while constantly obfuscating data, what does that say about your integrity?
- Flashback Friday: Four Times The Clintons Said Obama Was Unqualified To Be President
- Hillary says: "Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported." So why didn't she do that with the women who accuse her husband of sexual assault? And why did she assassinate the character of a 12 y/o victim of a brutal rape?
- Bernie Sanders Wins Democratic Presidential Caucuses in Wyoming
- Hillary Clinton FBI Investigation: Extradition of Hacker 'Guccifer,' Who First Uncovered Clinton's Email Server, Increases Likelihood of Indictment for Clinton
- Chris Sosa wrote a piece for Salon entitled “I’m done with Bernie Sanders: Why this democratic socialist is voting for Hillary Clinton.” There is nothing unusual about people changing their political bents, especially in their youth. The problem? Its author, Chris Sosa, is a Clinton 08 campaign alum
clinton, hillary, why, about, she, their, sexual, bernie
2016-04-10- Sorry, Feds: Kids Can Sue Over Climate Negligence, Judge Says - An Oregon judge ruled Friday that their lawsuit, which alleges the government violated the constitutional rights of the next generation by allowing the pollution that has caused climate change, can go forward.
- Hillary Angrily Denies Sanders’ Claim She Takes Money from Big Oil, After Taking Money from Big Oil
- Sanders: Clinton 'condescending' to young voters
- I’m more regular than you are: Clinton’s had Secret Service chauffeurs for 23 years now. She hasn’t driven a car this century. She prohibits traveling press from photographing her boarding chartered private jets.
- Banking Expert Who Exposed Savings & Loan Corruption Joins Sanders Campaign
- Trump: Primary process 'corrupt' on both sides
- Growing backlash demands superdelegates vote Sanders
- Trump compares himself to Sanders: 'I'm not a fan of Bernie ... But he wins, like me'
- Rigged race means Hillary takes more delegates in Bernie’s Wyoming win
- NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio joins Hillary on list of Dems being investigated by FBI
she, hillary, takes, joins, big, sanders:, more, money
2016-04-11- Clinton Angrily Refuses To Release Wall Street Transcripts. Again Claims She’s Being Held to a Double Standard
- Obama: Clinton showed "carelessness" with emails
- Bernie Sanders Wins Missouri After All
- Sanders: U.S. multinationals would owe $620 billion on overseas profits - Mostly True
- The 1% hide their money offshore – then use it to corrupt our democracy
- Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio make a cringeworthy “colored people time” joke at New York City charity event
- Hillary Clinton under fire for participating in racially charged joke - The joke poked fun at a negative stereotype of black Americans
- This is why people don’t trust Hillary: How a convenient reversal on gun control highlights her opportunism
- This Delaware Address Is Home to 200,000 Shell Companies—Including Hillary Clinton’s
- Minnesota Rep. Rick Nolan backs Bernie Sanders for president
clinton, joke, hillary, bernie, -, this, sanders, people
2016-04-12- Colorado Democrats admit mistake that cost Bernie Sanders key delegate -- Denver Post uncovers that Democratic Party told Hillary Clinton's campaign about caucus counting mistake, but kept public and Bernie Sanders camp in the dark
- Some of the nation’s leading defense companies are declaring war on an obscure Pentagon official named Shay Assad who has helped cut more than $500 million from military contracts with his aggressive scrutiny of their costs.
- Sanders Did Even Better in Colorado Than Reported, But No One Told Him
- Hillary Clinton’s claim that the ‘highest per capita number’ of crime guns in New York come from Vermont: Three Pinocchios
- Bernie Sanders Received More Individual Campaign Contributions Than Obama’s Entire 2008 Campaign
- Bernie’s entire net worth, accumulated over his 74 years of life, is less than half of what Hillary Clinton made just in her speeches to Goldman Sachs. In 2013, Bernie’s net worth was estimated to be $330,000 — making him among the least wealthy U.S. Senators in the country.
- Sanders picks up another Colorado delegate as party admits error
- Jimmy Carter: Clinton Took "Very Little Action to Bring About Peace" as Sec. of State
- Yes, Hillary Clinton Is Held To A Double Standard. In fact, she has been held to a much lower standard.
- In an almost 180-degree turn from 2008, the new 2016 Clinton now fancies herself as a staunch gun control advocate
sanders, hillary, clinton, colorado, bernie, campaign, net, new
2016-04-13- 2016: The Year the Americans Found out Our Elections Are Rigged
- New York’s transit workers union endorses Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton rakes in Verizon cash while Bernie Sanders supports company’s striking workers
-  Monday’s demonstration was one of the largest acts of civil disobedience to occur inside Washington—and it barely got any attention from the mainstream press.
- Clinton's dismal approval ratings prompt Dem fears
- Shoe Company New Balance Says US Gov't Basically Offered It a Bribe to Support TPP
- Dem Senator Breaks From The Pack To Endorse Bernie Sanders
- "She's Baldly Lying": Dana Frank Responds to Hillary Clinton's Defense of Her Role in Honduras Coup
- A Black Man Brought 3 Forms of ID to the Polls in Wisconsin. He Still Couldn’t Vote.
- Bernie Sanders' plan to win New York: Get highest voter turnout in primary history
bernie, new, sanders, dem, hillary, clinton's, workers, her
2016-04-14- Many Voters Are Reporting Mysterious Changes to Their Registration and Party Affiliation
- Money influences everybody. That includes Hillary Clinton -- Democrats were quick to criticize Republicans who flirted with banks and big oil. Why won’t they admit that Hillary’s links are a problem too?
- Bernie Sanders rallies 27,000 in Manhattan
- "At a time when Republicans tell us that we don't have enough money to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure or provide universal childcare, maybe, just maybe we should stop allowing huge corporations to pay nothing in federal income taxes,"
- Sanders Responds to Disgruntled CEOs: 'I Welcome Their Contempt'
- Why Do We Condemn Republicans And Yet Turn A Blind Eye To Clinton's Campaign Corruption?
- Turns out the Clinton Foundation has a “Mad Men” era wage gap of its own: Male executives made 38 percent more than female executives. Yep, apparently, the Clinton family foundation exemplifies the things Democrats say they hate
- Mrs. Clinton paid her female Senate staffers 72 cents to every dollar that male staffers were paid — a fact confirmed by the Clinton campaign. When Mrs. Clinton was a senator, the median annual salary for a woman working in her office was $15,708.38 less than the median salary for a man.
- 'The system is rigged': widespread dissatisfaction among US voters
- Hillary Clinton’s superdelegates should stop whining: Why Sanders supporters have every right to question to challenge their super-votes
clinton, sanders, why, their, we, republicans, stop, female
2016-04-15- Hillary Clinton gets booed at Democratic debate after being confronted over Wall Street transcripts
- Hillary Clinton Faces Growing Political Backlash by Refusing to Release Wall Street Speech Transcipts, Even Her Own Party Now Turning On Her
- Bernie Vatican Transcript: "The wealthiest 60 people–60 people–own more than the bottom half – 3 1/2 billion people [...] The challenges facing our planet are not mainly technological or even financial [...] Our challenge is mostly a moral one, to redirect our efforts and vision to the common good."
- Release of Clinton’s Wall Street Speeches Could End Her Candidacy for President
- Sanders to Release Tax Returns, Clinton Won't Commit to Releasing Paid Speeches
- "Does it scare you that Ted Cruz wants to impose his Christian sharia onto the general citizenry of the United States? It should."
- Thanks to Bernie Sanders, we now know how many big corporations don’t pay taxes
- Sanders’ 2014 Federal Tax Return
- Clinton remarked, "It's always a little bit challenging because, you know, if Senator Sanders doesn't agree with how you are approaching something, then you are a member of the establishment." Sanders retorted, "Yes, Secretary Clinton, you are a member of the establishment."
- Hillary Clinton: Bernie Sanders 'has been largely a very reliable supporter of the NRA'
you, sanders, clinton, hillary, our, bernie, wall, street
2016-04-16- Hundreds of New York state voters to file suit calling the closed primary 'a threat to our democratic system' after claiming their party affiliation mysteriously changed
- Clooney's neighbor throwing Saturday fundraiser for Sanders: Howard Gold, whose family founded the 99 Cents Only store chain, is calling his bash the “99% Party,” with tickets selling for $27 per person.
- In a statement, Hillary Clinton noted the family had given $15 million to charity since 2007. The tax returns show $14.8 million of that went to the Clinton Family Foundation.
- The chancellor for the pontifical academy, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, said he invited Sanders because he was the only U.S. presidential candidate who showed deep interest in the teachings of Francis.
- “The debate last night was like the Clinton News Network,” Danny DeVito says. “I was hoping somebody would time the amount of times Wolf Blitzer butted in on Bernie Sanders and let Hillary continue.
- Bernie Sanders bests Hillary Clinton at Colorado Democratic convention
- George Clooney Says Bernie Sanders Is 'Absolutely Right' to Criticize the High Price Tag on His Clinton Fundraiser
- Sanders’ tax returns: As ‘boring’ as promised
- Bernie Sanders Meets Pope Francis During Visit to Vatican City
- Move Over, Trump: Polls Show Bernie Sanders Is 2016’s Most Popular Candidate
sanders, clinton, bernie, family, hillary, million, fundraiser, tax
2016-04-17- It's official: Medical marijuana now legal in Pennsylvania
- Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton “behind the curve” on raising minimum wage. “If you make $225,000 in an hour, you maybe don't know what it's like to live on ten bucks an hour.”
- “Her appeal is waning”: Hillary’s favorability rating hits new low among Democrats
- Hillary Clinton's campaign received $36,550 from David Leiter on behalf of Sempra Energy, who's negligence caused the biggest methane leak in history in Los Angeles, CA
- Bernie Sanders became the Sunday talk show champion, surpassing Donald Trump for the most appearances of the 2016 presidential campaign
- Clinton Delegate Lead Down to 194, Even as Dramatic Miscounting of Delegates by Media Continues
- Two despised frontrunners, two dying parties and a deeply broken system: How did we get here?
- Sanders campaign says Sunday rally drew more than 28,000, his largest audience to date
- Bernie Sanders: US "Can't Be Blackmailed" by Saudi Arabia
- Bernie Sanders “tired” of Clinton campaign’s “negativity”
bernie, sanders, campaign, clinton, hillary, sunday, two, you
2016-04-18- New Yorkers File Emergency Lawsuit To Give Voting Rights Back To 3.2 Million People
- Bernie Sanders’ Team Just Accused Hillary Clinton of Violating Campaign Finance Rules
- Clinton-DNC Joint Fundraising Raises Serious Campaign Finance Concerns
- Clinton's national support falls below 50% for the first time
- 60,000 Fewer Democrats in Brooklyn and No Clear Reason Why
- New York Voters Sue The State, Claiming Mass Voter Roll Purges
- Why Did Congo Offer Clinton $650,000 For Two Pics And A Speech?
- Hillary Clinton Praised ‘Corrupt’ Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff For Her Transparency -- In 2012, Hillary Clinton said soon-to-be-impeached Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was the “global standard” for transparency.
- Land of the free? New reports shows the US ranks dead last in electoral integrity | "As if further proof could possibly be needed of the sorry state of the American electoral process, a new study just ranked the United States dead last in electoral integrity among established Western democracies."
- Stephanopoulos Again Fails to Disclose His Donations During Clinton Interview
clinton, new, hillary, electoral, president, why, last, dead
2016-04-19- New York City primary voters outraged by broken machines, closed polling places
- De Blasio Demands Explanation, as Decline in Registered Brooklyn Democrats Doubles
- Co-founders of Ben & Jerry's arrested at Capitol
- 54,000 Brooklyn voters ‘vanish’ ahead of primary day
- New York attorney general swamped by voter complaints
- New York City Comptroller orders audit of Board of Elections over "irregularities" during today's primary
- Most Clinton Voters Like Bernie Sanders. Most Sanders Voters Don’t Like Hillary Clinton.
- ‘Corruption In Full Force’: Voter Claims There Were No GOP Ballots In Harlem
- Politifact Gives Clinton More Than Double the Coverage It Gives Sanders, and Some of it is Dead Wrong
- "I think we will have a woman president at some point, and I hope that she doesn't have to be rich or married to an ex-president in order to have that shot"
voters, new, have, primary, york, brooklyn, some, gives
2016-04-20- Nebraska Just Abolished Civil Forfeiture, Now Requires A Criminal Conviction To Take Property
- Obama: ‘If we let Americans sue Saudis for 9/11, foreigners will begin suing US non-stop’
- New York Had the Second Lowest Voter Turnout So Far This Election Season: When you are only beating Louisiana, something is very wrong.
- Sanders vows to fight on despite Clinton win
- It Is Not Bernie Sanders' Job to Unite the Democratic Party, and He Should Run Until the Bitter End
- FEC Declares Jill Stein Eligible to Receive Federal Matching Funds
- Cruz's New York value: Zero delegates
- Harriet Tubman to Replace Former President Andrew Jackson on the $20 Bill
- New York Primary: Chaos at Polling Sites, Broken Scanners & Whole Blocks Purged from Voter Rolls
- Hillary Clinton Campaign Bundler Is Directly Lobbying For Saudi Arabia
york, new, clinton, voter, party,, tubman, harriet, delegates
2016-04-21- Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook: FEC loopholes mean Correct the Record can openly coordinate with Clinton’s campaign.
- Biden hits back at Clinton's criticism of Sanders
- ‘Deeply troubled’: New York’s top lawyer investigates voting irregularities in primary
- Hillary Clinton's wealthy donors revealed in Panama Papers
- Bill Clinton Blames Millennials For Anger, Economy, Congress
- Trump: Transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want
- Sanders Campaign’s Commitment To Victory Irritates Media, Offends Clinton Campaign
- Jane Sanders hits Clinton for politicizing families of gun victims
- Eric Garner's Daughter, 126,000 Others, Could Not Vote in NYC
- Bernie Sanders should definitely ignore all the calls for him to “ease up” on Hillary Clinton.
sanders, hillary, clinton, can, hits, clinton's, ignore, want
2016-04-22- Election Board Scandal: 21 Bernie Votes Were Erased And 49 Hillary Votes Added To Audit Tally, Group Declares [Video]
- Allegations of voter fraud follow Hillary Clinton campaign across nation
- Joe Biden praises Bernie Sanders for 'Thinking Big'
- Bernie’s most valuable lesson: The Democratic Party does not represent the values of progressive Americans
- Health Care Industry Moves Swiftly to Stop Colorado’s “Single Payer” Ballot Measure
- It’s time to end the Clinton political dynasty
- Hillary’s email revelation: France and US killed Qaddafi for his gold and oil
- Clinton linked to massive kickback scheme
- Bernie Sanders Launches California Primary Campaign in Hollywood. “We have the most delegates here in California. We have the most volunteers in California. We are going to make sure that Bernie Sanders wins California by a huge margin,”
- Bernie Sanders is right: Even U.S. State Department says Israel used disproportionate violence in Gaza
bernie, sanders, clinton, most, have, votes, california, california.
2016-04-23- Shoemaker New Balance is criticizing the Obama administration over the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The company is trying to make a running shoe with 100 percent American parts and feel the trade deal will doom shoes made in the U.S.
- New York Suspends Clerk Who Wiped 126,000 Voters from the Books
- Pro-Clinton PAC unleashes a ridiculous $1 million plan to ‘correct’ Reddit
- Hillary Clinton Was Paid Nearly $1Mil For Speeches Within 30 Days Of Announcing Her Run. Her Staff Was Shopping For A Campaign Office At The Time
- Bernie Sanders Campaign: We Don't Pay For Comments, Thank You
- Hillary Clinton FBI Investigation: In Potential Nightmare Scenario for Democrats, FBI Indictment Could Come After Clinton Given the Nomination
- I'm not voting for Bernie Sanders because I want free stuff. I'm voting for Bernie Sanders because I believe he is the most honest candidate running...possibly the only honest candidate running.
- There are many reasons to not support Hillary Clinton and give her my vote. Her tweet using the dead children of Sandy Hook to slander Bernie Sanders to score a false political point still sickens me.
- New York suit launched after 125,000 denied vote right
- Pro-Hillary Super PAC Is Paying Online Trolls To Debate You
sanders, her, bernie, clinton, new, hillary, fbi, candidate
2016-04-24- Woman leading Flint lead poisoning lawsuit found shot dead in her home
- Woman who filed first Flint lawsuit against government is murdered just days after suspicious death of foreman at city's water treatment plant
- Pressure growing on FBI to release Clinton findings
- Pro-Clinton PAC unleashes a ridiculous $1 million plan to ‘correct’ Reddit
- Clinton’s State Department Stopped Haiti From Increasing Its Minimum Wage to 61 Cents
- Union Declares Sanders ‘The Most Pro-Worker’ Candidate During Endorsement
- Bernie Sanders: "We are the future of the Democratic Party"
- Sanders: America needs to get to 'root cause' of 9/11
- Sanders: Democratic Party hasn't been fair to me
- Report: NYC Mayor De Blasio Violated Campaign Finance Laws
sanders:, woman, flint, lawsuit, democratic, most, "we, bernie
2016-04-25- Election Board Scandal: Bernie Sanders Loses Votes, Hillary Clinton Granted Votes, Voters Erased
- What’s Hillary waiting for? 80 days after promising “I will look into it,” Clinton still has not released her paid speeches to Wall Street
- Oops: Clinton’s State Dept. opposed minimum wage hike, “worked closely” with huge corporations
- Hillary Clinton camp now paying online trolls to attack anyone who disparages her online
- Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote
- Bernie Sanders: "If we can significantly increase voter turnout so that low-income people and working people and young people participated in the political process, if we got a voter turnout of 75 percent, this country would be radically transformed."
- Bernie Sanders is profoundly changing how millennials think about politics, poll shows
- Voters given wrong ballots in Arizona primary, poll worker says
- Trump and Clinton share Delaware tax 'loophole' address with 285,000 firms
- Bernie Sanders leads Hillary Clinton by 4 points in Rhode Island: poll
clinton, bernie, people, hillary, sanders, poll, votes,, turnout
2016-04-26- Arizona poll worker testifies incorrect ballots given to Democratic voters
- Clinton's Internet Supporters, Allegedly Using Pornography, Shut Down Bernie Sanders' Largest Facebook Groups in Coordinated Attack
- On Guns, Clinton Runs Both Left and Right, Depending on Her Audience
- Most Americans, including a majority of both Democrats and Republicans, think ex-convicts should be allowed to vote after their release
- Watchdog Says State Department Withheld Clinton Email for Two Years: " This cover-up provided Hillary Clinton enough time to hide potentially thousands of government records."
- Why Were Bernie Sanders Groups Removed From Facebook?
- Hillary supporter accused of taking down Bernie FB pages in porn attack
- Hillary Clinton's hazy claim that researchers can't study marijuana
- 83% of senators call for boosting exorbitant U.S. aid to Israel; Bernie Sanders one of 17 who didn’t
- "Here’s one thing I don’t understand about the 2016 presidential race: Why is the media so determinately anti-Bernie Sanders?"
bernie, clinton, hillary, groups, one, attack, sanders, clinton's
2016-04-27- Half Of Americans Think Presidential Nominating System 'Rigged'.
- Chris Matthews wife loses race for congressional seat
- Trump: "If Hillary Clinton was a man, I don't think she'd get 5% of the vote."
- Noam Chomsky: Bernie Sanders is Not a Radical, He Has Mass Support for Positions on Healthcare & Taxes
- "'I’m very good at arithmetic,' Sanders said. 'And I can count delegates, and we are behind today. But you know what? Unusual things happen in politics.'"
- If voting for Hillary Clinton means voting against my core beliefs, I’m not sure I can do it
- It’s time to admit that Republican voters want Donald Trump as their nominee
- The Federal Election Commission is worse than useless
- Trump Goes 5 For 5
- Trump on Clinton: 'I'm going to be taking a lot of things Bernie said and using them'
trump, i, clinton, bernie, 5, voting, sanders, can
2016-04-28- Boehner: Cruz is 'Lucifer in the flesh'
- This is what the revolution looks like: Former Sanders staffers are launching a new PAC aimed at midterm Congressional elections
- Clinton Speeches May Have Violated FEC Campaign Rules
- Bernie Sanders says Democrats should get rid of closed primaries. Is he right?
- Boehner on Ted Cruz: "I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life"
- Congress likely to get its only openly atheist member in November. Jamie Raskin will swear to uphold the Constitution, not the Bible.
- Manhattan lawyer files class action suit after he was blocked from voting in New York primary as an Independent
- Vermont Will Automatically Register Hundreds Of Thousands Of Voters
- 24% Opt Out of a Clinton-Trump Race
- Sanders: "I will do everything that I can to make sure that a Republican does not win the White House... I will work seven days a week to make sure that that does not happen if I am the nominee and if I am not the nominee."
i, will, get, make, sure, does, new, have
2016-04-29- House panel approves Koch-backed bill to shield donors' names from the IRS
- Sanders: "If we don’t win, we intend to win every delegate we can so that when we go to Philadelphia, we will have the votes to put together the strongest progressive agenda that any party has ever seen"
- Hillary Clinton Slams Donald Trump For Praising Dictators, But She Has Praised Dictatorial Regimes That Donated To Her Family Foundation
- The House Just Voted to Give Wall Street Billions from Americans' Retirement Savings
- Sanders: I'm the candidate who can win the general
- Report: Clintons Are Paying Legal Bills For Aide Who Registered Private Email Address
- Republican Party Popularity Drops To 24 Year Low
- Is Hillary Clinton up to dirty tricks in Indiana? Some residents claim they're receiving phone calls saying Bernie Sanders has dropped out
- Bad News for the Clinton Campaign: Independents Are Allowed to Vote in the General Election
- TSA employees rip agency: 'No one who reports issues is safe' - “It’s gross mismanagement”
we, clinton, who, house, hillary, party, can, win
2016-04-30- Sam Brownback gutted Kansas: How America’s worst governor and an ultra-conservative ideology wrecked an entire state
- Hillary is more protective of her speech transcripts than she was of her emails.
- Most Americans disagree with Hillary Clinton on suing gun manufacturers
- Michelle Obama: Research shows educating girls can lift a nation's economy
- Hillary Clinton Voted to Continue Cluster Bombing Civilians, something she criticized Gaddafi for. More than 98% of known cluster bomb victims are civilians and 40% are children, who are drawn to the small, toy-like metal objects.
- Clinton Campaign Has Astounding Record of Smugness Toward Young Voters
- Dr. Jill Stein supports single payer, $15/hr, tuition free college and transitioning 100% to renewable energy by 2030. Bernie voters have way more in common with Jill Stein and the Green party than with Secretary Clinton. She only needs 15% in a few polls to get on the debate stage in the fall.
- 'Clinton Cash' rears its head again, just as Hillary is getting a leg up over Bernie – and now the the harsh expose of political payback is being turned into a movie showing at the Cannes film festival
- Polls show that 81 percent of Democratic voters support a “Medicare for All” system. Medicare is the national social insurance program that has provided health insurance for Americans aged 65 and older as well as the disabled since 1966.
- Clinton's FBI woes tie back to Bill Clinton and point toward the public corruption track related to the Clinton Foundation.
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