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2020-04-01- You’ll Never Believe It but Jared Kushner May Have a Coronavirus Conflict of Interest
- A president should want all Americans to vote. Why doesn’t Trump?
- Next Gen ventilator project failed because it killed profits
- Trump rejects opening ObamaCare special enrollment period amid coronavirus outbreak
- No statewide shutdown for Florida, DeSantis says, because White House hasn’t advised it
- The GOP’s War Against Voting Rights
- Ron DeSantis was warned about Florida’s broken unemployment website last year, audit shows
- 'On our own now': U.S. strategic stockpile empty of medical supplies
- Now Trump says it's wrong to compare coronavirus to regular flu
- The next coronavirus hot spots are in states that aren’t testing enough
coronavirus, because, next, desantis, trump, unemployment, shows, audit
2020-04-02- Dr. Fauci, one of the few people at the White House delivering consistent and clear information on Covid-19, has apparently been receiving death threats to the point of needing a security detail
- States demand ventilators as feds ration limited supply
- For the first time in my life, I think a depression is conceivable
- Disaster in motion: 3.4 million travelers poured into US as coronavirus pandemic erupted
- Trump campaign calls Sessions ‘delusional,’ asks him to stop promoting ties to the president
- The FDA Is Easing Its Ban On Blood Donations From Gay And Bisexual Men Because Of The Coronavirus Pandemic
- Trump Attacks Hospitals As Insatiable ‘Complainers’ Amid Crisis
- Upvoting the administrative state
- Trump to New York: 'Stop complaining'
- Since clueless governors won’t act, Trump needs to issue a national stay-at-home order | A lack of action on the COVID-19 pandemic in one region can have serious consequences in another.
trump, pandemic, one, coronavirus, dr., bisexual, crisis, amid
2020-04-03- Jared Kushner Is a Goddamn Idiot
- New ad hits Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ) for telling constituents "go on spring break" in the middle of the COVID-19 outbreak and voting to cut CDC funds
- Congressman Kim Calls for Reinstatement of Navy Captain Brett Crozier
- Jared Kushner Keeps Proving Nepotism Is A Bad Way to Handle Pandemics. Trump’s son-in-law reportedly hindered the U.S. response to the coronavirus threat, as his real estate company may benefit from the $2 trillion rescue package.
- Impeach Him Again | The now and future dead deserve some attempt at justice.
- Seth Meyers to Jared Kushner: 'You’re not qualified to do anything'
- Dr. Fauci Shuts Down ‘Fox & Friends’ on Coronavirus Cure: ‘We Don’t Operate on How You Feel’
- Strategic National Stockpile description altered online after Kushner's remarks
- Two months before COVID-19, Trump ended program to detect potential pandemic-causing viruses before they spread: report
- 8 of the 10 Worst Coronavirus Hot Spots Are in the South. Apparently, Republican Governors Just Found Out About the Pandemic
jared, coronavirus, before, kushner, meyers, cure:, description, stockpile
2020-04-04- 33 times Trump downplayed the coronavirus
- Opinion | The only official fired over the virus? A captain who tried to protect his crew.
- Voters Are Finally Starting to Notice the Trump Administration’s Botched Response to the Pandemic
- Trump Proceeds With Post-Impeachment Purge Amid Pandemic
- USPS drivers bringing mail to areas hardest hit by coronavirus demand hazard pay
- Democrats want to provide mail-in ballots amid COVID-19. Republicans don’t.
- Coronavirus: Ship whose captain was sacked for raising alarm sees more infections
- The Washington Post Just Laid out the “Devastating Consequences” of Trump’s Inept Pandemic Response
- Trump’s Top Coronavirus Expert: The President Is Full of Shit
- Thousands of applicants, zero loans: Trump's small businesses lending program is a failure to launch - One day after the launch of a $350B loan program designed to rescue millions of small businesses, technical glitches continue to cripple the process.
trump, coronavirus, pandemic, small, response, program, captain, launch
2020-04-05- We Should Forgive Student Loans For Doctors Risking Their Lives To Fight Coronavirus | “The best way we can say thanks is to erase this enormous financial burden ... a cost that was required to fight and win this war.”
- 'Trump is killing his own supporters' – even White House insiders know it
- The Trump administration didn’t order ventilators or masks until mid-March
- How “World-Renowned Idiot” Donald Trump Has Changed His Coronavirus Story
- By Refusing to Cancel In-Person Voting, Wisconsin GOP Weaponizes Coronavirus
- Donald Trump’s In-Person Voting Demand is Obscenely Hypocritical, and Worse ‘Totally Crazy’
- Report: The Trump administration didn’t order ventilators or masks until mid-March
- Fauci: no evidence anti-malaria drug Trump pushes works against virus
- Democrats must investigate Trump’s coronavirus response
- Hospitals Reject Trump's Claim They Are 'Really Thrilled' With Supplies
coronavirus, trump, we, this, trump’s, in-person, donald, mid-march
2020-04-06- Major Producer of Hydroxychloroquine Once Paid Michael Cohen Hefty Sum for Access to Trump
- Outgoing inspector general says Trump fired him for carrying out his 'legal obligations'
- CNN Host To Pastor: How Is It ‘Pro-Life’ To Pack People Into Church Amid Pandemic?
- Atkinson: Trump fired me because I handled whistleblower complaint properly
- Jesus, the Trump Administration Waited Two Months to Order Masks and Ventilators - Trump's “wait and see” approach to the coronavirus outbreak in action.
- The Trump administration did not prepare for pandemics. Instead, Trump and his staff wasted 70 days, 10 weeks, after learning of the covid-19 disaster.
- Trump has nominated one of his lawyers to oversee coronavirus relief funds
- As White House Tells States to ‘Do Your Part,’ Governors Ask What Trump Is Actually Doing
- After Coronavirus, Let’s Never Forget: Republicans Recklessly Put Our Lives In Danger
- Wisconsin Republicans Are Willing to Kill to Suppress the Vote
trump, administration, coronavirus, republicans, fired, major, funds, relief
2020-04-07- Why Jared Kushner could be the most dangerous man in the US. The president’s son-in-law has spent his life failing upwards. Now his position of authority on the Covid-19 task force poses a serious threat to the world
- A White House Adviser Warned of the Coronavirus Pandemic in January — But Trump Dismissed the Threat
- Trump was warned in January of Covid-19's devastating impact, memos reveal
- This GOP Senator Conveniently Bought a Ton of Stock in a PPE Company After a Private Coronavirus Briefing — Georgia Sen. David Perdue has bought up to $185,000 worth of stock in the PPE company since January.
- By a 5–4 Vote, SCOTUS Lets Wisconsin Throw Out Tens of Thousands of Ballots
- Donald Trump Has Stake In Hydroxychloroquine Drugmaker: Report
- Georgia senator bought stock in personal protective equipment maker on day of coronavirus briefing: report | TheHill
- Grisham Steps Down As Press Secretary After Holding No Press Briefings
- Pressure Mounts to Remove Navy Leader for Rebuking Virus-Stricken Carrier Crew
- Trump removes inspector general who was to oversee $2 trillion stimulus spending
trump, bought, coronavirus, stock, company, warned, press, threat
2020-04-08- Anthony Fauci calls out “extraordinary stigma” gays face while standing right in front of Mike Pence
- Sitting on a throne of skulls, Mitch McConnell confirms his 8,999th judge
- Another Perfectly Timed Stock Dump by Sen. Richard Burr Raises Eyebrows
- CDC quietly deletes hydroxychloroquine guidance as study hyped by Trump comes into question
- Publisher of hydroxychloroquine study touted by Trump says the research didn't meet its standards
- Republican Operatives Were Behind Some of the Most Egregious ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Frauds of Recent Memory
- Officials reportedly warned not to contradict Trump on untested meds | It's a problem when officials are told to do research they don't support; it's a bigger problem when they're told not to contradict Trump's assumptions.
- The Trump administration is giving every state the same number of respirators — regardless of population
- The briefings aren’t working: Trump’s approval rating takes a dip
- Trump’s coronavirus purge - By firing one inspector general and quietly demoting another, Trump has declared war on the very idea of oversight.
trump, research, officials, quietly, contradict, study, hydroxychloroquine, trump’s
2020-04-09- Trump Again Admits He's Against Mail-In Voting Because It'd be Bad for Republicans
- Colorado Democrat believes Trump awarded ventilators as political favor to vulnerable GOP senator
- Wisconsin is discovering problems with absentee ballots, including hundreds that were never delivered
- Trump Doesn’t Care If You Die Standing in Line to Vote as Long as You’re Voting for Him
- Capitalism's Response to Coronavirus Makes a Strong Case for Socialism
- Fox Hosts Now Convinced Coronavirus Death Tolls Are Being Inflated
- This Is Trump’s Fault. The president is failing, and Americans are paying for his failures.
- Bipartisan group of senators demands Trump explain intel IG firing
- Coronavirus has now killed more N.J. people than Vietnam War
- Airlines Suspended China Flights Before Trump Did
trump, coronavirus, voting, now, inflated, americans, failing,, president
2020-04-10- Chamath Palihapitiya: US shouldn’t bail out hedge funds, billionaires during coronavirus pandemic
- Medical Staffing Companies Owned by Rich Investors Cut Doctor Pay and Now Want Bailout Money
- Record 16.8 million have sought US jobless aid since virus
- How Trump turned ventilators into a form of patronage
- As Hotels Offer Coronavirus Aid, Trump Properties Stay Quiet
- Gavin Newsom Declares California a ‘Nation-State’
- The pandemic strengthens the case for universal basic income
- Trump’s narcissism is endangering his reelection. His own advisers admit it.
- Xenophobic Trump 2020 ad wrongly implies governor is Chinese and blames Biden for supplies sent to China by his own administration
- Bill Barr is back: He wants to "reopen" the country — and undo the Russia probe
trump, pandemic, us, own, coronavirus, it., admit, advisers
2020-04-11- Trump reportedly said he would reject a bailout package if it included aid to keep the US Postal Service functioning
- Report: Trump Privately Asks Why Government Can’t Just Let COVID ‘Wash Over’ The Country
- Critics Say Trump Is Using National Stockpile as ‘Ventilator Slush Fund’ for Republican Lawmakers
- Conservatives Have Been Suppressing the Vote for 150 Years
- As a former Wall Street trader, I was horrified by the CARES Act. Here's what should have been in Trump's stimulus package | Americans have an aversion to socialism. But actually, we have the most liberal socialism imaginable — for large corporations
- Doctor Used Republican Connections to Get Unproven, Trump-Endorsed Meds to Treat Unknowing Elderly COVID-19 Patients
- 54% of Voters Back Mail-In Voting for Presidential Election if Pandemic Persists | A Slight Majority of Republican Voters Do Not Share Trump’s Opposition to Postal Balloting
- Alaska Democrats say they received almost double the ballots than in 2016 in vote-by-mail primary
- Health secretary twice warned Trump about coronavirus threat: NYT
- The Costly Toll of Not Shutting Down Spring Break Earlier
trump, have, republican, say, postal, |, package, been
2020-04-12- Virginia governor makes Election Day a holiday and expands early voting
- Sanders Says Congress Must Stop Trump From Exploiting Covid-19 Crisis to 'Bankrupt and Privatize the Postal Service'
- If the Postal Service Dies, So Does Democracy — Republicans are now trying to kill the post office and mail-in voting.
- Trump learned of a memo in January warning 'half a million American souls' could die of coronavirus, and he was displeased his adviser put it in writing
- Media Watchdog Names Sean Hannity as a Chief Source of Coronavirus Misinformation
- Rep. Ted Lieu responds to being called an 'agent of China' | Lieu told a social media user that he “served on active duty in the United States military to defend your right to say stupid, racist s--t about me.”
- People Are Buying Stamps And Praising Mail Carriers After The US Postal Service Said It Needs A Coronavirus Bailout
- US's global reputation hits rock-bottom over Trump's coronavirus response
- Americans of All Stripes Want a Mail Ballot Option - As the president wages a disinformation campaign against mail voting, nearly 80 percent of Americans want a mail ballot option this November
- The second-most-dangerous contagion in America: Conservative irrationality
mail, postal, coronavirus, option, trump, ballot, lieu, media
2020-04-13- #FireTrumpNotFauci Trends After President Goes After Trusted Infectious Disease Official
- Megathread: Senator Bernie Sanders Endorses Joe Biden For President
- Virginia just decriminalized marijuana
- Trump retweeted a threat to fire Fauci after he said the US's slow response to COVID-19 has cost lives
- Dr. Fauci is still the most trusted leader in America on the coronavirus, while President Trump and Jared Kushner are in last place
- Trump Official Asks Black 60 Minutes Reporter Why They Didn’t Cover Global Pandemics Under Obama. 60 Minutes Pulls Out CVS-Length Receipts
- Trump Campaign Claims NBC Affiliate Defamed the President by Airing Ad Using His Own Words
- Trump adviser Peter Navarro made a bad bet 60 Minutes didn't cover pandemic preparedness under Obama
- Michelle Obama announces new vote-by-mail push | The former first lady wants to make it easier to vote by mail, vote early and register online: ‘This shouldn’t be a partisan issue’
- Trump insists his 'authority is total' in wild White House briefing
trump, president, minutes, 60, cover, obama, fauci, vote
2020-04-14- Fox News Anchor: ‘Conservatives’ Heads Would've Exploded’ if Obama Claimed ‘Total’ Authority
- Trump PR Stunt Falls Flat, as White House Video Exposes His Failure to Prepare for Pandemic
- Adam Schiff Says Donald Trump's Power Isn't Absolute 'But His Incompetence Is' After Coronavirus Briefing
- Megathread: President Donald Trump Announces the U.S. Will Halt Funding for WHO.
- CBS News's Paula Reid Exposed Trump's Scam By Just Asking the Same Question Repeatedly
- Megathread: Barack Obama Endorses Joe Biden for President
- Reporter Grills Trump: What Did You Do for Entire Month? | CBS Reporter Paula Reid Questions President Trump About What His Administration Did the Entire Month of February as the Coronavirus Pandemic Was Spreading.
- Megathread: Jill Karofsky Projected to Win Wisconsin Supreme Court Race
- 'Beyond Predatory': Trump Treasury Department Gives Banks Green Light to Seize $1,200 Stimulus Checks to Pay Off Debts
- U.S. Governors Defy Trump by Forming Regional Alliances
trump, megathread:, president, coronavirus, reporter, trump's, donald, pandemic
2020-04-15- Putting Trump's name on stimulus checks is "abuse of government resources," says president of IRS managers association
- Trump threatens to adjourn both chambers of congress - something no president has ever done
- Adam Schiff: Russia Is Still Interfering With US Elections—and Trump Is Covering It Up
- Texas voters who fear catching coronavirus can vote by mail, state judge rules
- We’ve never backed a Democrat for president. But Trump must be defeated.
- Stimulus checks may be delayed as Trump requires U.S. Treasury to print his name on them
- Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices Voted Absentee Before Making Everyone Else Vote in Person
- House Democrats introduce plan to pay Americans $2,000 a month until economy recovers from COVID-19 closure
- More Than 600,000 People Sign Petition Demanding Hazard Pay for U.S. Postal Service Employees
- We Cannot Hold an Election Without a Functional Post Office - Trump’s refusal to save the U.S. Postal Service is an attack on voting rights.
trump, u.s., -, pay, name, stimulus, checks, service
2020-04-16- The Trump administration paid a bankrupt company with zero employees $55 million for N95 masks, which it's never manufactured
- 'The Public Deserves to Know': Lone Watchdog Demands Federal Reserve Release Names of Corporations Receiving Taxpayer Bailouts
- Donald Trump's Tab For MAGA Rallies Jumps To $1.8 Million As 14 Cities Say President Hasn't Paid Police Bills, Report Finds
- Millionaires receive $1.7m in coronavirus relief as most taxpayers get $1,200 checks thanks to hidden Republican loophole
- Don’t let Trump starve the postal service to improve his reelection odds — or beat up on Jeff Bezos ; The U.S. Post Office is just too important to be undone by a vengeful and shortsighted president.
- Michigan governor says protesters against stay-at-home order 'might have just created a need to lengthen it'
- Senate Republicans snuck $90 billion tax cut for millionaires into coronavirus relief legislation | Democrats say the GOP tried to "loot American taxpayers" to "reward ultra-rich beneficiaries" like "Trump's family"
- "Out of a Dictator's Handbook": Trump Threatens to Adjourn Congress to Unilaterally Install Judges, Political Nominees
- Michigan manbaby protest: Wait, we thought conservatives were "rugged individuals". Who'd a thunk it? Right-wingers are a bunch of spoiled brats who start whining over the slightest inconvenience
- Poll: 65% of Americans say Trump was too slow to address coronavirus
trump, say, coronavirus, michigan, too, relief, millionaires, just
2020-04-17- Time to fire Jared and Ivanka
- Experts: 90 percent of US coronavirus deaths could have been avoided if measures taken just two weeks earlier
- Report: US warned Israel about COVID-19 in November | The information was also handed over to the White House, 'which did not deem it of interest
- Trump Campaign Secretly Paying $180,000 A Year To His Sons’ Significant Others | Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle are each receiving $15,000 per month through the campaign manager’s private company, GOP sources said, to dodge FEC rules.
- 'If he's sitting watching TV, he should go to work': Cuomo roasts Trump over coronavirus response in fiery press conference
- GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz may have violated House rules by shelling out $184,000 in taxpayer funds to rent office space from a longtime friend and donor
- U.S. Death Toll Passes 30,000 as Trump Pushes Plans to Reopen Country
- Trump Calls on People to ‘LIBERATE’ Virus-Stricken States With Democratic Governors
- Michigan Gov: ‘Better To Be Six Feet Apart Right Now Than Six Feet Under’
- Fact check: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer did not ban sale of U.S. flags, plants, seeds
trump, did, have, u.s., over, |, michigan, feet
2020-04-18- 65 percent of U.S. adults say Donald Trump was too slow to respond to COVID-19 outbreak: poll
- Trump admin awards N95 contract far above normal price to bankrupt company with no employees: report
- Trump is insane: And it's time for leading Democrats to say that out loud. Rational Americans already understand that our president is mentally ill. Will Democrats ever speak truth to power
- Trump’s ‘Liberate Michigan!’ tweets incite insurrection. That’s illegal. | Federal law bans advocating the overthrow of government.
- DOJ Sent Bill Barr’s Anti-Mueller Talking Points to Fox News Before Barr Was Confirmed as Attorney General
- Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Sued for Giving Coronavirus Aid to Corporations Instead of Tribal Governments
- Donald Trump Has Done Almost Nothing for the Working and Middle Classes
- U.S. doctor who cited Trump to push hydroxychloroquine 'miracle cure' charged by feds
- Warren hits Trump: He's trying to turn a health crisis into 'a political rally for himself'
- A private island off the coast of Miami paid $30,000 for 1,800 coronavirus antibody tests while the rest of the US struggles to obtain any tests at all. Here's how America's richest ZIP code did it.
trump, tests, democrats, u.s., say, donald, coronavirus, doctor
2020-04-19- Fact check: Trump's Saturday coronavirus briefing was littered with false claims, old and new
- Democrats, furious with Trump, much more keen to vote now than four years ago
- Justin Trudeau, Doug Ford and all the premiers can agree on this. Don’t be like Trump
- Some may have to die to save the economy? How about offering testing and basic protections?
- Michigan's Ex-Gov. Rick Snyder Knew About Flint's Toxic Water—and Lied About It
- Furloughs Hit Trump’s Mar-A-Lago | While workers at the president's club put in for unemployment, citizens still have never seen his tax returns.
- Tax change in coronavirus package overwhelmingly benefits millionaires, congressional body finds
- Pastor Flouting Stay-At-Home Order Remains Defiant After Parishioner’s Death — His congregant died due to COVID-19, but Tony Spell still plans to keep his church open while asking for people’s stimulus checks.
- The US shipped millions of masks to China earlier this year, despite warnings from experts that a pandemic was about to hit.
- Under pressure, DeSantis releases names of elder care homes with COVID-19 cases
about, still, have, coronavirus, tax, while, remains, defiant
2020-04-20- The Maryland governor's office says there were more media requests to cover anti-lockdown protests than there were protesters
- Chairs of House Intel and Judiciary Committees Request Investigation into AG Barr Over Recently Fired Inspector General
- GOP Moving ‘Full Steam Ahead’ With Plans To Hold Convention Amid Outbreak
- Schiff and Nadler seek probe of Barr for comments on Trump move to fire intel watchdog
- The White House Has Erected a Blockade Stopping States and Hospitals From Getting Coronavirus PPE
- Nadler, Schiff ask for review of Barr's comments on intel watchdog firing
- The anti-quarantine protesters aren’t Rosa Parks. They’re more like Typhoid Mary.
- Democratic underdog Jaime Harrison picks up bundlers as he sees fundraising success in battle with GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham
- Conservative activist family behind 'grassroots' anti-quarantine Facebook events
- Video shows lockdown protester telling nurse to ‘go to China’ — Healthcare workers stood up against protesters.
intel, barr, protesters, watchdog, comments, house, up, schiff
2020-04-21- Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016
- Senate Intel affirms that Russia interfered to help Trump in 2016
- These People Aren’t Freedom Fighters—They’re Virus-Spreading Sociopaths The “liberate America” protesters claim they just want to make their own choices about their health and safety, but they really want to force others to risk their lives.
- Bipartisan Senate report says 2017 intel assessment about Russian interference and Trump was accurate
- Trump-Boosted Malaria Drug Showed No Benefit In Study At Veterans Hospitals
- Senate panel backs assessment that Russia interfered in 2016
- Joe Biden's favorability rose 9 percent after endorsements from Obama, Sanders and Warren
- The Ten Weeks That Lost the War: A Timeline of How Trump Lied, Bungled and Screwed America in the COVID-19 Crisis
- Largest analysis of hydroxychloroquine use finds no benefit, increased deaths
- We're Ready to 'Reopen the Country,' But Also We Need a Blanket Immigration Ban | This is about American workers. Or wait—health. It's definitely not about changing the subject from testing.
senate, trump, about, their, 2016, russia, intel, want
2020-04-22- Trump and Fox News Are Suddenly Silent on Their “Miracle” Drug Hydroxychloroquine
- El Paso mayor says city may sue Trump campaign over failure to pay $500,000 in rally expenses
- The Senate just proved Donald Trump wrong -- again -- on Russian interference in 2016
- Trump and Fox News stop hyping hydroxychloroquine as NIH warns against using it to treat COVID-19
- Trump and Fox News Now Acting Like They Weren’t Out Here Pushing ‘Game-Changer’ Drug to Beat Coronavirus
- Republican Group Endorses Biden With Anti-Trump Ad In Battleground States
- 32 millionaire CEOs scoop up taxpayer money meant for struggling small businesses
- Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer says Trump's ''Inconsistent Messages' 'Put People in Greater Danger'
- Jerry Springer Blames Media For Covering Trump’s COVID-19 Briefings | The former talk show host said “there is no excuse” for covering the president’s coronavirus meetings “now that we know what they’re like.”
- Coronavirus: Top economist says Trump’s handling of virus ‘like a third world country’ | ‘If you leave it to Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell we will have a Great Depression’
trump, news, fox, we, covering, donald, trump’s, --
2020-04-23- ‘Demand more’: Obama calls for people to stand against climate change as Trump lies about air and water quality
- Anderson Cooper reacts to Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman's 'China' remark: Wow, that's really ignorant
- Former Labradoodle breeder tapped to lead U.S. pandemic task force
- Poll Signals Strengthening Support for Biden Over Trump in Three Midwest Battleground States
- President Trump’s immigration suspension has nothing to do with coronavirus | Restrictionists have long sought to cut U.S. immigration — to zero.
- Head of Coronavirus Vaccine Research Says He Was Demoted for Questioning Drug Favored by Trump
- Is Trump Above the Law? The Supreme Court Is About to Not Decide
- These Are The People Who Will Be Affected By Trump's New Immigration Ban
- Nevada officials condemn Las Vegas mayor’s ‘reckless and dangerous’ remarks about reopening
- Trump says he told Kemp: ‘I disagree strongly’ with move to reopen Georgia
trump, immigration, about, coronavirus, people, u.s., vegas, las
2020-04-24- FDA issues warnings on chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine after ‘serious poisoning and death’ reported
- Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China — and the loan is due soon
- Resentment Grows on Main Street Over Bailout Winners and Losers
- Trump remarks on injecting disinfectants draw blowback from doctors
- Video shows top White House medic Deborah Birx's incredulity as Trump touts UV rays and disinfectant injections as possible coronavirus cures
- Landlords Illegally Evicting Tenants, Despite Federal Restrictions
- These states have attempted to ban abortion amid the coronavirus pandemic
- Idiot Alchemist Donald Trump Says Sun and Bleach Will Save You
- Trump team moves to scrap protections for LGBTQ patients
- Beyond #FireFauci: Conspiracy Theorists Claim Fauci ‘Directly Responsible’ For COVID-19
trump, coronavirus, fda, these, pandemic, amid, abortion, ban
2020-04-25- Nearly Three-Quarters Of Single Democrats Won't Date Trump Voters, Survey Finds
- 'Unfit, unwell, unacceptable': Anti-Trump Republicans turn president's disastrous disinfectant cure comments into scathing attack ad
- For those of you arguing Trump never suggested injecting disinfectant because Fox News tells you he didn't - yes, he did.
- Trump goes into hiding
- Chief VA physician: 'I had 5 million masks incoming that disappeared'
- MSNBC contributor: Trump should be removed by 25th Amendment for floating unfounded coronavirus treatments
- Fauci's absence from recent coronavirus briefings draws notice
- 'No Evidence' That Recovered COVID-19 Patients Are Immune, WHO Says
- Psychologist John Gartner: Trump is a "sexual sadist" who is "actively engaging in sabotage"
- 26 million job losses prove a sad fact about American businesses — and American people: What is remarkable is how quickly the bonds of employer and employee are severed in the American economy, and how quickly businesses — but not their employees — get handouts in time of crisis.
trump, —, american, coronavirus, million, how, quickly, into
2020-04-26- Amid the pandemic, the right to vote is a life and death issue
- Dr. Fauci says testing needs to be doubled before the US reopens the economy, as over a dozen states set to roll back coronavirus restrictions
- "Don't defend Trump, attack China," GOP memo says as Beijing becomes bludgeon for both campaigns
- Republicans Will Use the Coronavirus to Suppress the Vote
- Netanyahu claims Trump will allow Israel to annex parts of West Bank within months
- Trump Has Failed, Let Bill Gates Take Over Virus Relief
- Texas mayor apologizes after violating stay-at-home order to go to nail salon — Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office and the state's licensing and regulation department are investigating after Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames was seen at the salon.
- An aggrieved Trump blames press for furor over disinfectant comments
- Trump overexposed himself long ago — and has no new tricks to offer
- Before He Became HHS Spokesperson, Michael Caputo Spread Conspiracy Theories on Pro-Trump Cable Network
trump, over, mayor, vote, will, coronavirus, —, before
2020-04-27- Republicans' Senate majority is now in very real jeopardy
- ReOpen NC leader tested positive for COVID-19
- Howard Stern encourages Trump supporters to get together and drink disinfectants
- One Trump Donor's Hotel Companies Got $96.1 Million Meant for Small Businesses — Monty Bennett's hotel empire made $2.2 billion last year.
- Trump Lavished Himself with Praise for COVID Response 600 Times as 55,000 Died
- Trump Spent Sunday Raging on Twitter Because America's Starting to Realize He’s a Clown
- Trump spent 27 times longer attacking enemies than expressing sympathy for victims, analysis of press conferences shows
- 'I can't imagine why': Trump says he takes no responsibility for people ingesting disinfectant despite telling them to
- Three weeks of Trump coronavirus briefings under a microscope: 2 hours spent on attacks, 45 minutes on self-congratulation — and 4½ minutes of condolences for victims
- White House cancels coronavirus press briefing
trump, spent, —, hotel, times, minutes, coronavirus, press
2020-04-28- Kansas Democrats triple turnout after switch to mail-only presidential primary
- Hi - I’m Julie Oliver, the Democratic Nominee for US Congress in TX-25. AMA!
- Approval for Trump's handling of coronavirus outbreak sinks to record low
- Trump refuses to deny receiving repeated coronavirus warnings in intelligence briefings months ago
- Republicans’ new fear: Trump will drag them down with him
- Former GOP Sen. Jeff Flake says he will not vote for Trump
- ICE Tells Federal Judge the Court Has No Authority Over Its Detention Practices
- We Elected Another President Who Doesn't Read and Now We're Facing the Consequences
- Pence wants you to believe the White House fulfilled its coronavirus testing promises. Not even close.
- Americans receiving letters signed by Trump explaining stimulus checks, touting coronavirus response — Some experts say the move is "clearly connected to his reelection."
trump, coronavirus, receiving, its, will, kansas, doesn't, pence
2020-04-29- 'I Will Bring Down the Entire House of Cards.' FBI Documents Reveal Communication Between Roger Stone and Julian Assange
- U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Is Far Higher Than Reported, C.D.C. Data Suggests
- Senator Sherrod Brown calls Trump's coronavirus response 'incompetent' and 'immoral'
- Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up
- Trump reportedly briefed on coronavirus threat repeatedly in January, February, but ignored it
- GOP Group Highlights Donald Trump’s Dystopian Coronavirus Response
- GDP declined by 4.8%, biggest drop since 2008
- Warren Buffett: Billionaires don't have 'some diabolical plot' to hoard the country's wealth — but we still need to raise taxes on the 1% to avoid a class war
- Americans are drinking bleach because of Trump – and still Republicans stand by him
- Millions locked out of U.S. unemployment system: survey | Reuters Video
coronavirus, still, but, response, trump, u.s., billionaires, country's
2020-04-30- Why does Trump keep making death toll predictions?
- Well-connected Trump alumni benefit from coronavirus lobbying rush
- Rural Illinois church files lawsuit accusing Gov. J.B. Pritzker of relegating people of faith to ‘second-class citizenship’ by shuttering churches
- Opinion | Tucker Carlson eviscerates Democrats over Tara Reade double standard
- California Republican Party suing state's governor over "ballot harvesting" ahead of special elections
- Sen. Ron Wyden: Oregon has used vote by mail since electing me in 1996. Those who say it can't work are lying.
- Obama encourages Americans to prepare for a year of 'ripple' effects from coronavirus
- Trump administration draws up plans to punish China over coronavirus outbreak
- Trump says he won’t extend social distancing guidelines
- After One Tweet To President Trump, This Man Got $69 Million From New York For Ventilators — The Silicon Valley engineer, who had no background in medical supplies but was recommended by the White House, never delivered the ventilators.
trump, over, coronavirus, who, why, effects, social, extend

1: trump, coronavirus, |, —, president, about, trump’s, pandemic, covid-19, have, u.s., over, house, trump's, white, no, now, vote, donald, us

2: white house, donald trump, trump administration, postal service, coronavirus response, coronavirus pandemic, fox news, jared kushner, trump campaign, coronavirus outbreak, stay-at-home order, inspector general, post office, coronavirus briefing, 60 minutes, have been, — but, small businesses, coronavirus relief, stimulus checks