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2020-05-01- After a day of armed protesters and a GOP lawsuit threat, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer extends state of emergency
- Sen. Tina Smith: Trump ‘making stuff up’ during public health crisis
- Why Americans Need a Guaranteed Income
- Trump calls protesters who carried guns into the Michigan state capitol 'very good people' and says the governor should 'make a deal' with them
- Betsy DeVos sued for seizing wages from student loan borrowers during pandemic
- Trump & Immigration -- Federal Court Rules Against Trump Admin. Move to Block Funding from Sanctuary Cities
- Top US spy agency says coronavirus was ‘not manmade or genetically modified’
- Biden denies sexual assault allegation: 'This never happened'
- Canada bans assault-style weapons after shooting rampage
- WHO Adviser on Meat Plants: If We’re at War, the Weapons We Need Are Tests and PPE, Not Pork
trump, need, protesters, michigan, during, state, who, weapons
2020-05-02- Harassment, assault absent in Biden complaint
- Trump's Favorability Among White Christians Falls in Double Digits, Particularly in Counties Hit Hardest by Coronavirus, Poll Says
- Trump, Lying, Insists There Are Enough Coronavirus Tests For Lawmakers
- Biden Asks Senate to Find 1993 Tara Reade Complaint — But Reade Says It Doesn’t Mention Assault
- Trump moves to replace watchdog who identified critical medical shortages
- Tara Reade says she didn’t explicitly accuse Biden of assault in report
- 'Arbeit Macht Frei': Nazi slogans show up at Illinois rally protesting coronavirus lockdown
- White House to Oust DHHS Inspector General Whose Report Drew Trump Fury: "Don't let anyone tell you that the Trump administration is wholly incompetent. They are really good at undermining independent oversight and democratic norms."
- Trump To Remove HHS Watchdog Who Wrote Report Critical Of Potus’ Covid-19 Response
- Trump says he's not extending social distancing guidelines. The federal government's social distancing guidelines are soon to expire, and President Donald Trump says he's not extending them.
trump, reade, biden, assault, report, social, tara, watchdog
2020-05-03- Excess U.S. deaths hit estimated 37,100 in pandemic’s early days, far more than previously known
- Gretchen Whitmer backs Joe Biden on alleged assault: 'not every claim is equal'
- Gov. Whitmer says protest 'depicted some of the worst racism’ and doesn’t represent Michigan
- Small group protests Ohio coronavirus restrictions outside Health Department Director Dr. Amy Acton’s house
- Fox News hosts President Donald Trump for coronavirus virtual town hall from Lincoln Memorial on Sunday night
- Oklahoma city reverses face mask requirement amid threats of violence
- Sign with Nazi slogan at US coronavirus protest ‘painful,’ Auschwitz Museum says
- Virus Pushes a Staid Supreme Court Into Revolutionary Changes
- New Hampshire Lawmaker resigns after “Poorly Worded” tweet about Biden accuser.
- Corporations Don’t Need Another Bailout — Schools Do
coronavirus, whitmer, protest, biden, excess, auschwitz, ‘painful,’, us
2020-05-04- Four Students Were Killed in Ohio. America Was Never the Same.
- Fifty years since the massacre of students at Kent State
- Ocasio-Cortez Challenger Left Her Job as CNBC Anchor to Serve on Board of Company That Profits From Death
- Longtime Amazon VP Tim Bray just quit in dismay, calling the company 'chickensh--' for firing workers who organized.
- Do You Buy That … Democrats Could Win The Senate In 2020?
- Senate secretary declines to release possible Reade report
- The Supreme Court Confronts Trump’s Challenge to the Separation of Powers
- If Joe Biden Actually Wants to Clean Out the Stables, Elizabeth Warren Is the One to Do It
- White House moves to limit coronavirus task force members from testifying on Hill
- Haryana : प्रदेशभर में ज्यादातर दुकानें खुली, सड़कों पर पहले से ज्यादा लोग, शराब के ठेके अभी भी नहीं खुले
students, company, senate, do, clean, moves, house, white
2020-05-05- Removed US coronavirus vaccine director files stunning whistleblower complaint claiming warnings were ignored
- Judge calls for investigation into whether McConnell pressured judge to retire
- U.S. drops to 45 in ranking of countries based on freedom of the press — The report calls out Trump as a ‘media-bashing enthusiast’
- Trump gives us the worst of both worlds: A ruined economy and a soaring death rate
- Approval rating for Trump's coronavirus response drops again, poll shows
- Michigan is considering move to ban guns inside state Capitol Building
- Trump says he only will submit to GOP oversight for his administration
- Far Right Group Behind Boston's "Straight Pride" Also Organized "Reopen" Protest
- The President Should Resign: If Donald Trump really wants to do what is right for the American public, save lives, and save the economy, he should resign—soon.
- Scientists say a now-dominant strain of the coronavirus appears to be more contagious than original
trump, coronavirus, calls, save, us, should, drops, right
2020-05-06- At least we can dump the pretense that the GOP is the ‘pro-life’ party
- Anderson Cooper, Chris Hayes Nail Real Reason For Disbanding Coronavirus Task Force: “The mission is obviously not accomplished, and it’s becoming clearer and clearer that Donald Trump never even really tried to accomplish it,” MSNBC’s Hayes said.
- American Meat Workers Are Starting to Quit With Plants Reopening
- Trump: I Was Unable to Restock PPE for 3 Years Due to Hoaxes
- Joe Biden says Ahmaud Arbery was "killed in cold blood," family "deserve justice... now"
- FBI Finds Pipe Bombs in the Home of Colorado Man Who Was Organizing Coronavirus Protests
- Official Fired For Standing Up To Trump's Coronavirus Corruption Files Whistleblower Complaint
- Loeffler received $9 million from NYSE parent as she left company for Senate: report
- Companies owned by Donald Trump's campaign manager have received nearly $40 million from the president's reelection committees, according to a new report
- Official Fired for Standing Up to Trump’s Coronavirus Corruption Files Whistleblower Complaint
coronavirus, received, files, complaint, corruption, trump's, donald, clearer
2020-05-07- Justice Dept dropping Flynn's criminal case
- One of Trump's personal valets has tested positive for coronavirus
- Justice Dept dropping Flynn's criminal case
- She Said Anthony Fauci Sexually Assaulted Her. Now She Says Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman Paid Her to Lie.
- Armed Black People Escort Michigan Lawmaker Into State Capitol Building
- Justice Department drops criminal case against former Trump aide Michael Flynn
- The Person Who Serves Trump His Meals Tests Positive for the Coronavirus
- Coronavirus: US death toll would have been halved had it acted 4 days sooner, study says
- No Matter How Many People Die, Trump Will Declare Victory
- Trump administration asks Supreme Court to stop release of Mueller material
trump, justice, criminal, case, dept, people, she, positive
2020-05-08- ‘Can I carry the empty one just for the camera?’: Mike Pence caught on hot mic suggesting he pretend to deliver protective equipment to nursing home
- He Had Never Sold a Ventilator. N.Y. Gave Him an $86 Million Deal.
- Maine women turn on Susan Collins: “Her ‘right’ and our ‘right’ aren’t the same thing anymore”
- Staffer for Vice President Mike Pence tests positive for coronavirus
- Biden opens 9-point lead over Trump in Senate battlegrounds: report
- Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Rhetoric Is Laid Bare In ‘Morning Joe’ Death Count Montage: The MSNBC show looked back at the president’s bombastic, shifting and often bonkers pandemic comments in the damning six-minute supercut.
- California Gov. Newsom: State identified nail salons as source of coronavirus community spread
- Trump Death Clock: Times Square Billboard Tallies Lives Lost to COVID-19 Inaction
- The Secrets Flynn Lied About to Conceal | The former national security adviser’s lies protected himself. But they also protected Trump.
- Four Die-Hard Loyalists Are Enabling Trump’s Apocalyptic Coronavirus Response
coronavirus, mike, ‘right’, trump, protected, pence, death, trump’s
2020-05-09- Forum for New Constitutional Amendments
- Rhode Island becomes first in Northeast bloc to lift stay-at-home order
- Donald Trump Is The Snake
- Bill Maher on Tara Reade’s allegation: The liberal media and liberal party is doing exactly what Republicans want
- Yet Another State Quietly Moves To Criminalize Fossil Fuel Protests Amid Coronavirus — In March, Kentucky, South Dakota and West Virginia passed laws restricting pipeline protests. Alabama is poised to become the fourth.
- Trump’s Coronavirus Rhetoric Is Laid Bare In 'Morning Joe’ Death Count Montage
- Top White House officials buried CDC report on reopening the country
- Do you think marijuana should be legal across the US? (Not just a state decision)
- Timeline of Trump and COVID-19
- Covid19 vaccines should we be concerned?
should, liberal, state, coronavirus, trump, forum, top, montage
2020-05-10- Mike Pence Totally Cool With Welcoming Confessed Criminal Back to Administration
- Atlanta Mayor Calls Ahmaud Arbery Shooting a 'Lynching' and Blames 'White House Rhetoric' for Emboldening Racists
- The US was offered millions of masks in January. The Trump administration turned the offer down: A Texas medical supply company told the federal government it could make 1.7 million N95 masks for the US per week — but no order came.
- It's no accident Britain and America are the world's biggest coronavirus losers
- Republicans Want to Sacrifice Your Social Security But Not Their Tax Cuts
- Texas sees thousands of new coronavirus cases days after state's stay-at-home order lifted
- Opinion: Why I endorse challenger Harrison over Sen. Lindsey Graham
- Bill Barr Twisted My Words in Dropping the Flynn Case. Here’s the Truth.
- Atlanta Mayor Calls Arbery Killing a “Lynching,” Says Trump Rhetoric Emboldens Racists
- America needs a new FDR. Trump is not him.
trump, no, mayor, new, but, masks, order, arbery
2020-05-11- Trump walks out of press conference after altercation with female reporters
- Haley Used Unsecured Emails for Classified Info Because She Lost Her Password
- More than 1,900 former Justice Dept. employees again call for Barr’s resignation
- Newly Released Transcript Shows Jared Kushner Misled Congress About a Contact Involving Russia
- Nearly 2000 former DOJ officials call for AG Barr to resign over Flynn case
- Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.
- Joe Biden calls out Trump for testing his staff while telling Americans testing isn’t necessary
- As Mitch McConnell Suggests State Bankruptcies Over Bailouts, Kentucky Has Largest Share of Unemployed in U.S
- Former Mueller Prosecutor Who Quit Barr’s DOJ Over Roger Stone Case Breaks His Silence
- Biden slams Trump for not giving Americans the 'same necessary protections he has gotten for himself'
trump, former, over, call, case, flynn, necessary, doj
2020-05-12- How the Right-Wing Disinformation Loop Helped Kill Virus Research Funding: Matt Gaetz floated a conspiracy theory about a public health initiative on Fox News. The White House defunded it. Then, Trump lashed out at 60 Minutes for reporting the story.
- Trump Made America ‘sicker’, ‘poorer’, ‘weak’, ‘divided’
- Hydroxychloroquine shows no benefit against coronavirus in N.Y. study
- Unreleased White House report shows coronavirus rates spiking in heartland communities
- Donald Trump tells Chinese-American reporter Weijia Jiang to ‘ask China’ about coronavirus, then abruptly ends press briefing
- Trump Made America ‘Sicker’, ‘Poorer’, ‘Weak’, ‘Divided’ | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
- Barack Obama Calls Trump Admin's COVID-19 Response an "Absolute Chaotic Disaster"
- We’re All Casualties of Trump’s War on Science
- Senate Republicans break with Trump over ‘Obamagate’ - Trump accused the former president of committing the “biggest political crime in American history.”
- Column: Republicans seek to exploit COVID-19 crisis to cut Social Security benefits
trump, coronavirus, america, covid-19, about, house, shows, made
2020-05-13- ‘Trump death clock’ in New York’s Times Square counts coronavirus fatalities blamed on president’s inaction
- Trump's obsession with Obama is an attempt to distract from his failures
- Churches have been astonishingly hypocritical during the pandemic - They want exemptions from general laws. They also want federal funding.
- Trump has a major vulnerability. Democrats should keep pounding it.
- Activists Vow to Protect USPS as States Expand Mail-in Voting
- Jared Kushner said what he said about the election. Don't act surprised when Trump listens | Tyranny does not arrive in one moment — it is incremental
- Report: White House Pressures CDC To Monkey With COVID Numbers
- Trump Administration Tells States To Yank Benefits From Those Who Won’t Return To Work
- Democratic Plan Would Give Workers More Time To File Legal Claims Due To Pandemic The proposal contrasts sharply with the stance of Republicans, who want to shield employers from coronavirus-related lawsuits.
- The right wants to hit mute on Fauci as coronavirus continues to spread
trump, want, they, who, pandemic, said, coronavirus, states
2020-05-14- Sen. Richard Burr steps down as Senate intel chair during coronavirus stock sale probe
- The FBI Showed Up at Richard Burr's Door, But Not Kelly Loeffler's | We are forced to ask whether William Barr’s Department of Justice is going after Burr for the capital crime of Not Being Devin Nunes.
- Trump will have to go to the Supreme Court to defeat a lawsuit accusing his DC hotel of violating the Constitution by taking payments from foreign governments
- Yes, Donald Trump is to blame for this depression
- National Debt has Increased $5.2 Trillion During Trump's 3 Years as President
- Fox News dumps coronavirus coverage for anti-Obama conspiracy theory
- Appeals court revives suit that says President Donald Trump illegally profits from Washington, D.C., hotel
- 'Slap in the Face': As Bezos Wealth Jumps $30 Billion Amid Pandemic, Amazon to End $2 Per Hour Hazard Pay for Workers. "It just shows how very little regard Amazon has for its overworked employees."
- By all means, President Trump, keep reminding us about Barack Obama
- Coronavirus whistleblower Rick Bright’s complaint shows high likelihood of ‘wrongdoing,’ watchdog says
president, trump, coronavirus, court, burr, hotel, richard, amazon
2020-05-15- Trump says Biden 'has no idea what's happening' seconds before claiming AOC 'wants wind' that will kill 'all the birds'
- Whistleblower: Wall Street Has Engaged in Widespread Manipulation of Mortgage Funds
- Refusing to Wear a Mask Is a Uniquely American Pathology | The obsession with individualism and the misinterpretation of constitutional freedom collide into a germy mess.
- Jared Kushner Is a National Disaster
- Michael Flynn isn’t a martyr. He’s a crook and a crackpot.
- Trump’s Confident He’s Wrapping Up the ‘Russia Hoax,’ and Russia’s Confident He’s in Their Pocket
- If Trump had been in charge during World War II, this column would be in German
- In last act as chair, Burr asks that final volume of Senate Intel report on Trump and Russia be declassified
- Donald Trump thanks "my keyboard warriors" as his army of trolls and meme makers prepare for battle in 2020 presidential election
- Trump seems to think there’d be no coronavirus if there was no testing. It doesn’t work like that.
trump, no, he’s, confident, column, volume, final, asks
2020-05-16- 'Slow Moving Coup': Outrage After Trump Quietly Fires State Department Inspector General Friday Night. "What checks and balances do we have left?"
- Democrats launch inquiry into Trump firing of watchdog who was investigating Pompeo
- ‘Trump Is Destroying Our Democracy’: Lawyers Outraged After Inspector General Axed Under Dark of Night
- This viral video of Trump supporters screaming at a reporter is a Rorschach test of America right now
- Rep. Justin Amash says he won’t run for president
- The Trump administration has recently removed 4 inspectors general. Here are the ousted watchdogs
- 'Trump was basically the buyer and the seller' in almost $1 million of gov. transactions
- Obama says coronavirus has exposed lack of leadership in US
- Obama Says U.S. Lacks Leadership on Virus in Virtual Commencement Speech
- White House says Trump fired State Dept. watchdog at Pompeo's request
trump, watchdog, obama, state, inspector, general, leadership, 'slow
2020-05-17- Mitt Romney calls Trump's IG firings 'a threat to accountable democracy'
- Obama tells graduates, 'Doing what feels good, what's convenient, what's easy, that's how little kids think
- Puerto Rico to Hold U.S. Statehood Referendum After Struggling to Obtain Pandemic and Natural Disaster Relief
- Obama jabs U.S. response to coronavirus in commencement address | "This pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing,” the former president said.
- Romney denounces multiple IG firings as 'threat to accountable democracy'
- Mike Pompeo recommended Trump firing of State Department inspector general, White House says
- Lawmaker claims Hitler was not white supremacist after comparing coronavirus measures to Nazi rule
- Record number of COVID-19 cases reported Saturday in Wisconsin, with 502 infections
- Eric Trump Confuses Cliches And Becomes A Twitter Laughingstock
- Bob Menendez calls IG firing a 'Friday night massacre'
ig, u.s., romney, firing, what's, trump, pandemic, what
2020-05-18- Far Right Extremists Hope to Incite New Civil War Amid Political Chaos of COVID
- The Atlantic compares global virus response with U.S. response
- Barr Dismisses Trump’s Claim That Russia Inquiry Was an Obama Plot
- State needs automatic vote-by-mail system | Given the coronavirus, a universal automatic vote-by-mail system for both the September primary and the November general elections makes sense.
- Trump says he’s taking unproven drug hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus
- Trump Claims He’s Been Taking Hydroxychloroquine For Weeks
- Trump says he’s taking unproven drug hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus
- Barr Pours Cold Water on Trump’s ‘Obamagate’ Accusations
- Energy secretary accuses banks of 'redlining' oil and gas industry
- House Democrats tell Supreme Court they need Mueller grand jury materials to decide on new articles of impeachment
he’s, trump, hydroxychloroquine, taking, response, unproven, drug, new
2020-05-19- 'Obamagate' backfires: Documents show Biden, Obama acted properly
- Trump is refusing to unveil Obama's portrait at the White House, breaking a 40-year tradition
- Warren Wants CEOs Held Criminally Liable for Bailout Violations
- Max Rose slams 'heartless' WH decision to end National Guard deployments one day before they can claim benefits
- Ford to require Trump to wear mask during plant visit: report
- Creator Of FL COVID Dashboard Says She Was Removed For Refusing To ‘Manually Change Data’
- Jane Roe’s Deathbed Confession: Anti-Abortion Conversion ‘All an Act’ Paid for by the Christian Right
- Sen. Brown to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin: ‘How Many Workers Should Give Their Lives to Increase our GDP by .5%?’
- Trump almost got away with firing the guy who was investigating Mike Pompeo — but now it's all falling apart
- Judge Allows ‘Pyramid Scheme’ Case Against Trump Family to Go Ahead
trump, refusing, 'obamagate', brown, lives, their, give, should
2020-05-20- McConnell Is Pushing Through Another Trump Judge Who’s Gunning for Obamacare
- Trump's 'Obamagate' conspiracy theory just got blown to pieces
- Facing difficult questions, Pompeo's scandal defense unravels
- New documents show EPA rolled back mileage standards despite staff, WH concerns
- Trump threatens to stop funding for Michigan if absentee ballots sent to all voters
- Poll: Two-Thirds Expect Return To Normal Will Take 6 Months Or More
- Trump’s Weakness Is Bad for Democracy. | It’s tempting to think that a president unskilled at wielding power can’t do much damage by abusing it. It’s also wrong.
- Trump's Attack On Vote-By-Mail Plans In Key 2020 States Is "Misinformation," A Top State Official Says
- Firing of State Department inspector general tied to Saudi arms deal
- ‘How Can I Be Sick?’ Woman Who Took Hydroxychloroquine For 19 Years To Treat Lupus Still Got COVID-19
state, it’s, trump's, got, trump, much, key, plans
2020-05-21- Pelosi: Voting in the United States 'is under assault'
- Republicans to Drop $20 Million to Prevent Black People From Voting
- Intelligence Officials Reportedly Struggle To Brief Trump Because He’s Like A Giant Toddler
- Former White House Butler Who Served 11 Presidents Dies Of Coronavirus | Wilson Roosevelt Jerman worked with every president from Dwight Eisenhower to Barack Obama during his 55-year career.
- Michigan AG: If Trump 'fails to wear a mask, he's going to be asked not to return to any enclosed facility inside our state'
- Mike Pompeo's home state newspaper calls his "gaudy, taxpayer-funded dinners" a gross exploitation of public trust
- 54,000 Fewer Americans Would Have Died if U.S. Went Into Lockdown on March 1, Columbia University Estimates
- Hillary Clinton calls Trump out for voting by mail while opposing it
- Federal judge rules that all Texas voters can apply to vote by mail amid coronavirus pandemic | The judge said the "Grim Reaper's scepter of death" is "far more serious than an unsupported fear of voter fraud"
- After Susan Rice email backfires on right, GOP pretends otherwise
voting, trump, |, mail, coronavirus, judge, calls, while
2020-05-22- I’m Jaime Harrison, the "Democratic Challenger" to Sen. Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. I’m running for Senate to bring hope back to the working families of SC and to #SendLindseyHome. AMA!
- Tucker Carlson claims there’s ‘no evidence’ stay-at-home orders saved lives. He’s wrong.
- Trump’s Hydroxychloroquine Cocktail Connected to 45 Percent Increased Risk of Death
- Lawyer Douglas Wigdor Drops Biden Accuser Tara Reade as a Client
- Schiff Wants Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts Released
- Joe Biden promises he won't raise taxes for people earning under $400,000 if elected
- Coronavirus is spiking disproportionately in counties that voted for Trump in 2016
- In back-to-back tweets, Trump shares a fake poll number and dismisses a real poll number as fake
- Trump orders governors to reopen churches with immediate effect
- High-profile lawyer drops Tara Reade in Joe Biden sex assault case
trump, biden, i’m, orders, number, poll, fake, joe
2020-05-23- All-night session to strip governor’s power was Kansas Legislature’s darkest day
- 77 Nobel Laureates Denounce Trump Officials For Teminating Coronavirus Research Grant
- Trump press secretary scolds media for not spreading Obamagate conspiracy
- ‘It’s 24 people:’ Meet the SC donors defecting from Lindsey Graham to Jaime Harrison
- White House Worries About Kelly Loeffler’s Senate Prospects in Georgia
- Trump Orders States to Allow Places of Worship to Open, Though He Has No Authority To
- FBI to Investigate Police Shooting of Breonna Taylor
- Trump administration did not give 'adequate response' to probe into watchdog's firing: aide
- Roughly half the Twitter accounts pushing to 'reopen America' are bots, researchers found
- Trump's routing number revealed as press secretary announces he's donating quarterly salary to HHS: report
trump, secretary, press, all-night, into, probe, response', 'adequate
2020-05-24- I’m a Frontline Medical Worker. I Contracted COVID — and It Took My Grandfather.
- Black activists warn Biden: Don't pick Klobuchar as VP
- Biden Facing Backlash After Suggesting ‘You Ain’t Black’ If You Support Trump
- For Trump and NASA, the stakes are enormous for upcoming flight with crew
- Young woman with Down’s syndrome fights to stop late terminations
- किरण कुमार को हुआ कोरोना वायरस, 10 दिनों से हैं क्वारंटाइन पर
- New Zealand’s new leader of opposition Todd Muller defends MAGA hat in his parliamentary office “souvenir collection” because he also went to Democrat conference and has Hillary pins.
- Let's just face it already, Trump is going to win 2020 if the Democratic party holds on to Biden.
- After Trump Orders Churches to Reopen, Some Chicago Faith Leaders Say No, It's Too Soon
- Wealth of US billionaires soars as pandemic expands, nearly 40 million unemployed
trump, new, win, going, already,, face, just, let's
2020-05-25- 'Watershed Moment in Election Law' as Judge Rules 'Modern Day Poll Tax' in Florida Unconstitutional
- Ilhan Omar interview: “I am America’s hope and President Trump’s nightmare”
- Meet Bill Gates
- Trump Spreads Baseless Conspiracy Theory Accusing MSNBC Host Of Murder
- Charles Booker's Senate Campaign Endorsed By State House Democratic Leaders
- Michigan Deems "Gay Swingers Club" To Be Essential But Not Elderly Barber | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry
- Trump's Push To Open Churches Contradicts Jesus' Teaching To Love Neighbors: Clergy
- Biden Can Beat Trump … if He Doesn’t Blow It
- epa decides against limits of drinking water pollutant
- Biden swipes at Trump: 'Presidency is about a lot more than tweeting from your golf cart'
biden, trump, |, 'watershed, neighbors:, love, teaching, jesus'
2020-05-26- The Wealthy Bosses and Right-Wing Ideologues Behind the Rush to “Reopen”
- Changing Southwest may bring Democrats a milestone win
- Pundit Ann Coulter calls Trump ‘complete moron,’ says Tuberville ’another Roy Moore catastrophe'
- Biden campaign launches initiative to mobilize young voters
- NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he will meet with Trump Wednesday to discuss coronavirus, infrastructure plans
- Joe Biden has called for rent forgiveness during the coronavirus pandemic
- Why Does the U.S. Military Celebrate White Supremacy? It is time to rename bases for American heroes — not racist traitors.
- Widower of late Scarborough staffer asks Twitter to remove Trump tweets, Twitter says no
- Charlotte City councilman says it wouldn't be responsible to have an arena full of people for RNC
- US nears 100,000 pandemic deaths: Does Trump feel your pain?
trump, twitter, pandemic, biden, does, american, late, widower
2020-05-27- Romney condemns Trump for Scarborough tweets: ‘Enough already’
- Trump will sign an executive order on social media companies: White House spokeswoman
- Trump Team Killed Rule Designed To Protect Health Workers From Pandemic Like COVID-19
- 11 Democrats Who Lied, on Twitter, About ‘Fine People’ in Charlottesville
- France bans hydroxychloroquine, drug touted by Trump to treat COVID-19
- Biden calls Trump a ‘fool’ for mocking masks during pandemic
- Pompeo backs away from theory he and Trump were pushing that coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab
- Top HHS watchdog being replaced by Trump says inspectors general must work free from political intrusion
- Why Joe Biden’s First Campaign for President Collapsed After Just 3 Months
- Trump's press secretary attempts to defend president's baseless murder accusation - follow live
trump, pandemic, covid-19, romney, political, free, work, must
2020-05-28- Trump Tweets Video Declaring That ‘The Only Good Democrat Is A Dead Democrat’
- Trump retweets video declaring 'the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat'
- New poll shows Sara Gideon leading Susan Collins by 9 points
- Twitter CEO Tells Trump: ‘We’ll Keep Pointing Out Your Factual Inaccuracies’
- FEC commissioner: 'No basis' for Trump claims voting by mail leads to fraud
- Trump retweets a video saying ‘the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat’
- Trump retweets a video saying ‘the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat’
- If Trump rolls back Section 230 protections, Twitter should instaban the President's Twitter account over liability concerns.
- Pennsylvania Democrats accuse state rep. of ‘cover up’ after hiding positive coronavirus test
- Tucker Carlson Calls Protests Against Police Violence 'A Form Of Tyranny' : The Fox News host seemed fine with protests featuring armed right-wingers rallying against coronavirus lockdowns.
trump, video, only, good, democrat, dead, twitter, ‘the
2020-05-29- Taylor Swift Blasts Trump for "Shooting" Tweet: "We Will Vote You Out in November. After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence?" the singer wrote.
- ‘I’m furious and you should be too’: Biden condemns Trump tweet ‘glorifying violence’
- Unemployment Benefits Aren’t Too High. Wages Are Too Low.
- Minneapolis Bus Drivers Refuse to Transport George Floyd Protesters to Jail
- Discussion Thread: Biden Delivers Remarks on George Floyd and Minnesota - 2020-05-29 | Live - 13:30
- Obama responds to George Floyd killing in Minneapolis: 'This shouldn't be normal in 2020 America'
- Facebook has done nothing with a Trump post that threatens shooting Minneapolis protesters even as Twitter hides it for 'glorifying violence'
- Biden says he’s ‘furious’ that Trump is ‘calling for violence against American citizens’
- Minneapolis mayor to Trump: “Weakness is pointing your finger” during a crisis
- Taylor Swift attacks Trump for threatening to shoot Minneapolis looters
trump, minneapolis, george, floyd, you, biden, your, -
2020-05-30- Videos show police officers escalating violence during protests
- Cornel West Says 'Neo-Fascist Gangster' Trump and Neoliberal Democrats Expose America as 'Failed Social Experiment'
- As protests erupt across the America — including in front of the White House — Trump took time to retweet an account implying Democrats are to blame
- After 3 years of legal battles DPD finally release the footage of another citizen that was suffocated because of police brutality.
- America Is a Tinderbox
- The Independent: Trump threatens White House protesters with 'vicious dogs and most ominous weapons'.
- ‘The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.' ‘When the looting starts, the shooting starts.’ Twice in 25 hours, Trump tweets conspicuous allusions to violence.
- From AIDS to Covid-19: Trump's decades of spreading dangerous misinformation about disease outbreaks
- George Floyd protests: Trump puts army on alert to deploy military police to streets of Minneapolis
- Policing in the US is not about enforcing law. It’s about enforcing white supremacy
trump, america, about, white, police, enforcing, protests, —
2020-05-31- Trump says US will designate Antifa as a terrorist organisation
- Robert E. Lee statue and Daughters of Confederacy building attacked by Richmond protesters
- Caught on camera, police explode in rage and violence across the US
- Trump Is Afraid | Violent demonstrations across the United States bring out a particular weakness in the 45th president.
- I Told Riot Cops I’m a Journalist. They Forced Me to the Ground and Pepper-Sprayed Me in the Face - "I am press," I said. It didn't matter.
- ‘Light ‘em up!’: Police shoot paintballs at Minneapolis residents standing on their porch
- Atlanta mayor: 2 police officers fired after body-camera footage showed they used excessive force in protest incident
- 'I Took the Helmet Off and Laid the Batons Down': Michigan Sheriff and Police Didn't Disperse Their Town's Protest - Instead, They Joined It
- Nation's Cops Seem Determined To Demonstrate Why People Are Protesting Them in the First Place
- Owner of Minneapolis grocery store says he told employee 'call the police on the police' as she witnessed George Floyd death "The murder and execution was something done by the police and the abuse of power. The police brutality needs to stop," said owner Mike Abumayyaleh.
police, they, trump, didn't, cops, me, owner, across

1: trump, coronavirus, biden, white, state, house, who, |, trump's, us, president, calls, about, report, during, police, trump’s, new, pandemic, obama

2: white house, donald trump, joe biden, trump administration, good democrat, democrat dead, only good, supreme court, george floyd, ‘the only, tara reade, calls trump, positive coronavirus, inspector general, conspiracy theory, — but, state capitol, barack obama, jared kushner, whistleblower complaint