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2016-06-01- Clinton IT aide to plead Fifth in email case
- Snowden Slams US for Ignoring Hillary Clinton's Email Controversy
- Majority of Dems say Sanders should stay in the race
- Bill Clinton Gave a Six-Figure Speech to a “Vulture” Fund Accused of Preying on Low-Income Homebuyers: Hillary recently said her husband would be "in charge of revitalizing the economy"
- Trump is wrong on the Paris climate agreement. I know because I negotiated it. - Leaders of more than 190 nations endorsed the agreement. The United States has no power to cancel it. This isn’t reality TV. You can’t tell sovereign leaders around the world “you’re fired,”
- Hillary Clinton used personal AT&T email account as senator, carried practice over to State Dept.
- When it comes to civil liberties, Obama has made grievous mistakes. To salvage his reputation, he should exonerate the two greatest whistleblowers of our age: Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden
- Twenty Thousand Committed To Anti-Hillary ‘Occupy DNC’ Protest
- Things Are Not Looking Good In The Polls For Hillary Clinton
- Hillary Clinton Email Controversy: In New Poll, Half Of Voters Say Private Server Was Illegal
clinton, hillary, email, agreement., i, it., leaders, say
2016-06-02- Judge orders Obama administration to release new Clinton emails
- "These American millennials don’t just dislike Washington politics they see it as corrupt and broken. Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton symbolises everything that represents, from her $225,000 speaking engagements to the email scandal and FBI investigation threatening to derail her campaign."
- Bernie Sanders is the most pro-net neutrality politician in the presidential race
- Scripted: Clinton team tried to plant questions and script introductions at community college appearances
- King: For Bernie Sanders voters, this year is nothing like 2008: "Our alternative is the most disliked Democratic candidate in the history of polls."
- Sanders picks up more superdelegates
- Emails: Clinton staff reviewed remarks, questions for events
- California drastically reduced its prison population, and crime didn't skyrocket the way critics thought it might
- Hillary ordered to release more emails: Hillary got another dose of bad news when a federal judge late Wednesday ordered the Obama administration to make public a new batch of emails
- Clinton staffer pleads the Fifth after Clinton says she is "delighted" that he would cooperate
clinton, sanders, hillary, judge, more, most, ordered, her
2016-06-03- Hillary Clinton Posted Names of Hidden Intelligence Officials On Her Email
- Clinton Email Scandal: Hillary Could Face A 10-Year Prison Stint If Her Server Was Hacked
- Federal Judge Orders Clinton IT Witness To Produce Reported Immunity Agreement, Legal Basis for Fifth Amendment Claims
- Sanders to Clinton: Yes, Trump's foreign policy ideas are scary. But so are yours.
- Yes, Donald Trump did call climate change a Chinese hoax
- Sanders surpasses Clinton in new California poll
- Bad News For Hillary Clinton, Judge Orders The Release Of More Emails from her Private Server
- If covert CIA agents were identified in the emails that were shared by Hillary Clinton, and if the emails were vulnerable to hacking, it could be the basis for FBI’s criminal indictment of the Democratic front-runner.
- Two-thirds of voters say Clinton should release transcripts of Wall Street speeches
- Bernie Sanders Could Actually Beat Clinton in California
clinton, hillary, were, sanders, her, emails, could, release
2016-06-04- Sanders: We are not going to defeat Trump by throwing eggs
- Hillary Has Now Gone 181 Days Without Holding a Press Conference
- Judge demands to see Clinton aide’s immunity deal
- Ask anyone you know what would happen if they, like Hillary Clinton, exclusively conducted their employer’s business on their own email server and you will hear, even among Mrs. Clinton’s supporters, that they would eventually be exposed, undoubtedly fired, possibly prosecuted.
- Jimmy Carter: “When Clinton was Secretary of State she took very little action to bring about peace”
- Sanders’ Campaign Alleges Fraud in Puerto Rico Presidential Primary
- Bernie Sanders Urges Clinton And Trump To Stop Bickering: ‘You Know What? People Are Hurting,’ Focus On Issues
- Hillary is cheating her way to the Democratic nomination
- Sanders campaign accuses Los Angeles official who endorsed Hillary Clinton of blocking their event at famed theater
- Elizabeth Warren: 'I'm a superdelegate and I don't believe in superdelegates'
hillary, clinton, their, would, trump, know, you, campaign
2016-06-05- New Documents Show Government Lied About Edward Snowden’s Concerns Prior To Leak
- Secret Service agent to release tell-all book about the Clinton White House and the culture that 'sickened' him
- Gary Johnson: Snowden Should Be Pardoned
- Sanders: Clinton too willing to use U.S. military. "The world would be better off with these dictators out of power, but there are ways to get them out of power without causing mass instability and the deaths of many, many, many hundreds of thousands of people," Sanders said.
- In an interview with Jake Tapper, Sen. Bernie Sanders says he sees a 'conflict of interest' in the Clinton Foundation's acceptance of Saudi money.
- Nearly 18 Million Voters Registered For California Primary
- Sen. Marco Rubio blocks confirmation of judge he recommended
- Conflict of interest: Sanders assails Clinton over Foundation
- Man Who Donald Trump Called "My African American" Speaks Out: "I never, ever sensed any racism on his part."
- Sanders Says Clinton Can't Claim Democratic Win on Tuesday
clinton, sanders, about, many,, sen., out, confirmation, blocks
2016-06-06- If Hillary Clinton Gets a Pass on Espionage From President Obama, So Should Whistleblowers
- State Department Blocks Release Of Hillary Clinton-Era TPP Emails Until After The Election
- "The TSA failed to detect ninety percent of the bombs and weapons that were passed through its passenger screening system in its last test. Were the test also applied to baggage placed on planes, it is likely that their failure rate in detecting bombs specifically would be even higher."
- Hillary’s Pathetic Cover-Up of TPP Support: Clinton allies are stonewalling emails that expose her trade hypocrisy
- State Dept.: 75-year wait for Clinton aide emails
- Clinton Laments Income Inequality While Wearing $12K Armani Jacket
- ‘Bernie Or Bust’ Movement Rejects Calls For Party Unity
- Green Party's Jill Stein Tells Californians 'Please Vote For Bernie' If Able
- State Dept. moves to hide Clinton's trade deal emails until after election
- Hillary Clinton not as accessible to media as her campaign says: Clinton has not taken questions from her traveling press corps since May 9
clinton, emails, hillary, state, her, trade, its, were
2016-06-07- Clinton and Obama are wrong about Snowden — he was ignored after sounding alarm directly to the NSA -- Internal NSA docs show the whistleblower tried to work within the system, but had no choice but to leak to journos
- Obama not ready to endorse Clinton 'at this point:' White House
- Sanders: I’m Still In The Race | “It is unfortunate that the media, in a rush to judgement, are ignoring the Democratic National Committee’s clear statement that it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they actually vote at the convention this summer.”
- Perfect End to Democratic Primary: Anonymous Super-Delegates Declare Winner Through Media - Greenwald
- Clinton May Have Revealed ID’s of CIA Officers, WaPo Blogger Blames… FOIA Process
- State Dept. Promises to Release Clinton Emails on Day That Literally Doesn’t Exist
- North Carolina superdelegate endorses Sanders
- Obama Administration Bars Release of Clinton's TPP Emails Until Post-Election: Response for FOIA request was 'abruptly' changed from spring 2016 to late November 2016
- FBI offers second secret filing in Clinton email suit
- Poll: 6 in 10 Democratic voters want open primary process
clinton, obama, democratic, process, this, emails, release, but
2016-06-08- Kasich legalizes medical marijuana in Ohio
- Julian Assange: Google working closely with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign
- Trump donates to Texas officials, they drop probe of Trump U
- Experts: Clinton emails could have compromised CIA names
- Clinton: Some foundation donations 'slipped through the cracks'
- Bernie Sanders promises he'll campaign on
- Rand Paul and Ron Wyden introduce legislation to block expansion of FBI powers
- FBI: Everything on Clinton is ‘evidence’ or possible evidence
- Bernie Has Every Right To Raise Hell at the Democratic Convention
- FBI Confirms Records From Clinton’s Private Server Being Held As Evidence
clinton’s, bernie, clinton, evidence, fbi, trump, campaign, kasich
2016-06-09- White House calls FBI probe into Clinton's classified emails a 'criminal investigation' – to glee of Republicans – on the same day Obama endorses her
- FBI Admits Finding Additional Info On Clinton Server During E-Mail Investigation
- Bernie Sanders proved politicians can make it this far without selling their souls | Robert Reich
- Hillary Clinton's State Department gave South Sudan's military a pass for its child soldiers
- Sanders: I'm staying in the race
- Jill Stein to Bernie Sanders: Run on the Green Party Ticket & Continue Your Political Revolution
- Tens of thousands demand DNC add national fracking ban to party platform. "The Democratic Party has been complicit in the U.S. fracking boom. Any serious plan to combat climate change must include a ban on fracking."
- Gerrymandering Increasingly Defies the will of the Voters
- Emails Reveal Clinton School Appearances Are Totally Scripted, Controlled
- Elizabeth Warren is endorsing Hillary Clinton. Her progressive fans say she's betrayed them.
party, fracking, bernie, her, clinton, hillary, –, ban
2016-06-10- FBI criminal investigation emails: Clinton approved CIA drone assassinations with her cellphone, report says
- Newly released State Department emails help reveal how a major Clinton Foundation donor was placed on a sensitive government intelligence advisory board even though he had no obvious experience in the field, a decision that appeared to baffle the department's professional staff.
- Hillary deletes more than emails as the latest edition of her memoir removes all her cheerleading for controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal
- As California Admits 2 Million Ballots Remain Uncounted, Sanders Pushes for Changing Primary Process
- How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board
- Collusion? Google caught manipulating search results for Hillary Clinton
- Donald Trump said, 'Crime is rising.' It's not (and hasn't been for decades)
- Fox News Poll: Majority thinks Clinton is lying about emails
- Run, Bernie, Run: Petition Calling On Bernie Sanders To Mount Independent Run For The White House Nearing 100,000 Signatures
- The Democratic Party derailed Bernie: How the establishment has worked to discredit Sanders’ movement
clinton, her, emails, how, sensitive, sanders, donor, board
2016-06-11- The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Hurt Farmers and Make Seed Companies Richer
- Paperback version of Clinton's 'Hard Choices’ omits her former TPP trade pact support
- AP’s Clinton ‘Victory’ Story Breaches Journalism Ethics and Public Trust
- Bernie Sanders' supporters vow the revolution will not be silenced
- Bernie Surpasses Hillary in Santa Barbara
- Gary Johnson Beats Hillary With Independents, Reaches 12% Nationally
- Another sign Hillary Clinton’s State Department was for sale
- Congressman Thinks Ethics Office Too Tough, So He Tries To Cut It It’s the only independent agency keeping an eye on the U.S. House
- Trump on Jeb endorsement: 'Who the hell cares?'
- Romney tears into GOP for not criticizing Trump
hillary, trump, will, ethics, bernie, trans-pacific, tough,, too
2016-06-12- Tulsi Gabbard launches petition to end Democratic Party superdelegate process
- WV Dems call for resignation of DNC chair
- Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick deletes "reap what you sow" tweet after mass shooting at LGBT club
- Jimmy Carter's Former Strategist And Pollster: 'Clinton Cash' Scandal Is "Worse Than Watergate" .. "They Were Selling Out The National Interests Of The United States Directly To Adversaries And Others For Money." - US Chronicle
- Democrats want 'major role' for Sanders: Reuters/Ipsos poll
- Wikileaks to publish more Hillary Clinton emails - Julian Assange
- Sanders to meet with Clinton on Tuesday: "I simply want to get a sense of what kind of platform she will be supporting, whether she will be vigorous in standing up for working families and the middle class,"
- A senior Japanese government official predicted that Clinton “will change her stance again to supporting [the TPP], if she becomes president.”
- Team Hillary’s final e-mail defense: mass amnesia
- Hillary sinks to third place among independent voters
she, clinton, want, hillary, -, mass, what, will
2016-06-13- Bernie Sanders Refuses to Concede Nomination to Hillary Clinton
- Racketeering Lawsuit Exposing Nationwide Vote Rigging in DNC Primaries Could Derail Clinton
- #OccupyDNC movement grows in reaction to Bernie Sanders' setbacks
- Russia Is Reportedly Set To Release Clinton's Intercepted Emails
- Trump: Obama is 'protecting' Clinton from 'going to jail'
- The only things now standing in Clinton's way are a lack of substantive accomplishments, a charisma deficit, a likely contested convention, an FBI investigation, and Donald Trump.
- In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
- Did the Clinton Foundation raise ‘hundreds of millions of dollars’ for a hospital in Haiti that was never built?
- Less than half of Clinton Global Initiative projects were ever completed
- Trump Claimed Orlando Shooting Suspect Was Foreign-Born. Actually They Were Born In The Same City.
clinton, bernie, clinton's, were, likely, trump., investigation,, millions
2016-06-14- Democratic National Committee Breached by Russian Hackers
- Obama: ‘Congress Will Not Allow the CDC to Study Gun Violence'
- Americans — not foreigners — have committed 80 percent of terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11
- Poll: 70% of millennials don’t believe Hillary’s nomination is “historic”
- Net Neutrality Rules Upheld by Federal Court
- 8 ‘Sanders Democrats’ Are Running for Congress Tomorrow
- Bernie Sanders Calls For Major Reforms to Democratic Party
- The unexpected side effect of Hillary 2016: How she transformed Democrats into “new” Republicans - First of all, the number one reason that Bernie Sanders supporters are told they should vote for Hillary is to stop Trump. Nowhere is there an argument about the merits of her platform
- The Latest: Sanders Doesn't Endorse Clinton, Vows to Fight
- Spokesman: Sanders has no plans to drop out
sanders, —, hillary, bernie, democratic, hackers, “new”, supporters
2016-06-15- Jimmy Carter calls for return to publicly-financed elections
- A “lone hacker” calling him or herself “Guccifer 2.0” has claimed responsibility for hacking the Democratic National Convention and says claims the Russian government perpetrated the attack are false. The hacker also says the DNC lied about—or didn’t know the extent of—what was stolen.
- Senate Votes to Require Women to Register for the Draft
- Poll: 7 in 10 Americans see Trump unfavorably
- Bill to End Daylight Savings Time Passes California Committee
- Schumer: 244 people on terror watch list tried to buy guns in 2015, 91% got them
- 94% of African Americans and 89% of Latinos view Trump unfavorably
- Poll: Obama approval rating highest since 2012
- 39 hours after the Orlando massacre I bought an AR-15 in a Five Guys parking lot. No names. No background check. No questions asked. Just $500 cash. It was all perfectly legal.
- Negative views of Donald Trump just hit a new campaign high: 7 in 10 Americans "Trump's unfavorable rating, in fact, far surpasses Hillary Clinton's even as the presumptive Democratic nominee receives her worst ratings in more two decades in public life."
trump, americans, no, just, 7, unfavorably, 10, poll:
2016-06-16- Let's drug-test the rich before approving tax deductions, US congresswoman says
- Muslim-Americans have repeatedly informed authorities of fellow Muslims they fear might be turning to extremism, law enforcement officials say, contrary to a claim by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump this week.
- Leaked document shows the DNC wanted Clinton from start
- Congresswoman Who Used To Receive Welfare Wants To Drug Test Rich People Who Get Tax Breaks
- Exxon Sues a Second Attorney General To Fight Off Climate Fraud Probe | "The law is clear: The First Amendment does not give any corporation the right to commit fraud."
- Julian Assange: Next Leak of Hillary Clinton Emails Will Be Enough to Indict Her,
- Donald Trump Accused of Using His Charity as a Political Slush Fund | When the presumptive GOP nominee doled out money to veterans’ groups over the past few months, he did so using the Trump Foundation—which, according to FEC rules, is not allowed.
- Kasich on Trump: 'I just can't do it'
- CIA Chief Just Confirmed "War on Terror" Has Created A Lot More Terrorists
- King: Hacked DNC documents may show ugly connections between the party and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign
trump, who, just, |, using, nominee, presidential, law
2016-06-17- Bernie to his supporters: I’m not “the revolution”—you are
- Donald Trump Bragged to Press He Made a Fortune in 1984, Told the IRS It Was Zero
- Bernie Sanders Refuses to Concede Democratic Nomination to Hillary Clinton
- Bernie Sanders: Almost 7,000 of my supporters just signed up to run for office
- Bernie never stood a chance: Hacker leaks reveal DNC-Clinton coordination
- "The new Clinton emails also show that when ABC began asking questions about the appointment of Fernando in 2011, top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills asked the press officer to stall for 24 hours. The very next day Fernando submitted his resignation from the prestigious board." [2:03]
- Bernie Sanders calls for 'new generation' of public servants
- Donald Trump: ‘Belgium is a beautiful city’
- Tim Canova: I am #StillSanders
- Rights groups silent as Clinton Foundation takes millions from countries that imprison gays
bernie, clinton, sanders, fernando, donald, press, board.", prestigious
2016-06-18- Clinton emails on trade deal held until after election
- Gary Johnson: Marijuana doesn't make you stupid
- The Russian hackers who hit the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign burrowed much further into the U.S. political system, sweeping in law firms, lobbyists, consultants, foundations and the policy groups
- A hacker claiming responsibility for the DNC hack has released new documents and is promising even more leaks
- Clinton Email Scandal: Imminent Document Leak Enough To Indict Her
- Clinton takes in more pharma donations than all GOP candidates combined
- Donald Trump Trolled By 'Tiny Hands' SuperPAC - "If the White House phone rings at 3 a.m.," the video solemnly implores viewers, in a reference to a Hillary Clinton ad from 2008, "could his little hands even pick up the receiver?"
- Open access: All human knowledge is there—so why can’t everybody access it? - We paid for the research with taxes, and Internet sharing is easy. What's the hold-up?
- Guccifer 2.0 Releases a New Dump of DNC and Hillary Clinton Financial Documents and Donor Information
- World's Largest 'Fart-In' Is Planned for Hillary Clinton's Acceptance Speech in Philadelphia
clinton, hillary, even, documents, new, dnc, more, all
2016-06-19- Nebraska Democrats vote to abolish superdelegates
- Barack Obama says climate change already damaging national parks
- Supporters to Sanders: Don’t give our data to DNC, Hillary Clinton
- California Democrats call for elimination of caucuses, most super-delegates
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz is out as DNC chair. The only thing left for her to do is relinquish the title, because as of now, she has no power
- Sanders wins Wash. state party endorsement in symbolic move
- Donald Trump: U.S. must "start thinking about" racial profiling
- "Cooper has no security clearance, he doesn't work for the State Department, he doesn't even work for the government. He works for Teneo, the private consulting firm Bill Clinton setup and The Clinton Foundation. So he has no security clearance. And he had access to every single email."
- News coverage of Hillary Clinton often emphasizes gender over competency, study shows
- North Dakota Voters Side With Family Farms and Continue 84-Year-Old Ban on Corporate Ownership
clinton, no, work, democrats, state, security, hillary, doesn't
2016-06-20- The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will reclassify marijuana as a "Schedule Two" drug on August 1, 2016, essentially legalizing medicinal cannabis in all 50 states with a doctor's prescription, said a DEA lawyer with knowledge of the matter.
- 19-year-old charged, allegedly trying to assassinate Donald Trump
- More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot
- Americans should embrace their national parks as symbols of the planet’s beauty and history—and help protect them from the ravages of climate change, President Barack Obama said Saturday during an exclusive interview with National Geographic in Yosemite National Park.
- Yet Another Failed Attempt to Discredit Bernie Sanders, Courtesy of the New York Times
- Donald Trump Parts Ways With Corey Lewandowski, His Campaign Manager
- How, in the space of a few years, has “paid trolling” gone from a questionable advertising practice to a political technique being openly used by the U.S. Democratic front-runner?
- 3 New York Police Commanders Are Arrested on Corruption Charges
- No, Sanders’ Secret Service Detail Isn’t Costing ‘Taxpayers’ $38,000 a Day
- Hillary had the deck stacked against Bernie from the start
trump, national, bernie, said, drug, new, york, donald
2016-06-21- Hacker releases Clinton Foundation documents
- Bernie Sanders' anti-superdelegate push gains steam in Senate. A growing number of senators back changes to a system critics say gives party bosses undue sway to decide the nominee
- "Today marks 200 days since Clinton has held a formal press conference of any sort"
- Latest hacked Hillary document reveals the Democratic Party researched Clinton Foundation's 'vulnerabilities' – 42 PAGES of them – as now the foundation is a hacking target too
- After DNC attack, hacker Guccifer 2.0 releases Hillary Clinton 'dossier'
- RNC demands Clinton aides’ emails be released before election
- Police can use illegally obtained evidence in court, SCOTUS rules, sabotaging 4th Amendment
- Cops shut down a lane in the Lincoln Tunnel so a visiting businessman could be escorted through it at the behest of a major [Bill] de Blasio fundraiser
- The DNC's dossier on Hillary Clinton may have just been leaked
- Guccifer 2.0: "Neutral" DNC Staff Conducted Research for Clinton. It also appears that DNC staffer conducted opposition research on the other candidates
clinton, dnc, hillary, hacker, conducted, research, party, –
2016-06-22- Clinton IT specialist invokes 5th more than 125 times in deposition
- A Newly Leaked Hillary Clinton Memo Shows How Campaigns Get Around Super PAC Rules
- House Republicans Shut Off Cameras After Democrats Start Sit-In For Gun Control
- Nearly Half of Sanders Supporters Won't Support Clinton
- Trump right that Clinton made up story about Bosnia sniper fire
- Senate rejects FBI bid for warrantless access to internet browsing histories
- California’s lengthy vote count stokes theories that Sanders actually won the primary
- Michigan's drug-testing welfare program has yielded zero positive results so far
- Hillary Clinton’s Likely Pentagon Chief Already Advocating for More Bombing and Intervention
- Robichaud: Serially corrupt Hillary Clinton unfit to be our president
clinton, hillary, more, sanders, count, michigan's, primary, won
2016-06-23- Clinton’s private e-mail was blocked by spam filters—so State IT turned them off
- Bernie Sanders: Here’s what we want "We want an economy that is not based on uncontrollable greed, monopolistic practices and illegal behavior. We want an economy that protects the human needs and dignity of all people — children, the elderly, the sick, working people and the poor."
- Clinton Failed to Turn Over Key Email to State Department
- GOP fails to block Obama's financial adviser rule requiring financial advisers to act in the best interest of their clients who are saving for retirement.
- Clinton staff disabled security of private email server
- Bernie Sanders Joined The House Sit-In & Got A Standing Ovation
- Clinton’s email server ran without security software -- New records reveal Clinton’s server was hacked multiple times
- Obama Wants to Stop Subsidizing Israel's Defense Industry
- U.S. should raise minimum wage, overhaul taxes and offer paid maternity leave, IMF says
- FBI 'Revolt of Watergate Proportions' If Hillary Skates
clinton’s, server, email, want, private, financial, clinton, security
2016-06-24- An Associated Press review of the official calendar Hillary Clinton kept as secretary of state identified at least 75 meetings with longtime political donors, loyalists, Clinton Foundation contributors and corporate and other outside interests that were not recorded or were listed without the names
- Brexit should be a wake-up call to US liberals: don’t assume Trump will lose
- Emails Show Hillary Clinton's Email Server Was A Massive Security Headache, Set Up To Route Around FOIA Requests
- They aren’t in it for ‘free stuff': What critics get wrong about millennial Bernie Sanders supporters -- Sanders' policies aren't about giving stuff away for free, they're about keeping up with an evolving world economy
- Colorado considers replacing ObamaCare with state single-payer plan
- It’s Official — Bernie Sanders Is Staying In The Race And Will Not Concede
- 'Never ever lose your sense of outrage,' Bernie Sanders tells New York crowd
- DNC Sued By Up To 2 Million Sanders Donors In Class Action Lawsuit
- Sen. Bernie Sanders: "We cannot allow ourselves to become used to the fact that we got hundreds of thousands of children in this country who are homeless. That is our greatest danger, becoming used to it and thinking that it is normal. It is not normal. It is an outrage."
- Elizabeth Warren Should Stay in the Senate: Her agenda is fundamentally different from the one Hillary Clinton will pursue.
bernie, sanders, up, about, hillary, clinton, will, used
2016-06-25- Clinton appointees oppose $15 minimum wage amendment in Democratic platform; Sanders surrogates back it
- Betraying Progressives, DNC Platform Backs Fracking, TPP, and Israel Occupation
- The DNC Just Torpedoed the Majority of Bernie Sanders' Agenda
- Unlike most people accused of dishonesty, Clinton and Trump are true liars
- Top IT official: Disabling security for Clinton server laid out 'welcome mat' for hackers
- Democrats Approve Marijuana Platform Plank
- Sanders disappointed and dismayed about platform's vote on TPP
- 'This Is Not My Party': George Will Goes from GOP to Unaffiliated
- Iowa Democratic Party votes to include ‘legalizing all drugs’ plank in its platform
- Euthanasia Still Acceptable to Solid Majority in U.S.: 69% say doctors should be allowed to end a patient's life by painless means
clinton, platform, democratic, dnc, sanders, majority, plank, george
2016-06-26- California Drug Price Measure Fiercely Opposed By Pharmaceutical Industry: "Drugmakers are waging a fierce campaign against a proposed California law that would require them to justify the costs of their treatments and disclose major price hikes."
- Iowa State Senator calls Trump a bigot, leaves GOP in protest
- President Barack Obama came into office promising the most transparent administration in history. Nearly eight years later, his administration appears determined to bury that promise as deeply as it struggles to keep thousands of Hillary Clinton emails and other documents secret.
- Most Googled Question About Hillary: Is She Going to Jail?
- In new poll, support for Trump has plunged, giving Clinton a double-digit lead - Support for Donald Trump has plunged as he has alienated fellow Republicans and large majorities of voters overall in the course of a month of self-inflicted controversies
- Rise of the Mini-Berns? Sanders says thousands of allies poised to run for office
- Bernie Sanders Mounts Democratic Convention Platform Fight
- Hillary Clinton Calendar Hid Secret Donor Meetings
- North Carolina Teachers Arrested After 20-Mile March To Governor's Office.
- President Obama has declared a major disaster in West Virginia after flash flooding left at least 24 people dead and devastated communities. The historic floods are the worst in a century for portions of the state, the governor has said, and destroyed or seriously damaged at least 100 homes.
clinton, trump, california, sanders, office, obama, president, thousands
2016-06-27- President Obama should pardon Edward Snowden before leaving office
- House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal
- Sanders points to disconnect between 'mainstream media' and public
- More Clinton emails released, including some she deleted
- Emails Show Big-Time Clinton Donor Directly Asked To Be Placed On State Dept. Arms Control Panel
- Only thing transparent about Hillary is her dishonesty
- Judicial Watch: New Clinton Emails Produced by State Department; Clinton Email Shows She Was Concerned About Records
- ‘Sheriff of Wall Street’ Says ‘People Are Right’ About System Being Rigged
- Trump: Warren is a sellout for backing Clinton
- “What do we want?” Sanders concludes. “We want to end the rapid movement that we are currently experiencing toward oligarchic control of our economic and political life. As Lincoln put it at Gettysburg, we want a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
clinton, about, we, emails, she, sanders, want, control
2016-06-28- Bernie Sanders says he's still not endorsing Hillary Clinton, insists it's the 'wrong question'
- Hillary Clinton’s email story continues to get harder and harder to believe
- Clinton Email: Make Hillary Testify, See How Voters Like Her 5th Amendment Pleas
- Who got rich off the student debt crisis: Step by step, Congress has enacted one law after another to make student debt the worst kind of debt for Americans – and the best kind for banks and debt collectors.
- 5,300 U.S. water systems are in violation of lead rules
- Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years.
- Bernie Sanders: Democrats Need to Wake Up
- We know how many people are killed by vending machines. We don't know how many people are killed by cops.
- Nearly 200 Clinton emails released, including dozens she failed to hand over
- Hack Yields Clinton Campaign E-Mail, Records
debt, we, hillary, how, clinton, bernie, harder, kind
2016-06-29- 7 Out of 10 Americans Agree That Economy is Rigged Against Them
- A super-PAC backing Hillary Clinton has accepted $200,000 in donations from a company holding multiple contracts with the federal government — despite a ban on such contributions
- As his wife is under federal investigation for her use of a private email server, former President Bill Clinton met privately with U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix Airport Monday evening in what both sides say was an unplanned encounter
- More Than 100 Bernie Sanders Donors Sue Debbie Wasserman Schultz for Fraud
- Snow wins Utah's Democratic US Senate primary. Snow is a grocery store cashier. She ran on a platform of raising the minimum wage and being an advocate for women's rights and the LGBT community.
- Sanders-backed candidate wins NY House primary
- Largest Pro-Hillary Clinton Group Accused of Accepting Illegal Donations
- Clinton Email Update: Judicial Watch Releases Former Clinton Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin Deposition Testimony
- Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton meet privately in Phoenix
- 'I like waterboarding a lot', says Donald Trump
clinton, snow, phoenix, donations, federal, loretta, email, privately
2016-06-30- Bill Clinton just made a lot of trouble for Loretta Lynch: Republicans now calling on attorney general to step down after meeting on private jet
- More Clinton emails released, including some she deleted
- Democrats groan after Bill Clinton meets Loretta Lynch: "“I do agree with you that it doesn’t send the right signal,” Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) said Thursday"
- Report: Hacked Emails Show Hillary Campaign Secretly Tracked Journalists
- Leaked docs show DNC hit up Monsanto, Walmart, Altria for cash
- Longtime aide: Clinton didn't want "anybody" to see private emails
- Black Men for Bernie continue its agenda; They also stressed that despite Hillary Clinton being the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, they do not support her or the party, as they are dissatisfied with both major political parties.
- Axelrod: Lynch, Bill Clinton meeting 'foolish'
- AG Loretta Lynch faces storm of criticism over Bill Clinton meeting
- State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months
clinton, bill, emails, loretta, they, meeting, do, hillary

1: clinton, hillary, sanders, bernie, emails, trump, her, democratic, state, email, more, dnc, about, donald, obama, new, she, will, campaign, should

2: hillary clinton, bernie sanders, donald trump, clinton emails, bill clinton, clinton foundation, clinton email, democratic party, hillary clinton’s, state department, white house, hillary clinton's, bernie sanders:, email server, bernie sanders', democratic national, state dept., hillary clinton,, 10 americans, emails until