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2018-06-01- Grieving mother after meeting Trump: 'It was like talking to a toddler'
- Schwarzenegger mocks Trump on coal bailout: Protect pagers, Blockbuster too
- Michael Avenatti: Trump Won't Tweet at Me Because 'He Knows I'll Hand Him His Ass'
- Trump’s spent far more going to Mar-a-Lago alone than the Mueller probe has cost
- Jared Kushner close friend Rick Gerson now under scrutiny from Mueller
- Republicans are very mad that automated Google summaries tie them to Nazism
- Calling an Administration Official a "Feckless Cunt" Is Not the Same as Racism
- America Declares War on Its Friends
- ZTE Hired Trump Campaign Veteran One Day After US President Said He Might Help the Company Out; Two Weeks Later, a Deal Was Announced
- EPA’s Pruitt spent $1,560 on 12 customized fountain pens from Washington jewelry store
trump, spent, mueller, grieving, racism, hired, zte, friends
2018-06-02- Bernie Sanders has no patience for Trump: “Worst president in the history of the United States”
- Trump may have violated federal law by urging NFL owners not to sign Kaepernick
- America's poor becoming more destitute under Trump: U.N. expert
- Michael Avenatti Releases Cohen Emails Showing Stormy Daniels' Ex-lawyer Shared Questions With trump Attorney
- He’s pro-incest, pedophilia, and rape. He’s also running for Congress from his parents’ house.
- Trump’s Lawyers, in Confidential Memo, Argue to Head off a Historic Subpoena
- Confidential Memo argues The President “cannot obstruct justice” and can kill any DOJ investigation for any reason.
- Trudeau Reaches His Breaking Point With Trump
- Yet Another Report Indicates That the Trump White House Worked Closely With a Twice-Convicted Pedophile
- California Bans State-Funded Travel to Oklahoma in Response to LGBT Adoption Law
trump, law, confidential, trump:, any, president, he’s, bernie
2018-06-03- Trump’s legal memo to Robert Mueller is a recipe for tyranny
- 'You don't look like a legislator': Security stops black, female lawmaker going to work in Ohio
- The Week Trump Went Full Dictator and No One Tried to Stop Him
- Chuck Schumer: Trump lawyers’ argument that he can’t obstruct justice would be valid in a dictatorship
- Bill Clinton says impeachment process over Russia probe would be underway if Democrat were in office
- Trump Lawyers Cite Wrong Obstruction Law in Letter to Mueller
- Giuliani: Trump Could Have Shot Comey And Still Couldn’t Be Indicted For It
- Trump lawyers say he 'dictated' statement on Trump Tower meeting, contradicting past denials
- McCain backs effort to bypass GOP leadership, force House vote on DACA
- Madeleine Albright: Trump 'most undemocratic' president in US history
trump, lawyers, mueller, would, trump’s, shot, 'dictated', say
2018-06-04- Trump: 'I have the absolute right to pardon myself'
- Schumer: 'If a president can pardon himself,' this isn't a democracy
- Donald Trump Sounds Just Like the Monarch the Constitution Was Written to Thwart
- U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley Was Denied Access to Detention Center for Immigrant Children, and Somebody Called the Police When He Went to the Door
- What GOP cowering has gotten us: Talk of self-pardon and absolute power
- Dem senator shares video of him being barred entry to immigration detention center
- Leaked photo reveals 'mass trial' of immigrants in Texas
- The White House just got caught in a lie about the infamous Trump Tower meeting
- Mueller has waited long enough. It’s subpoena time.
- Germany's Billionaire 'Screw King' Tightens the Screws on the U.S.: No More Investment Until Trump Goes
trump, absolute, detention, pardon, center, just, trump:, immigrants
2018-06-05- Man takes knee during national anthem at Donald Trump's White House ceremony
- Manafort tried to tamper with potential witnesses: US special counsel
- Former Eagles player: Obama should invite players over for a BBQ instead
- Trump Unable to Remember Words to ‘God Bless America’ at Fake Fan Rally
- Putin says he and Trump speak 'regularly'
- German politicians call for expulsion of Trump's Berlin envoy
- America’s allies should respond to steel tariffs with targeted sanctions on the Trump Organization
- Mitch McConnell says Senate's August recess is canceled
- UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents
- Like Donald Trump, Fox News gets caught lying about Eagles
trump, eagles, us, donald, trump's, should, targeted, mcconnell
2018-06-06- Ivanka Trump Was In Contact With A Russian Who Offered A Trump-Putin Meeting
- AL Sheriff Who Pocketed $750k In Inmate Food Funds Defeated In Primary
- Trump reportedly thinks Canada burned down the White House. That was Britain. In 1812.
- Watch Extremely Patriotic Guy Donald Trump Forget The Words To 'God Bless America'
- Ted Cruz Said He ‘Never Studied’ the Pardon Power. But in 2015 He Wrote About the Pardon Power.
- Stormy Daniels Sues, Saying Michael Cohen Colluded With Her Former Lawyer
- There Are Calls For A 9/11-Style Commission To Investigate How Many People Really Died In Puerto Rico
- The Alabama Sheriff, who jailed a kid after he exposed him for using jail food funds, just lost his bid for reelection.
- California Judge Will Lose His Job Over 6-Month Sentence in Stanford Sexual Assault Case
- Democrats win state Senate seat in Missouri, their 42nd red-to-blue flip of the cycle
trump, who, food, pardon, power., jail, using, exposed
2018-06-07- A Republican who filmed herself harassing a trans woman lost her election. By a lot.
- Colin Kaepernick's legal team expected to subpoena President Trump in case against NFL
- Mick Mulvaney fires all 25 members of consumer watchdog’s advisory board
- Donald Trump called asbestos poisoning a mob-led conspiracy, now his EPA won’t evaluate asbestos already in homes
- Trump claims U.S. is ‘respected again' in the world. 'Preposterous,' say allies and diplomats.
- Bernie Sanders won’t endorse his son for Congress, citing “dynasty politics”
- 'Delete all your emails and then acid-wash' your hard drives: Sean Hannity suggests Mueller probe witnesses should destroy their evidence
- Giuliani says people in the porn business are not credible. Trump has appeared in three softcore porn videos.
- Trump interns used to fill out crowd at replacement White House Super Bowl event
- 'No Gays Allowed': Tennessee store owner puts sign back up after SCOTUS ruling
trump, porn, all, your, asbestos, won’t, republican, witnesses
2018-06-08- Canada rejects Trump's bid to let Russia back into G7
- Megathread: Mueller files new charges against Paul Manafort and Russian associate Konstantin Kilimnik
- If Trump pardons himself, he’s admitting he’s guilty of impeachable crimes
- Trump calls for Russia, ousted from group of leading industrial nations after annexing Crimea, to be reinstated
- President Trump Is What Happens After Republicans Spend Decades Rebranding Knowledge as Elitism and Ignorance as Bliss
- Trump hits the world stage, Day One: Come late, leave early, offend host, alienate allies
- Avenatti: 'I owe an apology to the pig for associating Giuliani with a pig'
- John McCain blasts Donald Trump for ‘diminishing American leadership’ in calling for Russia to rejoin G-7
- Donald Trump Is Doing Putin's Work in Ruining US Alliances, Says Ex-Envoy To Moscow
- Court finds ‘compelling’ evidence of race-based redistricting in Georgia
trump, he’s, russia, donald, avenatti:, john, pig', giuliani
2018-06-09- Trump’s 2019 Budget Underestimated New Debt by $2.3 Trillion, CBO Says
- Texas has 254 counties. Beto O’Rourke has campaigned against Ted Cruz in each of them.
- Trump calls CNN 'Fake News' after CNN reporter asks him question at G7 summit
- FCC 'Lied to Media' Saying Net Neutrality Comment Flood Was Cyberattack
- Democratic senator says "f*** them" to critics of her questioning Trump nominees about civil rights
- Justin Trudeau trolls Trump with framed photo of his grandfather's Canadian brothel
- The media is going easy on Trump
- N.J. mortgage lender fined $109M will pay $0 after Trump Administration drops kickback case
- Trump again calls for readmitting Russia to G7, blames Obama for Crimea's annexation
- Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats: Russia is Attempting to Influence US Midterms, Divide Transatlantic Alliance
trump, cnn, calls, russia, trump’s, mortgage, $0, pay
2018-06-10- McCain to allies: 'Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn't'
- Warren Says Democrats Lack Guts to Take on ‘Billionaire Class’
- Trump routinely rips up papers that need to be preserved
- Trump Threatens to End All Trade With Allies
- Bernie Sanders: It is 'strange' that Trump is more comfortable with authoritarians than democratic leaders
- 'Fox & Friends' Host Slips, Calls Trump 'Dictator'
- Former Trudeau adviser: Trump is a 'pathetic little man child'
- Trump Is Driving America Into Another Economic Meltdown, World Bank Warns
- EU official mocks Trump with viral Merkel photo: 'Just tell us what Vladimir has on you'
- Judge denies President's request to confidentially contest seized Cohen documents
trump, mccain, into, warns, bank, world, meltdown,, economic
2018-06-11- Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump made at least $82 million in outside income last year while serving in the White House, filings show
- EPA staff say the Trump administration is changing their mission from protecting human health and the environment to protecting industry
- White House confirms its chief of staff was hacked
- There’s actually lots of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion
- #TwoDictators lights up Twitter after Fox News host accidentally uses term for Trump and Kim
- Ivanka Trump made $3.9 million from D.C. hotel in 2017
- It’s Trump, not Trudeau, who is dishonest and betraying America’s friends
- Web of elite Russians met with NRA execs during 2016 campaign
- A senior White House aide is reportedly sharing fake stories with staffers to identify who's leaking to the press
- Conway's husband pens article defending constitutionality of Mueller probe
trump, white, house, ivanka, made, protecting, million, staff
2018-06-12- DNC votes unanimously to no longer accept money from fossil fuel companies
- Mueller Warns of Active Russian Meddling, Seeks Disclosure Lid
- Trump says he’ll punish ‘the people of Canada’ because of Trudeau’s news conference
- Senate blocks ZTE deal in rebuke of Trump deal
- Senator: "Let Me Repeat... The US Helped Bomb a Doctors Without Borders Cholera Treatment Facility"
- Trump on lack of notes from Kim meeting: 'I have one of the great memories of all time'
- Mueller warns that election, politics meddling by foreigners is still happening
- Trump is everything Republicans said Obama was
- Trump and Kim sign a “comprehensive” agreement of no real substance
- Trump Has Us So Exhausted That We Basically Shrug At His Daily Violation Of Federal Law
trump, warns, no, kim, us, mueller, deal, memories
2018-06-13- Fox News Mocked For Praising Trump's Kim Jong Un Meeting After Slamming Obama's Willingness To Talk With 'Dictators'
- Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen likely to cooperate as his attorneys leave case: Sources
- Rudy Giuliani accused of affair with married N.H. hospital administrator
- Beto O’Rourke visits immigrant detention center: 'I can only imagine the terror they felt'
- Robert Mueller files request for 150 blank subpoenas in Paul Manafort case
- Trump Says He Got Korea Idea from Putin
- Trump Said There Is "No Longer A Nuclear Threat" From North Korea With Absolutely No Evidence
- Democrats shut down Pennsylvania Ave to protest Trump’s child separation policy
- After Wisconsin’s Walker tried to block election, Dems flip a GOP seat
- American Medical Association endorses gun control
korea, trump, fox, "no, evidence, no, absolutely, north
2018-06-14- New York files suit against Trump, alleging his charity engaged in ‘illegal conduct’
- The Trump Foundation Apparently Donates a Ton of Money to Donald Trump
- Sarah Sanders, Raj Shah planning to depart the White House
- Huckabee-Sanders Defends Ripping Children From Parents, Because It's "Very Biblical to Enforce the Law"
- Trump’s campaign to discredit Michael Cohen is already underway
- DOJ Report Confirms That the President Is a Dishonest Conspiracy Theorist
- Michael Cohen believes Trump and his allies are turning on him
- North Korea state TV airs footage of Trump saluting North Korean military officer
- The much-hyped IG report about the Clinton email investigation backfires on Trump
- Trump claims parents of Korean War veterans begged him for help during the campaign. They'd be at least 100.
trump, cohen, report, north, korean, michael, help, believes
2018-06-15- Megathread: Paul Manafort ordered to jail after witness-tampering charges
- Feds have reassembled Michael Cohen's shredded documents, discovered over 700 pages of encrypted messages
- Trump: Kim's people sit up when he speaks, 'I want my people to do the same'
- Movement to call migrant detention centers 'concentration camps' swells online
- Let's Not Forget the President*'s Former Campaign Manager Is in Jail
- Republicans Want to Shut Mueller Down Over Report That Isn’t Even About Him
- AP: Trump 2020 working with ex-Cambridge Analytica staffers
- CNN anchor: Trump lied, we're calling him out
- Trump Says Former Campaign Manager ‘Has Nothing to Do With’ Trump Campaign
- Once ‘Shocked’ by Obama’s ‘Latte Salute,’ Hannity Ignores Trump Saluting North Korean General
trump, campaign, former, want, over, do, people, manager
2018-06-16- More Americans side with Justin Trudeau than Donald Trump in trade spat: Ipsos poll
- Jeff Sessions' church slams his use of the Bible to defend separating migrant families
- In the end, all the Trump-Kim summit did was legitimize a notorious dictator
- Beto O' Rourke planning march to Tornillo, TX Immigrant Tent Camp on Sunday
- Christian Leaders To Jeff Sessions: The Bible Does Not Justify Separating Families
- You Can’t Be Pro-Life and Against Immigrant Children
- Paul Manafort is in the klink. It's OK to be pleased
- Paul Manafort arrives to jail
- Lemon to analyst: You're lying to my face
- Rep. O'Rourke: Family separation 'inumane,' 'un-American'
immigrant, jeff, paul, manafort, families, bible, separating, face
2018-06-17- Meet Stephen Miller, the 32-year-old White House adviser who convinced Trump to start separating migrant children from their parents at the border
- Texas Democrat leads Father’s Day march on tent city where migrant kids are separated from families
- Trump associate Roger Stone reveals new contact with Russian national during 2016 campaign
- Michael Avenatti offers Legal Services to Parents of Children taken at Border
- 'Trump is ours!': Russian state TV celebrates Trump's suggestion that Crimea is part of Russia
- Roger Stone did, actually, meet with a Russian
- Paul Ryan’s cheery Father’s Day message is not playing well amid the child detainment crisis
- Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Says Feds Should Look into Alleged Trump Campaign Finance Violations
- Seth McFarlane: Fox News makes me 'embarrassed' to work for this company
- Trump encourages Post employees to strike, hours after paper breaks bombshell Russia collusion story
trump, russian, meet, migrant, russia, campaign, day, father’s
2018-06-18- Document reveals Trump administration planned on separating migrant families soon after inauguration
- Trump just tweeted that “crime in Germany is way up.” It’s actually at its lowest level since 1992.
- Whistleblower: I Quit My Child Detention Facility Job After Refusing to Tell Siblings Not to Hug
- Secret audio: Border Patrol agent jokes while migrant kids wail
- Conclusive proof that it is Trump's policy to separate children from their families at the border
- Kaine shares photos of child detention facility: ‘The real Trump Hotel’
- Donald Trump Jr. likes tweet suggesting children separated from parents at border are crisis actors
- A young girl separated from her aunt at a Border Patrol facility had to get her diapers changed by other children
- Michelle Obama on Laura Bush's op-ed: 'Sometimes truth transcends party'
- #TrumpCamps Goes Viral on Twitter to Describe Kids' Immigrant Centers
border, trump, children, child, facility, her, separated, patrol
2018-06-19- Wikipedia Added US Border 'Detention Centers' to Its List of Concentration Camps
- George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents
- Elizabeth Warren Says Let's Be Clear: Trump Is Holding "Thousands of Kids Hostage to Try and Get Congress to Pay for His Stupid Wall"
- Governor Cuomo Announces Intent to File Multi-Agency Lawsuit Against the Trump Administration for Violating Constitutional Rights of Children and Families
- Buyers tied to Russia, former Soviet republics paid $109 million cash for Trump properties
- Heckler yells ‘Mr. President, f--- you’ as Trump arrives at Capitol
- No, Donald Trump’s separation of immigrant families was not Barack Obama’s policy
- Hundreds of United Methodist Clergy Bring Church Charges Against Jeff Sessions
- Trump Explains That “You Have to Take the Children Away” in Unhinged Speech to Small-Business Owners
- A reporter at the White House decided to play the audio of children sobbing. Somebody had to.
trump, children, families, against, my, wikipedia, no,, hundreds
2018-06-20- Donald Trump is indisputably the worst president in American history
- Lewandowski on Girl With Down Syndrome Separated From Mother: ‘Womp Womp’
- Trump falsely claimed for days that he couldn’t end family separations
- Arnold Schwarzenegger Says Politicians, Not Kids, Should Be Held In 'Cages'
- Company that runs immigration detention centers is top donor for two Texas congressmen
- Man Who Refused To Hand Over Immigrant Info To ICE: ‘Don’t Collaborate With Fascists’
- ‘What’s going on in the United States is wrong:’ Trudeau adds voice to chorus condemning Trump - National
- Donald Trump wants credit for ending a crisis he created.
- White House misspells ‘separation’ on immigration executive order
- DHS Secretary Nielsen Shouted Out Of Mexican Restuarant By Protesters
trump, immigration, donald, mexican, restuarant, adds, trudeau, wrong:’
2018-06-21- Man Arrested for Possessing Child Pornography Hired to Manage Children at Migrant Detention Center
- Bill would keep Trump off 2020 ballot unless he releases his tax returns
- Sinclair forced its TV stations to air pro-Trump propaganda on family separation
- Migrant children say they've been forcibly drugged, handcuffed, and abused in US government detention
- Crisis actor spotted at Texas child migrant detention center
- Avenatti says he's representing whistleblowers within ICE
- Trump said 71 false things in 14 days. His dishonesty is increasing
- Melania Trump flew to Texas to visit detained immigrant children. She apparently wore a jacket that said 'I really don't care, do you?'
- Trump Locks Up Immigrant Kids, but Not Bankers or Polluters
- Trump Says North Korea Has Returned The Remains Of 200 US Soldiers. It Hasn't.
trump, migrant, detention, texas, immigrant, center, us, children
2018-06-22- Support For Donald Trump's Impeachment Is Higher Than His Approval Rating, Poll Indicates
- There's nearly a Nixon '74 level of public support for impeaching Trump
- ‘These aren’t our kids’: Fox & Friends defends Trump by dehumanizing immigrants
- Dear Europe, if you want stop Trump, sanction his companies
- Young Trump staffers are complaining that they can't date in DC because everyone hates them
- This Nation Is Beginning to Realize the Full Extent of What It Did to Itself in November 2016
- Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) plays audio from detention center on House floor.
- UN says Trump separation of migrant children with parents 'may amount to torture', in damning condemnation
- Protesters Blast Audio of Crying Immigrant Kids at DHS Sec Kirstjen Nielsen’s Home
- CNN Poll: Americans think Russia investigation is serious and should continue
trump, support, audio, children, migrant, separation, un, floor.
2018-06-23- George Will Leaves Republican Party, Urges Conservatives to Vote Against Donald Trump
- Trump gives rambling and misleading speech in effort to spread hatred and fear of immigrants
- Sarah Sanders Reportedly Thrown Out of Virginia Restaurant, Then the Yelp Review Battle Begun
- Ex-White House ethics chief: Sarah Sanders tweet violates ethics laws
- Trumpists Are Suffering the Free Market Consequences Of Being Deplorable
- We Need to Figure Out How to Fight Weaponized Disinformation
- Ex-CIA chief blasts Trump: Your 'incompetence' is 'seriously damaging our Nation'
- Restaurant Owner Who Booted Sanders Has No Regrets: “I Would Have Done the Same Thing Again”
- Michelle Wolf Jabs Huckabee Sanders For Getting Thrown Out Of Restaurant: 'No Shirt, No Morals, No Service'
- Care about kids in cages? Then it’s time to break the Republican grip on power
sanders, out, no, then, republican, thrown, sarah, trump
2018-06-24- Sarah Sanders is upset a restaurant wouldn’t serve her. She’s OK with it happening to gays
- Ex-Trump adviser tells black Fox News guest he's 'out of his cotton-picking mind'
- Trump Officials Can No Longer Eat Out in Peace
- Maxine Waters: 'No Peace, No Sleep' for Trump Cabinet Members, Applauds Public-Shaming
- DOJ Gives Republicans Key Information on Russia Investigation, Potentially Compromising National Security, Experts Warn
- Trump calls for deporting illegal immigrants with 'no judges or court cases'
- Sarah Sanders tweet about being kicked out of restaurant violates law, former White House ethics chief says
- Donald Trump is a racist leading our country toward disaster
- The whole world sees it: Trump is doing lasting damage to the global order that made the U.S. a superpower
- Trump's visit to Britain faces mass protest marches — and a giant baby blimp
trump, sarah, restaurant, sanders, no, 'no, out, house
2018-06-25- Special counsel obtains Trump ally Erik Prince's phones, computer
- Chicago bar bans Trump MAGA hats
- Rigged Supreme Court upholds rigged Republican electoral maps
- There's Nothing Wrong With Treating an Asshole Like an Asshole
- Harley-Davidson's stock sinks, sees EU tariffs adding $2,200 to average motorcycle cost
- Sen. Warren visits detention center, says no children being returned to parents there
- Republicans ask Rosenstein for names of everyone working on Mueller probe
- Trump attacks 'filthy' Red Hen restaurant for turning away Sarah Huckabee Sanders
- Michelle Wolf Slams Networks for Interviewing Trump Officials: You're Giving a Megaphone to Liars
- ‘They’re lucky we aren’t executing them’: National Guardsman faces punishment for Facebook post on migrants
trump, rigged, asshole, special, red, sanders, huckabee, sarah
2018-06-26- Whistleblower Leaks Video From Detention Facility Where Children Were Threatened Against Speaking to Press
- Mitch McConnell's Stolen Supreme Court Seat Is Already Fucking Up America
- Democrat Says They Should've 'Shut Down the Senate' Over GOP Blocking Obama SCOTUS Nominee
- Mueller Poised to Zero In on Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations
- Jack Daniel's price to jump 10% thanks to Trump's trade war, whiskey maker warns
- Judge Praised by Trump for Questioning Robert Mueller’s Authority Rules That Mueller Does, In Fact, Have Authority
- Companies used Trump's tax cut for record stock buybacks, not wages
- Democrats Must Stop Pretending the Supreme Court Is Apolitical
- ‘Why Do You Hate Us?’ He Asked. ‘Because You’re Mexicans,’ She Replied.
- Trump threatens Harley-Davidson with taxes ‘like never before’ and eventual collapse
supreme, trump's, trump, authority, mueller, court, whistleblower, buybacks,
2018-06-27- Trump “Charity” Exposed as Elaborate Scheme to Make Golf Debts Go Away
- Puerto Rico introduces bill to become US state
- Megathread: Justice Anthony Kennedy to retire from Supreme Court
- We’ve Found $16.1 Million in Political and Taxpayer Spending at Trump Properties
- Duckworth hits McConnell: Americans should have voice in selection of next Supreme Court justice
- Schumer: GOP Should Follow McConnell Precedent, No SCOTUS Vote In ’18
- Megathread: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins NY primary over incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Donald Trump Should Be Impeached Over Emoluments Clause Violations From Day One Of His Presidency
- Ocasio-Cortez: I would support impeachment
- Neil Gorsuch rewards the people who stole him a Supreme Court seat by sticking a knife in unions
trump, should, court, supreme, over, ocasio-cortez, justice, megathread:
2018-06-28- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s climate plan is the only one that matches scientific consensus on the environment
- Fox News Whistleblower: Fox Anchors Know It's Trump 'Propaganda'
- Democratic Socialists of America Membership Surges After Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Stunning Victory
- In 'Major Step' Toward Making Democratic Party More Democratic, DNC Votes to Roll Back Power of Superdelegates
- Milo Yiannopoulos: My call for shooting journalists was just a 'troll'
- Rep. Maxine Waters cancels events due to ‘very serious death threat’
- Trump's IRS nominee didn't disclose properties in Trump-branded hotel
- Schumer unveils bill to decriminalize marijuana
- CBS News interview with ICE whistleblower interrupted by surprise visit from government agents
- Brothel owner who won GOP primary accused of raping prostitute
alexandria, fox, democratic, news, ocasio-cortez’s, cancels, irs, hotel
2018-06-29- Maryland shooting: NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch said journalists 'need to be curb-stomped', in resurfaced footage
- The suspicious business relationship between Trump and Justice Kennedy’s son
- CNN reporter shouts at Trump: 'Will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people?
- Robert Mueller Must Finish Investigating Before Trump Gets His Supreme Court Pick
- Poll: Nearly 70 Percent of Voters Don’t Want Roe v. Wade Overturned
- ‘Capital Gazette’ Survivor: I Don't ‘Give a F*ck’ About Your Thoughts and Prayers
- Did Anthony Kennedy’s son loan Donald Trump $1 billion?
- Prank caller patched through to Trump on Air Force One
- Giant Donald Trump Balloon in KKK Robe Welcomes Melania to Phoenix Immigration Shelter
- Rachel Maddow is right. There was no plan for reuniting families split at border
trump, son, kennedy’s, donald, maryland, did, caller, prank
2018-06-30- Accused Annapolis shooter had deep, dark links to the alt-right
- It’s official: The Trump administration has replaced family separation with indefinite family detention
- CNN plays montage of Trump attacking media after he praised reporters
- Michael Moore: I'll surround Capitol with 'a million other people' to protest Supreme Court pick
- Meghan McCain: ‘I’m never going to forgive’ Trump for attacking my father
- Ted Cruz: ‘Vote for the Democrat’ over the GOP Nazi
- Maxine Waters responds to death threats: 'You better shoot straight'
- The Millennial Socialists Are Coming
- Protesters Follow Trump to His Resort as Massive Marches Kick Off Nationwide
- ‘Even the Cops Don’t Like Us Anymore,’ Under Trump, ICE is Despised and Divided
trump, attacking, family, accused, death, millennial, straight', shoot

1: trump, donald, mueller, children, house, us, no, detention, white, migrant, trump's, over, president, who, court, immigrant, should, against, sanders, about

2: donald trump, white house, supreme court, fox news, detention center, trump administration, paul manafort, mueller probe, separating migrant, migrant children, sarah sanders, trump calls, family separation, trump campaign, michael cohen, robert mueller, ivanka trump, migrant detention, north korea, cnn reporter