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2016-07-01- Lynch to Remove Herself From Decision Over Clinton Emails, Official Says
- Clinton scheduled to meet with FBI Saturday.
- FBI Source to Fox News: Agents Are 'Livid' About Clinton-Lynch Meeting
- FBI to Interview Hillary Clinton in Coming Days About Email Scandal, Source Says
- More than 1 in 10 voters say they'd prefer a giant meteor hitting earth over supporting Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
- Sander refuses To Quit Presidential race With 1,900 Bernie Delegates Attending DNC
- Bill Clinton’s Bad Judgment: "If Bill Clinton was trying even subtly to influence the investigation, his attempt has backfired spectacularly. The disclosure of the meeting has raised questions about the integrity of the investigation."
- AG Loretta Lynch to accept FBI's recommendations in Clinton email case
- A day after House members learned that the drinking water in one of the Congressional office buildings had been shut off due to lead contamination, a bipartisan group of 61 representatives sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency demanding that it improve its lead regulations.
- Democratic Party Endorses Abolishing The Death Penalty, Breaking With Hillary Clinton
clinton, fbi, hillary, about, lynch, bill, email, meeting
2016-07-02- FBI director takes center stage in Clinton email case
- Campaign Says FBI Interviewed Hillary Clinton About Her Emails While She Was Secretary of State
- Clinton interviewed by FBI over email server
- Machine Guns Are Not Protected By The Second Amendment, Appeals Court Rules
- Clinton wrong on student debt: Her new plan shows she learned nothing from the primary
- FBI interviews Hillary Clinton for more than 3 hours as email probe reaches final stages
- Hillary Clinton on Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton Meeting: 'Hindsight is 20/20'
- Christie freezes $100M in spending to force N.J. public worker health care cuts
- Sanders blasts “colonial” Puerto Rico bill and Wall Street vulture funds in powerful Senate speech
- Why Green Party's Presidential Candidate Doesn't Want Clinton or Trump in White House: “Because, unfortunately, many of the really scary things Donald Trump talks about, Hillary Clinton in fact has already done,” Stein added, referring to Clinton’s positions on Libya and affairs in the Middle East.
clinton, fbi, hillary, email, interviewed, trump, her, she
2016-07-03- Poll finds Americans don't think Clinton or Trump will be good president
- Bernie Sanders is calling out Hillary Clinton delegates on the Democratic Party's platform-drafting committee for failing to support certain amendments regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal
- Income inequality today may be higher today than in any other era
- Clinton sought secret info on EU bailout plans as son-in-law's doomed hedge fund gambled on Greece
- Sanders: Democratic platform doesn't go far enough
- Trump calls for charges against Clinton after FBI interview in email investigation
- Time’s up! Vermont GMO labeling law takes effect: Well, it’s happened. Despite lawsuits and intense lobbying in Washington, Vermont’s first-in-the-nation GMO labeling law takes effect Friday.
- Hillary Clinton says Bill, Lynch talk was simply 'chance meeting'
- The lobbying reform that enriched Congress Nine years after Congress tried to halt the revolving door, the influence industry is larger and filled with former members. This wasn't an accident.
- "Any truly impartial attorney general would have said to the former president, "Why don't we table this meeting until after the high-profile, politically charged criminal investigation of your wife is over." Would that really have been so difficult?"
clinton, takes, investigation, congress, democratic, today, hillary, this
2016-07-04- In New York, Republicans and Democrats Join Forces to Overturn Citizens United: Seventeen states have called for a constitutional amendment to reduce the influence of money in politics. So who’s next?
- Colorado could ditch Obamacare for a single-payer system
- Huma Abedin admits that Clinton burned daily schedules
- Wikileaks publishes Clinton war emails
- Gallup finds that almost 70 percent of young Americans are ready to vote for a “socialist” president. So it has come as no surprise that 70 to 80 percent of young Americans have been voting for Bernie Sanders, the self-declared democratic socialist.
- Huma: Hillary Flouted Protocol, Used Burn Bags To Destroy Documents Prohibited By Federal Regs
- Congress spent more time investigating Benghazi than it did 9/11
- 'We don't like Hillary as a package': Why Clinton just doesn't feel the love from some U.S. voters
- Who had the Worst Week in Washington? Bill and Hillary Clinton.
- Huma Abedin admits that Hillary Clinton Burned her schedules while she was secretary of state
hillary, clinton, abedin, americans, burned, huma, schedules, so
2016-07-05- FBI Directer Comey announcement re:Clinton emails Megathread
- Washington Has Been Obsessed With Punishing Secrecy Violations — until Hillary Clinton
- Comey: FBI recommends no indictment re: Clinton emails
- Sanders wins $15 minimum wage in Dems platform draft
- Trump on Clinton FBI announcement: 'The system is rigged'
- Despite What Media Says, TPP Isn’t About Free Trade — It’s About Protecting Corporate Profits
- Sanders: FBI decision won't affect my campaign
- FBI Director Comey to deliver statement at 11 a.m. ET
- Let’s be honest, Bernie and Hillary don’t represent the same class.
- Now FBI director faces congressional probe
fbi, clinton, —, comey, about, emails, hillary, director
2016-07-06- FBI director James Comey to answer questions from Congress on Thursday over Hillary Clinton email investigation
- 81 percent of likely voters: ‘Powerful people get preferential treatment when they break the law’
- Clinton’s credibility gap widens after FBI rebuke - "Want to know why two-thirds of Americans do not consider Hillary Clinton trustworthy? Re-watch pretty much any public comment she’s made about her email use over the past 16 months and then watch James Comey’s speech yesterday"
- AP Fact Check: Clinton email claims collapse under FBI probe
- F.B.I. Findings Damage Many of Hillary Clinton’s Claims
- FBI should release the Clinton email evidence
- Reporters plead for Clinton press conference after FBI announcement
- Clinton's Email Claims: "we update the original Two Pinocchio rating to Four Pinocchios."
- Bernie Sanders Is Still Running For President: Ahead Of Democratic National Convention, Vermont Senator Plans Massive Rally
- Sen Rand Paul: Hillary Clinton Should Not Be Above the Law
clinton, fbi, email, hillary, clinton’s, claims, over, should
2016-07-07- Libertarian and Green parties sue Debate Commission to get included in National Debates.
- Comey: Clinton gave non-cleared people access to classified information
- State Department reopens Clinton emails probe
- Ryan formally requests Clinton be denied classified information
- Democrats are booing Bernie Sanders. But his movement is succeeding.
- 700,000 People Call on Democratic Party to Reject Pacific Trade Deal
- Marine’s defense for disseminating classified information will cite Hillary Clinton’s case
- "I know if I had done a fraction of the things that Mrs. Clinton did, we wouldn't be talking now because I would be sitting in jail many months ago," says OPSEC's Jamie Williamson, a retired member of U.S. Army Special Forces
- Obama: you don’t have to hate police to admit we have a race problem in the justice system
- Sanders calls for criminal justice reform after police shootings - ""The violence that killed Alton Sterling and Philando Castile has become an all too common occurrence for people of color and IT. MUST. STOP," Sanders tweeted Thursday."
clinton, classified, people, information, sanders, have, i, we
2016-07-08- Green party's Jill Stein invites Bernie Sanders to take over ticket | US news
- Bill introduced to strip Hillary Clinton of security access
- Comey Confirms Hillary Clinton Lied To The Public About Her Emails
- Libertarian Johnson: Drug war 'root cause' of police shootings
- Clinton: 'There were no materials' marked classified in my State Dept. emails
- Obama calls Dallas shootings ‘a vicious, calculated and despicable attack’
- I’m a lawyer specializing in security clearance cases. Hillary Clinton got off easy.
- Insiders: Hillary's not out of the woods yet on emails - 'This is not a win,' said an Iowa Democrat. 'Comey eviscerated all the excuses for Hillary and her team’s behaviors.'
- The FBI Criminal Investigation into Clinton’s Email Server: It’s Time for Hillary to Concede to Bernie Sanders.
- Gingrich: White Americans ‘don’t understand being black in America’
hillary, emails, clinton, shootings, security, her, bernie, cases.
2016-07-09- The Democratic Party endorsed a "reasoned pathway to future legalization" of marijuana and called for the drug to be downgraded in the Controlled Substances Act, in a tense and unexpected victory for supporters of Bernie Sanders.
- Californians Call for a Grand Jury Investigation of the Primary
- NRA Members Want To Know Why Their Organization Isn’t Defending Philando Castile
- Poll: Americans want alternative to Trump, Clinton
- Judge Orders State Dept Officials Not To Take A Vacation Until They Deliver Clinton Docs
- Congress will submit referral to FBI asking for investigation of whether Clinton lied under oath
- Since 1980, spending on prisons has grown three times as much as spending on public education
- Bernie Sanders, Please Stay in the Race. America Needs You Now More Than Ever
- Obama 'concerned' about U.S. State Department handling of classified information
- Democrats embrace $15-an-hour minimum wage
clinton, investigation, want, state, bernie, spending, since, much
2016-07-10- Colorado now has more registered Democrats than Republicans
- Hillary Clinton 'too big to jail'
- Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump wants to get rid of the federal minimum wage. "But should the federal government set a floor?" Todd asked. "No," Trump replied. "I'd rather have the states go out and do what they have to do."
- Evidence of widespread election fraud in the California Democratic primary continues to surface, with citizen election monitors in San Diego capturing footage of tampered Bernie Sanders provisional ballots.
- Hillary Clinton supporters rejected an effort Saturday to add a call for "an end to occupations and illegal settlements" in Palestinian territories into the Democratic platform.
- Hillary Clinton Rejects F.B.I. Claim That She Was Careless With Emails
- House passes bill allowing banks to continue using "get out of jail free" card
- Kansas conservatives rebrand public school as government schools
- Obama to reporter: Don't waste a question on Clinton emails
- Democrats Pass Most Aggressive Climate Change Plan in Party History
hillary, clinton, have, democratic, out, government, trump, election
2016-07-11- Congress is going to try to expand the Patriot Act tonight and hopes no one will notice
- Majority Disapproves of Decision Not to Charge Clinton on Emails
- Judge tells Hillary Clinton she has to explain why she shouldn't have to testify in federal case about Huma Abedin's double-dipping job arrangement
- Pressure grows on Clinton aides to lose security clearances
- Sanders ready to back Clinton, but will supporters follow? “Convince me to vote without using Trump in the sentence.”
- The Senate votes this week on whether to give the FBI warrantless access to your browsing history
- Here Are 35 Email Lies Hillary Is Still Telling On Her Campaign Website
- 56 percent of Americans disapprove of FBI decision to exonerate Hillary Clinton
- Sanders, Warren Urge FCC to Ban 'Pay for Privacy' ISP Schemes
- It's Official: Sanders to Join Clinton on Campaign Trail
clinton, hillary, campaign, she, sanders, will, fbi, decision
2016-07-12- Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson Reaches 12% In Polling. At 15% He will Be Able to Participate In the Presidential Debates.
- PATRIOT Act expanding HR5606 "Anti-terrorism Information Sharing Is Strength Act" Does Not Pass
- Sen. Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton Megathread
- George W. Bush in Dallas: "Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples"
- In a First, Democrats' Platform to Call for Death Penalty Abolition
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg says her "impossible dream" is for Citizens United to be overturned
- The owner of the convenience store where Alton Sterling was killed last week by cops alleges in a lawsuit that police stole surveillance video from his shop, confiscated his cell phone, and locked him inside a car for the next four hours.
- GOP adds Trump’s border wall to platform
- Obama calls for 'public option' for Obamacare
- House uprising thwarts change to Patriot Act
patriot, platform, act, libertarian, stole, police, lawsuit, alleges
2016-07-13- CIA head suggests he’ll quit if demanded to return to waterboarding
- Quinnipiac Poll July 13: PA Trump 43 Clinton 41, OH Trump 41 Clinton 41, FL Trump 42 Clinton 39
- FBI Agents Believe An 'Inside Deal' Protected Hillary Clinton
- CNN Cuts Off Reporter Who Calls Out Against Hillary Clinton’s Contribution to Mass Incarceration of African Americans
- Hillary Clinton email case presents double standard in justice
- Democrats to Endorse Federal Legalization of Medical Marijuana
- FBI agents signed NDA for matters involving Hillary’s emails
- Hillary Loses Ground After Outspending Trump $57M to $4M
- GOP Platform Supports Conversion Therapy And Bathroom Bills, Bans Marriage Equality And Gay Adoption
- Hillary Clinton's lawyer said in a court filing Tuesday it would be "futile" for a federal judge to order the former secretary of state to answer questions under oath about her use of a private email server.
hillary, clinton, trump, 41,, federal, agents, fbi, email
2016-07-14- 28 pages on alleged Saudi Arabia ties to 9/11 attacks to be released
- Poll Finds Emails Weighing on Hillary Clinton, Now Tied With Donald Trump
- 'Gag' order: FBI confirms special secrecy agreements for agents in Clinton email probe
- First Openly Gay Republican on GOP Platform Committee: ‘Why Am I Even Here?’
- Jill Stein says Edward Snowden would be in her cabinet if she becomes president
- "(Mexican immigrants) are more law-abiding than U.S. citizens and that is a statistic."
- Poll: Nearly half of Sanders' millennial supporters would vote third-party
- Loretta Lynch stonewalls for Hillary Clinton
- Hillary Clinton collapses in a major poll — and she’s now tied with Donald Trump
- State Dept. ordered to justify redacting 200 Clinton emails
clinton, hillary, poll, trump, donald, tied, now, emails
2016-07-15- Mike Pence used campaign funds to pay his mortgage — and it cost him an election
- Sanders gets primetime speaking slot at Democratic National Convention
- Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert reunite for coverage of Republican National Convention
- Bernie Sanders will launch organizations to spread progressive message
- Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther. "Carried the tobacco industry’s water, denying the dangers of cigarettes, opposing government regulation, and slashing smoking cessation efforts. In return, they rewarded him with more than $100,000 in campaign donations.
- The polls are swinging against Hillary Clinton because she gave voters reason to distrust her
- GOP Platform Proposes To Get Rid Of National Parks And National Forests
- Mike Pence Was a Pioneer in the Assault on Planned Parenthood - Trump's alleged "safe" VP pick also wanted women to pay for the funerals of aborted fetuses.
- Hillary Clinton will almost certainly be the least popular keynote speaker at her own convention — by far
- Trump Has So Many Unconstitutional Ideas That The ACLU Is Tracking Them
national, convention, mike, sanders, pence, her, hillary, will
2016-07-16- Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley announced Friday his plan to introduce legislation that would require 100 percent of American energy to come from renewable sources by 2050
- More Sanders voters say they will choose 'other,' or not vote, than back Clinton
- Hillary Clinton Pledges Constitutional Amendment To Overturn Citizens United In Her First 30 Days
- Yes, the Republican Party Literally Wants to Eliminate National Parks
- Mike Pence Once Thought A $7.25 Minimum Wage Was Too High
- Is Mike Pence's 'Smoking Doesn't Kill' Op-Ed For Real? Somehow, It Is
- "Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) was out-raised by her primary opponent by some $400,000 in the last three months, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission on Friday."
- Clinton will push constitutional amendment to ‘overturn Citizens United’
- Obama calls Gingrich’s sharia-law test ‘repugnant and an affront to everything we stand for as Americans’
- Cleveland Police Union President: Allowing Guns Near Convention Is 'Absolute Insanity'
clinton, constitutional, amendment, citizens, will, her, mike, national
2016-07-17- The police can't track your cellphone without a warrant, judge rules
- Justice department 'uses aged computer system to frustrate Foia requests'. Lawsuit accuses DoJ of ‘failure by design’ through use of decades-old system.
- GOP chair wrongly claims 'facts' show children do better with straight parents
- With Obama, the Personal Is Presidential: "No matter what you think of Obama the executive branch, it’s hard to argue that Obama the human being has been anything less than a model of class and dignity."
- Gary Johnson Reaches All-Time Polling High of 13% on Eve of GOP Convention
- 72 percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll see Clinton as “too willing to bend the rules.”
- 'Shooting police is not a civil rights tactic’: Activists condemn killing of officers
- The Long-Hidden Saudi-9/11 Trail: The U.S. government and mainstream media are playing down the long-hidden 9/11 chapter on official Saudi connections to Al Qaeda’s hijackers, hoping most Americans won’t read it themselves, as 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser observes.
- Cleveland police union asks for suspension of 'open carry' in wake of Baton Rouge, ahead of RNC
- Kasich: I Can't Ban Open Carry at RNC
police, gop, obama, long-hidden, 9/11, can't, rnc, rights
2016-07-18- Ted Cruz contemplates the unthinkable - ‘Listen, Bernie talks about how Washington is corrupt, both parties are in bed with the lobbyists and special interests. I think he's exactly right.’”
- 59 percent of Americans are sick and tired of the election
- Black Lives Matter protest in Wichita changed to cookout with police
- Hospital CEO says health care system broken, favors Medicare for all
- CBS Reporter To Trump: Why Do You Bash Clinton On Iraq War Vote But Not Pence? -"He’s entitled to make a mistake every once in a while." "She's not"
- Utah delegate threatened in RNC bathroom. "Birkeland reportedly went to the women's restroom and when she emerged from a stall, a group of Trump supporters surrounded her and threatened to kill her, urging her to leave the party and the state."
- "Millennials Are at Risk of Becoming the First Generation to Earn Less Over Their Lifetime Than Earlier Generations"
- The Millennial Revolt Against Neoliberalism: "Democrats have consistently stood in opposition to the ambitious reforms Sanders has put forward, and, for their efforts, they have earned the repudiation of young people facing increasingly grim economic prospects."
- Republican Platform Calls for Repeal of Ban on Political Organizing by Churches
- Gary Johnson On the Verge of Appearing On the Debate Stage
have, her, their, threatened, against, revolt, millennial, generations"
2016-07-19- Trump campaign denies plagiarism in Melania's speech, blames reaction on Clinton
- It sure looks like Melania Trump copied her speech from Michelle Obama
- Melania Trump speech plagiarized paragraph from Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech
- GOP nominates Trump for president
- US Rep. Steve King preaches literal white supremacy on national television
- Merrick Garland hit an unwanted milestone on Tuesday as the federal appeals court judge's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court reached its 125th day with no Senate action, tying for the longest pending nomination ever to the high court.
- A GOP Congressman Just Made An Argument For White Supremacy On Live TV
- The racism unleashed at the RNC is bigger and uglier than Melania Trump's plagiarism
- The Trump campaign is now blaming Hillary Clinton for Melania’s plagiarism scandal
- Donald Trump has told prospective donors that, if elected president, he plans to nominate former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Mnuchin for U.S. Treasury Secretary
trump, melania, plagiarism, speech, campaign, nomination, court, supremacy
2016-07-20- Report: Trump camp offered to make Kasich 'most powerful VP in history'
- DEA delaying promised statement on rescheduling marijuana despite pressure from lawmakers.
- Merrick Garland Now Holds the Record for Longest Supreme Court Wait
- Trump wins, but with most delegates opposed in 40 years
- Trump Reportedly Tried to Convince Kasich to Be His VP by Offering Him the President’s Job - “He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do. He sees himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO.”
- Ben Carson Goes Rogue, Links Hillary Clinton to Lucifer
- John Kasich: Not Supporting Trump Is 'A Matter Of Conscience For Me'
- Delegates Say Their Votes Were Changed Against Their Will To Nominate Trump
- The message of the RNC is clear and terrifying: Repressive white nationalism has supplanted small government as the creed of the GOP
- Melania's speechwriter takes blame for plagiarism
trump, their, job, delegates, kasich, vp, matter, 'a
2016-07-21- “Vote your conscience:” Ted Cruz fails to endorse Donald Trump
- Cruz: "I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father"
- Cruz gets booed after he declines to endorse Trump during convention speech
- Trump family would get $7B windfall from estate-tax plan: analyst
- Mark Cuban: Trump's 'dream scenario' is to lose election, boost net worth
- Voters are still waiting on your tax returns, Mr. Trump
- Mike Pence In 2002: “Condoms Are A Very, Very Poor Protection” Against STDs
- The writers of 'Idiocracy' are planning Anti-Trump ads starring Terry Crews
- Former George W. Bush ambassador John Bolton ‘disturbed’ by Donald Trump NATO stance. “When an American leader says ‘I’ll look at what the situation is after the Russians attack,’ that is an open invitation to Vladimir Putin,” Bolton said.
- Trump says US might not defend some NATO members
trump, my, nato, your, cruz, attack, endorse, donald
2016-07-22- Wikileaks Releases Nearly 20,000 Hacked DNC Emails
- Leaked Emails Show DNC Officials Constructing Anti-Bernie Narrative: "Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess.”
- Google finds Americans searching for a 3rd party candidate for president is surging
- DNC Staffers Mocked the Bernie Sanders Campaign, Leaked Emails Show
- How Bernie Sanders Responded to Trump Targeting His Supporters. "Is this guy running for president or dictator?"
- Leaked DNC emails reveal secret plans to take on Sanders
- More Hillary Clinton Emails to Be Released, Despite Conclusion of Criminal Probe
- DNC email Leak: Top DNC Officials Wanted to Use Bernie Sanders’s Religious Beliefs Against Him
- AP Fact Check: Crime stats don't back Trump's dire view
- Ivanka Trump spoke like a Democrat and Republicans absolutely loved it
dnc, bernie, emails, leaked, sanders, show, officials, trump
2016-07-23- DNC Email Leak Megathread
- 'Bernie or Bust' backers to flock to Philly to protest
- Utah: Trump 29, Clinton 27, Johnson 26
- Kaine praised TPP as recently as Thursday
- "Bernie Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said his team was "disappointed" by the emails from the Democratic National Committee leaked through WikiLeaks, which seemed to reveal staff in the party working to support Hillary Clinton."
- Leaked: Only 2.8% of Bernie delegates find Kaine "acceptable"
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, was furious when she was criticized by MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski. Wasserman Schultz called for Brzezinski to “apologize” and told her co-worker Chuck Todd “this must stop.” The DNC chair even complained to MSNBC’s presiden
- Hacked emails show Democratic party hostility to Sanders
- Bernie’s ‘revolution’ marches to Philly
- Gary Johnson Endorsed on RNC Floor
democratic, dnc, johnson, sanders, wasserman, chair, party, emails
2016-07-24- Sanders Calls for Wasserman Schultz to Resign After Email Leaks
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resignation Megathread
- Clinton names Wasserman Schultz honorary chair of campaign team
- Sanders Campaign Calls for DNC Accountability Over Hillary Favoritism
- Sanders: Wasserman Schultz Should Resign
- Democrats vote to bind most superdelegates to state primary results
- Kasich on Skipping RNC: "When You Stand on Principles, Sometimes You Stand Alone"
- Hillary Clinton: "I am glad that Debbie has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country, and will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally, in Florida, and in other key states."
- Democratic National Convention officials have stripped Party Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of a speaking slot at the event next week, according to CNN
- CNN: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Will Have No Democratic Convention Role at All
wasserman, schultz, debbie, campaign, sanders, hillary, my, serve
2016-07-25- "It took pressure from the White House – including a phone call with President Obama – to get her to finally see the writing on the wall. Two reliable sources say Wasserman Schultz was trying to make top aides take the fall, rather than take personal responsibility."
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz Booed at Chaotic Florida Delegation Breakfast
- Leaked DNC Documents Show Plans To Reward Big Donors With Federal Appointments
- Hillary Clinton faces mass dissent over 'dirty tricks' on Bernie Sanders
- Wasserman Schultz booed off stage in Philadelphia
- Wasserman Schultz immediately joins Hillary Clinton campaign after resignation
- Facebook admits to blocking Wikileaks links in DNC email hack
- D.N.C. Officials Broke Federal Law By Rewarding Top Clinton Donors With Federal Appointments (18 U.S.C. § 599 & 600)
- Julian Assange: "Hillary is incorporating Debbie into her campaign. She is going to be pushing for her re-election to the Congress. That is a very interesting signalling by Hillary Clinton. That if you act in a corrupt way that benefits Hillary Clinton, you will be taken care of." [5:53]
- "A large, impassioned crowd of Bernie Sanders supporters — chanting “Hell, no, D.N.C., we won’t vote for Hillary” — marched on Sunday afternoon to the site of the Democratic National Convention, promising a week in which the party’s divisions will be on vivid display in the streets."
wasserman, hillary, schultz, clinton, her, federal, –, —
2016-07-26- DNC Leak Shows Mechanics of a Slanted Campaign: "What's patently obvious from these emails is that there was virtually no distinction between DNC and Clinton campaign officials when it came to the handling of this media problem. They were all on the same team..."
- Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii nominates Bernie Sanders at the Democratic National Convention
- Bernie Sanders is reduced to tears as his brother Larry votes for him at delegate roll call
- DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal
- Atheist Group Calls For DNC CFO To Resign Over Proposed Attack On Bernie Sanders' Faith
- Clinton camp fears more leaks are coming
- Yes, the United States is the only industrialized nation without paid family leave
- Julian Assange: 'A lot more material' coming on US elections
- DNC Lawyers Now Implicated in Email Leaks as Giving ‘Pro-Hillary’ Advice
- Bernie Sanders to Return to Senate as an Independent
dnc, bernie, clinton, sanders, coming, leaks, more, group
2016-07-27- "We want it to be known that this was a stolen election, that these results are not valid. The exit polls have been off by a deviation as much as ten points in New York and the way that this electoral process has been caried out is wrong. I want more than Debbie Wasserman to step down." [0:50]
- Sanders delegate: 'If Hillary doesn't win, that's Hillary's fault'
- DNC Tried to Hide Details of Clinton Funding Deal: This is the newest controversy in the leaks scandal that is roiling the Democratic Party during its convention.
- DNC Betrayed Bernie Sanders and the Rest of America
- Sanders Delegates Stage Mass Walkout, Promising to Leave Democratic Party
- If Hillary Clinton loses in November, it won't be Bernie Sanders' fault
- Hundreds of Sanders supporters stage walkout after Clinton nominated
- Donald Trump challenges Hillary Clinton to hold a press conference: 'I think it's time'
- Trump left out of Google search for presidential candidates
- Donald Trump just encouraged Russia to spy on Hillary Clinton
clinton, sanders, hillary, this, trump, stage, donald, been
2016-07-28- Clinton camp laughs off questions about press conference blackout
- DNC 2016: Lights over Oregon delegation cut after chants of 'No More War
- Bernie Sanders Delegate: DNC replacing us with Paid Seat Fillers to Fake Unity
- Harry Reid on Bernie and The DNC: 'Everybody Knew That This Was Not A Fair Deal': Debbie Wasserman Schultz should've stepped down sooner, Reid said
- Hillary Clinton needs to wake up. Trump is stealing the voters she takes for granted - "The middle class is crumbling, the country is seething with anger, and Hillary Clinton wants to chair a meeting of the executive committee of the righteous."
- Jane Sanders: Why Bernie Voters Shouldn't Get Over It
- Top Sanders Backer: I Was Kicked Off the Convention Program and "No Reason Was Given"
- Fact Check: "While Hillary Clinton has certainly warmed to the gay community during her political career, Bill Clinton's implication that Hillary has supported gay rights throughout the years is false."
- WikiLeaks releases hacked Democratic National Committee audio files
- Bernie Sanders delegates will walk out of Hillary Clinton’s speech tonight
hillary, clinton, bernie, sanders, over, committee, voters, gay
2016-07-29- 6 Mich. employees criminally charged in Flint water crisis
- "In November, Maine voters will decide whether they want to become the first state in the U.S. to implement ranked-choice voting"
- Bernie Sanders mention of TPP in his DNC Speech Generated the Most Google Search Interest in TPP Since Records Began
- 10 reasons why #DemExit is serious: Getting rid of Debbie Wasserman Schultz is not enough
- FBI warned Hillary Clinton campaign it had been hacked by foreign government
- Influence at the DNC: More than 60 superdelegates are registered lobbyists
- Gary Johnson could snatch the election away from Donald Trump ... or Hillary Clinton. "Gary Johnson, like many Americans, is socially liberal, fiscally conservative and wants the U.S. to steer clear of foreign wars"
- Trump Suggests Nothing Will Prompt Him To Release His Tax Returns
- Dr. Jill Stein's popularity surge during the Democratic National Convention led to rumors that she opposes vaccines, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
- Bruce Schneier Sounds The Alarm: If You're Worried About Russians Hacking, Maybe Help Fix Voting Machine Security
foreign, hillary, trump, will, tpp, u.s., wars", wants
2016-07-30- Obama to push for TPP passage despite opposition from presidential candidates
- True: Mike Pence advocated for 'conversion therapy'
- The ‘smoking gun’ proving North Carolina Republicans tried to disenfranchise black voters
- Donald Trump claimed on Saturday that he turned down a meeting with billionaires Charles and David Koch, but top Koch network officials immediately challenged Trump's claim.
- Sanders Delegate: DNC Stripped My Credentials for Holding "No TPP" Sign
- Clinton's support drops 16% among youth in one year
- O'Malley: DNC 'clearly hurt my odds of succeeding'
- Julian Assange: We have more material on Clinton
- One in 10 DNC superdelegates were registered lobbyists
- Backlash for Trump after he lashes out at the Muslim parents of a dead U.S. soldier
dnc, my, trump, one, 16%, 'clearly, o'malley:, year
2016-07-31- We should remember that the key drivers of growth are science, education and innovation, not low taxes, lax regulations or greater exploitation of natural resources.
- Trump says US should accept Russia in Crimea
- Meghan McCain: What kind of ‘barbarian’ attacks parents of fallen soldier?
- All Americans should absolutely and resoundingly oppose the American worker-rights concession known as the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement. It has numerous, irreconcilable flaws and will cause much horrible damage to working families and American businesses.
- Ghazala Khan, mother of fallen soldier, responds to Trump
- Jeb: Trump 'so incredibly disrespectful' of Khan family
- Trump: "Mr. Khan, who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution"
- “I have no relationship with Putin,” the Republican presidential nominee said several times during an interview on ABC’s “This Week” that aired on Sunday; The Daily Beast this week uncovered a 2013 interview with Trump in Moscow in which he said, “I do have a relationship” with Putin
- It Appears Donald Trump Doesn't Know About The Crimea Annexation
- Joe Biden rebukes GOP senators over delaying hearing for Merrick Garland
trump, should, have, “i, never, american, interview, no

1: clinton, hillary, trump, sanders, bernie, fbi, dnc, her, emails, email, democratic, will, have, wasserman, more, national, campaign, about, schultz, she

2: hillary clinton, bernie sanders, wasserman schultz, donald trump, democratic national, debbie wasserman, clinton email, democratic party, clinton emails, gary johnson, mike pence, national convention, about her, classified information, hillary clinton., fbi director, hillary clinton’s, clinton campaign, fact check:, secretary state