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2016-08-01- Kremlin: The US is covering up its own 'pre-election shenanigans' by demonizing Russia
- "Only 9% of America Chose Trump and Clinton as the Nominees"
- Mike Pence Says Roe v. Wade Will Be Overturned If Trump Is Elected
- Hillary Clinton's wrong claim that FBI director Comey called her comments about email 'truthful'
- Clinton Falsely Claims the FBI's Director Pronounced Her 'Truthful'
- Two-Thirds of Americans Support Free College Tuition
- Amid DNC Scandal, Wasserman Schultz Losing Grip on House Race: Progressive challenger Tim Canova announces windfall of donations and increased support since party ouster
- Hillary Clinton slapped with dreaded 'Four Pinocchios' rating for false claim that the FBI director said she told the truth about her classified emails
- Trump Ally Roger Stone Pushes Claim That Humayun Khan Was A Terrorist, Father A Muslim Brotherhood Spy
- Trump vows to crack down on Internet porn
trump, clinton, director, her, claim, fbi, hillary, support
2016-08-02- President Barack Obama began an annual tradition of science fairs, arguing that if he celebrates the nation’s top athletes at The White House, he should do the same for the best young scientific talent.
- Trump refuses to support Paul Ryan, John McCain in upcoming Republican primaries
- Trump: Wind power ‘kills all your birds’
- Trump on Khan remarks: 'I don't regret anything'
- Trump blasts New York Times: ‘They don’t write good’
- Eric Trump: 'Strong, powerful women' don't allow sexual harassment to occur
- GOP Rep. Richard Hanna: I'll vote for Clinton; first House member to cross party line
- Obama: Donald Trump Is 'Unfit' to Be President
- DNC CEO resigns amid turmoil
- Jesse Ventura: ‘I’m Glad to See’ Donald Trump Destroy the GOP
trump, donald, don't, trump:, gop, president, jesse, powerful
2016-08-03- GOP congressman says he can't support Trump: 'I'm an American before I'm a Republican'
- “The problem is that Trump watches TV every minute that he isn’t actually on his phone, either talking or tweeting,” one advisor said. “And then he gets angry at what he sees on TV and reacts.”
- Trump Proposes Russia-U.S. Alliance Against ISIS That Has Already Existed for Almost a Year
- Trump asks why US can't use nukes: MSNBC's Joe Scarborough reports
- Ben Carson: Khan Family Should Apologize to Donald Trump
- Republicans nominate dangerously insane person to lead America, then panic when he proves he’s dangerously insane
- Gary Johnson Now Polling 15% Amongst Midwest States Says CNN Poll
- "Trump asked three times in an hour briefing: 'why can't we use nuclear weapons?'"
- Pence breaks with Trump, endorses Ryan
- Seattle bans use of ‘conversion therapy’ on gay youth
trump, can't, use, dangerously, insane, then, tv, gop
2016-08-04- Harvard Republican Club Won’t Endorse Donald Trump. "For the first time in 128 years, the Harvard Republican Club won’t be endorsing the GOP nominee for president."
- "Melania Trump was an undocumented worker for years when she began her modeling career in the US in the mid-90s"
- Trump Boasts About Watching 'Top Secret' Iran Video Immediately After Becoming Eligible To Receive Classified Briefings
- Gary Johnson trolls Trump: I wouldn't deport your wife
- Trump May Start Dragging GOP Senate Candidates Down With Him
- Gaps in Melania Trump's immigration story raise questions
- Obama approval bumps up to 54 percent after DNC
- I was Capt. Khan’s commander in Iraq. The Khan family is our family.
- Wasserman Schultz says she'll debate challenger Tim Canova
- Poll: 34 percent less likely to vote Trump after Khan attacks
trump, harvard, gop, khan, percent, republican, i, won’t
2016-08-05- Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Thursday his department is considering classifying electronic polling stations across the country as "critical infrastructure," entitling them to the same level of cyber-protection as the nation's power grid and financial sector.
- North Carolina is being sued for gerrymandering
- America has a problem, and it isn’t Donald Trump. It is the simple fact that the nation claiming to be the largest most successful democracy in the world is run by two parties, both of which are held hostage to lobbyists and corporations.
- Vets Crash John McCain's Office, Ask Him To Dump Trump
- Trump admits he didn't see nonexistent Iran money video: "Donald Trump did something unusual Friday: He admitted he was wrong."
- Asked about female cabinet members, Trump proposes Ivanka
- Donald Trump’s web site won’t let you cancel recurring donations.
- Planned Parenthood Will Start Registering Voters At Its Clinics
- Lifelong Texas Republican Quits GOP With Scathing Must-Read Letter
- Somehow Hillary Clinton Made the E-mail Mess Even Worse Today
trump, donald, homeland, wrong.", site, web, trump’s, ivanka
2016-08-06- Rubio: No abortions for Zika-infected women
- Gov. Gary Johnson: "I hear that Donald Trump is watching the Olympics tonight. He's seeing how high the Mexican pole vaulters go."
- Obama's approval rating is near its highest point ever, and that could be a big problem for Donald Trump.
- Vet who lost leg in Afghanistan is raising money to send Trump to a real conflict zone so he can 'earn' a purple heart: “After all, you’re never too old to follow your dreams.”
- Campaign For Universal Health Care In Colorado Seeks Bernie Sanders’ Help
- Donald Trump now says even legal immigrants are a security threat
- Dems, don’t get happy: Despite big media narratives of a Clinton runaway victory, 100 days is a lifetime in politics
- Donald Trump Campaign Hires the Firm Behind 'Brexit'
- As Bernie has repeatedly informed us, two-thirds of all Americans want Medicare for all and the end of "insurance-care" making obscene profits from our misery.
- WikiLeaks: Alcohol Industry Encourages Congressional Concern About Cannabis
trump, donald, campaign, big, all, bernie, rubio:, happy:
2016-08-07- Trump’s economic advisers are also his biggest donors
- ‘Ashamed’ of Trump, Harvard Republican Club won’t endorse top GOP nominee for first time since 1888
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said the emails from Democratic National Committee employees regarding released as part of hack last month should never have been sent. "It is an embarrassment to the party and it is an embarrassment to the nation,"
- Trump Praises Adviser Who Called for Hillary Clinton’s Execution
- Top Nazi leader: Trump will be a ‘real opportunity’ for white nationalists
- Marco Rubio: women with Zika should not be allowed abortions. Florida senator and former presidential candidate says he will ‘err on the side of life’ even if babies will have microcephaly.
- Muslim Fencer On Team USA Takes Down Trump - When a reporter asked her about Trump, she simply said, “Who?” As reported by, she continued to feign ignorance, even after the reporter kept pressing, shouting, “Trump! Donald Trump!”
- Melania got marriage green card 4 years before wedding Trump
- Beat him like a drum: Donald Trump must not just lose in November; to correct the institutions he’s broken, he must suffer a humiliating defeat
- The Bernie for President campaign is over, but the political revolution that he launched against corporate rule is just beginning. Sanders and close advisors are now strategizing and developing a new organizational structure to keep growing the grassroots rebellion
trump, will, just, must, reporter, even, have, trump,
2016-08-08- DEA should stop stalling on reclassifying cannabis - "What an irony it would be if Obama, who has openly admitted to pot use in his early years...left office without having moved the nation away from the antiquated reefer-madness enforcement of past presidencies."
- After Saying Clinton Is ‘Owned’ By Wall Street, Trump Proposes A Ban On Financial Regulation
- 50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’
- Donald Trump’s appeals to Bernie Sanders backers fall flat
- NAMBLA Becomes Donald Trump's Birther Moment
- America’s great mistakes: Has everyone forgotten that the Vietnam and Iraq wars were unnecessary, stupid and destructive?
- George W. Bush administration official announces support for Clinton over Trump
- Marine: Trump, you don't have a clue about what a Purple Heart means
- Trump Peddles Slew Of Debunked Economic Claims In Detroit Speech
- Muslim American fencer to Donald Trump: ‘I don’t have another home’
trump, donald, clinton, have, would, unnecessary,, announces, official
2016-08-09- Trump says 'Second Amendment folks' could stop Clinton
- No Pivot Here: Trump Asks, Why Would I Tone It Down When I'm 'Winning?'
- The Polls Aren’t Skewed: Trump Really Is Losing Badly
- Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights supporters
- Trump: Maybe ‘2nd Amendment People’ Can Stop Hillary Clinton
- Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine): Why I cannot support Trump
- Trump: 'Second Amendment people' could deal with Clinton
- Trump: '2nd Amendment' may be only way to block Clinton's judicial picks
- Americans of both major parties say infrastructure has worsened; want more spending: poll
- Gabby Giffords: Trump's '2nd Amendment' Line Insinuates Violence
trump, clinton, amendment, trump:, '2nd, hillary, i, amendment'
2016-08-10- Obama Administration Set to Remove Barrier to Marijuana Research
- Mike Pence Said Condoms Are “Too Modern” And “Very, Very Poor Protection” Against STDs
- Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised
- Aide said Christie 'flat out lied,' according to Bridgegate filing
- A US Secret Service official confirms to CNN that the USSS has spoken to the Trump campaign regarding his Second Amendment comments.
- New Emails Raise Questions About Ties Between Clinton Foundation and State Dept.
- Voters Really Want to See Donald Trump's Tax Returns
- TPP more likely to harm than help American workers
- A whopping 83 percent of Americans were bothered by the fact that Donald Trump once mocked a disabled New York Times reporter. That bothered more people than any other criticism of Trump — and more than anything Hillary Clinton has done.
- WikiLeaks offers reward for help finding DNC staffer€™s killer
more, trump, donald, clinton, bothered, new, help, said
2016-08-11- Bernie Sanders Slams Decision Not To Reclassify Marijuana: "People can argue about the pluses and minuses of marijuana, but everyone knows it’s not a killer drug like heroin."
- Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally
- DEA decides not to loosen restrictions on marijuana, keeping it in same category as heroin
- Trump: Obama 'founded ISIS'
- Ronald Reagan's Daughter Blasts Trump's 'Verbal Violence' - "I am the daughter of a man who was shot by someone who got his inspiration from a movie," the post begins, referring to the 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan by John Hinckley, Jr.
- FCC loses court battle to let cities build their own broadband
- Donald Trump Says He Gives His Workers Childcare. His Workers Say That’s Baloney.
- Trump: Obama 'is the founder of ISIS'
- In a move to pressure Trump, Clinton will release 2015 tax returns this week
- Donald Trump’s North Carolina campaign manager accused of pulling gun on staffer quickly resigns
obama, trump:, donald, daughter, workers, who, isis', marijuana,
2016-08-12- Trump demanded Obama’s records. But he’s not releasing his own.
- Trump: 'Fine' with trying US citizens in military courts
- A federal judge smacked down John Kasich's attempt to defund Planned Parenthood in Ohio
- Trump backtracks on Obama as ISIL founder: 'Don't they get sarcasm?'
- A CNN investigation found Cheryl Mills interviewed two people for a job at the Clinton Foundation while serving as Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton at the State Department.
- Hillary Clinton Campaign Says She Would Reschedule Marijuana
- We have to consider the idea that Donald Trump is more stupid than he lets on
- Reaganomics killed America’s middle class - This country's fate was sealed when our government slashed taxes on the rich back in 1980
- Trump: Clinton will only win Pennsylvania if she cheats
- Is Trump deliberately throwing the election to Clinton?
trump, clinton, trump:, she, hillary, cheats, have, reaganomics
2016-08-13- New York Times Editorial: Stop Treating Marijuana Like Heroin
- Bernie Sanders: "I am disappointed by the president's decision to continue pushing forward on the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement that will cost American jobs, harm the environment, increase the cost of prescription drugs and threaten our ability to protect public health."
- Republicans should have listened to Colin Powell: “Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? Is there something wrong with some seven-year-old Muslim-American kid believing he or she could be president? The answer is no.”
- A federal report just confirmed it: for-profit prisons are more dangerous than public ones
- Tim Kaine just called out Donald Trump’s history of housing discrimination
- Trump Spokesperson Says Obama Invaded Afghanistan. He Didn’t.
- For millennial voters, the Clinton vs. Trump choice ‘feels like a joke’: "Despite their varied lives, most of those interviewed shared a disgust with both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump so intense that it is pushing many beyond disillusionment and toward apathy."
- In Tweetstorm, Bernie Sanders Eviscerates Donald Trump on Trade and Taxes: 'Why would we even expect Trump to come up with a serious plan to fix a rigged economy? He's the one who rigged it.'
- Natalie Maines Calls Out Country Music's Hypocrisy For Supporting Trump
- Trump Calls on Vigilante Supporters to Patrol Polling Places to Stop Hillary People From ‘Cheating’
trump, donald, there, calls, something, wrong, public, hillary
2016-08-14- Scores of students without vaccine proof sent home on first day of school
- In Texas, a man who didn’t kill anybody is about to be executed for murder
- Trump Threatens to Pull Credentials of NY Times
- Trump says he'll never, ever forgive voters if he loses the election
- Donald Trump Tells Connecticut Audience: “I Might Lie to You” In Rambling Rally Speech
- Young voters flee Donald Trump in what may be historic trouncing, poll shows
- Donald Trump accused of ‘flagrant’ violations of election law
- Trump blames 'disgusting' media: 'I would be beating Hillary by 20'
- Pence: Trump was 'serious' about Obama and ISIS
- Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton
trump, donald, about, election, voters, what, flee, young
2016-08-15- Giuliani Claims There Were No Terror Attacks On US Soil Before Obama (Video)
- Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief
- Trump changed views on Ukraine after hiring Manafort
- Giuliani: No 'successful radical Islamic terrorist attacks' in U.S. before Obama's presidency
- Even Donald Trump's Supporters Are Telling Him To Release His Tax Returns
- Breitbart thought the polls were biased against Trump. So it did its own poll. Clinton won.
- Senate continues to disrespect Constitution, Obama and Supreme Court by not voting on Garland
- Donald Trump is against same-sex marriage
- Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump's Campaign Chief -- NY Times
- Troll So Hard: Harry Reid Demands That Trump Take The Naturalization Test
donald, ukraine, trump, against, trump's, cash, lists, ledger
2016-08-16- Sanders revs up ‘public option’ fight after Aetna leaves ObamaCare: "In my view, the provision of healthcare cannot continue to be dependent upon the whims and market projections of large private insurance companies whose only goal is to make as much profit as possible.”
- Obama warns Democrats against overconfidence about Clinton victory
- Black people wait twice as long to vote as white people, a new study finds
- Obama: Every time Trump talks, 'he makes the case against' himself
- North Carolina Won’t Stop Suppressing the Vote. After courts restored a week of early voting, Republicans are now brazenly cutting early voting hours.
- Courts urged to strike down election maps that lock in the winners (i.e. gerrymandering)
- Donald Trump Argues That No One Like Him Should Be Allowed Into the United States - "Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into the country."
- Trump Has Never Met Or Spoken To The Only Economist On His Economic Advisory Team
- Khizr Khan Challenges Donald Trump To Take A Naturalization Test
- The danger of the right’s noise machine: Years of misinformation led to Trump’s rise
trump, courts, only, donald, into, who, or, early
2016-08-17- Gary Johnson right that most Americans back legal marijuana
- It sure looks like Aetna quit Obamacare because Obama opposed their merger
- California Bill Would Make It a Felony for Prosecutors to Withhold Evidence
- Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort helped a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine secretly funnel more than $2 million to two lobbying organizations in Washington
- Donald Trump's Lack of Respect for Science Is Alarming - Scientific American is not in the business of endorsing political candidates. But we do take a stand for science
- "Breitbart News CEO Steve Bannon and GOP strategist Kellyanne Conway are now running Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's campaign"
- Trump: I don't trust U.S. intelligence information
- Donald Trump: The New York Times Is Biased Because ‘It’s Owned By Mexico’
- Breitbart, source of Trump’s new head executive, classifies climate believers as ‘pure scum’
- Trump is absolutely tanking among women and college educated whites
donald, trump’s, trump's, new, trump:, political, because, science
2016-08-18- Justice Department says it will end use of private prisons
- Sanders: Aetna's Obamacare Threat Shows What "Corporate Control Looks Like"
- 'BernieCare' Can Save ObamaCare: "Sanders, who is more of a highly skilled political and legislative tactician than pundits understand, has responded to the Aetna withdrawal from many healthcare exchanges by publicly announcing he will wage an all-out campaign to enact the public option."
- Democracy and politics on the left: "Much of what Bernie Sanders has said in his bid for president in USA this year wasn’t really leftist politics; it was just common sense and fairly basic social and political analysis."
- Justice Department Ends use of private prisons megathread
- NAMBLA: We Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny Trump Donation Rumor
- “Dangerous precedent for free speech”: NJ Gov. Chris Christie signs law punishing boycotts of Israel.
- Email from GOP executive director calls for limited early voting hours
- I’ve always voted Republican. Until now.
- There's a simple fix for Obamacare's current woes: the public option
justice, department, public, political, what, can, prisons, private
2016-08-19- After Texas Slashed Its Family Planning Budget, Maternal Deaths Almost Doubled
- Trump predicts he can win 95 percent of the black vote
- Christie rejects bill to automatically register N.J. residents to vote
- Gary Johnson beating Donald Trump among voters under 35 in Colorado
- Supreme Court Is About To Get A Good Look At How North Carolina Messes With Voting Rules
- Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigns megathread
- Donald Trump’s New Chief Steve Bannon Called Republican Leaders ‘C**ts’
- GOP insiders: Trump's overhaul won't succeed. “You can keep moving people in and out of the car, but so long as the drunk guy is driving it while blindfolded, the ride probably isn't going to get any smoother.”
- Execution Halted For Jeff Wood, Who Never Killed Anyone
- Donald Trump losing support from reliably Republican demographic groups
trump, donald, republican, get, can, vote, texas, “you
2016-08-20- Louisiana Governor Tells Republicans To Sit Down And Shut Up About Obama
- Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world, study finds -- As the Republican-led state legislature has slashed funding to reproductive healthcare clinics, the maternal mortality rate doubled over just a two-year period.
- Report: Donald Trump's companies at least $650 million in debt
- Trump’s false claim that undocumented immigrants collect Social Security benefits
- Justice Department says poor can't be held when they can't afford bail.
- Sanders eyeing return to campaign trail next month - “I feel very strongly that Donald Trump would be a disaster for the country. I want to do everything I can to see that Secretary Clinton wins.”
- Voter ID Laws Are Finally Being Outed for Their Discriminatory Intent
- ‘Idiocracy’ Director Mike Judge: Fox Killed Our Anti-Trump Camacho Ads
- The Supreme Court's awful Hobby Lobby decision just spawned a very ugly stepchild
- Donald Trump's companies are at least $650 million in debt – double the amount he has claimed
donald, trump's, companies, just, very, least, $650, million
2016-08-21- Native American protesters succeed in stopping construction on Dakota Access pipeline
- Pentagon can’t account for $6.5 trillion of taxpayer money
- Republicans Set To Lose Senate Control
- Former Miss Universe Who Claims Trump Called Her 'Miss Piggy' Becomes U.S. Citizen in Time to Vote Against Him
- Trump campaign manager no longer wants him to release his tax returns
- Donald Trump's campaign expenses more than doubled last month, even as the Republican presidential nominee held his payroll to about 70 employees, aired zero television advertisements and undertook no significant operational buildout across the country.
- "It's very possible that I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it."
- Reporter’s Tweets from Within Crowd at Trump Rally Are Raw, Powerful and Shocking
- Trump Says African-Americans Have ‘No Education, No Anything’
- The case for a single-payer health plan: Aetna shows how insurers are avoiding the sick
trump, no, presidential, money, campaign, first, could, i
2016-08-22- These Louisiana politicians are demanding flood aid, but voted against Sandy relief
- Sanders Applauds Decision to End Federal Use of Private Prisons
- Trump threatens to 'tell the real story' about Morning Joe 'clowns'
- Colin Powell Says Clinton Team ‘Trying to Pin’ Email Scandal on Him
- 12-year-old running Trump campaign office in Colorado
- Trump Visits Anti-LGBT Hate Group Leader Tony Perkins, Donates $100K To His Anti-Gay Church
- Bernie Sanders to Pfizer: Lower 'unconscionable' drug prices
- FBI uncovered tens of thousands more documents in Clinton email probe
- Libertarian Gary Johnson on 2016: 'This is the demise of the Republican Party'
- Armed, Confederate flag-waving White Lives Matter protesters rally outside Houston NAACP
trump, sanders, clinton, email, 'unconscionable', thousands, tens, uncovered
2016-08-23- More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money - either personally or through companies or groups - to the Clinton Foundation.
- GOP EPA Chiefs Endorse Clinton over Trump’s “Profound Ignorance of Science”
- It looks like Russia hired internet trolls to pose as pro-Trump Americans
- Congress Presses Pharmaceutical Company to Explain Surge in Cost of EpiPen
- Oregon collects $25.5 million in marijuana taxes since start of the year.
- Trump just admitted his entire immigration posture is a big scam
- Donald Trump Jacked Up His Campaign’s Trump Tower Rent Once Somebody Else Was Paying It
- Longtime Trump Advisor: Trump 'Should Release His Tax Returns Immediately': remarks by some billionaires, including Mark Cuban, that Trump’s vaunted wealth is nowhere near his grandiose claims. Another billionaire scoffed, “He’s not a billionaire. I’m a billionaire. He’s a clown living on credit.”
- Biden reassures NATO allies: I don't think Trump 'understands what Article 5 is'
- Gary Johnson, Libertarian Nominee, Denounces Donald Trump as Authoritarian
trump, clinton, donald, -, trump’s, billionaire., or, some
2016-08-24- Idiot Wasserman Schultz Says Legal Pot is to Blame For Heroin Epidemic
- Republicans currently have just a 38% chance of keeping their Senate majority
- Donald Trump Used Campaign Donations to Buy $55,000 of His Own Book
- Chicago Police: Trump Made Up Story About ‘Top’ Cop Telling Him ‘Tough Tactics’ Will Fix Crime in 1 Week
- Sanders: Big Pharma a hazard to our health | Opinion
- Sanders slams EpiPen maker: 'Very wrong' to value profits over lives
- CEO at center of EpiPen price hike controversy is Sen. Joe Manchin’s daughter
- Senator’s daughter who raised price of EpiPen got paid $19 million salary, perks in 2015
- In shock poll, Libertarian Johnson beats Trump among economists
- Gary Johnson: Trump’s a fascist
epipen, trump, price, daughter, idiot, lives, joe, sen.
2016-08-25- Bernie Sanders endorses ColoradoCare universal health care measure.“If that proposal can win in Colorado, I believe that idea will spread around the country.”
- Trump Betrayal of Ann Coulter Timed Perfectly to Release of Ann Coulter Book About Always Trusting Trump
- Donald Trump sounds like he supports what Donald Trump once labeled ‘amnesty’
- Bernie Sanders launches political organization to further his progressive ideals
- Clinton is a 'bigot', Trump says
- "There's nothing Trump can do that won't be forgiven," Coulter wrote in her new book. "Except change his immigration policies."
- Donald Trump Is Not On the Ballot In Minnesota
- Transcript: Hillary Clinton speech accuses Donald Trump of "steady stream of bigotry"
- Donald Trump Supporter Threatens Trump’s Life on Air
- Donald Trump Spoils Ann Coulter's 'In Trump We Trust' Book Launch
trump, donald, ann, coulter, can, sanders, book, clinton
2016-08-26- Hawaii Is Now Home to an Ocean Reserve Twice the Size of Texas | Obama more than quadrupled Papahānaumokuākea’s size, to 582,578 square miles, an area larger than all the national parks combined.
- Ann Coulter says Trump was just ‘doing a standard retard’ when he mocked a disabled reporter
- Trump Campaign Chief is Registered to Vote in Florida at Unoccupied Home
- Trump attacks Hillary's "criminal" foundation, forgets he donated $110,000 to it
- Trump: Only Desperate Liars Call Their Opponent Racist. Also Hillary Is Racist.
- Elizabeth Warren Announces Victory Over Massive Scam For-Profit School ITT Tech
- Democracy Wins as 'Biggest Gerrymandering Case in Generation' Moves Forward: 'Gerrymandering pits political power against the people, regardless of which party holds power'
- Trump doctor wrote health letter in just 5 minutes as limo waited.
- Trump, shifting back, now says no legal status for all 11 million illegal immigrants
- Donald Trump finally did a non-Fox News interview. It didn’t go very well.
trump, home, now, racist., just, all, hawaii, 'gerrymandering
2016-08-27- Sheriff’s Raid to Find Blogger Who Criticized Him Was Unconstitutional, Court Rules
- Obama on Zika virus: "I asked Congress for the emergency resources that public health experts say we need...They said no."
- Stephen King calls Maine Governor Paul LePage 'racist' as churches accuse governor of 'promoting racial profiling'
- Romney strategist on the "alt-right": "It's just rebranded racism. It's like calling slaves 'agrarian interns.'"
- Donald Trump uses death of Dwyane Wade’s cousin to boast about election odds, misspells NBA star's name
- Donald Trump just made his worst tweet yet
- Mike Pence signed eight anti-abortion bills into law in his less than four years as governor of Indiana. That’s every anti-abortion bill that crossed his desk.
- Mike Pence tried to redefine “rape” in a bill in order to limit access to abortion
- Bernie Sanders Endorses Single-Payer ColoradoCare: "I Believe that Idea Will Spread Around the Country"
- Mylan CEO Heather Bresch Defends EpiPen Pricing as 'Running a Business' as life-saving EpiPen cost increases 400% and CEO pay increases 600%
governor, epipen, trump, just, anti-abortion, increases, bill, mike
2016-08-28- Washington State Tells DEA to Shove It, Will Conduct Cannabis Research in Violation of the Law
- Yes, Donald Trump donated $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation
- Trump Campaign Bombs in Virginia, Again - Empty bleachers and a hostile student body greeted Trump vice presidential nominee Mike Pence in Virginia on Saturday at one of the most religiously conservative schools in the country.
- Trump Goes Back To Original Immigration Position With Second 180 Flip
- Under Pence, state gave incentives to companies that offshored jobs
- Maine Gov. Paul LePage: you shoot "the enemy" in war, and people of color are "the enemy" right now
- Ice Cube: 'I would ‘never endorse a mothef---a like Donald Trump'
- Michele Bachmann Joins Trump’s Clown Car of Advisors
- More Than 41,000 Demand Publix Heiress Stop Fighting Medical Marijuana
- What's more expensive than ColoradoCare? No ColoradoCare
trump, state, "the, more, enemy", donald, maine, war,
2016-08-29- States opposed to Obama more dependent on federal government
- White Lives Matter To Be Listed As Hate Group By Southern Poverty Law Center: “We are listing them because they are clearly white supremacists.”
- Former Charlotte Tea Party chief headed to prison on child porn conviction
- At Least 110 Republican Leaders Won't Vote for Donald Trump
- Chicago police to Trump: ‘If you have a magic bullet to stop the violence,’ let us know
- The maker of the EpiPen is blaming Obamacare for people noticing its price hike
- Donald Trump wrong that Virginia saw "huge increase" in illegal immigration under Tim Kaine
- FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems
- Why aren't the presidential candidates being asked about science?
- States of Cruelty: Something terrible has happened to pregnant women in Texas: their mortality rate has doubled in recent years, and is now comparable to rates in places like Russia or Ukraine
states, white, donald, trump, under, systems, election, state
2016-08-30- Richard Sherman wants billionaires, not taxpayers, to pay for stadiums
- Christie vetoes $15 an hour minimum wage bill pushed by N.J. Democrats
- Poll: Majority of GOP voters wish they chose another presidential nominee
- Trump’s popularity with African-American voters polling at zero
- Trump wrong that inner-city crime is reaching record levels
- This may be the last presidential election dominated by Boomers and prior generations
- Nearly 20 percent of Trump campaign cash has gone to Donald Trump and his kids.
- Former models for Donald Trump's agency say they violated immigration rules and worked illegally
- Poll: 31% of Trump supporters actually support building an Atlantic Ocean wall to keep Muslims out
- Democrats are on track to take back the Senate
trump, voters, presidential, poll:, democrats, donald, they, richard
2016-08-31- New Mexico Passed a Law Ending Civil Forfeiture. Albuquerque Ignored It, and Now It’s Getting Sued
- Mexican president told Trump he wouldn't pay for border wall: report
- Donald Trump started to describe his education policy. Then he never finished his sentence.
- Nobel prize winner tells Clinton: Tax fossil fuels | I think a carbon tax would stimulate the economy," Stiglitz told CNNMoney. He says it would lead many firms to remodel their factories and redesign their supply chains, which would generate jobs and growth.
- Florida Voters Pass Amendment 4; Tax Breaks For Solar Energy « The measure is winning statewide by a huge 73 percent to 27 percent margin. The measure needed 60 percent to win.
- U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Restore North Carolina's GOP-Backed Voter ID and Its Reduction in Early Voting Days
- "Hours later, Peña Nieto tweeted his version: "At the beginning of the conversation with Donald Trump, I made clear that Mexico would not pay for the wall.""
- Bernie Sanders fundraises for Senate candidates, plans campaign stops; “The Democratic Party passed an extremely progressive agenda at the convention. Our job is to make sure that platform is implemented. That will not happen without Democratic control of the Senate.”
- Mark Cuban lays out why he believes Donald Trump 'won't and can't' release his taxes
- Contradicting Trump, Mexican president says he made it clear Mexico will not pay for a border wall
would, donald, tax, pay, percent, mexico, trump, will

1: trump, donald, clinton, about, campaign, trump:, will, obama, trump’s, more, who, hillary, trump's, sanders, bernie, just, would, i, gop, can

2: donald trump, donald trump's, hillary clinton, bernie sanders, trump campaign, donald trump’s, mike pence, tax returns, gary johnson, new york, presidential nominee, north carolina, trump just, ann coulter, justice department, harvard republican, trump: i, republican club, use private, club won’t