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2016-09-01- Iowa Passes Plan to Convert to 100 Percent Renewable Energy. "We are finalizing plans to begin construction of the 1,000 wind turbines, with completion expected by the end of 2019,"
- Milwaukee Police Forcibly Arrested Two Men Last Night for Doing Nothing Wrong. They Got a Surprise When One Was A State Rep and the Other Was from the ACLU.
- Trump’s VP pick Mike Pence published articles urging people not to employ gays
- The Maine Legislature Senate Democratic Office said they are giving the Republican party 24-Hours to meet or the Democrats will act to "Deal with the fact that the Governor is unable to fulfill the duties of the office."
- Gallup: Life got better for pretty much everyone under Obama
- Hillary Clinton correct that Austin's Alex Jones said no one died at Sandy Hook Elementary
- Trump Campaign Sued by Kids Dance Troupe Over Broken Deal
- The Trump pivot is dead, in its place was a hate speech
- GOP Hispanics Dump Trump After Arizona Immigration Speech
- Trump Legally Prohibits Volunteers From Saying Anything Bad About Him — Forever
trump, they, said, speech, got, one, died, no
2016-09-02- FBI Releases Documents in Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation Megathread
- Putin on DNC leak: 'Does it even matter who hacked this data?'
- Trump backer warns of ‘taco trucks on every corner’ not realising how amazing that sounds
- John McCain wins his primary, promptly gives up on Donald Trump
- Longtime Republican consultant: if black people voted Republican, voter ID laws wouldn't happen
- Cornell Republicans Break Party Lines, Endorse Johnson for President
- So Donald Trump Can Criticize America, But Colin Kaepernick Can't?
- Guess which candidate's foundation was caught in an illegal campaign funding scheme?
- Arizona GOP Releases ‘Wanted’ Poster With Bullet Holes Around Democratic Candidate’s Face
- Dwyane Wade Says Donald Trump Used Cousin's Death as a 'Ploy for Political Gain'
trump, donald, releases, republicans, america,, which, guess, can't?
2016-09-03- Obama formally joins US into climate pact
- Socialize the EpiPen: The EpiPen mess shows that we need drugs that function as real social goods, not rent-producing commodities.
- Poll: 44% of likely voters think Trump is 'racist'
- Hillary Clinton, Rarely Seen, Rarely Heard: The Democrat lets reporters trail her but tucks them away to keep them out of sight and herself out of reach.
- Dems call for probe into EpiPen maker's Medicaid charges
- How Apple's Tax Games Make Globalization Look Like a Big Scam
- Denver Could Soon Allow Marijuana In Cafes, Concert Halls And Yoga Studios
- African Americans worry Trump has awoken a resentment that won’t go away
- Clinton’s ‘run-out-the-clock’ strategy under fire
- Hillary Clinton is facing mounting pressure to hold a press conference
hillary, into, rarely, out, epipen, away, them, trump
2016-09-04- Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray
- 'I Had to Pay to Get My Voice Heard' 98-Year-Old Survivor of Jim Crow Era Urges Young People to Vote
- Polls Shows Bernie Sanders Would Win Election By Landslide
- How is it that the United States, the land of the free, has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world? The answer is simple: Over time, the politicians have “criminalized” far too many aspects of people’s personal lives.
- Hillary Clinton Told the FBI She Couldn't Recall All Briefings on Emails Due to Concussion
- Sanders: 15 percent debate threshold 'probably too high'
- White nationalist movement growing much faster than Isis on Twitter, study finds
- Pence wrongly says Trump has been consistent in immigration views
- Hillary Clinton’s Team Lost a Laptop Full of Her Emails in the Actual Mail
- Soledad O’Brien Criticizes Cable News For Giving Airtime To White Supremacists Who Are Trump Surrogates
hillary, too, trump, white, emails, percent, much, growing
2016-09-05- Arizona joins four other states voting on recreational marijuana
- Obama: Kaepernick ‘exercising his constitutional right to make a statement’
- Fox News’ Presidential Debate Moderator Says He’ll Let Candidates Lie
- Why There is a Media Blackout on the Native American Pipeline Blockade
- Cornell College Republicans Decertified After Endorsing Gary Johnson
- Guards accused of unleashing dogs, pepper-spraying oil pipeline protesters
- White House cancels Obama meeting with Philippines leader
- CNN 'demanded Dr. Drew take back comments on Hillary Clinton's health just days before his show was axed' after he claimed she was 'suffering from brain damage'
- Trump Announces Plan To Gut Education, Eliminate 490,000 Teacher Jobs
- Bernie Sanders hits Fox News over climate change
pipeline, fox, arizona, back, days, just, health, clinton's
2016-09-06- American Legion Calls for Marijuana Rescheduling
- Colin Kaepernick’s Protest Has Nothing to Do With the Military: The military doesn’t “give” us the right to protest. The Constitution does.
- Gary Johnson says unauthorized immigrant border crossings at '12-year low'
- Obama Just Nominated A Muslim To Be A Federal Judge. That's A First.
- Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 2 points nationally: poll
- Confirmed by Trump insider: 'Trump TV' is Plan B after election
- New Jersey GOPer Quits Race After He Told Female Reporter He Hopes She Gets 'Raped'
- FBI is sullied by its handling of emails: "On the Friday before Labor Day, the FBI released the details of its three-hour interview with Hillary Clinton, conducted on the Saturday of the Fourth of July holiday."
- Trumps $25,000 donation to Pam Bondi is sketchy in so many ways.
- Obama administration considers closing for-profit immigrant detention facilities
obama, fbi, immigrant, its, trump, hillary, reporter, handling
2016-09-07- Russ Feingold calls for making internet a utility
- The states with the biggest Obamacare struggles spent years undermining the law
- Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Investigation
- Pence breaks with Trump, says Obama born in Hawaii
- Pam Bondi’s office dropped an investigation into Trump University in 2013 days after the donation – and Trump may have claimed it improperly in tax filings
- Indians Staged One of the Largest Strikes in History, But No One on U.S. Cable News Covered It
- Clinton: Trump 'clearly has something to hide' in his tax returns
- How Trump Has Explicitly Described The Pay To Play Politics He Now Denies
- Report: Donald Trump held $150K fundraiser for Pam Bondi after her Trump U decision
- Why isn’t Trump facing a bribery investigation?
trump, pam, one, tax, investigation, bondi, fundraiser, held
2016-09-08- New York City Passed Paid Sick Leave, and Guess What? It Didn’t Kill Any Jobs.
- Fentanyl Maker Donates Big to Campaign Opposing Pot Legalization
- Gary Johnson asks: What is Aleppo?
- Trump’s ‘Take the Oil’ Plan Would Violate Geneva Conventions, Experts Say
- Trump Says Putin Better Leader Than Obama in Military Town Hall
- Donald Trump just lied about opposing the Iraq War before it started. Here’s proof.
- Obama on Climate Change: The Trends Are ‘Terrifying’
- Matt Lauer’s Pathetic Interview of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Is the Scariest Thing I’ve Seen in This Campaign
- Behind the scenes, NBC execs concede Matt Lauer forum performance was "disaster"
- Planned Parenthood ‘Fetal Tissue’ Investigation Finds Nothing
trump, donald, obama, opposing, campaign, matt, trends, hillary
2016-09-09- 2,500 Native Americans Successfully Block Oil Pipeline Construction -- State of Emergency Declared
- Obama administration orders ND pipeline construction to stop
- Donald Trump defends Putin — on Russian TV
- Trump Campaign Staffers Quit After Not Getting Paid
- Donald Trump Bashes U.S. Media on State-Owned Russian Network
- Survey showing 71% of doctors think Hillary's health 'could be disqualifying' came from far-right group that questions HIV-AIDS link and promotes abortion-cancer connection
- Stephen Colbert calls Matt Lauer “a complete disgrace to journalism”
- After convention stumble, Melania Trump has largely vanished from campaign
- Donald Trump's False claim veterans treated worse than illegal immigrants
- Facebook's Co-Founder Just Pledged $20 Million to Defeat Donald Trump
trump, donald, pipeline, russian, construction, campaign, 2,500, lauer
2016-09-10- Obama Moves To Protect Planned Parenthood Funding, Permanently
- Arrest Warrant Issued For Amy Goodman in North Dakota After Covering Pipeline Protest
- Former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders joins pipeline fight with bill amendment
- Why Sanders supporters cannot back Gary Johnson: His libertarianism is antithetical to the senator’s Democratic socialism
- Mark Cuban Predicts a Stock Market Crash if Trump Wins the White House
- Trump: I would shoot confrontational Iranian ships
- Mike Pence Releases His Tax Returns; Donald Trump Still Won't
- Prisoners all over the US are on strike for 'an end to prison slavery'
- Clinton: Half of Trump supporters are in the 'basket of deplorables'
- Alt-Right Leaders: We Aren'€™t Racist, We Just Hate Jews
trump, we, supporters, pipeline, sanders, i, releases, still
2016-09-11- Hillary Clinton has pneumonia, doctor says
- Hillary Clinton’s health just became a real issue in the presidential campaign
- The Clinton campaign’s bad damage control just made the health story even worse
- Hillary Clinton has 'medical episode' at 9/11 ceremony, source says
- Hillary Clinton ‘faints’ at 9/11 memorial, taken to undisclosed location
- Hillary Clinton not feeling well, leaves 9/11 event
- Report: Hillary Leaves 9/11 Mem'l Early Due To ‘Medical Episode’
- Clinton falls ill during 9/11 memorial service in New York
- Clinton health 'episode' could revive calls to release medical records
- Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia
clinton, hillary, 9/11, health, leaves, just, diagnosed, ill
2016-09-12- The ACLU is about to launch a campaign urging Obama to pardon Edward Snowden.
- Hillary Clinton Cancels Plans to Travel to West Coast on Monday and Tuesday Following Health Episode at 9/11 Memorial
- Trump on Clinton's health: 'I hope she gets well soon'
- Bernie Sanders to campaign for downballot Congressional candidate Zephyr Teachout on Friday
- Bill Clinton To Take Hillary Clinton's Place At Upcoming Campaign Events
- Face the facts: competition and profit don't work in health, education or prisons
- Bring Back Bernie Sanders. Clinton Might Actually Lose To Trump.
- The worst condition Hillary Clinton suffers from isn't pneumonia, it's dishonesty
- Donald Trump Wishes Clinton Well, Says Will Release Health Info
- Florida Poll Results: Trump 46%, Clinton 42%
clinton, trump, campaign, hillary, bernie, health, clinton's, trump.
2016-09-13- Clinton IT aide pleads Fifth, skips hearing
- Voters doubt Clinton's pneumonia explanation, poll shows
- House Passes Bill Outlawing “Gag Clauses” That Try To Punish Customers For Writing Negative Review
- Harvard Medical School study finds high drug prices in US caused mainly by government granted monopolies and market exclusivity
- Hillary Clinton attacks Donald Trump for posting Pepe the Frog meme
- Bernie Sanders Is More Popular Than Ever
- Sugar industry bought off scientists, skewed dietary guidelines for decades
- Guccifer 2.0 drops more DNC docs
- Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: That cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize.
- Witnesses refuse to testify in hearing on Clinton's email
more, clinton, clinton's, pepe, frog, donald, hearing, realize.
2016-09-14- Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low
- Leaked documents reveal secretive influence of corporate cash on politics
- Colin Powell Confirms Leaked E-Mails Are 'Accurate,' Warns More Are Coming
- Sanders joins protesters against ND pipeline project
- 'Edward Snowden did this country a great service. Let him come home'
- US has spent nearly $5 trillion on wars since 9/11
- Wikileaks drops latest Guccifer 2.0 data on Hillary Clinton, DNC, Democrats
- Colin Powell Urged Hillary Clinton’s Team Not to Scapegoat Him for Her Private Server, Leaked Emails Reveal
- Hillary Clinton 'hates' President Obama for defeating her in 2008, according to Colin Powell’s leaked emails and ‘was so sick giving speech she could barely walk up steps’
- Opioid Companies Lobby Against Medical Marijuana
leaked, hillary, colin, emails, reveal, her, against, powell
2016-09-15- Senator Elizabeth Warren Requests Formal Investigation About Why The Obama Administration Did Not Prosecute Wall Street
- Bernie Backs Jay Z's Call to End the War on Drugs
- The DEA wants to ban another plant. Researchers say the plan is ‘insane.’
- Harvard study: Political 'dysfunction' crippling U.S. economy
- Trump son: Dad can't release tax returns because then everyone will see them
- Trump says he would eliminate food safety regs
- Trump: Women shouldn't need prescription to access birth control
- Warren: Next Administration Should Investigate—and Possibly Jail—Wall Street Bankers
- Zachary Quinto Explains Voting Machine Hacking in 2 Minutes
- Elizabeth Warren Asks Newly-Chatty FBI Director to Explain Why DOJ Didn’t Prosecute Banksters
trump, warren, elizabeth, why, administration, prosecute, street, women
2016-09-16- Mark Cuban offers Trump $10 million charity donation for 4 hour policy interview
- Analysis: By 2025, 99.6% of Paul Ryan’s tax cuts would go to the richest 1% of Americans
- GOP eases lead paint laws after $750,000 in donations
- Sanders: Think hard about a protest vote this year
- It's time to legalize and regulate marijuana in California. Yes on Proposition 64.
- Trump: Clinton's bodyguards should drop guns and 'see what happens to her'
- In leaked emails, Colin Powell says Israel has 200 nukes
- Media: ‘We all got Rickrolled’ by Trump
- Johnson and Stein fail to make cut for first presidential debate
- Hillary Clinton laughs off pneumonia health scare with I Feel Good by James Brown (who died of pneumonia)
trump, mark, colin, got, all, ‘we, media:, nukes
2016-09-17- Confirming Big Pharma Fears, Study Suggests Medical Marijuana Laws Decrease Opioid Use. Study comes after reporting revealed fentanyl-maker pouring money into Arizona's anti-legalization effort
- Trump threatens to sue New York Times
- Trump: CNN panelists 'mostly losers in life'
- Kaine accurately recalls the time Gadhafi had a tent put up on Trump's estate
- America's press is dead. Long live the billionaires
- Jane Goodall: Trump debates like a chimp in a dominance ritual
- Trump's 'charity' is a shameless scam
- America’s trust in the media has sunk to a new low—and Donald Trump is proudly taking credit
- Discouraging Protest Vote, Sanders Says: Elect Clinton—Then Mobilize
- Black Dems rip Trump as 'racial arsonist' over 'birther' controversy
trump, study, new, trump's, over, chimp, trust, america’s
2016-09-18- Clinton Losing Millennial Support Nationally and in Key States
- Mike Pence Says His Role Model for Vice President is Dick Cheney
- Elizabeth Warren wants Wells Fargo CEO ‘held accountable’
- Sanders: Nobody's ever asked me where I was born
- Every 72 minutes, a veteran commits suicide
- Kasich: Trump owes Obama apology for birtherism claim
- Donald Trump’s campaign manager says ‘rape would not exist’ if women were stronger
- Obama urges black turnout, mocks Trump for missing ‘civics lesson’ on Jim Crow
- As Polls Tighten, Clinton's Senate Allies Push Bernie's Public Option
- Judge Curiel: No Delay in Trial Over Trump University
trump, obama, clinton, mocks, turnout,, black, urges, stronger
2016-09-19- Connecticut Police Accidentally Record Themselves Conspiring to Fabricate Criminal Charges Against Protester
- House panel looking into Reddit post about Clinton's email server
- Computer Specialist Who Deleted Clinton Emails May Have Asked Reddit for Tips
- It Sure Seems Like Hillary Clinton’s Tech Guy Asked Reddit for Email Advice
- After court threat, Mich. removed Flint's power to sue
- Computer Tech Who Asked How To ‘Strip Out’ Email Addresses May Have Worked For Hillary
- Voters on both sides increasingly see a Trump win as a possibility — and that may get more people to vote
- Bernie Sanders is likely the most popular politician in America
- Scott Walker Leaks Could Force Supreme Court to Confront Dark Money
- Inside the scramble to cover up Clinton’s private email server
email, asked, reddit, may, have, tech, who, computer
2016-09-20- Sikh man who found bombing suspect: "I did what every American would have"
- 81% of Americans Oppose $38 Billion Pledge to Israel
- Clinton hasn't won over millennials. And no, sexism isn't to blame
- ‘I called the FBI 2 years ago!’: Chelsea bombing suspect’s dad
- Don’t Blame Millennials for This Scarily Close Election. Blame Baby Boomers.
- George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary
- Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
- Most Colorado voters say legal weed has been good for the economy
- Arizona’s governor asked voters to fact-check whether pot is safer than alcohol. So we did.
- Did IT Specialist Ask the Internet How To Delete Hillary's Emails?
blame, voters, bombing, did, legal, sikh, settle, say
2016-09-21- Harvard study: Policy issues nearly absent in presidential campaign coverage
- Bernie Sanders: 'Wells Fargo's business model is fraud'
- Trump: I’d Use ‘Stop-and-Frisk’ to End Violence in Black Communities
- Kaepernick calls out his critics: “There’s a lot of racism in this country disguised as patriotism”
- Warren: Let's keep Wall Street out of a Clinton Cabinet.
- Kaepernick calls out his critics: “There’s a lot of racism in this country disguised as patriotism”
- Pew poll: Most voters 'frustrated,' 'disgusted' with 2016 election
- George H.W. Bush's Defection to Vote for Clinton Is a Big Deal
- Pence Can’t Identify Single Error In New WaPo Report On Trump Foundation
- Donald Trump, Forgetting Slavery And Jim Crow, Claims Black Americans Have Never Been Worse Off
out, clinton, kaepernick, patriotism”, disguised, country, this, racism
2016-09-22- Christie should be impeached if he lied about Bridgegate
- A Trump campaign chair in Ohio says there was 'no racism' before Obama | US news
- Hillary Clinton just borrowed a billionaire tax hike from Bernie Sanders
- Trump: I Only Said Obama Was Born Here So I Could ‘Get on With the Campaign’
- Fox News Poll: 60% Believe Trump Is Hiding Something in Tax Returns
- Trump says moderators shouldn't fact-check
- Trump finally asked about his foundation scandal, descends into complete incoherence
- Reminder: Donald Trump once spent $120,000 of Foundation money on lunch with Salma Hayek
- Trump's campaign paid his businesses $8.2 million
- Oversight orders Reddit to preserve deleted posts in Clinton investigation
trump, obama, about, clinton, campaign, i, foundation, news
2016-09-23- There Will Be No Commercial Breaks During The Presidential Debates
- Report: Christie Impeachment on the Table
- Obama: once out of office, I’m gonna stop being polite and start getting real
- I Will Never Stop Hating This Election for Normalizing Stupid
- 'Between Two Ferns' director: Trump too thin-skinned for our show
- Obama on Trump: 'Even most 8-year-olds' know slavery was a bad time for black people
- Poll: Nearly half of voters think Trump will detonate a nuke
- “Big Second Amendment Guy” Donald Trump Wants Police to Take Away More Guns
- Ted Cruz Announces Support for Donald Trump
- Ohio's 'Voter Purge' Policy Has Been Ruled Illegal
trump, will, donald, stop, nearly, nuke, detonate, think
2016-09-24- Hillary Clinton campaign wants debate moderator to correct any lies
- FBI Docs: Obama Used Pseudonym To Email Hillary’s Server
- As Our Jobs Are Automated, Some Say We'll Need A Guaranteed Basic Income
- Donald Trump either lied under oath or during a debate
- Behold the GOP’s not-so-secret plan to dismantle government services: Defund, degrade and then privatize
- Trump supporters want his tax returns released
- Hillary Clinton wants a top estate tax rate of 65 percent — the highest since 1982
- Glenn Beck Is Not Taking Ted Cruz's Trump Endorsement Well
- Trump Threatens To Seat Gennifer Flowers In Front Row Of First Debate
- 81% of Americans Oppose $38 Billion Pledge to Israel
trump, debate, hillary, clinton, wants, tax, rate, since
2016-09-25- Immigrants Don’t Steal Jobs or Wages. Billionaires Do.
- David Cay Johnston: 'There's no evidence Donald Trump is a billionaire'
- There is No Such Thing as Trickle-Down Economics
- Scope of Trump's falsehoods unprecedented for a modern presidential candidate
- No CEOs at Fortune 100 Companies Are Backing Donald Trump
- Petition calls for Donald Trump to take 5th-grade reading and math exams
- High-Income Voters Favor the Democratic Nominee for First Time in Decades
- Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President
- Sanders discourages third-party votes: 'Not the time for a protest vote'
- Marijuana legalization is facing a major challenge from the alcohol industry
trump, donald, no, time, immigrants, nominee, decades, first
2016-09-26- Bernie Sanders: "We don't need more Wall Street CEOs in any administration"
- Polls: Trump, Clinton deadlocked in Colorado, Pennsylvania
- Trump’s potential SCOTUS appointee thinks America took a wrong turn when women got the vote
- Trump directed $2.3 million owed to him to his charity instead
- Bernie Sanders Should Have Been Debating Donald Trump. The DNC Favored the Wrong Candidate
- McConnell threatens shutdown to keep corporate political spending secret
- Trump’s reference to Bill Clinton affair underscores his own history of infidelity
- Congress Meets, With 5 Days to Avoid Shutdown Over Funding
- Bloomberg TV to fact check debate on-screen
- Hillary Clinton Is Outraising Trump 20-to-1 Among Billionaires
clinton, bernie, trump, wrong, trump’s, shutdown, underscores, affair
2016-09-27- Clinton call for end of private prisons sinks jail stocks
- Mark Cuban rips into Donald Trump for saying not paying taxes is smart
- Trump brags about not paying taxes: 'That makes me smart'
- Donald Trump Did, in Fact, Blame China for Inventing Climate Change
- Trump interrupted Clinton 25 times in the first 26 minutes of the debate
- Debate coach: Trump simply couldn't stand being criticized
- Zach Galifianakis Says Donald Trump Won’t Be on ‘Between Two Ferns’ Because He’s ‘Mentally Challenged’
- Trump cheering housing collapse: 'That's called business'
- Trump denies he claimed climate change is a Chinese hoax. He’s lying.
- Trump wrong that disclosure form tells more than tax returns
trump, donald, clinton, change, climate, he’s, paying, debate
2016-09-28- George W. Bush's White House "lost" 22 million emails
- I sold Trump $100,000 worth of pianos. Then he stiffed me.
- Leaked memo: Fox News VP reminds staff online debate polls 'do not meet our editorial standards'
- Mark Cuban slams Donald Trump: Not paying taxes is greedy, not ‘smart’
- Obama nominates first Cuban ambassador in 55 years
- Eric Trump: It Took “Courage” For My Dad To Not Mention Bill Clinton’s Infidelity
- Arizona Republic receives death threats after endorsing Hillary Clinton
- Trump failed the commander in chief test. Badly.
- Clinton Gains 4 Points on Trump in First Post-Debate Pol
- Trump angry at allies conceding he lost debate
trump, first, trump:, debate, cuban, clinton, george, dad
2016-09-29- Wisconsin Is Systematically Failing to Provide the Photo IDs Required to Vote in November
- Wells Fargo's CEO Is Actually Getting Punished, Thanks To Elizabeth Warren
- Trump’s campaign manager accidentally admits Trump broke the law on live TV
- How Donald Trump's Company Violated The United States Embargo Against Cuba
- Trump: Debate was rigged
- Donald Trump conducted illegal business in communist Cuba: report
- Employees at Trump's California golf course say he wanted to fire women who weren't pretty enough
- Proud Adulterer Blames Woman For Not Stopping Husband's Adultery
- ‘The Daily Show’ Digs Up Creepy Clip of Trump Defending a Statutory Rape
- Reid Congratulates GOP For Eight Years Obstructing The First Black President
trump, donald, trump's, weren't, woman, blames, adulterer, proud
2016-09-30- Trump adviser in Florida resigns, citing discomfort with campaign 'direction'
- Trump Foundation lacks the certification required for charities that solicit money
- Trump: 'Check out sex tape' of former Miss Universe
- USA Today thinks Trump is so ‘unfit for the presidency’ that it just wrote a historic anti-endorsement
- Before 6 a.m., Donald Trump proved Hillary Clinton’s point about his temperament
- Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery
- Trump Praised Saudi Arabia's Sharia Law for Making It Easy for Men to Get Divorced
- Donald Trump Polls At 0 Percent In Detroit
- Clinton's 'nasty' Trump ads are mostly his own words
- Congress Now Blaming Obama For Its Embarrassing Override Of His Veto
trump, donald, praised, easy, making, law, sharia, arabia's

1: trump, clinton, donald, hillary, obama, campaign, sanders, bernie, debate, trump:, tax, about, clinton's, just, over, more, voters, pipeline, clinton’s, health

2: donald trump, hillary clinton, bernie sanders, hillary clinton’s, tax returns, mark cuban, elizabeth warren, hillary clinton,, trump campaign, pam bondi, gary johnson, white house, may have, fox news, colin powell, climate change, new york, obama administration, mike pence, wall street