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2017-09-01- White House walks back promise about Trump donating his ‘personal money’ to Harvey victims
- Trump voter fraud panel head confirms he’s a paid Breitbart columnist
- Mueller Has Early Draft of Trump Letter Giving Reasons for Firing Comey
- ‘Art of the Deal’ co-author: No way Trump donates $1 million to Harvey victims
- Obsessed: Trump lashes out at Hillary before 8 a.m. — 296 days after the election
- Eric Trump Tried To Call Out CNN. It Didn't Go Well.
- Obama's top lawyer: Mueller has assembled best team in 'history'
- Big Conservative Facebook Pages Are Spreading A False Claim That Black Lives Matter Blocked Harvey Relief Efforts
- Impeach Trump BIllboards on the Road to Mar-a-lago
- McCain: Trump 'often poorly informed' and 'impulsive,' and Congress doesn't 'answer to' him
trump, harvey, mueller, out, victims, white, assembled, facebook
2017-09-02- Congress is finally working to defund civil asset forfeiture
- Contradicting Trump, DOJ Admits There Is No Evidence Of Trump Tower Wiretaps
- Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped his campaign is false, says U.S. Department of Justice
- Trump names climate science denier to run NASA
- President Trump told a blatant lie during speech, but MSNBC had the receipts
- Donald Trump's 'crooked' and 'fake' media slurs crumble as reporters excel chronicling Hurricane Harvey
- Sen. Franken presses FCC on net neutrality
- Toxic waste sites flooded; EPA not on scene
- Donald Trump scrapped Barack Obama's flood protection standards days before Hurricane Harvey
- Trump Doesn't Know How to Read Breitbart Without Someone Printing It Out for Him
trump, donald, trump's, hurricane, harvey, presses, waste, toxic
2017-09-03- Al Franken: 'I don't think that this president is equipped to handle the job'
- Top House Intelligence Committee member: Trump is being 'dishonest' about Russia ties
- ‘Relax. It's okay’: How Breitbart is trying to reassure Trump supporters
- Trump To End DACA Program, Affecting 800K Dreamers
- Keep DACA, deport the Nazis
- John Legend: ‘Trump is an embarrassment to the country’
- Rep. Adam Schiff: Proposed Trump Tower in Moscow shows Trump was 'dishonest'
- Read the Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump
- Mueller's investigation just got a boost — and another Trump associate may be in its crosshairs
- Trump Voters to Trump: Act Like a Goddamn President
trump, 'dishonest', president, al, moscow, day, inauguration, read
2017-09-04- Schwarzenegger’s bipartisan next political act: Terminating gerrymandering
- Pence implicated, placed in Oval Office as Trump plotted Comey firing
- Sanders: Trump ending DACA 'one of the ugliest and cruelest decisions ever made by a president'
- Trump's Nominee To Be USDA's Chief Scientist Is Not A Scientist
- Legal Experts: Pence May Now Be Implicated in Obstruction of Justice
- Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay
- Texas DACA Recipient Dies Rescuing Flood Victims
- Pundits still fall for it: Trump does bare minimum in Texas, and suddenly he’s presidential
- Mueller examining Trump letter on Comey firing that contradicts statements by Pence, others
- In NAFTA Talks, Canada Demands US Drop Anti-Union 'Right to Work' Laws
trump, daca, pence, firing, comey, scientist, schwarzenegger’s, texas,
2017-09-05- Putin on US administration: 'It’s difficult to talk with people who confuse Austria and Australia'
- Paul Ryan praises Trump for repealing DACA, four days after urging him not to repeal it
- Donald Trump 'wasn't aware of what scrapping DACA meant' before making decision
- Obama response to rescission of DACA
- 18th charity pulls event from Trump's Mar-a-Lago after Charlottesville
- Manafort is reportedly blocking the FBI from reviewing his interview with Congress about the Trump Tower meeting
- Donald Trump just flat-out lied about Trump Tower wiretapping
- Russian politician says 'let's hit Trump with our Kompromat' on state TV
- 'Art of the Deal' ghostwriter says he will donate all royalties to endangered immigrants in response to Trump's DACA decision
- Harvard study: Exxon 'misled the public' on climate change for nearly 40 years
trump, daca, donald, decision, about, tower, trump's, response
2017-09-06- Facebook says it sold political ads to Russian company during 2016 election
- Prominent Republicans Urge Supreme Court to End Gerrymandering
- Massachusetts moves to require presidential candidates to release tax returns
- Trump’s secret golf club member lists reveal lobbyists and CEOs paying millions, giving them access to President
- Reagan's son: My father wouldn't have kicked 'Dreamers' out of US
- Dallas votes to immediately remove statue of Robert E. Lee
- New York Official Pushes To Rename Trump Park For Heather Heyer
- Senate to send resolution condemning KKK, neo-Nazis to Trump's desk
- Trump Didn’t Have ‘the Balls’ To End Daca Himself, Former Mexican President Says
- I Came to America When I Was Three. What Am I Supposed to Do in Mexico?
i, end, have, trump, president, facebook, heyer, heather
2017-09-07- Trump Jr. Says He Wanted Russian Dirt to Determine Clinton’s ‘Fitness’ for Office
- Rush Limbaugh’s dangerous suggestion that Hurricane Irma is fake news
- The FBI Has 1,475 Page File on Conservative Site Breitbart
- Teen marijuana use falls to 20-year low, defying legalization opponents’ predictions
- Warren co-sponsoring Sanders's 'Medicare for all bill'
- Facebook gave special counsel Robert Mueller data on Russian ads, report says
- Remember When Donald Trump Pocketed Millions in Hurricane Insurance for Mar-a-Lago Damage That Never Happened?
- Mueller seeks interviews with WH staff over Trump Tower meeting statement
- Facebook’s role in Trump’s win is clear. No matter what Mark Zuckerberg says.
- House defeats conservative effort to defund Amtrak
trump, hurricane, conservative, russian, mueller, defeats, insurance, interviews
2017-09-08- Kasich signs onto Schwarzenegger's gerrymandering reform
- Nearly half of Republicans have yet to hold a public town hall since Donald Trump took office
- Study: Trump fans are much angrier about housing assistance when they see an image of a black man
- Spicer, Priebus, Hicks among six current and former Trump aides Mueller has expressed interest in interviewing for Russia probe
- Trump Impeachment Could Be Demanded By Powerful Congressional Black Caucus After Meeting Next Week
- Trump tortured Spicer and Priebus. Now they get to tell investigators about Trump.
- Limbaugh to evacuate South Florida after claiming Irma was a hoax
- The case for Trump-Russia collusion: We’re getting very, very close
- Top senator strongly suggests Donald Trump Jr. lied in his testimony about Russia meeting
- EPA chief on Irma: The time to talk climate change isn't now
trump, about, meeting, they, russia, black, now, donald
2017-09-09- Trump’s Inauguration Pledged Millions to Charity. To Date: Zero Given.
- Trump’s “election integrity” chair says new data backs up his voter fraud claims. He’s wrong.
- Miami mayor on Irma: ‘This is the time to talk about climate change’
- Scott Pruitt says it’s not the time to talk climate change. For him, it never is.
- U.S. warplanes are called off surveillance of ISIS convoy, at Russia's request
- Obamacare architect reverses on single-payer, says "the time has come"
- Trump and Sessions are ignoring voters' overwhelming support for medical marijuana. Will Congress listen?
- Irma: Florida residents call on Trump to open Mar-a-Lago as a shelter for hurricane victims
- Impeaching Trump Becomes More Likely Every Time He Criticizes Republicans
- White House communications director Hope Hicks retains lawyer in Russia probe
time, trump, trump’s, climate, talk, irma:, hope, support
2017-09-10- McCain: 'We have to understand that the climate may be changing'
- “We should be naming hurricanes after Exxon and Chevron, not Harvey and Irma.”
- Make no mistake about it: the alt-right is a cult, and this is how its members lure people in
- Congress gives Trump a pass on releasing his tax returns
- Donald Trump Hasn’t Faced a Single Climate Change Question Since Hurricanes Hit
- GOP lawmaker: Universal health care is too expensive but tax cuts for the rich are necessary
- Clinton: ‘I am done with being a candidate’
- 'We refuse to go backwards': Biden torches Betsy DeVos' move to weaken Obama-era sexual-assault policy
- McCain Says He ‘Can’t Divine’ Why Some GOPers Deny Climate Change
- Miami airport busts Trump social media director for spreading fake news in midst of storm
climate, trump, 'we, change, hurricanes, tax, mccain:, refuse
2017-09-11- Florida AG who killed Trump University investigation gets cushy Trump admin job
- Russian politician says on live TV that Russia stole U.S. presidency
- Trump promised not to work with foreign entities. His company just did
- Feinstein vows there will be a public Donald Trump Jr. hearing 'come hell or high water'
- Bannon calls Comey firing the biggest mistake in ‘modern political history’.
- The Only Problem in American Politics Is the Republican Party
- Pope Francis says rescinding DACA is not 'pro-life'
- Pope launches thinly veiled attack on Trump, saying: 'History will judge climate change deniers'
- Trump adviser Roger Stone warns any politician who votes to impeach him would 'endanger their own life'
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he'll "never" apologize to Latinos
trump, politician, who, will, pope, 'pro-life', 'history, saying:
2017-09-12- In Surprise Vote, House Passes Amendment to Restrict Asset Forfeiture
- Four more Democratic senators will co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All bill
- Mueller Is 'Going for the Kill' on Trump-Russia Investigation, Republicans Believe: Report
- Franken backs Sanders' 'Medicare for All' bill
- Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury
- Trump Reportedly Has Considered Firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller
- Billionaire Who Compared Obama to Hitler Offended That People Are Calling Him a Nazi
- Sen. Ted Cruz likes porn video on Twitter
- Mike Pence convenes all-white, all-male meeting to plot voter suppression
- Why American Workers Pay Twice as Much in Taxes as Wealthy Investors
mueller, bill, sanders', secretary, surprise, sen., porn, likes
2017-09-13- Pharma CEO worries Americans will say “Enough is Enough” and embrace Bernie Sanders' Single-Payer Plan
- Bernie Sanders unveils universal healthcare bill: 'We will win this struggle'
- Flynn concealed more than a dozen foreign contacts, overseas trips: Democrats
- Treasury Secretary requested government jet for European honeymoon
- Dems to Mueller: Flynn failed to disclose trip to broker Saudi-Russian business deal
- Democrats have won 6 GOP-held seats in 2017. Republicans have won 0 Democratic seats.
- Mike Flynn’s Son Is Subject of Federal Russia Probe
- Jimmy Carter: US more like ‘oligarchy’ than ‘democracy’
- Donald Trump didn’t call Charlottesville an act of domestic terrorism, so Congress will make him
- Trump is privately raging about Robert Mueller. But all of this is his own fault.
will, have, bernie, democrats, won, trump, flynn, this
2017-09-14- Trump Humiliated Jeff Sessions After Mueller Appointment
- "Such a small number." Trump callously dismisses 33 Hurricane Irma deaths
- Top Republican slams White House attacks on Comey: 'Press secretaries don’t get to make that call'
- Donald Trump denies reaching DACA agreement made to protect Dreamer children
- Citing conspiracy theory, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher blames Democrats for Charlottesville violence: 'It was a setup'
- GOP senator: 'There is no realistic comparison' between antifa and white supremacists
- Trump to allow anonymous donations for White House staff legal defense
- Manafort spokesman to testify before grand jury Friday
- A day after meeting with Sen. Tim Scott, Trump repeats ‘both sides’ comments on Charlottesville
- Trump on white supremacists: ‘Pretty bad dudes on the other side as well'
trump, white, house, charlottesville, gop, anonymous, manafort, defense
2017-09-15- California legislature passes bill requiring presidential candidates to release tax returns
- Senators propose 9/11-style commission on Russian interference
- Donald Trump Says The Internet Must Be 'Cut Off' To Stop More Terror Attacks
- Elizabeth Warren launches an investigation into the Equifax hack
- Judge: Sessions can’t deny grant money for sanctuary cities
- Facebook has given Special Counsel Mueller details about Russian ad purchase beyond what was shared with Congress
- Angry Right-Wingers Turn On Trump, Burn Their 'Make America Great Again' Hats
- Federal Judge Hints She Might Not Toss Arpaio’s Conviction Even After Trump Pardon
- Sen. Al Franken blocks Trump’s racist judge and conservatives are flipping out
- McCain backs bill to block transgender troops ban
judge, bill, trump, russian, california, their, federal, hats
2017-09-16- Trump Administration Won’t Withdraw from Paris Climate Deal
- GOP about to pass secret health care bill while they think no one’s paying attention
- Juggalos Draw Bigger Crowd On The National Mall Than Pro-Trump Rally
- Kushner, Bannon joined Flynn for nuke plant meeting: Buzzfeed
- California asks Congress to officially censure Trump over Charlottesville
- Mueller just obtained a warrant that could change the entire nature of the Russia investigation
- Ex-Trump staffer says US President has ‘hung us out to dry’ over spiralling Russia probe legal costs
- Pro-Trump rally that sought to bring one million supporters to Washington musters little over a thousand
- Pence, up to his neck in Russia scandal, losing press secretary
- Dems winning in Trump country as Republicans resign
trump, over, russia, us, pro-trump, rally, spiralling, dry’
2017-09-17- Trumpcare's back, and now it will let insurers jack up premiums as soon as you get sick
- Stop acting surprised, America: Donald Trump is a white supremacist
- Trump Retweets Animation of Him Hitting Golf Ball at Hillary
- Trump humiliated by embarrassingly small crowd size at pathetic "Mother of all Rallies"
- Bernie’s “Medicare for All” actually is the pragmatic health care solution
- Don't Look Now, But Full Obamacare Repeal Is Back On The Table
- Can Decent People Be Republican Anymore?
- Feinstein: Trump Jr. public testimony will happen this fall
- Dem lawmaker: Trump sharing Clinton golf ball GIF 'below the standards of even this president'
- Despite pledge, Trump inaugural fund has yet to donate to charity
trump, golf, this, will, ball, decent, jr., feinstein:
2017-09-18- US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman
- Momentum builds against gerrymandering
- 'Red Alert' Sounded: Trumpcare Is Back, More Brutal and Deadly Than Ever
- Trump Lawyers Clash Over How Much to Cooperate With Russia Inquiry
- Dems demand full CBO analysis of Obamacare repeal plan
- Trump’s Popularity Has Dipped Most In Red States
- Dem senator: Not funny that Spicer ‘lied aggressively and frequently’
- Honor the Constitution by Impeaching Jeff Sessions
- With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone
- WH officials fear colleagues are wearing a wire for Mueller: report
inquiry, trump, us, honor, frequently’, aggressively, ‘lied, spicer
2017-09-19- Trump using campaign, RNC funds to pay Russia probe legal bills: Reuters, citing sources
- Erdogan: Trump apologized to me over brawl between Turkish bodyguards and protesters
- Trump brags about election to UN, turning global address into an embarrassing campaign rally
- Senate Dems hold floor talk-a-thon against latest ObamaCare repeal bill
- US Says No Money for Social Programs, But '$700 Billion to Kill People? Yeah That We Have'
- Trump's lawyer will now have to testify in public after defying Senate Intel Committee
- Senator warns White House press secretary she could be indicted for obstruction of justice
- Donald Trump Jr. Gives Up Secret Service Protection, Seeking Privacy
- Trumpcare 3.0 will eliminate health insurance for 25 million people
- Trump Again Floats Military Parade That Pentagon Once Vetoed
trump, will, senate, committee, could, she, secretary, press
2017-09-20- Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump's Actions as President
- Manafort offered to give Russian billionaire ‘private briefings’ on 2016 campaign
- Study: New ObamaCare repeal would cost states $215B
- 'We Can't Let Them do This to Our Children.' Jimmy Kimmel Gives Another Heart-Wrenching Plea on Health Care
- President Trump's rally cost Phoenix more than $450,000
- Trump blocks woman with stage 4 cancer on Twitter after she criticized his latest health care plan
- US officials intercepted conversations between Manafort and Russians: report
- Trump laughed at by UN for comments dissing Socialism.
- Same-Sex Couples are Being Turned Away From Becoming Foster and Adoptive Parents in Michigan. So We’re Suing.
- Manafort used Trump campaign account to email Ukrainian operative
trump, manafort, president, care, health, campaign, cost, trump's
2017-09-21- 'Repeal and Go Fuck Yourself' Is in Full Effect
- Trump praises health care of Nambia, a nonexistent African country
- AARP: Older Americans to pay $16K more under GOP ObamaCare repeal
- Fox News Slammed by Legal Experts for Saying Trump Was Right About Obama Wiretap
- Senator Cassidy, Please Stop Lying about Health Care
- Sean Spicer filled 'notebook after notebook' on Trump campaign and White House meetings — and it could have major implications for the Russia investigation
- CNN to host town hall debate Monday with Graham, Cassidy, Sanders and Klobuchar
- Trump Tweets Confirm He Doesn’t Understand What’s in the GOP Health Bill
- Senate GOP accidentally admits Obamacare is successful by offering it to Alaska as a bribe
- Jimmy Kimmel is mad as hell, and he's not going to take this anymore
trump, gop, health, cassidy,, obamacare, care, about, 'repeal
2017-09-22- McCain Says He Can’t Vote for Graham-Cassidy Health Bill
- Federal government notifies 21 states of election hacking
- All 50 state Medicaid directors oppose Obamacare repeal bill
- Rand Paul to Trump: 'I won't be bribed or bullied' into supporting Graham-Cassidy bill
- The Coming Trump Slump: Trump's tumultuous presidency is damaging the U.S. economy.
- House intel Democrat on Russia probe: 'If you had seen what I had seen, you'd want me to go full throttle'
- Jimmy Kimmel: Sen. Cassidy “either doesn’t understand his own bill or he lied to me”
- Poll: only 24% of Americans approve of Graham-Cassidy
- Trump says this is all a hoax. Mueller, Congress and Facebook disagree.
- Megathread: Senator McCain to vote no Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill
bill, graham-cassidy, mccain, all, vote, had, or, trump
2017-09-23- Trump Called White Supremacists ‘Very Fine People’ But An Athlete Who Protests Is A ‘Son Of A Bitch’
- NFL players union head: We 'will never back down' from protecting players' right to protest
- Justice Neil Gorsuch Accused of Campaigning for Senator Mitch McConnell
- Trump colluded with Russia and will be impeached, says Maxine Waters
- Warriors Respond to Trump: 'There is nothing more American than our citizens having the right to express themselves freely'
- NFL Stars Erupt In Anger Over Donald Trump’s ‘Son Of A B***h’ Speech
- Trump Says NFL Owners Should Fire Any "Son Of A Bitch" Who Refuses To Stand For The National Anthem
- Donald Trump uninvites Stephen Curry to the White House even though NBA superstar said he would not be visiting
- Clinton on Trump presidency: ‘He’s been even worse than I thought he would be’
- LeBron James blasts 'bum' Donald Trump, says White House visit an honor 'until you showed up'
trump, white, donald, nfl, ‘son, house, even, right
2017-09-24- Kushner used private email to conduct White House business
- McCain: Trump never apologized for saying I wasn't a war hero
- Steph Curry: It's 'beneath' Trump's position to target me
- CNN Poll: Opinion of the Republican Party falls to all-time low
- Every Single Player in the NFL Should Take a Knee Tomorrow
- Hillary Clinton urges Trump to send Navy to aid in Puerto Rico’s Maria recovery: ‘These are American citizens’
- Trump Slapped With Ethics Complaint Over Call to Fire NFL Players Who Protest Anthem
- Megathread: NFL Players kneel during Anthem in response to President Trump's remarks
- Jaguars, Ravens players kneel during anthem in response to Trump's criticism
- Poll: Two-thirds say Trump has done more to divide than unite US
trump, players, trump's, nfl, anthem, poll:, kneel, during
2017-09-25- Ivanka Trump Used a Personal Email Account for Government Work
- Trump's failed boycott leads to most watched Sunday football in seven years
- Collins will oppose health care bill
- Dale Earnhardt Jr. says Americans have right to 'peaceful protests'
- Trump's NFL tirade shows the nation who he really is: A white supremacist
- Donald Trump criticised for silence over Puerto Rico disaster
- Chiefs QB: Why is Trump condemning football players more harshly than white supremacists?
- A president shouldn't tell an NFL team what to do, Trump tweeted ... in 2013
- Soldiers speak out on Kaepernick: His protest 'makes him more American than anyone'
- "Trump's Katrina": Americans in Puerto Rico face starvation as Trump attacks the NFL.
trump, white, trump's, americans, football, more, nfl, rico
2017-09-26- Protesters Banned At Jeff Sessions Lecture On Free Speech
- Four star general: "I know something about the flag ... put me down with Kaepernick"
- Clinton: I’m not sure Trump knows Puerto Ricans are US citizens
- Hillary Clinton slams Trump admin. over private emails: 'Height of hypocrisy'
- At Least 6 White House Advisers Used Private Email Accounts
- Singer Marc Anthony to Trump: 'Shut the f--- up about NFL' and do something for Puerto Rico
- Trevor Noah on Trump: 'How can one person be on the wrong side of everything in history?'
- IRS shares information with special counsel in Russia probe
- Megathread: GOP Cancels This Week's Planned Vote on Affordable Care Act Repeal
- Nearly Half of Americans Don’t Know Puerto Ricans Are Fellow Citizens
puerto, ricans, know, trump:, trump, private, citizens, something
2017-09-27- Poll: Majority says Trump not 'fit to serve as president'
- Jared Kushner Voted As A Woman, According To His Registration
- Democrats Successfully Flip Two Seats In State Special Elections
- Trump deletes tweets backing Strange after primary loss
- Donald Trump accused of 'owing' Puerto Rico $33m after golf club bankruptcy
- The Senate Will Subpoena Paul Manafort to Testify at a Public Hearing on the Russia Investigation
- Almost 17,000 people prevented from voting in key swing state won by Trump, study finds
- Donald Trump Jr. Wanted the Secret Service Out of His Way for a Couple of Weeks
- Russians Impersonated Real American Muslims to Stir Chaos on Facebook and Instagram
- Warner sees Reddit as potential target for Russian influence
trump, state, donald, poll:, trump,, secret, wanted, jr.
2017-09-28- Kushner didn't disclose personal email account to Senate intel committee
- Last month, 83% of U.S. protests were against Trump
- Trump adviser 'can't guarantee' taxes won't go up for middle class
- Poll: 84% support NFL players' right to protest
- Police Union Complains That Public Got to See Them Roughing Up Utah Nurse
- Donald Trump Refuses to Send More Aid to Puerto Rico, Citing Business Interests
- Scarborough on Roy Moore’s win: I’m tired of GOP being the ‘stupid party’
- Price took military jets to Europe, Asia for over $500K
- Donald Trump's Pants on Fire claim about the estate tax, small businesses and farms
- 50 Cent says Trump offered him $500,000 to join presidential campaign
trump, donald, up, kushner, tired, military, took, price
2017-09-29- Full-blown scandal: Trump Cabinet charged taxpayers at least $1,070,594.19 for luxury travel
- Tom Price out as Trump administration health chief after outrage over pricey private jet flights
- Republicans' 'death tax' fixation tells you all you need to know about their concern for the working class
- Fake black activist accounts linked to Russian government
- Trump has not begun implementing Russian sanctions law: senators
- Democrats are pushing a $40 billion plan to bring the best Internet access to rural America
- Majority of Americans wish Obama was president rather than Trump
- A ‘Toddler-Level’ Response: Trump Mocked for Citing ‘Big Water, Ocean Water’ as Obstacle to Helping Puerto Rico
- Trump kids' ski vacation incurs over $300,000 in security costs
- Puerto Ricans: Trump's relief efforts are a 'disaster'
trump, you, russian, over, puerto, full-blown, majority, rather
2017-09-30- Donald Trump criticises mayor of Puerto Rican capital for 'poor leadership'
- Scarborough to Trump: 'Poor leadership' is golfing while Americans die
- Honoré: 'The mayor's living on a cot, and I hope the President has a good day at golf'
- Donald Trump spends 67th day at his golf resort while Puerto Rico struggles with hurricane devastation
- Lin-Manuel Miranda slams Trump for Puerto Rico attacks: 'You're going straight to hell'
- Photo Of San Juan Mayor In Waist-Deep Water Goes Viral As Trump Criticizes Her Leadership
- Trump attacks mayor of San Juan: 'They want everything to be done for them'
- Democrat senator: Trump sitting in 'opulent golf resort' attacking relief workers
- Trump can't accept brown people and women calling him out
- The Media Needs To Stop Rationalizing President Trump’s Behavior
trump, mayor, puerto, donald, while, san, rico, golf

1: trump, donald, about, white, trump's, russia, house, will, more, over, puerto, bill, president, health, mueller, russian, us, climate, this, out

2: donald trump, white house, health care, puerto rico, obamacare repeal, russia probe, trump jr., trump tower, climate change, special counsel, tax returns, trump campaign, nfl players, jeff sessions, comey firing, russia investigation, time talk, about trump, senate intel, mueller seeks