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2018-09-01- Papadopoulos says Trump "approved" his proposed meeting with Putin ahead of the 2016 election
- Donald Trump Played Golf During John McCain's Funeral
- Trump administration withholds 100K Kavanaugh pages ahead of Supreme Court Justice decision
- 'Read This. Be Outraged. Call Your Senators': Trump Suppressing 100,000 Pages of Kavanaugh's Record
- Parkland student rips Rubio for complaint about Neil Armstrong movie: Where was this energy after school shooting?
- Police pulled fake 'Antifa' list from neo-Nazi site and used it to target random people who'd signed an anti-Trump petition: lawsuit
- New documents: Kavanaugh has ‘constitutional problems’ with campaign finance regulation
- Lindsey Graham: Trump will be "investigated to death" if Democrats win the House
- Obama on McCain: 'We never doubted we were on the same team'
- Michael Cohen Makes $7M Flipping Apartments — While Crying Broke On GoFundMe
trump, ahead, pages, kavanaugh, new, graham:, lindsey, regulation
2018-09-02- David Hogg raises thousands to place billboard of Trump's anti-Cruz tweet in Texas
- Donald Trump Endorsed Ted Cruz. Now People are Pointing Out all of the Nasty Things He Used to say About Him
- Durbin: White House is saying 'American people have no right to know' Kavanaugh’s background by withholding documents
- Trump 'Is Mentally Ill,' Doctor and Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean Says
- It’s Not Just Robert Mueller. President Donald Trump Faces Six Separate Investigations And Lawsuits.
- Fox & Friends Outraged Bush and Obama Praised Decency at McCain’s Funeral
- Donald Trump's Old Tweets About Ted Cruz Will be Posted on Texas Billboard After David Hogg Campaign
- Seahawks owner Paul Allen gives $100,000 to help Republicans keep control of U.S. House
- John Kerry: Trump 'really just doesn't know what he's talking about. He makes things up.'
- Brett Kavanaugh: The Most Unpopular Supreme Court Nominee in Decades
trump, donald, david, house, about, things, just, ted
2018-09-03- Donald Trump complained that coverage of John McCain’s death was “over-the-top”, and that it distracted from his recent trade deal with Mexico, report says
- Like frogs in a slowly boiling pot, Americans are finally realizing how dire their labor situation is
- Trump loyalist Nunes finds himself in tighter race than usual as Democratic rival rises in the polls
- Bernie Sanders: Trump is a ‘pathological liar’
- President Donald Trump started his Labor Day with an attack on a top union leader
- Trump Has Normalized Racism, Lying, Scapegoating and Corruption, Says Fox News Analyst
- Fox News' Brit Hume to Trump: Sessions's job 'is not to play goalie for a president'
- What Just Happened? $30 Trillion to the Richest White Americans Since 2008
- Pro-Trump guest grilled on Fox News: Why are president’s poll numbers so low if Americans are happy?
- Check Your Wallet: Can You Find the $4,000 Trump Promised You?
trump, americans, fox, labor, donald, you, trump:, just
2018-09-04- Ex-Trump Lawyer Told Mueller Trump is too Dumb to Testify
- Parkland Dad: Kavanaugh Refused to Shake My Hand
- Republicans Who Didn’t Even Hold Hearing on Merrick Garland Complain That Democrats Are Destroying Norms
- Dems interrupt Kavanaugh hearing, asking that it be adjourned
- Energized against Donald Trump, Democrats reach +14 in the midterms
- Hours before Kavanaugh nomination hearings, Bush lawyer releases 42,000 pages of documents to Judiciary Committee
- Bernstein: Trump presidency a national emergency
- Well, I Guess the President Is Openly Pro-Corruption Now
- Mueller Persists Despite Trump Team's Claim That the Clock Has Run Out
- Donald Trump called Jeff Sessions a ‘dumb southerner,’ showing apparent disdain for people who voted for him in 2016
trump, kavanaugh, donald, mueller, lawyer, who, democrats, emergency
2018-09-05- No, anonymous Trump official, you're not 'part of the resistance.' You're a coward
- I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
- Trump suggests protesting should be illegal
- A Judge Who Can’t Be Vetted Shouldn’t Be Confirmed
- Furious Trump trapped by hundreds of Woodward tapes
- Donald Trump Has Called People 'Mentally Retarded' Multiple Times on Tape, Despite Claiming He's Never Said It
- Missing Kavanaugh Docs Being Kept Secret to Cover up Evidence of Crime, Fmr Fed Prosecutor Says
- Support for Republicans and for Kavanaugh crumbles
- Just Shut Up and Quit
- This Is a Constitutional Crisis
trump, kavanaugh, you're, up, no,, secret, kept, being
2018-09-06- Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office
- 'Bring it': Cory Booker says he's releasing a confidential document on Kavanaugh, risking expulsion from the Senate
- Booker Releases Committee Confidential Documents Related to Yesterday’s Testimony
- Sarah Huckabee Sanders 'Should Be Fired' For Tweeting NYT's Phone Number After Op-Ed: Bush Ethics Chief
- 'Kavanaugh Committed Perjury': New Documents Appear to Show Trump Supreme Court Pick Lied Under Oath Multiple Times
- Brett Kavanaugh Perjured Himself. He Should Be Impeached From The D.C. Circuit Soon.
- White House officials flagged Trump's behavior to psychiatrist last year
- Leaked Documents From Kavanaugh’s Time in White House Discuss Abortion and Affirmative Action
- Kavanaugh declines to answer question on whether he's talked about Mueller probe with people at Trump's attorney's firm
- Five Times Brett Kavanaugh Appears to Have Lied to Congress While Under Oath
documents, kavanaugh, under, white, confidential, he's, booker, trump's
2018-09-07- Obama: How Hard Can It Be to Say 'Nazis Are Bad'?
- Newly Released Emails Show Brett Kavanaugh May Have Perjured Himself at Least Four Times
- Booker releases another batch of 'confidential' Kavanaugh docs
- Dems vow to grab Trump tax returns upon taking majority
- Obama Calls Out Trump by Name in Most Political Post-Presidency Speech Yet
- Only 5 senators were in the room to hear Parkland shooting survivor's testimony on Kavanaugh
- Trump tells supporters it'll be their fault if he gets impeached
- The President's Broken Brain Was on Full Display in Montana
- John Dean: If Kavanaugh's confirmed, a president who shoots someone on Fifth Avenue can't be prosecuted in office
- Liberal groups urge Dems to seek perjury probe of Kavanaugh
kavanaugh, trump, dems, obama:, broken, president's, impeached, gets
2018-09-08- Donald Trump will have to answer questions under oath from sexual assault accuser
- Trump Wants to Polygraph His Own Staff. That’s Nuts.
- Collins' Office Received 3,000 Coat Hangers Protesting Kavanaugh
- Mulvaney: Trump regularly asks why Roy Moore lost
- That Anonymous Op-Ed Was About Saving the GOP — Not the Republic
- New Documents Affirm Kavanaugh's Hostility Toward Church-State Separation
- Kavanaugh’s refusal to recuse disqualifies him
- David Brock: I knew Brett Kavanaugh during his years as a Republican operative. Don't let him sit on the Supreme Court.
- ‘Plaid shirt guy’ ejected from Trump rally says Secret Service ‘told me not to come back’
- Trump Aides Are Worried That Obama Will Rile the President, as he Obsesses Over Coverage of his Speech
trump, kavanaugh, will, brett, sit, let, don't, operative.
2018-09-09- Merrick Garland asked to probe perjury allegations against Brett Kavanaugh
- Brett Kavanaugh said he would kill Roe v. Wade last week and almost no one noticed
- Obama tells voters to step up or 'things can get worse'
- Bob Woodward: "People better wake up to what's going on" in the Oval Office
- Trump has failed to do 'basic stuff' correctly while 'violating' principles of American democracy, says Obama in fresh attack
- On Fox News, a Former CIA Contractor Threatened to 'Choke' Barack Obama
- Unsealed FBI Documents Detail Roger Stone’s Watergate-Era Dirty Tricks
- Pence ‘more than willing’ to sit down with Mueller
- Cruz: Democrats want Texas to be 'like California,' have 'tofu' and 'dyed hair'
- RNC asks court to keep recount plan for 2020 secret
obama, up, brett, kavanaugh, fbi, pence, tricks, dirty
2018-09-10- Trump reportedly exploded at his ex-lawyer after he heard Mueller was looking into his relationship with Deutsche Bank: 'This is bulls---!'
- America 'underestimating how serious' situation is in Trump's White House, Bob Woodward says
- Brett Kavanaugh’s Lying to Get on the Supreme Court, Like Clarence Thomas Before Him
- Kavanaugh accused of 'untruthful testimony, under oath and on the record'
- Ted Cruz Takes Brave Anti-Tofu Stance, Despite Texas Being a Soybean State
- President Trump and aides caught on tape laughing about Niger terrorist ambush that left four U.S. soldiers dead
- Bombs Away: Trump Has the I.Q. of an Inbred Tanning Bed, Says a Liberated Gary Cohn
- Liberal crowdfunding campaign to pressure Susan Collins for Kavanaugh 'no' vote tops $800,000
- Liberals to Collins: Vote No on Kavanaugh or We’ll Give $800,000 to Your Next Challenger
- What boycott? Nike sales are up 31 percent since the Kaepernick campaign
kavanaugh, trump, campaign, vote, $800,000, cohn, gary, liberated
2018-09-11- House Democrats’ top priority if they win in November is a sweeping anti-corruption bill
- Trump told Gary Cohn to 'print money' to lower the national debt, according to Bob Woodward's book
- Federal deficit soars 32 percent to $895B
- Sheldon Whitehouse Asks Brett Kavanaugh If He Has A Gambling Problem
- Trump begins 9/11 anniversary with angry early morning tweet about Russia and Hillary Clinton
- Stephen Miller's former rabbi calls him a purveyor of 'violence, malice, and brutality'
- Rich People Broke America and Never Paid the Price
- This Florida woman had to travel 10 hours by bus to have her voting rights restored
- It's not just CNN's poll. All polling shows Trump's approval rating dropping.
- GOP Lawmaker Outed as a Leader of a White Supremacist Hate Group
trump, house, paid, hours, 10, travel, had, woman
2018-09-12- Betsy DeVos Loses Student Loan Lawsuit Brought by 19 States
- Trump admin took millions from FEMA for ICE detentions
- A Series Of Suspicious Money Transfers Followed The Trump Tower Meeting
- Susan Collins Complains of “Bribery” After Nonbillionaires Try to Influence Her Kavanaugh Vote
- Sen. King says he’ll vote no on Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court
- Willie Nelson Will Headline a Rally for Beto O’Rourke
- Poll: Midwest Abandons Trump, Fueling Democratic Advantage For Control Of Congress
- Trump transfers 10 million from FEMA to ICE before Hurricane Florence
- Evidence of Kavanaugh Perjury Mounts After Durbin Releases More "Confidential" Documents
- Calls for Kavanaugh’s Impeachment Grow
kavanaugh, trump, ice, transfers, vote, fema, abandons, advantage
2018-09-13- Trump claims 3,000 people did not die in Puerto Rico hurricanes
- Brett Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual misconduct with a woman in a letter that's been passed to the FBI: Report
- New poll 47% of America says Trump should be removed from office
- Senate Democrats Have Sent A Secret Letter About Brett Kavanaugh To The FBI
- Ocasio-Cortez slams Trump's Puerto Rico comments: 'My own grandfather died'
- Feds holding 12,800 migrant children in detention centers, report says
- House Republicans block Democrats' request for Trump-Putin meeting details
- Audio Reveals Potentially Illegal Coordination Between NRA and Montana Senate Hopeful Matt Rosendale
- Woodward says he has ‘boxes of recordings’ to back claims in Trump book
- Dem Lawmaker: '3,000 People Died and Donald Trump Wants Us to Believe He Is The Victim'
trump, brett, report, senate, been, kavanaugh, claims, rico
2018-09-14- Harrison Ford urges voters to 'stop electing leaders who don't believe in science'
- Ex-Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort agrees to plead guilty in deal with special counsel Robert Mueller
- Manafort Plea Deal Includes Cooperation With Prosecutors
- Megathread: Trump ex-campaign chief Manafort to help Russia inquiry in plea deal
- Nikki Haley spent over $52K in State Department money on curtains
- Paul Manafort is the first Trump Tower meeting attendee to flip
- 'Paul Manafort will tell the truth,' Trump's legal team said. Minutes later, they took it back
- Brett Kavanaugh misled the Senate under oath. I cannot support his nomination.
- Florida Governor: Gillum (D) 48%, DeSantis (R) 42%
- Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
manafort, deal, trump, plea, chief, paul, under, senate
2018-09-15- RIP to the Republican Party that preached balanced budgets and fiscal restraint
- Trump is reportedly upset about old video footage showing him throwing rolls of paper towels at first-responders in Puerto Rico
- McConnell breaks Senate tradition to obstruct Democratic campaigns: “He’s resorted to cheap tactics”
- Ohio’s Richest Republican Backer Leslie Wexner Quits Party After Visit From President Obama
- Michael Avenatti Says Michael Cohen Helped Donald Trump 'Rig the Election' and He 'Deserves the Max Penalty'
- We need the fullest possible airing of the accusation against Brett Kavanaugh
- Trump Doubles Down On Puerto Rico Death Toll Claims Despite Backlash
- Ex-GOP Donor Urges Support for Dems in Midterms: 'Democracy is at Stake'
- More People Will Likely Be Charged Based on Manafort’s Cooperation, Says Former U.S. Attorney
- Kavanaugh and the 'boys will be boys' sentiment is a poor excuse for bad behavior
trump, party, republican, rico, michael, puerto, will, kavanaugh
2018-09-16- Ted Cruz Campaign is Mailing Donation Requests Disguised as Legal Summonses
- California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault
- AGs suing Trump ask for all communications with foreign officials about Trump Hotel
- Are Republicans Really Going to Nominate an Accused Rapist to Overturn Roe?
- Durbin calls for delay in Kavanaugh vote
- Senate Democrats call for Kavanaugh investigation
- Doug Jones: 'Hit the pause button' on Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation vote
- GOP Florida House candidate put on probation after lying about degree
- Graham open to having Kavanaugh accuser testify before committee
- Justice Department Attempts to Suppress Evidence That the Border Patrol Targeted Humanitarian Volunteers
kavanaugh, about, vote, trump, court, candidate, house, florida
2018-09-17- Ted Cruz Campaign Accused of Violating Texas Law with Deceptive Mailer Disguised as ‘Summons’
- History Will Remember Mitch McConnell as One of the Very Worst
- Megathread: Senate Judiciary Committee To Hold Public Hearing On Kavanaugh Accusations, Vote Postponed
- Murkowski becomes third GOP senator to suggest delaying Kavanaugh vote after sexual assault accusation
- Donald Trump, Jr. Posts Instagram Apparently Mocking Kavanaugh's Accuser
- Joe Walsh: Trump Jr. is an ‘uncaring, narrow-minded idiot’
- Yes, $10 million were transferred from FEMA to ICE
- President Trump just seriously escalated his efforts to interfere with Mueller’s probe
- Megathread: Trump Orders Justice Dept. To Declassify Russia-Related Material
- Trump Tax Law Has Led to Repatriation of Just 3% of the Cash He Promised It Would
trump, jr., megathread:, kavanaugh, law, vote, just, $10
2018-09-18- Ted Cruz leads Beto O'Rourke 54 to 45, Quinnipiac poll says
- Florida governor booed out of restaurant over red tide algae issues
- Donald Trump Is Actively Obstructing Justice
- A 2015 clip of Brett Kavanaugh joking about his days at an elite high school has resurfaced and is going viral
- Ultra-rich Trump official says consumers won’t notice price increases, leaves CNBC hosts speechless
- Senate panel formally postpones Kavanaugh vote
- The Supreme Court Needs Term Limits
- Trump's Penis Looks Like Toad From Mario Kart, Says Stormy Daniels
- If You See Disinformation Ahead of the Midterms, We Want to Hear From You
- Brett Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached for Lying to Senate
kavanaugh, trump, you, brett, senate, term, needs, court
2018-09-19- Trump Ordered the Release of Sensitive Intelligence at Sean Hannity’s Request
- GoFundMe campaign raises over $90K to cover Kavanaugh accuser's security costs
- U.S. Loses Track of Another 1,500 Migrant Children, Investigators Find
- Alibaba will no longer bring 1 million jobs to the US, citing tariffs
- Opposition to Kavanaugh grows, support at historic low: Reuters/Ipsos poll
- Russia Investigation: FBI And DOJ Will Reportedly Defy Trump and Redact Secret Documents
- If Collins Backs Kavanaugh, $1.4m is Waiting for Her Next Opponent. That’s Not Bribery, It’s Politics
- Paul Ryan’s Super PAC Is Flooding Congressional Races with Misinformation About Democrats
- Trump on Hurricane Florence: “One of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water”
- 'It was humiliating': Black candidate has cops called on her while canvassing in predominantly white neighborhood
trump, will, her, kavanaugh, bribery,, flooding, pac, super
2018-09-20- Trump admin moves $260M from cancer research, HIV/AIDS and other programs to cover custody of immigrant children costs
- Michael Cohen spoke to Mueller team for hours; asked about Russia, possible collusion
- How Does Trump 'Even Sleep at Night'? Cuts to Cancer Research, Head Start, and Women's Shelters Among $226 Million Diverted to Pay for Child Detention
- If Kavanaugh's accuser is lying, why is she the one asking for a thorough investigation?
- LeBron: Trump shouldn't have the time to insult me on Twitter
- 'Evil': Worst Fears Realized as ICE Arrests Dozens of Family or Guardians Attempting to Retrieve Children From Detention
- Rubio gets mad at John Kerry for talking to Iran, forgets he signed Republicans’ 2015 letter to Iran
- Donald Trump erodes Social Security and Medicare solvency while blaming Democrats
- Yale Law dean: Reports that professor groomed female clerks for Kavanaugh 'of enormous concern'
- 'Millions of Us Have Your Back': #DearProfessorFord Goes Viral as Women Nationwide Take Stand for Kavanaugh Accuser
trump, detention, accuser, cancer, research,, children, kavanaugh, have
2018-09-21- 400,000 Americans in 900 Cities Ready to Take to Streets If President Trump Fires Rosenstein After NYT Bombshell
- Trump’s denial that 3,000 people died in Puerto Rico is an outrageous lie by a U.S. president
- Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment
- Michael Cohen confirms cooperation against President Trump, says he is giving Mueller 'critical information'
- Faculty at Brett Kavanaugh’s Alma Mater Are Demanding Screeching Halt to His Confirmation
- Psychiatrist Bandy Lee: Trump is getting worse; “I suspect he is unable to tolerate reality”
- Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke debate tonight at 6 p.m. Central. Watch here.
- Ronald Reagan's Daughter Comes Out As Sexual Assault Survivor in Op-Ed Defending Kavanaugh Accuser
- Trump walks back his plan to declassify documents related to Russia investigation
- NYT sues FCC, says it hid evidence of Russia meddling in net neutrality repeal
trump, president, rosenstein, nyt, russia, 400,000, tonight, daughter
2018-09-22- 6 siblings of an Arizona Republican congressman endorsed his Democratic opponent in a scathing campaign ad
- Lawmaker quits race after daughter says he molested her for more than a decade
- Accused pedophile Roy Moore has come to Brett Kavanaugh’s defense
- Woman says she was assaulted at home of man testifying for Kavanaugh’s character
- Hillary Clinton: ‘I Never Had To Steal A Treaty’ Off President Obama’s Desk
- Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to be deposed about plan to rig 2020 census
- No president has seen the number of scandals Trump has
- Spokesman for GOP on Kavanaugh nomination resigns; has been accused of harassment in the past
- Ed Whelan Started Researching Brett Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Before Her Name Had Been Published
- On November 6, Vote Like the Whole World Depended On It
been, kavanaugh’s, president, accused, had, kavanaugh, her, brett
2018-09-23- Nike has donated three times as much money to Republicans as Democrats this year
- Psst, President Trump! The Chinese aren’t paying for the tariffs you’re imposing. We are.
- Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years
- Alyssa Milano: I was sexually assaulted as a teen. Here’s why I didn’t report.
- Graham: Ford’s testimony won’t change my vote
- Yale Students To Prof Who Denies Coaching Kavanaugh Clerks: You’re Lying
- Former congressman: 'Trump has completely destroyed the Republican Party'
- A Grassroots Call to Ban Gerrymandering
- Graham: ‘I’m Not Going To Ruin Judge Kavanaugh’s Life Over This’
- CNN Pro-Trump Contributor Jason Miller Departs Amid Legal Mess
i, graham:, kavanaugh’s, you’re, democrats, nike, completely, 'trump
2018-09-24- Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's Yale roommate says he believes second accuser
- The Latest: AP source says Rosenstein expecting to be fired
- Megathread: Additional accusations of sexual misconduct made against Brett Kavanaugh
- Kamala Harris calls for Senate to protect Mueller probe as Rosenstein faces potential dismissal
- Avenatti: New client will go public with Kavanaugh accusations in next 48 hours
- Avenatti Claims to Have Evidence That Brett Kavanaugh Was Involved in 'Gang Rapes' in High School
- Megathread: Deupty AG Rod Rosenstein to remain in job, meeting with President Trump on Thursday
- Yale cancels classes as law students protest Brett Kavanaugh nomination
- Veterans are running as Democrats, and the GOP is scrambling to respond
- GOPers Knew About New Allegation Last Week, Tried To Rush Confirmation Vote
kavanaugh, brett, rosenstein, yale, accusations, megathread:, new, classes
2018-09-25- Watch: Donald Trump laughed at by U.N. General Assembly for claiming his administration is greatest in history
- President Trump Is Literally the Laughingstock of the World
- The World Just Laughed at Donald Trump
- Ted Cruz heckled out of D.C. restaurant: ‘We believe survivors!’
- Newly Uncovered Memo Suggests Kirstjen Nielsen Lied to Congress About Family Separation
- Brett Kavanaugh’s Yale Roommate Says Nominee Was ‘Capable’ of Sexual Misconduct, Was ‘Aggressive’ When Drunk
- Trump's 'She Was Drunk' Argument Is a Disaster for Republicans
- Kavanaugh says it was legal for seniors to drink when he was in high school, but Maryland's drinking age was raised to 21 when he was 17
- Kavanaugh claims he had a sterling reputation at Yale, is immediately shot down by ex-roommate
- Twitter Users Burn Sarah Sanders After She Says Every Supreme Court Nominee Deserves A Vote
trump, when, world, laughed, donald, nominee, kavanaugh, watch:
2018-09-26- Fox News roasted on Twitter after editing out world leaders laughing at Trump
- Avenatti identifies Kavanaugh accuser as Washington resident Julie Swetnick, claims Supreme Court pick and pal tried to spike girls' drinks
- Calls to Impeach Brett Kavanaugh from His Federal Judgeship Intensify
- It's Difficult to Overstate How Unhinged, and Legitimately Scary, That Trump Presser Was
- Megathread: Michael Avenatti releases affidavit from woman detailing new allegations against Brett Kavanaugh
- Avenatti to Trump: 'I am thoroughly enjoying living in your head rent-free'
- Mark Judge’s girlfriend is ready to talk to FBI and Judiciary Committee, her lawyer says
- First Republican calls for FBI to investigate Kavanaugh
- Amid Effort to Ram Kavanaugh Through Senate, House GOP Refusing to Reauthorize Violence Against Women Act
- Senate probes new misconduct allegation against Kavanaugh: NBC News
kavanaugh, avenatti, against, news, trump, brett, fbi, calls
2018-09-27- Lindsey Graham Threatens to Falsify Accusations of Assault Against Democratic Supreme Court Nominees
- Chris Wallace: My daughters disclosed incidents from their youth after Kavanaugh allegations
- Kavanaugh misled senators under oath before to get confirmed
- Denouncing 'Misogynistic Bullying' and 'Failed Leadership,' 50+ Groups Call on Grassley to Resign Immediately as Judiciary Committee Chair
- Americans are not going to forget this day. Especially women.
- Brett Kavanaugh’s Adolescent Tantrum Before the Senate Judiciary Committee
- Christine Blasey Ford: I’ll Never Forget ‘Uproarious Laughter’ During Assault
- Remember That Time Brett Kavanaugh Said Polygraphs Are Important In Making Hiring Decisions?
- Why Brett Kavanaugh’s Hearings Convinced Me That He’s Guilty
- The first time a woman tried to speak in the Kavanaugh hearing, she was interrupted
kavanaugh, brett, time, before, kavanaugh’s, forget, judiciary, assault
2018-09-28- American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations
- Kavanaugh said his life is ruined. Parkland dad tweets: ‘Try having a child murdered’
- Senate GOP agrees to one-week delay on Kavanaugh confirmation to allow for FBI probe
- Sexual Assault Survivor Confronts Jeff Flake On CNN: ‘Don’t Look Away From Me’
- With 'Extraordinary' and 'Remarkable' Request, Bar Association Calls on GOP to Delay Vote, Order FBI Probe into Kavanaugh
- Brett Kavanaugh’s Testimony Made It Easier Than Ever to Picture Him As an Aggressive, Entitled Teen
- Kavanaugh confirmation: Yale Law joins American Bar Association in request for FBI probe
- I've Witnessed Him 'Stumbling Drunk': Brett Kavanaugh's Classmate Says Supreme Court Nominee is 'Blatantly Lying'
- Flake calls for one-week delay to floor vote on Kavanaugh
- A Republican Yale drinking buddy of Kavanaugh's tells CNN he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee
kavanaugh, delay, fbi, bar, probe, american, senate, kavanaugh's
2018-09-29- White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation
- A majority of voters say they won't re-elect senators if they confirm Kavanaugh
- Under the Fog of Kavanaugh, House Passes $3.8 Trillion More in Tax Cuts
- Bernie Sanders calls for FBI to investigate whether Kavanaugh told truth in hearing
- Everyone Got to Be Angry at the Kavanaugh Hearing Except Christine Blasey Ford
- Nancy Pelosi calls Brett Kavanaugh "hysterical," says he is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court
- The White House Is Running a Sham Investigation to Shield Kavanaugh
- Democrats planning to examine Trump’s tax returns after the midterms
- More Brett Kavanaugh Classmates Are Saying He Lied to Congress
- Brett Kavanaugh exposed his political grudges — now faith in a neutral Supreme Court may be lost for decades
kavanaugh, brett, house, they, supreme, hearing, court, calls
2018-09-30- Kavanaugh said he had 'No connections' to Yale. He was, in fact, a legacy student.
- 55% of GOP Say Sexual Assault Not Disqualifying for SCOTUS; What Is *Wrong* With Them?
- Halifax cartoonist’s response to Kavanaugh hearing goes viral
- Legal Experts and Yale Friends Believe Kavanaugh Committed Perjury
- Christine Blasey Ford Would Have Been Called ‘Hysterical’ If She Acted Like Kavanaugh: Pelosi
- Avenatti Vows to ‘Take the Facts’ to the American People if FBI’s Kavanaugh Probe Doesn’t Include his Client
- Young people sue federal government over inaction on climate change
- Klobuchar: 'White House should not be allowed to micromanage' FBI investigation into Kavanaugh
- Trump says FBI has 'free rein' in Kavanaugh investigation, yet he's put strict limits on agents' work
- Feinstein calls on White House, FBI to release scope of Kavanaugh investigation
kavanaugh, fbi, investigation, people, federal, klobuchar:, change, climate

1: kavanaugh, trump, brett, about, donald, supreme, senate, president, kavanaugh’s, vote, fbi, court, people, house, will, calls, have, democrats, gop, sexual

2: brett kavanaugh, donald trump, supreme court, brett kavanaugh’s, ted cruz, sexual assault, judiciary committee, kavanaugh accuser, puerto rico, white house, president trump, under oath, kavanaugh said, kavanaugh vote, michael cohen, against brett, christine blasey, court nominee, senate judiciary, kavanaugh nomination