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2016-05-01- "What is unfair is when Sanders wins a state by 70 percent of the vote and superdelegates in that state vote for Hillary Clinton because they're part of the Democratic establishment, that's unfair,"
- In other words, America is a plutocracy (or, if you prefer, an oligarchy). And the only way to challenge this “government by the wealthy” is for the people to rise up and demand a fair and just economy, as they have in the past. This has been Bernie Sanders’ message throughout 2016
- "It has become clear, though, that the goal of voter suppression laws shamelessly championed by Republicans is to hobble the young and minority voters, who tend to favor the Democratic Party."
- Surge in California voters - first In 25 years
- If the FBI concludes that the identity and location of this individual was authentic, then Sidney Blumenthal, an employee of the Clinton Foundation, was sending highly classified information from his AOL account to the Secretary of State’s private email server
- Sanders: "It will be a contested convention"
- Sanders supporters hound FCC with complaints about media bias
- Bernie Sanders supporters strategizing to build a lasting progressive movement
- The Latest: Bill Clinton Draws Boos in WV
- Trump like Bernie? Don’t be fooled by lazy comparisons — Sanders stands for all that Trump hates
sanders, this, clinton, bernie, "it, trump, democratic, supporters
2016-05-02- Clinton Flip-Flops on Coal, Now Wants Coal to Prosper
- "Secretary Clinton is looting funds meant for the state parties to skirt fundraising limits on her presidential campaign"
- Keeping Wall Street Speeches Secret Speaks Volumes About Hillary Clinton
- Politico Exposes Clinton Campaign ‘Money-Laundering’ Scheme: "Despite Clinton’s pledges to rebuild state parties, Politico found that less than 1 percent of the $61 million raised by the Victory Fund has stayed in the state parties’ coffers."
- DOJ Acknowledges Hillary Email Investigation Is 'a Law Enforcement Matter'
- South Dakota charges a defendant $92 an hour for his public defender, owed no matter the outcome of the case. If a public defender spends 10 hours proving that her client is innocent, the defendant still owes the lawyer $920, even though he committed no crime and his arrest was a mistake.
- Hillary Clinton withholding donations from state parties, report says | "less than 1 percent of the $61 million raised so far has gone to state parties"
- Clinton greeted with ‘boos’ during Williamson visit
- Clinton emails ‘far more egregious’ than data breach that has Marine officer facing dismissal
- Bernie Sanders: 'I hope my legacy will be that I was a very good president' | US news
clinton, state, hillary, her, public, defendant, raised, million
2016-05-03- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: "If it were up to me, I’d exclude independents from Democratic primaries"
- Poll: Democrats want Sanders to stay in through the convention
- Young women are unfollowing Hillary Clinton more than any other 2016 candidate
- Poll: Sanders leads by 8 points in West Virginia
- Bernie Sanders Has Forced Hillary Clinton to Compete and Her Supporters Have Had Enough of It
- “The whole reason for having an independent third party that cannot be silenced is there are 25 percent of Bernie’s voters who are not going into that dark night to vote for the No. 1 cheerleader for Wal-Mart, for Wall Street, for an endless war,” Stein said
- Hillary’s $165 Billion Arms Sale Fundraiser: The Saudi deal was one of dozens of arms sales approved by Hillary Clinton’s State Department that placed weapons in the hands of governments that had also donated money to the Clinton family philanthropic empire
- Bernie Sanders should push for a new realism in foreign policy "Americans are weary of wars without end and without victory. They are increasingly skeptical of trade deals that protect the rights of global corporations while costing the jobs and incomes of American workers."
- A Basic Income Should Be the Next Big Thing
- Hillary Clinton’s Growing Problem With Independents
hillary, sanders, clinton, independents, clinton’s, poll:, bernie, without
2016-05-04- Don't let U.S. become next Rome: Entrenched political elites will sacrifice anything to retain power, including their own country.
- Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, 'it was easy'
- Megathread - Ted Cruz Suspends Presidential Campaign
- New Yorkers unleash rage over alleged primary voter fraud
- Bernie Sanders Receives Endorsement from West Virginia State Democratic Party Leader
- Hillary Clinton could face an FBI investigation that stretches well beyond this November’s election, casting a shadow over the presumed Democratic candidate’s campaign and raising the prospect of the second impeachment hearing against a Clinton president.
- Bernie Sanders Rips Clinton For Campaign 'Money-Laundering' Scheme
- Trump: 'The books are cooked against Bernie!'
- Trump Admits He’d Much Rather Face Clinton Than Sanders In The General
- After Indiana win, Sanders calls for California debate
clinton, sanders, campaign, democratic, against, bernie, face, over
2016-05-05- At Maine convention, Democrats to vote on eliminating superdelegates.
- Americans’ Distaste For Both Trump And Clinton Is Record-Breaking
- There are strong indications of election fraud in the Democratic primaries. We might not like it, it might make us uncomfortable, but the numbers and the statistics suggest that something untoward is happening
- Wall Street Whistleblower Turns His Scrutiny on the Clinton Foundation - ‘This is a charity fraud’
- Fired up by Bernie Sanders, Democrats shift left on health care
- Clinton Superdelegate Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison for Corruption
- 2,000 doctors say Bernie Sanders has the right approach to health care
- FBI interviews Clinton aides including Huma Abedin as part of email probe
- Hacker reveals how he read Hillary Clinton's emails
- Sanders Shouldn’t Drop Out For Clinton’s Sake
clinton, bernie, democrats, might, sanders, health, care, corruption
2016-05-06- Atlanta Mayor’s Column Ripping Sanders Drafted by Lobbyist, Emails Show
- Panama Papers Source: 'I have watched as one after another, whistleblowers and activists in the United States and Europe have had their lives destroyed ... [Edward Snowden] deserves a hero’s welcome and a substantial prize, not banishment'
- Hillary Clinton to be interviewed in FBI email investigation
- Top Democrat suspended for mysterious voter purge
- Sanders accuses DNC of tipping convention toward Clinton
- Our awful elites gutted America. Now they dare ring alarms about Trump, Sanders — and cast themselves as saviors
- Sanders poised for May win streak
- #DropOutHillary Trends over Quarter Million
- Sen. Bernie Sanders says he will lead a floor fight at this summer’s Democratic National Convention if the party does not put his supporters on key committees.
- Extreme Voter Suppression in New York and Arizona - Demands for Recount
sanders, convention, clinton, voter, have, now, themselves, trends
2016-05-07- Clinton Must Release Her Wall Street Transcripts Now That the Prerequisite She Set Has Been Met
- Sanders awarded 49 more Washington state delegates
- Step by step instructions on how to remove Debbie Wasserman Schultz from congress #DebtTrapDebbie
- Hillary's latest email lie didn't even last a week
- Bernie Sanders has been criticized for officially becoming a Democrat only 12 months before the general election, but Hillary Clinton moved to New York only 10 months before the 2000 election in order to win a Senate seat
- Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist: Hillary Approved Sending Sarin Gas to Rebels to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War
- With Only Sanders and Trump Still Running... Where are Those Transcripts?
- Maine Democratic Party Abolishes Superdelegates
- "Sanders has exposed not just his opponent, Hillary Clinton, but the entire Democratic Party leadership and most of its elected officials as nothing but hired corporate tools posing as progressive advocates of the people"
- Til that the Bush and Clinton families are extremely close. Barbara calls Bill Clinton "son," while George W. Bush calls him "my brother by another mother" and Hillary Clinton "my sister in law."
clinton, hillary, but, sanders, only, been, democratic, calls
2016-05-08- Sanders: Too many Americans have seen their lives destroyed because they have criminal records as a result of marijuana use. That’s wrong. That has got to change.
- Sanders: "If we are to have a unified party in the fall, no matter who wins the nomination, we cannot have a Democratic National Convention in which the views of millions of people who participated in the Democratic nominating process are unrepresented in the committee membership.”
- Bernie Sanders pulls ahead of Hillary in West Virginia poll
- Sanders is no tea party leftist. He has a long record of working with others in both houses of Congress. He has upstaged Clinton on campaign issues and largely framed the Democratic debate.
- Maine Democrats vote to strip superdelegates of power
- Sanders Sweeps Clinton in Washington Caucus with 74 to 27
- Decision time for FBI on Clinton
- Hillary Clinton FBI Investigation: Clinton Lacks 'Judgement And Character To Be President,' Slammed For Jeopardizing National Security: “Whether the person knew or suspected the information was classified is irrelevant.”
- Trump says taxes for the wealthy should go up
- Donald Trump has called for the elimination of the federal minimum wage
clinton, have, sanders, democratic, hillary, fbi, who, no
2016-05-09- Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missing
- Be nice to Hillary Clinton online — or risk a confrontation with her super PAC
- Sanders to supporters: Don't let anyone tell you this is over
- Here’s Proof Hillary lied about being hacked
- For the third time, Donald Trump, U.S. is not 'highest taxed nation in the world'
- Sanders Crushing Trump in Polls 53 Percent to 38 Percent, Seen as Strongest General Election Candidate
- Bernie Sanders' idea for free tuition at public colleges deserves an A - “It is insane and counter-productive … that hundreds of thousands of bright young people cannot afford to go to college"
- Hillary Clinton on email server: "It wasn't my best choice"
- "​To those ​Hillary Clinton folks who ​believe Bernie Sanders ​supporters ​are​ 'spoilers' if ​ we​ now​ refuse to​ vote for Clinton ​in the general election, my response is​: How can we ​'spoil​' ​a putrefied system​ ​that's just given us Donald Trump and Clinton?"
- Wall Street Whistleblower Calls Clinton Foundation ‘Charity Fraud’
clinton, hillary, sanders, bernie, donald, my, trump, general
2016-05-10- Election Officials Tossed 90,000 Affidavit Ballots From Last Month's NY Primary
- Sanders Wins in West Virginia Democratic Primary
- Flint mayor diverted water-crisis money to political PAC, suit says
- Clinton Email Scandal: Now A Key Witness’ Emails Have Mysteriously Vanished | “It’s hard to believe that an IT staffer who set up Hillary Clinton’s reckless email server never sent or received a single work-related email in the four years he worked at the State Department."
- Clinton and the DNC Are Not Just Colluding — They’re Changing the Rules for Superdelegates
- Major Hillary Clinton Donors Caught up in Fresh Panama Papers Scandal
- Clinton Aide Reported to Have Walked Out of FBI Interview
- Jill Stein: The Democratic Party 'fakes left,' marches right
- Arkansas Judge Resigns After 1000s of Photos of Nude Male Defendants Found on His Computer
- Dear Hillary: I'm a Sexual Assault Survivor, and I Can't Bring Myself to Vote For You
clinton, email, hillary, primary, up, democratic, have, election
2016-05-11- FBI's Comey: I feel 'pressure' to quickly finish Clinton email probe
- Jon Stewart Devoured Hillary Clinton And The Media Ignored It
- FBI Director to Herridge: 'We Do Investigations, Not Security Inquiries'
- Wasserman Schultz’s liberal challenger set to announce $1M haul; Tim Canova, the upstart liberal who’s challenging Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for her congressional seat, is about to become a million-dollar candidate.
- Trump's Right: Hillary Owes Voters An Explanation: Hillary used words like "bimbo," "floozy," and "stalker" to describe her husband's accusers, per the Times. She led efforts to dig up dirt on those women, attacking them with a focused fury fueled by political ambitions.
- Panama Papers Leak: Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Others on the List
- Sorry Hillary, FBI Director Confirms Clinton Email ‘Investigation’ Not ‘Security Review’
- Mainstream Media Ignores Sanders' Massive California Rally
- The Bernie Sanders campaign is the only thing going in 2016 that’s giving oxygen to American democracy currently drowning in an ocean of corporate money
- Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' label may stick
clinton, hillary, liberal, wasserman, director, fbi, her, email
2016-05-12- Obama Endorses Idea of National Voting Holiday
- All conditions have been met for Hillary Clinton to release her Wall Street speeches
- New email release shows Clinton chose not to use secure phone line, acknowledged Blackberry risk
- USDA: Beekeepers Lost 44% of Honey Bee Colonies Last Year | “The EPA, USDA and Congress must adopt a federal, unified plan that eliminates the use of systemic pesticides to protect bees and beekeepers.”
- Email: Clinton abandoned secure line to use home phone
- The Kremlin is considering whether or not to release some 20,000 hacked Clinton emails reportedly in its possession: Lazar has stated publicly that he knows he is not the only hacker who was able to — and did — gain access to Clinton’s private server.
- New Study: Anti-Abortion Laws Don’t Reduce Abortion Rates. Contraception Does.
- Judicial Watch: New Clinton Emails Reveal Clinton Knew about Security Risk of Private Blackberry, Avoided Use of Secure Phone
- Jon Stewart perfectly diagnosed the problem with Hillary Clinton’s candidacy | "Hillary is ... a bright woman without the courage of her convictions, because I don't know what they even are."
- Is it time for the Democrats to admit Bernie Sanders is their best hope against Trump?
clinton, use, release, secure, new, phone, emails, —
2016-05-13- Obama Expresses Support For Making Election Day A National Holiday - Currently, there is at least one bill in the U.S. Senate to make Election Day a legal public holiday. The Democracy Day Act of 2015 was proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
- Fmr. Top DOJ Official: Clinton Likely Committed ‘Biggest Violation of Federal Records Act in History’
- Americans Don’t Miss Manufacturing — They Miss Unions
- Hillary’s Latest Scandal: She And Bill Siphoned $100 Mil From Mideast Leaders
- 'We need fundamental changes': US doctors call for universal healthcare
- ‘We’re running a f—ing casino:’ Politician tells all in manifesto
- Hillary Clinton Email Probe Update: New Emails Show Clinton Deliberately Used Unsecured Home Server Despite Security Risk
- Senator Rand Paul to back bill blocking FBI hacking expansion
- Real Americans Don’t Want to ‘Defend’ Toilets. The GOP Doesn’t Care About Real Americans. - "Pretty much everyone is sick of phony culture wars and needless intolerance. Except for Republican elected officials."
- Bernie Sanders reaches out to working class in Billings stop - "If you work a 40-hour week you should not live in poverty."
bill, day, clinton, -, don’t, you, act, americans
2016-05-14- Nevada Dem convention devolves into chaos
- Sanders supporters boo Sen. Boxer at Nevada convention
- Hillary Clinton Received at Least $100 Million from Saudi Arabia
- This is one weak nominee: Hillary Clinton’s problem isn’t Bernie Sanders. It’s Hillary Clinton
- Riled Sanders fans rise up as state Democratic convention begins
- Nationwide marijuana legalization could produce up to $28 billion in yearly tax revenue: "And it comes in addition to the other gains from legalization: fewer racially disparate arrests and a smaller black market for drugs that criminals can use to fund their violent operations."
- Hillary Clinton Holds $100,000-a-Head Fundraisers
- This isn’t how a democracy should work: How the media boosted Donald Trump and screwed Bernie Sanders
- This journalist has seen Trump's tax returns and says he's not as rich as he claims
- Florida politicians and parties got $2.5 million from payday lenders, group says
hillary, convention, sanders, this, clinton, nevada, tax, how
2016-05-15- Nevada Democratic Convention: The Videos You Need to See
- Sanders Supporters Denounce Fraud at Nevada Caucus
- Don’t be fooled by claims that TPP would create jobs: The TPP will offshore California jobs and push down our wages. Americans across the country and across party lines have had enough of these empty free-trade promises and are saying “no” to the TPP.
- Bernie Sanders supporters proclaim #NeverHillary
- Nevada Democratic Convention: Stories of Voter Suppression
- Clinton hounded by past scandals as new charity questions emerge
- Congressman Confirms that Voting Doesn’t Matter and the US Govt Thinks We are All “Sheep”
- Bernie or Bust will save us: The foul stench of “lesser evilism” has made our politics useless
- Leading Liberal Websites Tell Clinton She’s A Weak Candidate
- Georgia Poll | Trump 45% Vs Clinton 41% (Trump +4) | Sanders 47% Vs Trump 42% (Sanders +5) [May 9th-12th]
nevada, sanders, clinton, vs, across, our, bernie, will
2016-05-16- What the hell just happened in Nevada? Sanders supporters are fed up — and rightfully so -- Allocations rules were abruptly changed and Clinton was awarded 7 of the 12 delegates Sanders was hoping to secure
- Sanders Supporters Protest at Nevada Democratic Convention: ‘This is Fixed’
- If you have any doubt that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the worst leader that the Democratic Party has had in modern history, just look at the corporations that she’s allowing to call the shots for this year’s conventions.
- Dem strategist: Clinton can’t sidestep controversies
- Most Americans want to replace Obamacare with a single-payer system — including a lot of Republicans
- Nevada Delegates Excluded From State Democratic Convention Had Registration Status Changed
- Financial analyst alleges major holes in Clinton Foundation records
- Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution forbids office holders from accepting anything of value from a foreign state, yet husband Bill Clinton collected $1 million from the Abu Dhabi government while Hillary was secretary of state.
- Fury builds among Sanders supporters over stonewalling by Dem establishment
- Alaska Dems plan to fight for Sanders at DNC
sanders, clinton, supporters, democratic, changed, —, dem, nevada
2016-05-17- The TSA is a waste of money that doesn't save lives and might actually cost them
- Hillary Clinton's lies can't survive the age of social media
- Defiant Sanders says campaign was denied fairness in Nevada
- Stop blaming Hillary's struggles on Bernie, her problems are hers and hers alone
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz Leads The Democrats In Their Battle Against Democracy
- Sanders: 'Shots Were Fired Into My Campaign Office in Nevada'
- Trump Pulls Almost Even With Clinton In New Poll; Among All Voters, Clinton Is Almost As Unpopular As Trump.
- Sanders Statement on Nevada: "Party leaders in Nevada, for example, claim that the Sanders campaign has a ‘penchant for violence.’ That is nonsense. Our campaign has held giant rallies all across this country, including in high-crime areas, and there have been zero reports of violence."
- Group seeks to force Hillary Clinton to testify under oath about emails
- The FBI Has 80,000 Documents on Saudi Ties to 9/11 It Tried to Suppress
campaign, clinton, sanders, hillary, hers, almost, all, unpopular
2016-05-18- Bernie Sanders accepts Fox News debate invitation
- Sanders wins Oregon
- Hillary Clinton’s viral nightmare: A video of her ‘lying for 13 minutes’
- ‘Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight’ video goes viral
- How Democrats Manipulated Nevada State Party Convention Then Blamed Sanders For Chaos
- Poll: Voters want an independent to run against Clinton, Trump
- “Look, I gotta say it’s not the DNC,” Weaver added. “You know, by and large, people at the DNC have been very good to us. Debbie Wasserman Schultz really is the exception.”
- Automatic Voter Registration in Oregon Is Revolutionizing American Democracy: The state’s new registration system is a model for the rest of the country.
- Interviews of Clinton aides in email case to begin this week
- Hillary Clinton Demands that Donald Trump disclose his tax returns, but still has not released the transcripts she said she would if Bernie Sanders released his tax return
sanders, clinton, hillary, 13, tax, video, viral, trump
2016-05-19- Liberal pundits blame Debbie Wasserman Schultz, not Bernie Sanders, for Democrats’ division
- Mr. President, we need a new DNC chair
- Ex-Aide to Hillary Clinton Testifies About Email Server: A former aide to Hillary Clinton, Lewis A. Lukens, when she was secretary of state testified behind closed doors for two hours Wednesday in the first in a series of depositions.
- Clintons took payments from Trans-Pacific Partnership backers last year - "Hillary Clinton once called the Trans-Pacific Partnership the "gold standard" of free trade and previously indicated she would support the deal before she became a presidential candidate."
- Over $300,000 Transferred From Hillary Victory Fund to State Parties Is Unaccounted For
- Sanders campaign slams Clinton for calling herself nominee
- Clinton to Californians: Your Votes Will Not Affect the Democratic Primary Whatsoever
- Super PAC Seeks IRS Audit of Clinton Foundation
- Wasserman Schultz faces million-dollar primary challenger
- Ex-Aide to Hillary Clinton Testifies About Email Server: “What we learned is going to be embarrassing to Mrs. Clinton and the administration — maybe more than embarrassing.”
clinton, hillary, she, email, testifies, server:, ex-aide, trans-pacific
2016-05-20- Hillary Clinton ducking final debate with Bernie Sanders in California
- US Government's Own Report Shows Toxic TPP "Not Worth Passing". This report indicates the TPP will produce almost no benefits, but inflict real harm on so many workers.'
- Sanders outpaces Clinton in fundraising for fourth straight month
- Robert Gates: I question Hillary Clinton's judgment on email server
- Austin Peterson: “I want gay couples to be able to protect their marijuana fields with fully automatic rifles"
- Democrats can't unite unless Debbie Wasserman Schultz goes.
- Oklahoma governor vetoes bill that would make it a felony to perform abortions
- No, Bill Clinton Does Not ‘Know How’ To Fix The Economy: "The bursting of the tech bubble in 2000, and the subsequent recession, revealed that the 1990s boom was, at least to some degree, a mirage, the result of cheap money."
- 4 Massive 'March for Bernie' Rallies Approved for DNC
- Joe: Clinton a campaign, Sanders a movement
clinton, sanders, bill, tpp, report, hillary, approved, campaign,
2016-05-21- Sanders says he's backing DNC chair's primary opponent, wouldn't reappoint her to DNC
- Hillary Clinton was supposed to have a cake walk against Donald Trump in November, but a growing number of leaders within the Democratic Party are expressing worry that Trump may be a more formidable foe than expected and that Clinton’s errors could lead to a loss
- Bernie Sanders Says Debbie Wasserman Schultz Will Be Gone From DNC If He’s President
- Next Year’s Proposed Military Budget Could Buy Every Homeless Person A $1 Million Home
- Bernie Sanders: American People See Hillary Clinton as 'Lesser of Two Evils'
- Clinton feels no pressure to debate Sanders
- Sanders endorses DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz’s primary opponent
- Clintons Accept Money From TPP Supporters
- Californians are registering to vote in breathtaking numbers not seen since the Reagan Revolution, as the no-holds-barred presidential primary season and tech-based outreach efforts have rousted more than 1 million people from their political slumber.
- Sanders Holds Big Lead over Trump as Clinton Slips
sanders, clinton, dnc, primary, trump, people, million, could
2016-05-22- Sanders: Clinton should "keep her word" on debates
- Senators Call Bernie A 'Loner' Because He Won't 'Hang Out With Lobbyists'
- Sanders: American voters should not be forced to pick between “the lesser of two evils”
- Don’t blame Bernie for fighting on — blame the Dems for trying to crush dissent
- Hillary Clinton wrong that no negative ads have hit Bernie Sanders
- Jon Stewart says Clinton lacks 'courage of her convictions'
- Hillary Clinton cannot wrap up her party’s nomination because a sizable minority of Democratic primary voters simply doesn’t like her. They don’t trust her. They believe she’s corrupt. That she’s part of the moneyed and powerful. That she doesn’t really care about them. And they’re right.
- Bernie Sanders just declared war on the Democratic establishment -"Let me also say this, in all due respect to the current chairperson: If [I am] elected president, she would not be reappointed chairwoman of the DNC."
- Bernie Sanders: Clinton is 'Jumping the Gun' on Definitively Saying She'll Be Democratic Nominee
- The best thing Trump has going for him is Hillary Clinton
clinton, bernie, sanders:, hillary, democratic, her, they, sanders
2016-05-23- Clinton Declines To Participate In Fox News Dem Debate
- Hillary Clinton’s Energy Initiative Pressed Countries to Embrace Fracking, New Emails Reveal
- Clinton declines Calif. debate
- Bernie Sanders Urges His Followers to Take Down Debbie Wasserman Schultz | "We need real change. We need U.S. senators, members of Congress, and state legislators who have the guts to take on the big-money interests whose greed is destroying the American middle class."
- Hillary Clinton Now Loses to Trump in Polls. Bernie Sanders Beats Trump by 10.8 Points.
- Trump passes Clinton in polling average
- DNC chair's opponent raises $250K after Sanders endorsement
- Hillary Clinton pocketed $21.6 million in two years making speeches to corporate America as she picked up a six-figure check nearly every week after she left the Obama administration
- I'm not with her: why millenial women are weary of Hillary Clinton
- Hillary Clinton Is the Jeb Bush of the Left
clinton, hillary, sanders, trump, bernie, debate, declines, she
2016-05-24- US Intelligence Veterans Urge Fast Report on Hillary Clinton’s Emails: “NSA, FBI Have Enough Evidence”
- No presidential debate in California after Clinton breaks promise
- DNC Chair’s PAC Has Paid More in Salaries Than It Has Given to Democrats
- Bank of America $1.27 billion U.S. mortgage penalty is voided
- Donald Trump calls global warming a hoax, until it threatens his golf course
- Bernie Sanders Blasts Hillary Clinton's Refusal to Debate as 'Insulting' to Voters
- Debbie has to go, now, before it’s too late: The Democratic Party can’t unite with her in office
- Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are huge liars, so let's stop pretending we really value honesty
- Clinton Foundation Got $100M From ‘Blood Minerals’ Firm
- Bernie Sanders Goes on the Air in California With $1.5 Million Ad Buy
hillary, clinton, bernie, sanders, california, trump, donald, debate
2016-05-25- Megathread: State Department Email Audit re: Hillary Clinton
- Dems discuss dropping Wasserman Schultz
- Clinton Failed to Report Multiple Attempts to Hack Personal Email
- Hillary Clinton aide moves to block release of deposition video
- Sanders camp: We're getting 'zero' pressure from Dems to drop out
- Hacker who claims he breached Clinton server pleads guilty, strikes deal with feds
- Hillary Clinton has seen a sharp drop in polls in the past two weeks, and while many pundits assume it’s just Donald Trump enjoying a post-nomination bump, there could be another more troubling reason — a mass exodus of Bernie Sanders supporters driven away by what many see as unfair attacks.
- Warren Incensed at GOP Effort to Gut Financial Protections for Retirees:"W hy would anyone on Earth vote to overturn a rule designed to protect Americans from financial fraud?" asks Sen. Elizabeth Warren
- Fox News Should Give America What It Wants: A Primetime Sanders-Trump Debate
- Big-name Democrats won't defend Wasserman Schultz
clinton, hillary, many, sanders, drop, email, financial, dems
2016-05-26- Donald Trump tells Jimmy Kimmel he'd be willing to debate Bernie Sanders for charity
- First Deposition Testimony from Clinton Email Discovery Released
- Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on Email Scandal, Saying 'It Was Allowed'
- Hillary Clinton failed to report several hacking attempts, grew afraid of opening emails
- Mika: It feels like Clinton is lying straight out
- Bernie Sanders Polls: With A Surge In California And A Terrible Week for Hillary Clinton, Nomination May No Longer Be A Pipe Dream
- Bernie Sanders catches Hillary Clinton in new California poll
- National Media Retracts Its Claim That There Was Violence at the Nevada State Democratic Convention
- Clinton’s inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules
- 'H is for hypocrisy': University of California students protest Clinton's presence on their campus
clinton, hillary, california, bernie, sanders, email, donald, poll
2016-05-27- Trump says he will not debate Sanders
- Fox News will schedule an event featuring Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders before California's June 7 primary, according to network host Bret Baier.
- "Hillary Clinton was supposed to have turned over all work-related emails to the State Department to be released to the public. But an agency audit found at least three emails never seen before"
- Donald Trump backs out of debate with Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton did not hand over key emails cited in scathing State Department report
- Sanders blasts Trump: 'What are you afraid of?'
- Clinton has been caught lying for a year in email scandal
- Die-Hard Bernie Sanders Backers See F.B.I. as Answer to Their Prayers | “I don’t know why she’s not already being told, ‘You can’t run because you’re being investigated.’ I don’t know how that’s not a thing.”
- Hillary Clinton Won’t Say How Much Goldman Sachs CEO Invested With Her Son-in-Law
- Trump, Sanders explore staging unusual presidential debate - "Smart and bold move by Sanders," Democratic strategist Brad Bannon said. "The Clinton people are furious but Bernie wins points for being so aggressive.”
sanders, clinton, bernie, trump, debate, being, emails, department
2016-05-28- #ChickenTrump: Twitter Pounds Candidate for Backing Down on Sanders Debate: the Republican frontrunner officially refused to debate Bernie Sanders. He did this despite having his initial demand of $10 million tripled, thanks to CEOs from two companies.
- Sanders: I would vote to legalize marijuana in California
- Superdelegate: "Hillary Clinton began lobbying us a year ago."
- Sanders mocks ‘tough guy’ Trump for changing mind on debate
- Clinton email headache is about to get worse
- Sanders: 'Terrible idea' to turn to Biden if Clinton is indicted
- ChickenTrump Movement Gains Steam: By Turning Down Debate, Donald Trump May Have Lost His Chance At Winning Over "Bernie or Bust" Supporters.
- Hillary Clinton just had the Worst Week in Washington
- Hillary Clinton Now Loses to Trump in Polls. Bernie Sanders Beats Trump by. 10.8 Points.
- As Clinton Slips, Bernie Beats Trump in Every Poll
clinton, trump, sanders, bernie, beats, hillary, debate, sanders:
2016-05-29- Thousands Call on DNC to Oust 'Corporatist Tool' Wasserman Schultz
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz could be out as DNC chair before the convention
- "The Clintons’ most recent financial-disclosure forms show that he earned nearly $2.7 million in fees for speaking to audiences that included financial-industry firms, after she announced her candidacy."
- When MSNBC says Hillary is lying you know she's in trouble
- Sanders: Voters should take a "hard look" at Clinton emails report
- Legal Cannabis is Literally Transforming Cities — Funding Roads, Schools, Charities and More.
- With her email scandal, Hillary Clinton is out of excuses - The exit polls from the "FBI Primary" are in and they don't look good for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
- Wisconsin county clerk says that weekend voting gives "too much access" to ballot
- E-fail: Hillary Clinton didn't use password to protect her PC and used unsecure personal BlackBerry to send private emails 'because she's clueless with computers'
- After latest email revelations and endless dishonesty, time for Hillary Clinton to head for the hills
hillary, clinton, her, email, wasserman, schultz, out, emails
2016-05-30- Clinton cancels Thursday campaign event in N.J.
- "If Clinton wants to become the president of the United States, she needs to explain how she could make such a reckless decision."
- Hillary Clinton’s Emails Now Might Finally Take Her Down
- Sanders supporters in Hawaii now control the Hawaii Democratic Party
- Bernie Sanders says only he supports carbon tax and 'aggressive' approach to climate change. "I believe we should have tax on carbon and deal aggressively with climate change. That is not (Hillary Clinton's) position."
- Eric Holder now says Edward Snowden performed 'public service'
- Huffington Post Writer: Editors Deleted My Article on Hillary’s Imminent Indictment, Disabled Me from Writing
- Bernie Sanders did something special for this California farm town. He showed up.
- Hillary Clinton’s big donor problem isn’t going away: Her history of taking Wall Street cash exemplifies all that’s wrong in U.S. politics
- NYPD Commissioner Has Some ‘Extremely Dubious’ Claims About Marijuana: NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said on a local radio show over the weekend that marijuana is responsible for the “vast majority” of New York City’s violence
now, sanders, clinton, carbon, bernie, climate, change., hawaii
2016-05-31- Hillary Clinton yet to hold single press conference in 2016
- Politifact: Fact-checking Hillary Clinton's claim that her email practices were 'allowed' - False
- Hillary Clinton Has a Lot to Say About Her Emails. Much of It Isn’t True
- Here Are Hillary Clinton's Private Email Server Misstatements
- 20,000 people attend Bernie Sanders rally in Oakland
- Clinton’s Email Claims Vs. State Department Inspector General’s Findings Compared: "According to the findings, she claimed approval she didn’t have and declined to be interviewed for the report despite saying: 'I’m more than ready to talk to anybody anytime.'"
- Clinton Email Update: Judicial Watch Releases Former Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills Deposition Testimony
- New Ad Slams Wasserman Schultz Over Payday Lending Bill
- Top Hillary aide suffers memory loss in deposition
- It’s Not Just the Speeches: Hillary Clinton Questioned over Son-in-Law’s Ties to Goldman Sachs
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