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2016-01-01- The Vermont senator, who is running as a Democrat, says Wall Street's "recklessness" destroyed the economy with the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007. For this reason he says big financial institutions should help pay for free college education in the U.S. through a tax on speculation
- “It appears that Mr. Trump is getting nervous that working families are catching on that his policies represent the interests of the billionaire class against almost everyone else." - Bernie Sanders
- Political Discourse is Getting Dangerously Anti-Intellectual
- Tennessee troopers set up 'no refusal' checkpoints with mandatory blood draws through Jan. 4
- Court: Koch brothers group can't keep donor list from California
- Bill Clinton's speaking fees draw new attention as they line up with actions his wife's State Department took between 2009 and 2013
- More than 1,200 Clinton emails now deemed classified: The agency also falls short of its court-ordered goal of releasing 43,000 pages of the former secretary of state's emails by the end of the year.
- Bernie Sanders: Iowans Will Make History In 2016
- Well-Armed Activists Openly Defy Texas Law to Feed The Homeless
- In 2016, Bernie Sanders Will Defeat Clinton and Dominate Trump to Become President
bernie, will, up, sanders, getting, trump, emails, clinton
2016-01-02- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said Saturday the idea of religious neutrality is not grounded in the country's constitutional traditions and that God has been good to the U.S. exactly because Americans honor him.
- Should politicians be required to wear the logos of their ‘sponsors’ like NASCAR drivers do?
- As we travel the country campaigning for Bernie, we hear a lot of people saying, ‘I love Bernie, but I am not sure he can win.’ But poll after poll shows Bernie is the most electable Democrat.
- "You have a situation today where not only are large banks too big to fail, but the bankers themselves are too big to jail," he (Sanders) told supporters. "How about a criminal justice system that treats everyone regardless of the personal wealth and power equally."
- Lawmaker makes odd quip to colleague defending breastfeeding. “If it’s a woman's natural inclination to pull her (breast) out in public, then you should have no problem with a man's inclination to stare at it and grab it,” Moore posted.
- Sanders raised $73 million in 2015 for his primary campaign. His haul was just short of rival Hillary Clinton's fundraising for the fourth quarter. Clinton reported raising $37 million since the beginning of October. Clinton raised $112 million during 2015 for the primary.
- Poll: Clinton Seen as Most Dishonest, Untrustworthy Top Presidential Candidate
- US State Makes It Illegal To Collect Evidence Of Pollution On Public Property
- Kentucky's New Governor Wastes No Time in Revoking Ex-Felons' Right to Vote
- Kentucky’s Governor looks to be aimed at making lives of state’s poor even more problematic
but, million, clinton, governor, inclination, no, raised, big
2016-01-03- Racism, wealth inequality, Wall Street greed, and perpetual wars are perhaps the biggest moral dilemmas we face as a nation. On all these topics, Bernie Sanders has remained steadfast and adamant, ignoring poll numbers and standing upon principle.
- NSA Rats Out Republicans, Proves Netanyahu Bribed Them Against Iran Nuclear Deal
- A Militia Has Taken Over A Federal Building In Oregon
- What's Happening in Oregon Is Nothing Less Than Armed Sedition
- Double standards cited amid armed protest in Oregon: Social media mocks light treatment of group which occupied a US federal building in protest of judge ruling.
- The middle class is just this screwed: Janet Yellen declares victory while workers drown - "We're working longer, earning less, and closer to poverty. The recovery has only lifted the few"
- “I say to Mr. Trump and his supporters that the billionaires in this country will not continue to own this nation.” - Bernie Sanders
- Sanders: Bill Clinton’s sexual history not fair game
- Poll: Whites and Republicans Rank as Angriest Americans
- Alabama Uses BP Oil Spill Money to Repair a Governor’s Mansion
this, -, bernie, armed, oregon, building, federal, protest
2016-01-04- All they want to do is screw over the president: Ryan, McConnell confirm they have no real agenda in ’16 besides blocking Obama
- The Armed Oregon Ranchers Who Want Free Land Are Already Getting A 93 Percent Discount
- "In my view, you judge a country not by the number of millionaires and billionaires it produces, but by how it treats the most vulnerable people", Sanders said Sunday morning.
- Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco
- Bernie Sanders: Climate change is more important than Bill Clinton’s sex life
- “We’ve got too many seniors who are struggling to provide for their basic needs. Instead of giving huge tax breaks to the wealthiest people in this country, we should pay attention to the needs of senior citizens trying to survive on as little as $12,000 a year” - Bernie Sanders
- Wyoming Law Criminalizing Collecting Information about Food Safety and Animal Abuse is Likely Unconstitutional
- We are no longer a nation of self-governing people. Our democracy has been captured by American corporate enterprise, and now we confront a documented plutocracy in its place. If we intend to challenge this and contest it, we will need a President Sanders in the White House.
- Bill Clinton: "We need to recognize something that has received almost no attention in this election, which is that the next president of the United States will make between one and three appointments to the United States Supreme Court," the former president said in New Hampshire.
- Did professors move left, or did the meaning of conservatism in America change in a way that drove scholars away?
we, sanders, this, president, no, said, who, attention
2016-01-05- In Wall Street speech, Sanders will pledge to break up big banks within first year in office
- Bernie Sanders: Rating agencies should be nonprofit; "...[T]he agencies — which include Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch — should not depend on Wall Street clients."
- Progressive group pushes for ouster of DNC chair
- John Wisniewski, a NJ Superdelegate, endorses Sanders for President
- "Bernie Sanders to Wall Street: “If you do not end your greed we will end it for you.”"
- "Bernie Sanders is a politician in the best sense: someone with a blood-deep commitment to justice for his constituents, coupled with the ability to make that vision— for a democratic, just America— as real as the poverty and hunger gripping our nation today."
- “God has been good to us”: Justice Scalia walks all over First Amendment by claiming government can promote religion
- If we’re outraged, it shouldn’t be because law enforcement isn’t rushing to violently confront Bundy and his group. We should be outraged because that restraint isn’t extended to all Americans.
- “Dodd-Frank should have broken up Citigroup and other ‘too big to fail’ banks into pieces,” Sanders said. “And that’s exactly what we need to do. And that’s what I commit to do as president.”
- Nate Silver: 'Trump Has More of a Chance Than Bernie' of Winning a Nomination
sanders, should, wall, we, all, that’s, justice, what
2016-01-06- “it would be quite ironic” if, after years of questions surrounding Obama’s U.S. citizenship, Republican primary voters were to choose the Canadian-born Cruz as their nominee." - White House press secretary Josh Earnest
- Some of the most conservative states rely most on federal government aid
- Why Bernie Sanders deserves more attention than Hillary Clinton: "When it comes to Sanders, lots of folks throw in small amounts of cash. So when he raises $33 million in three months, it means a lot of people care."
- DNC Chair, fueled by alcohol PACs, blasts legal pot
- Being Less Crazy Than Donald Trump Does Not Make Marco Rubio ‘Moderate’
- Sanders: Clinton lacks courage to stand up to Wall Street
- TRUMP: I'll go down 5 points in the polls by saying this, but I think Obama's tears were real
- "The choice of Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee puts the party in a much stronger position to defeat Republicans," campaign manager Jeff Weaver said on a conference call with reporters Tuesday afternoon.
- Warren praises Sanders' Wall St. speech
- Obama: Violent felons can buy guns online without background checks
bernie, were, wall, most, sanders, "the, real, tears
2016-01-07- Liberal group demands DNC chairwoman resign: "As DNC chair, you have repeatedly failed to act in the best interests of progressives and the Democratic Party"
- Sanders Says For-Profit Health Care Has to Go
- DNC pressed to remove Wasserman Schultz amid Clinton favoritism charge
- Trump Supporters Appear To Be Misinformed, Not Uninformed
- Wasserman Schultz gets heat for calling young women 'complacent' on abortion rights
- SolarCity Will Eliminate Over 550 Jobs Due to Nevada's Anti-Rooftop Solar Decision
- Bernie Sanders Vows to Protect Organic Farming, Calls Out Monsanto As Presidential Campaign Heats Up
- Ben Carson's Flat Tax Translates to a Tax Hike for Most Americans
- Legalization works!: Colorado legalized marijuana two years ago and the sky didn’t fall, after all
- Sen. John McCain questioned whether Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who was born in Canada, is eligible to be president.
dnc, wasserman, sen., tax, sanders, schultz, organic, carson's
2016-01-08- Hillary Clinton Made More in 12 Speeches to Big Banks Than Most of Us Earn in a Lifetime
- Vermont governor wants legislation to legalize marijuana
- "Throw them out into the cold," Trump ordered security, as protesters shouted "Bernie! Bernie!" during his rally Thursday night in Burlington, Vt. "Don't give them their coats," Trump added. "No coats! Confiscate their coats."
- Why would you trust a teen to raise a kid, but not to have an abortion? Laws that restrict teenagers’ access to abortion services make no logical sense. It’s time to repeal them all.
- 51% of republicans support Obama's executive action on guns.
- Fox poll: Sanders soars in New Hampshire
- Ted Cruz gets burned by the birther fires he stoked: "we’re entitled to savor some schadenfreude now as Cruz himself gets caught in the birther web. Donald Trump’s questioning of Cruz’s status as a natural-born American, and therefore his eligibility to be president, is rough justice."
- Obama Calls Out NRA For Skipping Town Hall On Guns "You'd think they'd be willing to have a debate with the president," Obama said.
- The EPA Finally Admitted That the World’s Most Popular Pesticide Kills Bees—20 Years Too Late
- Jeb Bush’s Welfare Policy Ends Food Stamps, Housing Aid Programs
them, out, most, obama, have, trump, gets, birther
2016-01-09- Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz just got a primary challenger. Meet Tim Canova. He gets that the economy is rigged, supports Wall St. reform, legalizing marijuana and ending the war on drugs. Debbie opposes MJ legalization while taking money from the alcohol lobby. South Florida needs a new leader!
- Under Sanders’ plan, the wealthiest Americans who make more than $250,000 a year would pay the same share of their income into Social Security as everyone else. Current law now caps the amount of income subject to payroll taxes at $118,500.
- Pressure mounts for DNC chair resignation after abortion comments
- A Muslim woman was kicked out of a Donald Trump rally on Friday night for no apparent reason. The woman, Rose Hamid, told CNN that she “came to the rally to let Trump supporters see what a Muslim looks like.” She stood silently with a t-shirt that read “I Come In Peace.”
- Over 23,000 sign petition to oust Debbie Wasserman Schultz as DNC Chairwoman
- How Sanders’ Popularity Is Making Clinton Campaign 'Nervous': "The 74-year old Vermont senator has risen in the polls and gained growing support that eventually became too big for Clinton to ignore."
- Bernie Sanders gives Democrats the best chance to win the White House in 2016 because he performs significantly better than Hillary Clinton against Republican presidential candidates.
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz blames voters for failures of Democratic party.
- Sanders is Best Hope for Poor, Middle Class
- Hillary Clinton Says I'm Unelectable | Bernie Sanders
clinton, debbie, sanders, wasserman, schultz, best, sanders’, muslim
2016-01-10- Bernie Sanders Makes Strong Showing in New Polls
- President Obama Just Vetoed a Bill That Would Have Blocked Millions of Patients from Receiving Care at Planned Parenthood Health Centers
- As Clinton says only she can win, Sanders points to the polls
- Bernie Sanders Says He's Democrats' Most Electable Presidential Candidate
- Sanders: I'm more electable than Clinton
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz doesn’t get it
- Hillary Clinton turns up the heat on Bernie Sanders: "A sense of anxiety is cascading through Hillary Clinton's campaign, with an increasing sense of urgency the primary fight with Bernie Sanders is far more of a threat than once imagined..."
- Poll: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Deadlocked in Iowa and New Hampshire
- Rand Paul: My Dad’s Supporters in Iowa Won’t Go for Ted Cruz - “I don’t think that Ron Paul supporters are very excited about making the sand glow in the Middle East."
- Poll: Neck-And-Neck 2016 Races in Iowa, New Hampshire
bernie, sanders, clinton, hillary, new, more, supporters, iowa
2016-01-11- Hillary Clinton's Lead Over Sanders Nearly Vanishes
- "As I mentioned to you earlier, my father was born in Poland. Like Obama, I am the son of an immigrant father. Nobody has ever asked me for my birth certificate. Maybe it's because of the color of my skin being different than Obama's," Sanders, I-Vt., said.
- Media Silent as Stunning New Poll Shows Bernie Sanders Surging in Crucial Primary States
- Get Walmart Off Of Welfare | Bernie Sanders
- "Bernie Sanders loves to talk about the fact that he doesn’t have a super-PAC backing his campaign. But the true state of his fundraising strategy is even more astonishing than that: The Sanders campaign doesn’t have a finance team."
- Bernie Sanders has an 11-point advantage over Hillary Clinton among voters under 35
- Iowa Presidential caucus preference: Sanders 47%, Clinton 44%
- What if Bernie Sanders is the Democrats' Best Bet? The Vermont senator now argues that he’s more electable against a Republican than his leading rival.
- Clinton Attacks Bernie Sanders on Guns, But Was as a 'Pro-Gun Churchgoer' in 2008
- “This is the equivalent of being shot,” Maddow said on her Wednesday broadcast. “This isn’t something that went bad over a long period of time. They flipped a switch, turned off one spigot last April and turn on a different spigot — and the spigot they turned on poisoned the kids.”
sanders, bernie, over, clinton, spigot, my, hillary, they
2016-01-12- Bernie Sanders now leads Hillary Clinton by 14 points in New Hampshire
- Sanders Campaign Endorsed by
- Biden praises Sanders on income inequality, calls Clinton 'relatively new' to the fight
- Bernie Sanders Says Police, Not Colleges, Should Handle Rape
- Bernie Sanders could do the impossible: Why Hillary Clinton’s “electability” argument has fallen apart
- Bernie Sanders is starting to surge against Hillary Clinton at the exact right time
- "Analysis shows Bernie Sanders is being ignored by the mainstream media"
- "Suddenly Bernie Sanders is not a nice guy. That is not surprising when you have a Clinton campaign that is now in trouble and now understands that they can lose.” - Bernie Sanders
- Sanders: Law enforcement should handle campus rape
- Bernie Sanders Just Got Endorsed By the Nation’s Largest Progressive Group
sanders, bernie, clinton, now, hillary, should, rape, endorsed
2016-01-13- Axelrod: Chelsea Clinton Attack on Sanders 'Not Honest'; "Bernie Sanders is proposing single-payer, universal healthcare. You can hardly say he is trying to take healthcare away from anyone or retreat from Obamacare, he's trying to exceed it. And so, it's not really an honest attack."
- Hillary Clinton in 2008: “Since When Do Other Democrats Attack Each Other on Universal Healthcare?”
- Sanders releases 1990s picture of Clinton praising him on healthcare
- Obama calls for an end to gerrymandering in the State of the Union
- Big money fights to block marijuana legalization: "Our analysis of contribution data found that Wasserman Schultz and her leadership PAC have received $330,568 from the Beer, Wine, & Liquor industry since her first congressional election cycle in 2006"
- Potential voters feeling Clinton fatigue: "New polling shows Hillary's lead is slipping across the nation as Bernie Sanders gains more momentum, outperforming her in Iowa and New Hampshire."
- Ted Cruz did not disclose a loan from Goldman Sachs that was used for his Senate campaign, the NY Times finds
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz's challenger has a chance. Thousands of democrats want the DNC chair to resign. Populist Timothy Canova has another idea.
- Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined
- Chelsea Clinton Said Bernie Sanders Would Take Health Care From Millions: If anything, a single-payer plan like the one Sanders envisions would result in more coverage
sanders, clinton, her, more, healthcare, democrats, take, trying
2016-01-14- Mitt Romney: Republicans Are “Nuts Not to Raise the Minimum Wage”
- Former DNC Chairman Paul Kirk Jr. Endorses Bernie Sanders; “I had the privilege of serving briefly with Bernie Sanders in the United States Senate and I quickly learned that he is who he is: a plain spoken and authentic patriot who wears his passion for a better America on his sleeve"
- “Will they like me? No,” Sanders says of Wall Street executives in the new ad. “Will they begin to play by the rules if I’m president? You better believe it.”
- Bernie Sanders is winning with the one group his rivals can't sway: voters
- It's Time to take Sanders seriously
- Hillary Clinton’s latest attack on Bernie Sanders shows she’s a rotten candidate
- 170 Prominent Economists Back Bernie Sanders’ Plan to Rein in Wall Street
- Howard Dean, Now Employed by Health-Care Lobby Firm, Opposes Bernie Sanders on Single-Payer
- Bernie Sanders' Healthcare Plan Will Save Average American Family Nearly $1,200 Per Year: Politifact; "PolitiFact notes that experts agree with Sanders that the single-payer system will help to trim healthcare costs significantly..."
- Hillary Clinton’s national lead is slipping faster in 2016 than it did in 2008
sanders, bernie, better, single-payer, healthcare, will, who, “will
2016-01-15- "Ted Cruz tells a sweet story about the sacrifice he and his wife made four years ago to finance his upstart campaign for the U.S. Senate. The story, as it turns out, is phony. That doesn’t come as a total surprise, since it is in keeping with the sham persona of Mr. Cruz’s candidacy for president"
- Big Money Fights to Block Marijuana Legalization: "Private prison companies, which have openly admitted that any changes to laws affecting drugs and controlled substances could reduce demand for prison beds and hurt their bottom line."
- Sanders a hit with Millennial women: "Young women could make history by helping elect the first woman president, but many of them are turning to the oldest white guy in the field."
- Ted Cruz Hates “New York Values” But Sure Loves New York Money
- Hillary Clinton Strategist Attacks Bernie Sanders’ Anti-Wall Street Ad While His Firm Works For Wall Street: Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase among its clients
- Rachel Maddow confronts Hillary Clinton over her campaign’s negative turn against Bernie Sanders: “Your campaign, in my estimation, set its hair on fire”
- Hillary Clinton Is Botching Her Best Chance To Win: "...[A] familiar crassness has returned to a campaign that now appears to be bent on ensuring a repeat of 2008 in 2016."
- RNC Chair: Sanders Tougher To Beat Than Clinton In General Election
- Vermont U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders delivered messages of hope to a cheering crowd at Dartmouth College last night, pledging to make college tuition-free, abolish student debt and decriminalize marijuana. “What this campaign is about is thinking big, not small,” Sanders said.
- Bernie Sanders Is Taking on Goliath And Starting to Win
sanders, bernie, clinton, campaign, hillary, could, prison, money
2016-01-16- Bill O’Reilly vows to leave the country if we all vote for Bernie Sanders
- How come Bernie needs a plan to pay for his health care proposal but Hillary and none of the other republican candidates have to explain how they'll pay for their endless global wars and mass surveillance?
- Bernie Sanders: "Hillary Clinton has received a lot of money from Wall Street"
- Obama declares emergency in Michigan over bad water - White House
- Police Make First Arrest of Bundy Militia After They Steal a Federal Vehicle
- Rand Paul Says Pot Prohibition Should Be Repealed
- Video Surfaces of Hillary Clinton Blaming Homeowners for Financial Crisis
- Sanders calls on Michigan Gov. Snyder to resign over Flint water crisis
- Obama signs executive order revoking Iran nuclear sanctions
- Under Hillary's healthcare plan, Americans can expect to pay per capita about an extra $1,551 in out-of-pocket expenses. Under Bernie's plan, Americans can expect to save per capita about $1,700 on their healthcare spending.
bernie, pay, can, under, water, healthcare, plan,, hillary
2016-01-17- Bill O’Reilly will flee to Ireland if Sanders is elected. He’s in for a shock
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren Cheers Bernie's Fight to "Hold Big Banks Accountable"
- Sanders: I have a "good chance" to win 2016 election - "With just two weeks until voting begins in the 2016 primaries and polls showing him closing in on Hillary Clinton, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is feeling confident."
- Bernie Sanders Is Starting To Win — Sanders Inspires People ‘Who Never Cared Before’
- Sanders hauls in $3.1 million amid Clinton attacks
- Face It: A Vote for Hillary Clinton Is a Vote for War
- You’ll miss Obama when he’s gone: Why Obama will be remembered as a good President and maybe a great one
- Hilary Clinton has received more money from the arms and weapons industry than any other candidate in history.
- In primary challenge, Wasserman Schultz faces unprecedented test. "She takes a lot of corporate money, and she voted for corporate interests contrary to the interests of her own constituents."
- VP Joe ​Biden says politics are impeding cancer cure
sanders, clinton, corporate, candidate, interests, win, 2016, hillary
2016-01-18- Bernie Sanders Doubles Down on Critique of Hillary Clinton's Speaking Fees: “Well, I think it is a fact. A fact. Anyone disagree with me? She has received $600,000 in one year as speaking fees from Goldman Sachs."
- Bernie Sanders is right: Drug companies did help cause the opioid epidemic
- Bernie Sanders’s health-care plan is the biggest attack on the rich of this campaign "We now know it would. We also know that, by Sanders' accounting, the plan would actually put more money into the pockets of all but the very richest Americans."
- Dem debate: Sanders blasts mass incarceration, asks why millions of black Americans are in prison, but not Wall Street CEOs
- Bernie Sanders dominated Sunday night’s Democratic debate here, overpowering Hillary Clinton in a format she typically controls.
- Clinton piled on by Sanders and O’Malley for her “cozy relationship” with Wall Street
- Bernie Sanders Releases Outline of Universal Health Care Plan—And It's Pretty Good | Mother Jones
- Hillary Clinton: 'We now have driven costs down to the lowest they've been in 50 years'
- Sanders raises $1 million while sparring with Hillary during Democratic slugfest
- Bernie Sanders: "Medicare For All. Leaving No One Behind."
sanders, bernie, hillary, she, wall, street, democratic, but
2016-01-19- Bernie Sanders Opens Up 60-33 Lead Against Hillary Clinton In New Hampshire Poll
- Bernie Sanders Calls for "Automatic" Federal Investigations of Deaths in Police Custody
- Hillary Clinton Emails Contained Info Above Top Secret: IG
- Bernie Sanders is right -- Canada does health care better: there is no question that a national single-payer health care system is far more efficient than the fractured for-profit system we have in the U.S.
- Democratic Candidates Stand Up For A Little Idea Called Science | "It is beyond my comprehension how we could elect a president of the U.S., somebody like Trump, who believes that climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese," Sanders said.
- Inspector General: Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs
- Clinton's risky new Wall St. defense: Obama took $, too; "It's a risky strategy that liberal Democrats so far aren't exactly buying."
- The Oregon Militia Is Turning Out To Be Its Very Own Worst Enemy: "By taking a hands-off approach to the incident, the government has actually given the militiamen room to stew, to fight with one another and ultimately, to undermine their cause."
- “Now I know that some of my opponents are very good speakers, very fine orators, smart people,” Sanders said. “But you’ve got to be really, really, really good to get $225,000 a speech, that’s all I’ll say.”
- Meet Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s First-Ever Primary Challenger: Tim Canova
sanders, bernie, clinton, very, my, health, care, really,
2016-01-20- President Obama is seriously considering an executive order that would require companies doing business with the federal government to disclose their political contributions
- Hillary Clinton endorsed by U.S.'s largest LGBT organization- Bernie Sanders campaign notes that Clinton once supported anti-gay marriage bill
- Bernie Sanders' stunning popularity is 'almost unheard of': 91% of those voters held a favorable opinion of him, compared with the 65% who held a favorable view of Clinton.
- President Obama Considering Executive Action Forcing Companies to List Campaign Gifts
- Spot check of Hillary Clinton's Senate record fails to support bipartisanship claim
- Supreme Court throws out Arkansas' abortion ban. One of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country is toast.
- Democratic debates set to 'maximize' exposure, Wasserman Schultz claims, but evidence is dubious
- Bernie Sanders: Democrats Should Be Ashamed At Low Number Of Debates
- Clinton campaign worried about getting 'outraised' by Sanders: "a higher proportion of his supporters have stepped up to fund his campaign"
- Sanders gains on Clinton nationally: The Vermont senator is now seen as 'electable' by a majority of Americans, while Hillary Clinton's lead among likely Democratic voters has narrowed to 9 points
clinton, campaign, bernie, hillary, clinton's, voters, held, abortion
2016-01-21- GOP Senator: I'd Vote For Bernie Sanders Over Ted Cruz
- US Senator Bernie Sanders did not just have a good week. He had an unprecedented, presidential-campaign-changing week.
- Half the Foreign Policy Experts Signing Clinton’s Anti-Sanders Letter Have Ties to Military Contractors
- Bernie Sanders’ Insurgent Campaign Marks the End of Don’t-Rock-the-Corporate-Boat Liberalism
- Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders hold solid leads in Iowa, CNN/ORC poll finds
- The truth is Bernie Sanders can win the nomination and has a far better chance to win the matter what Chris Matthews or Mrs. Greenspan or anyone else at MSNBC thinks you should think.
- No, Gov. Snyder, Flint’s water wasn’t poisoned by “Government”: It was by your Appointee
- Sanders Surges Nationally in New Post-Debate Poll
- Start Making Sense: Why We’ve Endorsed Bernie Sanders
- Killer Mike: Hillary's 12 Dollar Minimum Wage Shows She "Don't Give A Damn About You"
bernie, sanders, poll, week., or, win, have, gop
2016-01-22- Hillary Clinton angers Iowa fans who waited hours for five-minute speech
- Bernie Sanders Gets Group Endorsements When Members Decide; Hillary Clinton When Leaders Decide
- Goldman Sachs is a top donor to Hillary, Jeb, and Rubio
- FBI Successfully Recovers Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails
- Senator Sanders is the most progressive member of the United States Congress and has unabashedly advocated and promoted policies that overwhelmingly benefit the Black community
- As Sanders soars, Clinton goes negative — a bad move
- Former CIA Official: There Is "Zero Ambiguity," Hillary Clinton Broke the Law and the FBI Has No Other Choice But to Recommend a Criminal Grand Jury
- Hillary Clinton Isn't Only Against Reparations, She Accepted Money From Prison Lobbyists
- Bernie Sanders and the Realists - "Once this movement materializes, all sorts of things that now seem out of the question—such as true universal health care, free college tuition, and a much more progressive tax system—will become possible."
- Why Wall Street Gives Millions to Hillary (As a Former Goldman Sachs Banker, I Say Bernie Has It Right)
hillary, clinton, sanders, bernie, fbi, sachs, goldman, when
2016-01-23- Hillary Clinton Laughs When Asked if She Will Release Transcripts of Her Goldman Sachs Speeches
- Trump: I could shoot people in streets and not lose support
- Meet Tim Canova, the Democrat challenging Debbie Wasserman Schultz in CD23: “The more I looked at her record, I noticed how much money she’s been taking in from large corporations and how it’s been apparently been influencing her votes in favor of Wall Street banks and private prisons."
- Goldman Sachs secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash by selling $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200,000 risky home mortgages, now they donate to Hillary Clinton.
- I'm beginning to believe Bernie Sanders can win the Democratic nomination and then the presidency.
- Goldman Sachs paid Hillary Clinton alone $675,000 for just three speeches. That is more than Bernie Sanders' entire net worth, around $528,014.
- Ted Cruz ridiculously says Blue Cross Blue Shield 'cancelled' all individual health plans in Texas.
- Bernie pleads with young students: Get out and vote
- Dear Armed Protesters: Your Little Occupation Is Very Expensive The takeover is costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, the Oregon governor says.
- Voter Turnout: Young people PLEASE show-up for the caucuses
hillary, i, bernie, been, her, goldman, sachs, clinton
2016-01-24- Clinton super PAC offered Vermont newspaper 'off the record' anti-Sanders 'tips': Report
- Hillary "laughs off" everything she doesn't want to talk about
- Bernie is something new. The major media has given him ridiculously little coverage, and belittled him in most of that coverage. Yet he has surged in the polls, in volunteers, in small-donor fundraising, and in real world events.
- Can Hillary Clinton Be Trusted to Regulate the Banks That Made Her Rich?
- Goldman Sachs Paid Hillary Clinton $900k In 2013: Today She's "Tough On Wall Street"
- Bernie had me at “revolution” - "The best way to disrupt the growing oligarchy is massive participation in our democracy"
- Bernie Sanders Polls: As Sanders Continues To Rise, Parallels To Barack Obama In 2008 Grow More Clear
- Hillary’s team copied intel off top-secret server to email
- Poll: Sanders edges Clinton in Iowa, leads big in New Hampshire
- Thousands march for Bernie, blame media for 'nearly nonexistent' coverage
clinton, bernie, sanders, hillary, media, participation, barack, parallels
2016-01-25- Ted Cruz’s claim that sexual assaults rate ‘went up significantly’ after Australian gun control laws: Four Pinocchios
- Noam Chomsky: Bernie Sanders has the best policies; "Renowned academic weighs in on US presidential candidates and their chances, saying elections are 'mainly bought'."
- "The race between Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders, which voters will begin deciding a week from Monday, is not just about the White House anymore. It has intensified into an epochal battle over their vastly different visions for the Democratic Party"
- CBS poll: Sanders leading in both Iowa and New Hampshire
- Bernie Sanders Attracts 2,000 at Rally in Iowa Town of 8,000
- Ted Cruz’s Claim That He Was Uninsured Because of Obamacare Was 100 Percent Untrue
- Elizabeth Warren Sinks Clinton's Hopes for Endorsement
- Motion filed to block State from delaying release of Clinton emails
- Watch Bill Clinton Defend Bernie Sanders’s Health Care Plan (in 2009): "Both Clintons have received millions in dollars in speech fees from the health care industry in the interim."
- Sanders and Clinton will be on the same CNN stage tonight, but no debating! Thanks, DNC.
bernie, clinton, sanders, ted, cruz’s, will, health, their
2016-01-26- Rep. Mia Love wants to limit congressional bills to one subject at a time
- Young voter tells Clinton: 'My friends think you’re dishonest'
- Planned Parenthood hoax officially blows up: Texas grand jury decides to indict video creators instead
- Fact Checker: Bernie Sanders talks income divide; "We give Sanders an A overall."
- Obama bans solitary confinement for juveniles in federal prisons
- Sanders: Clinton voted for the Iraq war. "I said, 'No, I think that war is a dumb idea.'"
- Elizabeth Warren: Congress Lacks A Spine: “This Congress doesn’t lack for workable ideas for how to root out the influence of money in politics, this Congress just lacks a spine to do it!”
- Bernie Sanders: “It means there’s something wrong when the rich get richer, and almost everybody else gets poorer.” “It means there is something wrong, and government should play a role in making sure that all of our kids, regardless of their income, are able to get a higher education.”
- Bernie Sanders' Reddit supporters raise over $1 million
- Hillary Clinton Doing Back-to-Back Finance Industry Fundraisers Just Before Iowa
bernie, congress, just, get, something, means, “it, sanders:
2016-01-27- Planned Parenthood has been absolved. The GOP should give up its crusade. "In their evidence-free crusade, they have put vital health services at risk and wasted millions of taxpayer dollars."
- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders takes 49 percent of Iowa likely Democratic Caucus participants, with 45 percent for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
- Elizabeth Warren: Anyone Who Says ‘Change Is Just Too Hard’ Is in ‘Bed With the Billionaires’
- Elizabeth Warren: “Right now I’m hearing a lot of ideas on our side to try to make college affordable for hardworking people and I don’t hear anything from Republicans except ‘no,’”
- As Sanders Slams Wall Street Elite, Clinton Ditches Iowa To Fetch Their Checks
- Bernie Sanders has 4-point lead over Hillary Clinton in Iowa: poll
- Trump will ‘definitely not’ participate in Fox debate, campaign says
- Another state legislator has announced his support for Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders. Charleston’s Rep. Wendell Gilliard announced Tuesday he was supporting the Vermont Senator, because he is fighting to address the issues that matter the most to African-Americans.
- As support grows for anti-Establishment candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, a frantic Establishment is demanding that Americans “stay sane” and vote for one of its approved candidates. But is it sane to follow advice that has led to endless wars and a disappearing middle class?
- Trump to Megyn Kelly in 2011: You’ve “Done a Great Job” Moderating Debates, People who Skip Debates are Cowards
bernie, sanders, clinton, hillary, support, warren:, elizabeth, state
2016-01-28- On Marijuana, Hillary Clinton Sides with Big Pharma Over Young Voters
- Sanders calls for more debates — on his own terms: They want one each in March, April and May. All three must not be scheduled on a Friday, Saturday or holiday, and all three must include Martin O’Malley as well as Sanders and Clinton.
- Red Hot Chili Peppers to headline Bernie Sanders fundraiser in LA
- Bernie Sanders fires against Clinton: "My opponent is not in Iowa tonight. She is raising money from a Philadelphia investment firm," Sanders said. "Frankly, I would rather be here with you."
- “Black Americans for a Better Future” Super PAC 100% Funded by Rich White Guys
- Instead of addressing the abnormally high infant death rate, Tenet Healthcare sent $200,000 in campaign contributions to Florida Governor Rick Scott and his party. In response, the governor’s administration repealed Florida’s pediatric heart surgery standards altogether.
- Sanders shuts down teen climate change denier: 'Thank you for your question. You're wrong.'
- Bernie Sanders is getting a surge of volunteers in rural Iowa from Reddit
- I worked on Wall Street. I am skeptical Hillary Clinton will rein it in.
- Michigan Officials Quietly Gave Bottled Water to State Employees Months Before Flint Residents
sanders, bernie, i, three, must, iowa, all, clinton
2016-01-29- No Reporters Allowed at Hillarys Wall St Speeches
- Government declares 22 Clinton emails 'top secret'
- Elizabeth Warren Challenges Clinton, Sanders to Prosecute Corporate Crime Better Than Obama
- Bernie Sanders is the only presidential candidate to oppose fracking.
- I Support Bernie Sanders, And I'm Not Stupid or Unrealistic, "I fully recognize that this whole "political revolution" thing is not a guarantee. But right now, the opportunity to start one is a whole lot more appealing to me than the status quo."
- The "war on terror" has only created more terror, while costing each U.S. household $75,000: Jill Stein
- Gov't finds 'top secret' info in Clinton emails
- Erica Garner: Black lives like my father's should matter. That's why I'm endorsing Bernie Sanders
- If you’re lucky, once in your lifetime, maybe twice if you’re really lucky, you’ll get an opportunity to support a presidential candidate who speaks to your values on a very deep personal level. For me, that chance came the day Bernie Sanders announced his presidential campaign.
- Poll: O’Malley supporters in Iowa pick Sanders over Clinton
sanders, bernie, presidential, clinton, more, lucky,, i'm, you’re
2016-01-30- Sanders rally turnout takes Saint Paul by surprise - "An estimated 15,000 people packed themselves iinto the River Center in Saint Paul for the Sanders campaign rally, including thousands who listened to the speech in an overflow room."
- “Hillary Clinton has gotten 54 times more money from Wall Street interests than from all of Iowa. Hillary rewarded Wall Street with a $700 billion bailout, then Wall Street made her a multimillionaire."
- Sanders to receive Secret Service protection
- The New York Times published a hit-piece on Mitt Romney in 2012 ... for taking money from Goldman Sachs, they just endorsed Hillary Clinton...
- Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have reached a deal to hold four more debates
- Sanders: Boeing, GE, Verizon would pay more taxes if I win
- Voter Asks Ben Carson: If You're So Smart, Why Don't You Accept Climate Change?
- “I believe [Sanders] has the most integrity and he’s the most decent and honest politician, to the point where I’m shocked that he is a politician,” Long said.
- Yesterday, a Clinton campaign spokeswoman insinuated that the Iraq War vote was old news, that people should move on. How can we trust a candidate who doesn't accept partial responsibility for hundreds of thousands of deaths totally in vain?
- Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the current chair of the Democratic National Committee and former co-chair of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, can’t seem to shake accusations of bias in favor of the former Secretary of State.
sanders, hillary, more, clinton, wall, street, times, money
2016-01-31- Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will "Never, Ever Come To Pass"
- DNC caves, agrees to sanction more Democratic presidential debates
- Clinton faces losing Iowa to Sanders thanks to young women: Polls showing that Vermont's socialist senator winning powerful support among young women voters
- Despite What Her Campaign Wants You to Believe, Hillary Clinton Did Send Top Secret Emails on Her Homebrew Server
- 42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
- Move Over 'Berniebros': A Wave of Young Women Is Boosting Bernie Sanders
- Bernie Sanders’s campaign brings in jaw-dropping $20 million in January
- Hillary Clinton: Single-payer health care will "never, ever" happen
- U.S. 'This was all planned': Former IG says Hillary, State Dept. are lying
- Hillary Clinton claims more U.S. jobs in solar than oil
hillary, clinton, young, more, u.s., bernie, her, women

1: sanders, bernie, clinton, hillary, more, wall, have, campaign, i, will, but, new, over, should, now, sanders:, most, we, democratic, their

2: bernie sanders, hillary clinton, wall street, wasserman schultz, health care, bernie sanders:, debbie wasserman, ted cruz, goldman sachs, new hampshire, hillary clinton's, clinton emails, presidential candidate, hillary clinton’s, sanders said., "bernie sanders, clinton campaign, - bernie, democratic presidential, united states