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2016-02-01- Legal US pot sales soar to $5.4B in 2015
- Sanders: Iowa could be 'one of the biggest political upsets' ever: “And the reason for that is, we have 15,000 volunteers who today are going to be knocking on doors. They're going to be making telephone calls. They're going to be urging people in very large numbers to come out and vote.”
- Why I’m supporting Sanders over Clinton: This could be the moment to reclaim the Democratic Party and reshape history
- Every Single One of The Top 10 Corporate Tax Dodgers Are Donors To Hillary Clinton
- [TIME] "The Clinton team has trained caucus chairs to shift some supporters to O’Malley if the conditions are advantageous in order to deprive Sanders of an extra delegate. Precinct campaigns are using a custom campaign app that does the caucus math for the volunteers."
- 300 Union Plumbers Spent The Weekend Installing Water Filters For Flint Residents For Free
- 2016 Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus - Sanders 49%, Clinton 46% (Quinnipiac 1/25-1/31)
- 3 in 4 young black Americans say they’d feel like fleeing the country if Donald Trump were elected
- Tim Canova, a former adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders, is seeking to oust Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz from her congressional seat in Florida.
- What Bernie Sanders Has Already Won. Win or lose, the Vermont senator will stand as a historic figure in the Democratic Party.
sanders, democratic, clinton, going, caucus, bernie, they're, iowa
2016-02-02- Bernie Sanders wants raw vote count released after tight finish in Iowa caucus
- Marijuana Legalization in Colorado Is Killing Mexican Drug Cartels
- Bernie Sanders crushed Hillary Clinton by 70 points among young people in Iowa. But… "The most amazing stat coming out of the Iowa Democratic caucuses is this one: Among voters between the ages of 17 and 29, Bernie Sanders won 84 percent of the vote to Hillary Clinton's 14 percent."
- After a close finish in Iowa, Sanders says he can win primaries and caucuses around the country
- The Big Lie: Hillary the Pragmatist vs. Bernie the Dreamer - "The real choice is between someone who is planning on the restoration of democracy and someone who is planning for the perpetuation of plutocracy."
- They’re all bought and sold: American democracy belongs to the billionaires now. With the lone exception of Bernie Sanders, every candidate is either in bed with Wall Street or super-rich himself.
- Iowa proved Bernie Sanders can win – and that Hillary Clinton is beatable
- Clinton suffered significantly among Democrats who placed the most value on a candidate who is honest and trustworthy, getting only 10% to Sanders' 83% among these voters.
- Clinton voter fraud in Polk County, Iowa Caucus
- Bernie Sanders's tie should be the biggest story of the Iowa caucuses
bernie, iowa, sanders, among, clinton, hillary, who, caucuses
2016-02-03- Jimmy Carter: US campaign funding is 'legal bribery'
- Rand Paul Suspends 2016 Presidential Campaign
- Bernie Sanders Calls Wal-Mart Walton Family Wealth Unacceptable: “I say to the Walton family, get off of welfare. Pay your workers a living wage”
- Elizabeth Warren: American Justice Is 'Rigged' In Favor Of The Rich
- Sen. Bernie Sanders received his third endorsement from a black South Carolina legislator in two weeks today. Rep. Joe Neal, a Richland County Democrat, endorsed the presidential candidate in a press conference at the State House.
- Killer Mike's message to Black America: Either you "Feel the Bern," or risk getting burned again.
- Bernie Sanders challenges Hillary Clinton to debate in Brooklyn: "The Sanders campaign abruptly challenged Clinton to debate in the borough, where Sanders grew up and where Clinton has her campaign headquarters."
- Rick Santorum is dropping out of the race for President
- Sanders Beats Clinton 49-49; The Real Story Behind the Iowa Numbers: "Hillary Clinton's razor thin margin was actually a defeat of a well-financed, highly organized, experienced Clinton campaign and the Democrats ought to be worried about it."
- It’s on: We’re getting four more Democratic debates
sanders, campaign, clinton, bernie, walton, getting, debate, black
2016-02-04- Des Moines Register calls for audit of Sanders-Clinton result in Iowa...
- Clinton struggles to explain $600k in Wall Street speaking fees
- Canadians spend half what we do on healthcare — $4,550 per person versus $8,745 — yet they get better outcomes overall, as do most of the industrialized countries of the world.
- Bernie Sanders Will Ban Fracking. Hillary Clinton 'Sold Fracking to the World'
- The Clinton System: "Clinton Foundation data shows that during her term the State Department authorized $165 billion in commercial arms sales to twenty nations that had given money to the Clinton Foundation."
- Former NAACP head to endorse Bernie Sanders
- "The Supreme Court's recent decision to step into a relatively unimportant case involving Microsoft's Xbox 360 gaming system revealed that Chief Justice John Roberts has sold between $250,000 and $500,000 in Microsoft stock in the past year"
- Chris Christie's office 'refusing to release Bridgegate emails': Attorneys say they have discovered that New Jersey governor’s office withheld ‘critical documents’ related to bridge affair as case returns to court
- Clinton stumbles on Wall Street question at CNN town hall
- Sanders vows to stop Obama trade deal
clinton, sanders, bernie, case, street, wall, —, they
2016-02-05- Iowa Dem Who Won't Release Caucus Results Has "HRC 2016" License Plate (and was a top donor, held a large private fundraiser, and was her Iowa campaign co-chair in 2008).
- Sanders tied with Clinton nationwide: poll
- Clinton Insists She’s Not Beholden to Wall Street While Raking in $21.4 Million
- Report: Iowa Democratic Party Unilaterally Shifted Delegates From Bernie To Hillary
- Sanders: Clinton Has Entire Establishment Behind Her; Hillary: I Can't Be Establishment Because I'm A Woman
- Hillary Clinton just suggested she’s not ‘establishment.’ Come on.
- Hillary Clinton Losing Her National Lead Over Bernie Sanders, Poll Shows
- Bernie Sanders just melted away a 30-point Hillary Clinton lead in a new poll
- Hillary Booed For Accusing Sanders of ‘Artful Smears’ Insinuating She Can Be Bought
- Warren blasts Goldman Sachs CEO, defends Sanders
clinton, hillary, sanders, iowa, poll, bernie, she’s, establishment
2016-02-06- According to Hillary's 2014 Tax Return, the Clinton's Total Income was $28,336,212, which places them among the top 0.1% of Americans.
- Sorry, Hillary: You are the establishment
- Errors Found in Iowa Caucus Count
- Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton Pitched Iraq As 'A Business Opportunity' For US Corporations
- Bernie Sanders has an 83% approval rating in Vermont.
- Senator Ted Cruz’s campaign left recorded messages for supporters with “breaking news” that Ben Carson would drop out of the race, and told them to “inform any Carson caucus-goers of this news and urge them to caucus for Ted instead.”
- "I don't think voters are interested in the transcripts of her speeches," Joel Benenson, Clinton's pollster, told reporters Friday. But it was a voter who asked about her transcripts at a town-hall event on CNN on Wednesday.
- Clinton has claimed that the Koch brothers influence the republicans, but seems to deny that she could possibly be influenced by Goldman Sachs or any of her contributors...
- Hillary makes a minimum of 225,000 for a speech, But she thinks a 15 dollar minimum wage is to high. Well Hillary it would take a minimum wage worker 15 years to make as much money as you do for a one hour speech to Goldman Sachs
- Bernie Sanders 'political revolution' threatens to overtake Hillary Clinton: He even outperforms Mrs Clinton in hypothetical general election match-ups with Republicans
hillary, them, but, minimum, her, clinton, sanders, campaign
2016-02-07- Ben Carson Hilariously Blows GOP Debate Entrance
- I have shown from official data that a smart single-payer system would save so much money it would be the equivalent of eliminating the income tax for 99% of Americans.
- Donald Trump: I'd bring back 'a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding'
- If Bernie Sanders loses, his backers may not be there for Hillary Clinton in November
- Clinton Says She's Unsure What Sanders Means by 'Wall Street'
- Young Women For Sanders Not to Be Underestimated: "I have labored against a system that has oppressed me for many years, and I am ready for systemic change. I believe Bernie Sanders offers the best hope for the change I want to see during my lifetime."
- No, It's Not 'More Practical' To Choose Hillary Over Bernie. "What this boils down to is that Democratic voters shouldn’t vote for the candidate the pundit class says is most suitable. Instead, you may as well vote for the person who best represents your interests."
- Sanders Has a Point: What Good Are Private Insurers?; "A lot of the money goes to paying doctors, hospitals and other health-care providers -- but not as much as you might think."
- Chris Christie called out Marco Rubio for canned answers. Rubio's reply? A canned answer.
- Sanders Leading Clinton by 15 Points in Maine – 56-41%
sanders, i, clinton, vote, what, hillary, money, much
2016-02-08- FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server
- Hillary Clinton has accepted campaign contributions from two major prison lobbyists, Wall Street, and the oil and gas industry, yet promises progressive stances against all these interests.
- Sanders tired of being 'lectured' on foreign policy. "The most important foreign policy issue in the modern history of this country was the war in Iraq. I was right on that issue, Hillary Clinton was wrong."
- Female Sanders backers slam ‘insulting’ Clinton supporters who say they’re betraying their gender
- Top Hillary Clinton Advisors and Fundraisers Lobbied Against Obamacare
- Hillary can’t dodge Goldman Sachs questions forever
- Bill Clinton Accuses Bernie Bros of Sexism. Yes, That Bill Clinton.
- The biggest financial crime of my lifetime, the financial collapse of 2008, is a historic injustice that has gone unpunished. The people who caused it also profited from it.
- Ted Cruz is Wrong, Waterboarding Does Meet the Legal Definition of Torture
- Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says
hillary, clinton, who, bill, foreign, against, financial, sanders
2016-02-09- Christie On Legal Pot: "Get High Now, Because When I'm President, It's Over, Buddy"
- Hillary Donors Helping Chris Matthews’ Wife Into Congress-- thousands of progressives have signed a petition calling for MSNBC to suspend the host of “Hardball” “because of his constant shilling for Hillary Clinton.”
- Judge orders DOJ to explain Hillary Clinton emails delay
- Bernie Sanders Suddenly Looking and Sounding Like a Front-Runner
- What Clinton said in her paid speeches - Recalled one attendee: "She sounded more like a Goldman Sachs managing director."
- Telling Women They Have To Vote For Hillary Clinton Is Not Only Offensive, It's Anti-Feminist
- Ironically, as Sanders rises in the polls and does better than expected, the alarms grow in volume and intensity. It verges on oxymoronic for Clinton and the party establishment to scorn as unelectable a candidate who is beating her at the ballot box.
- Was college once free in United States, as Bernie Sanders says? Mostly True.
- Hillary Clinton’s political machine has been busted — thanks to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
- Hillary Clinton’s artful smear: Her Goldman Sachs speaker fees matter, even if she doesn’t understand why
hillary, clinton, sanders, bernie, her, sachs, goldman, clinton’s
2016-02-10- McCain: Anyone Who Says Waterboarding Works is a Liar | "We tried Japanese generals and hung them for war crimes," said McCain. "One of the crimes was waterboarding."
- Fiorina Drops Out Of 2016 Race
- New emails show press literally taking orders from Hillary
- Elizabeth Warren Urges CDC To Look At Pot As Potential Fix To Prescription Painkiller Epidemic
- Sanders is still the fulcrum of this election "You can call him whatever you want, but the fact remains that he’s the only candidate who is asking the fundamental question about the American economy. Do we accept the massive split in wealth that has occurred in this country as a given, or don’t we?"
- Bernie Sanders wins New Hampshire Democratic primary
- Emails appear to show how key Clinton aide manipulated media coverage
- After Sanders' big win in New Hampshire, establishment figures want to scare you with Superdelegates. Here's why it's bullshit
- New Hampshire Women Chose Bernie Sanders in a Landslide, Not Hillary Clinton
- Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve Black People's Votes:  From the crime bill to welfare reform, policies Bill Clinton enacted—and Hillary Clinton supported—decimated black America
clinton, hillary, new, sanders, black, show, emails, why
2016-02-11- Obama pushes for automatic voter registration
- Clinton promising to crack down on corporations that game the system. Only days later, Clinton’s campaign is launching a fundraising blitz that includes events with representatives of industries that have significant business interests before the federal government.
- "You could say all these guys who work at Wal-Mart are on food stamps, and if they weren’t being paid a low wage, they wouldn’t be on food stamps. So therefore implicitly we are subsidizing the hell out of Wal-Mart."
- Later, Sanders explained, "Not having enough money was a cause of constant tension, and when you are five or six years of age and your parents are yelling at each other, it's, you know -- you think back on it now, you know -- it's traumatic and it's hard."
- Hillary's Superdelegate Coup Just Confirms to Millennials: The System Is Rigged
- Single-payer would allow doctors to focus on their patients’ health needs, rather than on patients’ ability to pay. What Americans want is choice of doctor, not choice of health insurance. Americans want comprehensive, lifelong insurance that assures them they will get the care they deserve.
- Hillary Fights to Keep Wall Street Speeches Secret
- Clinton Foundation received subpoena from State Department investigators
- The gaping hole at the heart of Hillary Clinton’s campaign: "the campaign has no story to tell the voters about Hillary Clinton and why she should be president."
- "People have a right to be angry," Sanders said. "But what we need to be is rational in figuring out how we address the problems and not simply scapegoating minorities."
you, they, clinton, hillary, we, choice, campaign, want
2016-02-12- DNC rolls back Obama ban on contributions from federal lobbyists
- DNC Chair: Superdelegates Exist to Protect Party Leaders from Grassroots Competition
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz asked to explain how Hillary lost NH primary by 22% but came away with same number of delegates
- Sanders closes to within 7 points of Clinton in national poll
- Trump: 'How can Ted Cruz be an evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?'
- Judge Orders Faster Release of Final Hillary Clinton Emails
- Bernie Sanders has the correct diagnosis: U.S. prescription drug prices typically highest in world
- Nader: 'Bernie Sanders is more authentic’ than Clinton
- Bernie Sanders is right: Hillary Clinton praising Henry Kissinger is outrageous
- "He didn't see Bernie Sanders because Bernie Sanders was doing fair and open housing in Chicago -- that's why he didn't see him. No matter how good your eyesight is -- if you are standing in Alabama, you can't see people in Chicago," Ellison told CNN.
sanders, bernie, clinton, see, hillary, --, so, didn't
2016-02-13- Senior Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas ranch
- Wonder why so many in Congress have refused to endorse Bernie? Follow the money. Between 2008-2012, United Healthcare, Cigna and Aetna have donated to nearly all Democrats running for Congress. Guess what single payer, Bernie's plan, does? It largely gets rid of private healthcare premiums.
- Jeff Weaver: It is truly unfortunate that the largest pro-Clinton super PAC has decided to infect the democratic primary process with its haul of Wall Street cash.
- Sanders was staging sit-ins in 1962, in 1964 Clinton was campaigning for Barry Goldwater, who opposed the Civil Rights Act
- Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger: It's Personal. Very Personal. The Clintons and the Kissingers regularly spend holidays together at a beachfront villa.
- DNC Chair: "make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists" [2:05]
- Americans Are Sick Of The 'Tough On Crime' Era.
- How a Clinton staffer ‘blackmailed’ reporters
- 15 percent of latest Hillary Clinton’s emails marked classified
- Is primary 'rigged' against Bernie Sanders?
clinton, have, against, running, primary, hillary, personal., senior
2016-02-14- “Senator McConnell is right that the American people should have a voice in the selection of the next Supreme Court justice. In fact, they did — when President Obama won the 2012 election by five million votes,” Ms. [Sen. Elizabeth] Warren, a former Harvard Law School professor, said in a statement.
- Obama: ‘I Plan to Fulfill My Constitutional Responsibility to Nominate a Successor’
- Trump Booed for stating there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq.
- DNC Chair: Superdelegates Make Sure Party Leaders Don’t Have to Run Against Grassroots Activists
- Bernie Sanders won the most votes of any candidate in the history of New Hampshire presidential primaries.
- With Clinton now tied to three federal investigations by the State Department and FBI, buyer's remorse must be growing amongst the Democrat establishment who have gone out of their way to rig the nominating process in her favor.
- Bernie Sanders Hopes President Obama Nominates Replacement for Scalia 'As Soon As Possible'
- Pro-Clinton Columnist In Bed With Clinton Staffer - Literally "sought to sling mud at Bernie Sanders - Swiftboat-style"
- Hillary and Bernie both complain about excessive CEO pay, but the average CEO makes less than Hillary's speaking fee - AEI
- Trump says Planned Parenthood does 'wonderful things'
bernie, -, sanders, have, obama, won, clinton, president
2016-02-15- New batch of Clinton emails released, 81 now marked 'classified'
- Mitch McConnell Voted To Confirm A Supreme Court Justice In Reagan's Final Year. So did every single Republican senator.
- Elizabeth Warren Rips Into Republicans For Pledging To Block Supreme Court Process - “I can’t find a clause in the Constitution that says ‘…except when there’s a year left in the term of a Democratic President,'” she said in a Twitter post.
- Sorry, Corporate Media: The More Americans Hear Bernie Sanders, The More They Like Him
- Black Lawmakers And Their Staffers Split On Bernie Sanders: "'The younger generation has begun to look at us and they’re asking the question, Is Hillary really on my side? When my brother was put in jail for marijuana under her husband? Welfare was taken away, and so forth.'"
- Raph Nader: Hillary Clinton Sugarcoating Her Disastrous Record - "The transformation of Hillary Clinton from a progressive young lawyer to a committed corporatist and militarist brings shame on the recent endorsement of her candidacy by the Congressional Black Caucus PAC."
- If Superdelegates Steal This Election From Bernie Sanders, I'll Write-In Bernie's Name
- Donald Trump backs out of pledge, open to third party run
- Clinton will attend a “host reception” with donors who have raised $27,000 for her campaign. These donors will also be given a spot on the Hillary for America Finance Committee.
- Hillary Clinton brought this on herself: How a Democratic primary coronation turned into a war. Bernie Sanders has captured the imaginations of American progressives. He's also had some help.
hillary, clinton, bernie, her, when, so, this, sanders,
2016-02-16- President Obama: "We’ve almost become accustomed to how obstructionist the Senate has become."
- Bernie Sanders Meets With Residents of Flint Before Campaign Rally in Michigan: "I really did not know how ugly, how horrible and how terrible what is going on there is. It is beyond my comprehension that in the year 2016, in the United States of America, we are poisoning our children.”
- We Already Had an Election to Decide Who Gets to Appoint the Next Supreme Court Justice: It was in 2012.
- Hillary Clinton told a crowd, “If we broke up the big banks tomorrow, would that end racism? Would that end sexism?”
- Hillary is continually reinventing herself and her campaign, throwing things against the wall to see what sticks, Sanders appears to be driven by core values. He’s running because he wants to upend a broken system. She’s running because she thinks it’s her turn.
- Carson: Republicans Wouldn’t Wait To Replace Scalia If We Held The White House
- The Clintons really don’t get it: False attacks and failed strategies as Hillary repeats 2008
- More Trouble For Hillary Clinton, Classified E-Mail Total Reaches 1,666
- Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and the Money - Suppose Bernie Sanders had spent four years in Obama's cabinet and tried to break up the big banks. Does anyone believe Goldman Sachs would pay him $250,000 to recount his experiences?
- GOP Senator Breaks Ranks, Calls Party’s Supreme Court Strategy ‘Obstructionist’
hillary, we, how, bernie, would, sanders, running, had
2016-02-17- National poll: Sanders tied with Clinton, Trump up 8 points
- Bernie Sanders: "I am delighted that the new president of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve believes that we need to break up 'too big to fail' banks."
- Hillary Clinton’s black conversion | "Clinton, who earned an estimated $1.8 million in big-bank speaking fees in 2013 and 2014, shamelessly counts on blacks for support while she is engaged with the system that holds back the aspirations of too many black people."
- Poll: Trump beats Clinton head-to-head
- New Emails Show Press Literally Taking Orders From Hillary
- National Polls Suggest that Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable than Hillary Clinton
- The Clinton Machine: Hillary's Endorsements are Based on Influence Peddling, Not Her Record
- Pretty much on the money: Sanders says world's 80 richest own more than the bottom half do
- Clinton spokesman wrongly says Nevada 'is 80 percent white voters'
- Barack Obama said, “I’m amused when I hear people who claim to be strict interpreters suddenly reading into it provisions that are not there,”
clinton, sanders, hillary, national, more, 80, black, new
2016-02-18- Bernie Sanders Plan to Deschedule Marijuana Earns Support of Former Surgeon General
- Clinton’s Lead Has Evaporated in Nevada and Her Supporters Are Panicking
- Bernie Sanders better-liked, runs better against Republicans than Hillary Clinton: poll
- Fox News Poll: Clinton 'feels the Bern,' trails Sanders by three points nationally
- Poll: Kasich beats Clinton; Sanders beats everybody
- Hillary Clinton has come under fire for her massive speaking fees to Goldman Sachs, universities and elsewhere. And rightly so. At a minimum it represents a conflict of interest, at worst it exemplifies the crony capitalism that poisons our political system and weakens the economy.
- Sanders’s claim that the African-American community ‘lost half of their wealth’ in the Wall Street collapse: Census data from 2005-2011 and Federal Reserve data from 2007-2013 support Sanders’s assertion about such staggering loss in wealth (43 to 53% loss, depending on the time frame and data used)
- Hillary Compares Illinois Gov. To ‘Robber Baron’ But Took $280K For Speech From Private Equity Firm He Chaired
- Bernie Sanders' Home State Just Passed A Paid Sick Leave Law
- Obama cuts all funding for Christian-based ‘Abstinence Only’ sex-ed programs
sanders, bernie, data, hillary, her, beats, clinton, poll:
2016-02-19- Hillary Clinton Booed at Town Hall for Criticizing Bernie Sanders
- "When politicians start telling you that it is "unrealistic" to support candidates who want to build a movement for greater equality, fair wages, universal health care and an end to corporate control of our political system, it's probably best to leave the room."
- Poll: Voters Increasingly See Sanders As Electable
- Sanders Accepts Clinton’s Challenge on Wall Street Speeches
- Calling Clinton's Bluff, Sanders Reveals What His Paid Speeches Look Like: Has Bernie Sanders thrown down the gauntlet after Hillary Clinton's challenge at Thursday's Democratic town hall?
- ‘Don’t say you were blackmailed’: How Hillary’s aides strong-armed reporters into writing nicely about Clinton, revealed in secret emails
- Sen. Bernie Sanders Passes Hillary Clinton Faster than Barack Obama Did in 2008
- Clinton says she'll release transcripts if everyone else does
- Sanders overtakes Hillary in Colorado: poll
- Trump calls for Apple boycott while tweeting from iPhone
sanders, hillary, clinton, bernie, you, speeches, clinton's, challenge
2016-02-20- 8 days ago, the DNC quietly reversed its ban on lobbyist and special interest PAC contributions. Sanders asked Hillary Clinton to join him in calling for the DNC to reinstate the ban, put in place by Obama in 2008. She has yet to respond.
- Pressure grows on Hillary Clinton to release Goldman Sachs speeches
- Hillary Clinton Emails: Secret Negotiations With New York Times, Trade Bill Lobbying Revealed In Latest State Department Release
- Chris Matthews on MSNBC just now: "I think it's fair to say that Hillary Clinton is adopting a lot of Sanders' platform to get to the White House."
- Hillary Clinton Lying For 13 Minutes Straight
- " A young Mitch McConnell wrote in a 1970-71 law journal article that politics should play no role in Senate confirmations of Supreme Court appointments and that the Senate should defer to the president."
- Marco Rubio missed 60 percent of Foreign Relations committee hearings
- Mika on Morning Joe just confirmed that she knows a reporter who has at least 1 copy of Hillary Clinton's speech transcript.
- Clinton defeats Sanders in Nevada
- Dr. Cornel West: Clinton ‘wants to change the discussion to ignore her Wall Street ties’
clinton, hillary, just, she, dnc, release, should, sanders
2016-02-21- Jeb Bush Suspends 2016 Presidential Campaign
- Bernie Sanders says lower turnout contributed to his Nevada loss to Hillary Clinton
- Hillary Clinton's super PAC collected more than $9.5 million in January, more than half of which came from five wealthy donors.
- Colorado Rep. Joe Salazar endorses Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton
- Contrary To Clinton’s Claims, Sanders Has Been Very Loyal To Democratic Party
- Mitt Romney To Endorse Marco Rubio. The establishment wagons are circling.
- America’s shameful state of decay: Sanders is campaigning on rebuilding the country’s infrastructure
- Donald Trump Wins in South Carolina, Solidifying Lead in G.O.P. Race
- Senator Elizabeth Warren Asks The CDC To Research Marijuana To Alleviate The Opioid Epidemic
- “Everything about my job in the U.S. Navy was classified,” said Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez, R-Lake Elsinore. “I’d be facing a court martial if I’d handled it like Hillary.”
sanders, hillary, clinton, bernie, more, research, cdc, asks
2016-02-22- Emails Show Hillary Clinton Aides Celebrating F-15 Sales to Saudi Arabia: “Good News”
- "The question is not why younger voters are embracing Sanders’s populist revolution, but why the Baby Boomer generation came to believe that Bill and Hillary Clinton should become the standard-bearers for the nation’s liberal party."
- “If Clinton is the Democratic nominee and she ends up under indictment, the result will be a right-wing extremist in the White House.”
- National Nurse Union Says UN Election Observers Needed After Clinton Camp's Tricks in Nevada
- 'Moderate' John Kasich Just Defunded Planned Parenthood In Ohio
- Nevada Precinct Captain: Don't Vote For 'Socialist Jew' Bernie Sanders [Video]
- Vets for Bernie: Why Thousands of Veterans Are Rallying Behind an Unexpected Candidate. "Sanders is and has been one of the most vocal champions for active duty service members, veterans, and veteran's rights for the last three decades."
- Democrat voters 'feel the Bern' as Bernie Sanders overtakes Hillary Clinton in 3 states
- Sanders leads big in West Virginia poll
- Bill Clinton wrongly says San Bernardino attackers never went to the Middle East
clinton, hillary, why, sanders, voters, bernie, nevada, bill
2016-02-23- Clinton aides to be questioned under oath on emails, judge orders
- Sanders Accuses Clinton of Parroting His Message to Win Votes: 'The people of the US need to know the difference between hastily adopted campaign rhetoric and the real record of the candidates'
- Bernie Sanders vows to stay in race right up to the convention
- Bernie Will Ban Private Prisons. Hillary Accepted $133,246 From Prison Lobbyists
- Spike Lee backs Bernie Sanders: 'He will do the right thing'
- U.S. Judge Weighs Deeper Probe Into Clinton’s Private Email System-- A federal judge on Tuesday will weigh calls raised in a civil lawsuit to probe deeper into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system as secretary of state, posing new legal and political risks for Clinton and her inner circle
- No, the Senate’s Supreme Court Blockade Has Never Happened in American History
- Bernie Sanders Mocks Idea That Wall Street Money Won't Influence Hillary Clinton
- Judge threatens subpoena against Hillary Clinton over emails
- Hillary Clinton Is Standing in The Way of Progress
clinton, hillary, judge, bernie, will, sanders, private, into
2016-02-24- Bernie Sanders: police should be obliged to report all officer-involved deaths.
- At CNN town hall, Clinton again refuses to release Goldman Sachs transcripts
- Bernie Sanders Earns Endorsement From Arizona’s Most Influential Latino Rights Group, First Endorsement In Organization’s History
- Sanders Leads Clinton By Six Percent Nationally In New Poll
- "There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people."
- 1 in 5 Americans say Hillary Clinton is “dishonest” or a “liar.” Here’s why that’s a big problem.
- Clinton dodges on transcripts again
- Robert Reich: The establishment is dying - The rise of figures like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump isn't the cause; it's the symptom
- MLK associate tells Memphis Baptist group he’s backing Bernie Sanders. "We've got to be concerned not just about popularity and names, but we've got to look at the issues and see who is going to really speak on our behalf"
- Donald Trump Projected Winner of Nevada Republican Caucuses, Entrance Poll Results Show
bernie, clinton, who, trump, sanders, people, got, their
2016-02-25- Vermont Senate approves marijuana legalization 16-13
- Twitter Attacks Clinton’s Record With #WhichHillary
- Emails on Hillary Clinton's secret server matched top secret documents virtually word for word and included details of CIA drone strikes against Islamic radicals
- Black Lives Matter Activists Interrupt Hillary Clinton At Private Event In South Carolina
- Black Lives Matter Activist Interrupts Hillary Clinton [2/24/16] "I am not a Superpredator."
- ‘Bravo!’ Email Shows Hillary Clinton’s Friends Congratulating Her on Invading Libya
- Bernie Sanders: I can beat Trump, Hillary Clinton can't
- #WhichHillary: Hashtag calls out Clinton's hypocrisy
- #WhichHillary? Twitter trend calls out Clinton for hypocrisy on racism, Wall Street and war
- Hillary Clinton criticized for 'dismissive' reaction to Black Lives Matter protester
hillary, clinton, black, lives, matter, secret, word, twitter
2016-02-26- Hillary Clinton’s Wal-Mart ties breed mistrust among liberals, boost Bernie Sanders-"Alice Walton, the daughter of Sam Walton, the founder of the chain of big box stores, gave Mrs. Clinton’s Democratic National Committee Victory Fund $353,000 in December, a contribution just made public last month."
- Clinton Is Under Mounting Pressure to Release Her Wall Street Speeches : “Public interest in these speeches is legitimate, and it is the public – not the candidate – who decides how much disclosure is enough,”
- “If Trump hadn’t inherited $200 million, he’d be selling watches on the streets of Manhattan,” whatever demon possessed Marco Rubio claimed tonight
- By not releasing transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street, Hillary Clinton reinforces the notion that she has something hide.
- Hillary Campaign Budget Strategist was Vice President at Goldman Sachs
- Donald Trump Goes to Bat for Planned Parenthood. "Millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood."
- Hillary Clinton rejected by young voters that helped carry Obama to White House. Nevertheless, Democrats worry that young voters will stay on the sidelines if Mrs. Clinton wins the nomination, jeopardizing the party’s chances for keeping the White House.
- Mrs. Clinton, Show Voters those Transcripts
- NJ Governor Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump for president
- "The truth is that Sanders is the swing state candidate. If Democrats want to keep the White House, they cannot nominate Hillary Clinton."
hillary, clinton, speeches, trump, white, mrs., voters, transcripts
2016-02-27- Bernie Sanders Turnout: Young Voters Say They Back Sanders But Don't Show Up To Vote For Him
- Bill Clinton's Labor Secretary Just Endorsed Bernie Sanders
- HRC Email Release Megathread
- Bernie Sanders is right: Bill Clinton’s welfare law doubled extreme poverty
- End the Superdelegates. End the Caucuses. For Democracy’s Sake.
- Former secretary of labor endorses Sanders
- Hours Before South Carolina Primary, 1,500 Pages of Hillary Clinton Emails Are Released
- The Washington Post and New York Times cite a stubborn fact: Hillary is the only candidate from either party taking large sums of money from Wall Street, big Pharma, fracking interests, for-profit prisons, ..., while purporting to rein in those industries.
- Tim Cook of Apple: “With all due respect, I think there has been a lack of leadership in the White House on this.”
- Clinton in 1996: My beliefs are rooted in conservatism
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2016-02-28- Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard resigns from DNC, endorses Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton Is Now Tied To At Least Four Investigations By Federal Agencies
- Top DNC official leaves post to back Sanders
- Reuters - DNC Vice Chair, Tulsi Gabbard, resigns from her post and endorses Bernie Sanders for president.
- The New York Times Accurately Portrays Hillary Clinton as an Unrepentant Warmonger
- The Democrat turn out in the South Carolina primary from 2008 is down 31%. The Republicans are up 66%.
- The Judgment to Lead: Why I'm Endorsing Bernie Sanders
- DNC Vice Chair Quits to Endorse Bernie Sanders
- Ted Cruz Blocked Emergency Legislation For Flint Water Crisis
- 'Clinton & Trump both representatives of oligarchy' - Jill Stein, Green Party presidential candidate
sanders, bernie, dnc, post, vice, clinton, hillary, -
2016-02-29- Clinton Foundation Discloses $40 Million in Wall Street Donations
- Poll: Bernie Sanders overtakes Hillary Clinton in Oklahoma
- Sanders Campaign Says It Raised $36 Million in February
- Bernie Sanders Just Won Two of His Biggest Endorsements in a Long Campaign
- "Why do voters need to know what Hillary told the banks? Because it was Wall Street that was responsible for the 2008 recession, making life worse for most Americans. We need to know what, if anything, she promised these behemoths."
- Clinton is desperate to crush the Sanders revolution so she can turn back to the center after having moved so far left to undercut Bernie’s appeal — and start fund-raising from the fat cats...
- Hillary Clinton Lied About Opposing Colombian Free Trade Deal
- Elizabeth Warren Highlights Key Weakness in Clinton's Wall Street Donation Defense
- Dump Hillary, and Dump Her Fast: The Democratic Establishment is on a Suicide Mission, and it Will End With Trump
- "Despite the obvious risks of investigating the presumptive Democratic nominee during a Democratic administration, its agents are sorting through mountains of evidence pointing to serious, deliberate crimes."
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